addSubcommand('auditStatistics', [ 'help' => __('Show statistics for audit logs.'), ]); $parser->addSubcommand('accessStatistics', [ 'help' => __('Show statistics for access logs.'), ]); $parser->addSubcommand('statistics', [ 'help' => __('Show statistics for application logs.'), ]); $parser->addSubcommand('export', [ 'help' => __('Export application logs to compressed file in JSON Lines format (one JSON encoded line per entry).'), 'parser' => [ 'arguments' => [ 'file' => ['help' => __('Path to output file'), 'required' => true], ], 'options' => [ 'without-changes' => ['boolean' => true, 'help' => __('Do not include add, edit or delete actions.')], ], ], ]); $parser->addSubcommand('recompress', [ 'help' => __('Recompress compressed data in logs.'), ]); $parser->addSubcommand('accessLogRetention', [ 'help' => __('Delete logs that are older than specified duration.'), 'parser' => array( 'arguments' => array( 'duration' => ['help' => __('Duration in days'), 'required' => true], ), ), ]); return $parser; } public function export() { list($path) = $this->args; $withoutChanges = $this->param('without-changes'); if (file_exists($path)) { $this->error("File $path already exists"); } $file = gzopen($path, 'wb4'); // Compression level 4 is best compromise between time and size if ($file === false) { $this->error("Could not open $path for writing"); } /** @var ProgressShellHelper $progress */ $progress = $this->helper('progress'); $progress->init([ 'total' => $this->Log->tableRows(), // just estimate, but fast 'width' => 50, ]); $lastId = 0; while (true) { $conditions = [' >' => $lastId]; // much faster than offset if ($withoutChanges) { $conditions['NOT'] = ['Log.action' => ['add', 'edit', 'delete']]; } $logs = $this->Log->find('all', [ 'conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1, 'limit' => 100000, 'order' => [' ASC'], ]); if (empty($logs)) { break; } $lines = ''; foreach ($logs as $log) { $log = $log['Log']; foreach (['id', 'model_id', 'user_id'] as $field) { $log[$field] = (int)$log[$field]; // Convert to int to save space } if (empty($log['description'])) { unset($log['description']); } if (empty($log['ip'])) { unset($log['ip']); } $log['created'] = strtotime($log['created']); // to save space if ($log['id'] > $lastId) { $lastId = $log['id']; } $lines .= JsonTool::encode($log) . "\n"; } if (gzwrite($file, $lines) === false) { $this->error("Could not write data to $path"); } $progress->increment(count($logs)); $progress->draw(); } gzclose($file); $this->out('Done'); } public function statistics() { $count = $this->Log->find('count'); $first = $this->Log->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id ASC'], ]); $last = $this->Log->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id DESC'], ]); $this->out(str_pad(__('Count:'), 20) . $count); $this->out(str_pad(__('First:'), 20) . $first['Log']['created']); $this->out(str_pad(__('Last:'), 20) . $last['Log']['created']); $usage = $this->Server->dbSpaceUsage()['logs']; $this->out(str_pad(__('Data size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['data_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Index size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['index_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Reclaimable size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['reclaimable_in_bytes']), 2); } public function auditStatistics() { $count = $this->AuditLog->find('count'); $first = $this->AuditLog->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id ASC'], ]); $last = $this->AuditLog->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id DESC'], ]); $this->out(str_pad(__('Count:'), 20) . $count); $this->out(str_pad(__('First:'), 20) . $first['AuditLog']['created']); $this->out(str_pad(__('Last:'), 20) . $last['AuditLog']['created']); $usage = $this->Server->dbSpaceUsage()['audit_logs']; $this->out(str_pad(__('Data size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['data_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Index size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['index_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Reclaimable size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['reclaimable_in_bytes']), 2); // Just to fetch compressionStats $this->AuditLog->find('column', [ 'fields' => ['change'], ]); $this->out('Change field:'); $this->out('-------------'); $this->out(str_pad(__('Compressed items:'), 20) . $this->AuditLog->compressionStats['compressed']); $this->out(str_pad(__('Total size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($this->AuditLog->compressionStats['bytes_total'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Uncompressed size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($this->AuditLog->compressionStats['bytes_uncompressed'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Compressed size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($this->AuditLog->compressionStats['bytes_compressed'])); } public function accessStatistics() { $count = $this->AccessLog->find('count'); $first = $this->AccessLog->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id ASC'], ]); $last = $this->AccessLog->find('first', [ 'recursive' => -1, 'fields' => ['created'], 'order' => ['id DESC'], ]); $this->out(str_pad(__('Count:'), 20) . $count); $this->out(str_pad(__('First:'), 20) . $first['AccessLog']['created']); $this->out(str_pad(__('Last:'), 20) . $last['AccessLog']['created']); $usage = $this->Server->dbSpaceUsage()['access_logs']; $this->out(str_pad(__('Data size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['data_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Index size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['index_in_bytes'])); $this->out(str_pad(__('Reclaimable size:'), 20) . CakeNumber::toReadableSize($usage['reclaimable_in_bytes']), 2); } public function recompress() { $this->AuditLog->recompress(); } public function accessLogRetention() { list($duration) = $this->args; if ($duration <= 0 || !is_numeric($duration)) { $this->error("Invalid duration specified."); } $duration = new DateTime("-$duration days"); $deleted = $this->AccessLog->deleteOldLogs($duration); $this->out(__n("Deleted %s entry", "Deleted %s entries", $deleted, $deleted)); } }