
512 lines
20 KiB

class UsageDataWidget
public $title = 'Usage data';
public $render = 'SimpleList';
public $width = 2;
public $height = 5;
public $description = 'Shows usage data / statistics.';
public $cacheLifetime = false;
public $autoRefreshDelay = false;
public $params = [
'filter' => 'A list of filters by organisation meta information (nationality, sector, type, name, uuid) to include. (dictionary, prepending values with ! uses them as a negation)',
'start_date' => 'The ISO 8601 date format for which to show changes',
'end_date' => 'The ISO 8601 date format for which to show changes. (Leave empty for today)',
private $User = null;
private $Event = null;
private $Correlation = null;
private $Thread = null;
private $AuthKey = null;
private $redis = null;
private $validFilterKeys = [
private $validFields = [
'Attributes / event',
'Active proposals',
'Users with PGP keys',
'Local organisations',
'Event creator orgs',
'Average users / org',
'Discussion threads',
'Discussion posts'
public function handler($user, $options = array()) {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
$this->redis = $this->User->setupRedis();
if (!$this->redis) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('No redis connection found.'));
$this->Event = ClassRegistry::init('Event');
$this->Thread = ClassRegistry::init('Thread');
$this->Correlation = ClassRegistry::init('Correlation');
$thisMonth = strtotime('first day of this month');
$hasDateRange = !empty($options['start_date']);
$orgConditions = [];
$orgIdList = null;
if (!empty($options['filter']) && is_array($options['filter'])) {
foreach ($this->validFilterKeys as $filterKey) {
if (!empty($options['filter'][$filterKey])) {
if (!is_array($options['filter'][$filterKey])) {
$options['filter'][$filterKey] = [$options['filter'][$filterKey]];
$tempConditionBucket = [];
foreach ($options['filter'][$filterKey] as $value) {
if ($value[0] === '!') {
$tempConditionBucket['Organisation.' . $filterKey . ' NOT IN'][] = mb_substr($value, 1);
} else {
$tempConditionBucket['Organisation.' . $filterKey . ' IN'][] = $value;
if (!empty($tempConditionBucket)) {
$orgConditions[] = $tempConditionBucket;
$orgIdList = $this->User->Organisation->find('column', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $orgConditions,
'fields' => ['Organisation.id']
$eventsCount = $this->getEventsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth);
$attributesCount = $this->getAttributesCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth);
$usersCount = $this->getUsersCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth);
$usersCountPgp = $this->getUsersCountPgp($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth);
$localOrgsCount = $this->getLocalOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth);
$threadCount = $this->Thread->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Thread.post_count >' => 0), 'recursive' => -1));
$threadCountMonth = $this->Thread->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Thread.date_created >' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $thisMonth), 'Thread.post_count >' => 0), 'recursive' => -1));
$postCount = $this->Thread->Post->find('count', array('recursive' => -1));
$postCountMonth = $this->Thread->Post->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Post.date_created >' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $thisMonth)), 'recursive' => -1));
//Monhtly data is not added to the widget at the moment, could optionally add these later and give user choice?
$statistics = [
'Events' => [
'title' => 'Events',
'value' => $eventsCount,
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getEventsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getEventsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Attributes' => [
'title' => 'Attributes',
'value' => $attributesCount,
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getAttributesCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getAttributesCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Attributes / event' => [
'title' => 'Attributes / event',
'value' => $eventsCount ? round($attributesCount / $eventsCount) : 0
'Correlations' => [
'title' => 'Correlations',
'value' => $this->getCorrelationsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Active proposals' => [
'title' => 'Active proposals',
'value' => $this->getProposalsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Users' => [
'title' => 'Users',
'value' => $usersCount,
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getUsersCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getUsersCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Users with PGP keys' => [
'title' => 'Users with PGP keys',
'value' => sprintf(
'%s (%s %%)',
$usersCount ? round(100* ($usersCountPgp / $usersCount), 1) : 0
'Organisations' => [
'title' => 'Organisations',
'value' => $this->getOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth),
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getOrgsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getOrgsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Local organisations' => [
'title' => 'Local organisations',
'value' => $localOrgsCount,
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getLocalOrgsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getLocalOrgsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Event creator orgs' => [
'title' => 'Event creator orgs', 'value' => $this->getContributingOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Average users / org' => [
'title' => 'Average users / org', 'value' => (!empty($localOrgsCount) ? round($usersCount / $localOrgsCount, 1) : 'N/A')
'Discussion threads' => [
'title' => 'Discussions threads',
'value' => $this->getThreadsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth),
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getThreadsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getThreadsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
'Discussion posts' => [
'title' => 'Discussion posts',
'value' => $this->getPostsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth),
'change' => $hasDateRange ? $this->getPostsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options) : $this->getPostsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$this->AuthKey = ClassRegistry::init('AuthKey');
$authkeysCount = $this->AuthKey->find('count', array('recursive' => -1));
$statistics[] = array('title' => 'Advanced authkeys', 'value' => $authkeysCount);
return $statistics;
private function prepareDateRangeConditions(array $options, $datefield, $convertToTimestamp = false): array
$timeConditions = [];
if (!empty($options['start_date'])) {
$sd = new DateTime($options['start_date']);
$timeConditions[sprintf('%s >=', $datefield)] = $convertToTimestamp? $sd->getTimestamp() : $sd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (!empty($options['end_date'])) {
$ed = new DateTime($options['end_date']);
$timeConditions[sprintf('%s <=', $datefield)] = $convertToTimestamp? $ed->getTimestamp() : $ed->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $timeConditions;
private function getEventsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Event->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getCorrelationsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND']['OR'][] = ['Correlation.org_id IN' => $orgIdList];
$conditions['AND']['OR'][] = ['Correlation.1_org_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Correlation->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getEventsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['Event.timestamp >' => $thisMonth];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Event->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
private function getEventsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
$conditions = $this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Event.timestamp', true);
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Event->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
private function getAttributesCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['Attribute.deleted' => 0];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
$hash = hash('sha256', json_encode($orgIdList));
$count = $this->redis->get('misp:dashboard:attribute_count:' . $hash);
if (empty($count)) {
$count = $this->Event->Attribute->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => ['Event'],
'recursive' => -1
$this->redis->setEx('misp:dashboard:attribute_count:' . $hash, 3600, $count);
return $count;
private function getAttributesCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['Attribute.timestamp >' => $thisMonth, 'Attribute.deleted' => 0];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Event->Attribute->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => 'Event.orgc_id',
'recursive' => -1
private function getAttributesCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
$conditions = $this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Attribute.timestamp', true);
$conditions['Attribute.deleted'] = 0;
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => $orgIdList];
return $this->Event->Attribute->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => 'Event.orgc_id',
'recursive' => -1
private function getOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'AND' => $orgConditions
private function getOrgsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$datetime = new DateTime();
$thisMonth = $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'AND' => $orgConditions,
'Organisation.date_created >' => $thisMonth
private function getOrgsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'AND' => $orgConditions,
$this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Organisation.date_created'),
private function getLocalOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'Organisation.local' => 1,
'AND' => $orgConditions
private function getLocalOrgsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$datetime = new DateTime();
$thisMonth = $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'Organisation.local' => 1,
'AND' => $orgConditions,
'Organisation.date_created >' => $thisMonth
private function getLocalOrgsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
return $this->User->Organisation->find('count', [
'conditions' => [
'Organisation.local' => 1,
'AND' => $orgConditions,
$this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Organisation.date_created'),
private function getProposalsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['deleted' => 0];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['ShadowAttribute.org_id IN'] = $orgIdList;
return $this->Event->ShadowAttribute->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getUsersCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['User.org_id IN'] = $orgIdList;
return $this->User->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getUsersCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['User.date_created >' => $thisMonth];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['User.org_id IN'] = $orgIdList;
return $this->User->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getUsersCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
$conditions = $this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'User.date_created', true);
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['User.org_id IN'] = $orgIdList;
return $this->User->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getUsersCountPgp($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['User.gpgkey !=' => ''];
if (!empty($orgIdList)) {
$conditions['User.org_id IN'] = $orgIdList;
return $this->User->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getContributingOrgsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [];
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Event->find('count', [
'recursive' => -1,
'group' => ['Event.orgc_id'],
'conditions' => $conditions
private function getThreadsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = ['Thread.post_count >' => 0];
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Thread.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
private function getThreadsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [
'Thread.post_count >' => 0,
'Thread.date_created >=' => $thisMonth
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Thread.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
private function getThreadsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
$conditions = $this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Thread.date_created');
$conditions['Thread.post_count >'] = 0;
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Thread.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
private function getPostsCount($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [];
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['User.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->Post->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => ['User.org_id'],
'recursive' => -1
private function getPostsCountMonth($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $thisMonth)
$conditions = [
'Post.date_created >=' => $thisMonth
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['User.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->Post->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => ['User.org_id'],
'recursive' => -1
private function getPostsCountDateRange($orgConditions, $orgIdList, $options)
$conditions = $this->prepareDateRangeConditions($options, 'Post.date_created');
if ($orgConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][] = ['User.org_id IN' => (!empty($orgIdList) ? $orgIdList : [-1])];
return $this->Thread->Post->find('count', [
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => ['User.org_id'],
'recursive' => -1
/* There is nothing sensitive in here.
public function checkPermissions($user)
if (empty($user['Role']['perm_site_admin'])) {
return false;
return true;