
427 lines
25 KiB

$seed = mt_rand();
$URL_ADD = '/analyst-notes/add/';
$URL_EDIT = '/analyst-notes/edit/';
$URL_DELETE = '/analyst-notes/delete/';
$object_uuid = 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a'; // e.g. $event['Event']['uuid']
$object_type = 'event';
$notes = [
'analyst_note' => 'This is a note',
'note_type' => 0,
'authors' => ['adulau', 'iglocska'],
'org_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'orgc_uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 23, 'uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24', 'name' => 'ORG_1'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 2,
'id' => 1,
'uuid' => '91bc1aa1-2322-43b9-9aad-c0262e6248b3',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a'
'analyst_note' => 'This is another note',
'note_type' => 0,
'authors' => ['mokaddem',],
'org_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'orgc_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 2, 'uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0', 'name' => 'CIRCL'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 3,
'id' => 2,
'uuid' => '5a019778-6f0f-4e80-94c5-2e9ec33c9a92',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a',
'notes' => [
'opinion' => 10,
'comment' => 'This is analysis is really bad!',
'note_type' => 1,
'authors' => ['chrisr3d',],
'org_uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24',
'orgc_uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 23, 'uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24', 'name' => 'ORG_1'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 2,
'id' => 6,
'uuid' => 'a3aca875-e5d8-4b74-8a2f-63100f17afe0',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a',
'notes' => [
'opinion' => 100,
'comment' => 'No! It\'s really good!',
'note_type' => 1,
'authors' => ['chrisr3d',],
'org_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'orgc_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 2, 'uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0', 'name' => 'CIRCL'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 2,
'id' => 7,
'uuid' => '4d8585ea-bf5a-42c2-876b-02b6c9f470e0',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a'
'opinion' => 70,
'comment' => 'After further analysis, it\'s OK.',
'note_type' => 1,
'authors' => ['chrisr3d',],
'org_uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24',
'orgc_uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 23, 'uuid' => '27e68e2e-c7a9-4aba-9949-ca3383facb24', 'name' => 'ORG_1'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 0,
'id' => 8,
'uuid' => 'a3aca875-e5d8-4b74-8a2f-63100f17afe0',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a',
'opinion' => 80,
'comment' => 'This is a second opinion',
'note_type' => 1,
'authors' => ['mokaddem',],
'org_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'orgc_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 3, 'uuid' => '5d6d3b30-9db0-44b9-8869-7f56a5e38e14', 'name' => 'Training'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 3,
'id' => 4,
'uuid' => '41c2ad07-4529-4014-ab8c-0a3f0d6fccc1',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a'
'opinion' => 50,
'comment' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.',
'note_type' => 1,
'authors' => ['mokaddem',],
'org_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'orgc_uuid' => '1646fb8f-6f23-4b51-ae80-c84d1ff8fbe0',
'Organisation' => ['id' => 3, 'uuid' => '5d6d3b30-9db0-44b9-8869-7f56a5e38e14', 'name' => 'Training'],
'created' => new DateTime(),
'modified' => new DateTime(),
'distribution' => 3,
'id' => 5,
'uuid' => '24957461-344c-4b7e-81fe-1321f3e9949a',
'object_uuid' => 'bf74e1a4-99c2-4fcb-8a5d-a71118effd1a'
if(!function_exists("countNotes")) {
function countNotes($notes) {
$noteCount = count($notes);
foreach ($notes as $note) {
if (!empty($note['notes'])) {
$noteCount += countNotes($note['notes']);
return $noteCount;
$noteCount = countNotes($notes);
<?php if (empty($notes)): ?>
<i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('sticky-note') ?> useCursorPointer" onclick="openNotes(this)" title="<?= __('Notes and opinions for this UUID') ?>"></i>
<?php else: ?>
<span class="label label-info useCursorPointer" onclick="openNotes(this)" >
<i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('sticky-note') ?> useCursorPointer" title="<?= __('Notes and opinions for this UUID') ?>"></i>
<?= $noteCount; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
var notes = <?= json_encode($notes) ?>;
var shortDist = <?= json_encode($shortDist) ?>;
var renderedNotes = null
var nodeContainerTemplate = doT.template('\
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 0.5rem;">{{=it.content}}</div> \
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<span style="margin-left: 0rem; margin-right: 0.5rem;"> \
<span>{{=it.Organisation.name}}</span> \
<i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('angle-right') ?>" style="color: #999; margin: 0 0.25rem;"></i> \
<b>{{=it.authors}}</b> \
</span> \
<span style="display: inline-block; font-weight: lighter; color: #999">{{=it.modified_relative}} • {{=it.modified}}</span> \
</i><span style="margin-left: 0.5rem; flex-grow: 1; text-align: right; color: {{=it.distribution_color}}">{{=it.distribution_text}}</span> \
<i style="color: #777; margin: 0 0.5rem;">•</i> \
<span style="margin-left: auto; display: flex; gap: 0.2rem;"> \
{{? it._permissions.can_add }} \
<span role="button" onclick="addOpinion(this, \'{{=it.uuid}}\')" title="<?= __('Add an opinion to this note') ?>"><i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('gavel') ?> useCursorPointer"></i></span> \
{{?}} \
{{? it._permissions.can_add }} \
<span role="button" onclick="addNote(this, \'{{=it.uuid}}\')" title="<?= __('Add a note to this note') ?>"><i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('comment-alt') ?> useCursorPointer"></i></span> \
{{?}} \
{{? it._permissions.can_edit }} \
<span role="button" onclick="editNote(this, {{=it.id}})" title="<?= __('Edit this note') ?>"><i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('edit') ?> useCursorPointer"></i></span> \
{{?}} \
{{? it._permissions.can_delete }} \
<span role="button" onclick="deleteNote(this, {{=it.id}})" title="<?= __('Delete this note') ?>" href="<?= $baseurl . $URL_DELETE ?>{{=it.id}}"><i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('trash') ?> useCursorPointer"></i></span> \
{{?}} \
</span> \
</div> \
<div style="">{{=it.content}}</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
var analystTemplate = doT.template('\
<div style="max-width: 40vw; margin-top: 0.5rem;"> \
{{=it.analyst_note}} \
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var opinionGradient = '\
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</div> \
var opinionTemplate = doT.template('\
<div style="margin: 0.75rem 0 0.25rem 0; display: flex; flex-direction: row;" title="<?= __('Opinion:') ?> {{=it.opinion}} /100"> \
' + opinionGradient + ' \
<span style="line-height: 1em; margin-left: 0.25rem; margin-top: -3px;"> \
<b style="margin-left: 0.5rem; color: {{=it.opinion_color}}">{{=it.opinion_text}}</b> \
<b style="margin-left: 0.25rem; color: {{=it.opinion_color}}">{{=it.opinion}}</b> \
<span style="font-size: 0.7em; font-weight: lighter; color: #999">/100</span> \
</span> \
</div> \
<div style="max-width: 40vw; margin: 0.5rem 0 0 0.5rem; position: relative;" class="v-bar-text-opinion"> \
{{=it.comment}} \
</div> \
var replyNoteTemplate = doT.template('\
<span class="reply-to-note-collapse-button" onclick="$(this).toggleClass(\'collapsed\').next().toggle()" title="<?= __('Toggle annotation for this note') ?>" \
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> \
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{{=it.notes_html}} \
</div> \
var addNoteButton = '<button class="btn btn-small btn-block btn-primary" type="button" onclick="createNewNote(this, \'<?= $object_type ?>\', \'<?= $object_uuid ?>\')"> \
<i class="<?= $this->FontAwesome->getClass('plus') ?>"></i> <?= 'Add a note' ?> \
function toggleNotes(clicked) {
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function openNotes(clicked) {
openPopover(clicked, renderedNotes, undefined, undefined, function() {
$('.popover').css('top', '75px')
$(clicked).removeClass('have-a-popover') // avoid closing the popover if a confirm popover (like the delete one) is called
function renderNotes(notes) {
var renderedNotesArray = []
if (notes.length == 0) {
var emptyHtml = '<span style="text-align: center; color: #777;"><?= __('No notes for this UUID.') ?></span>'
} else {
notes.forEach(function(note) {
var noteHtml = renderNote(note)
if (note.notes) { // The notes has more notes attached
noteHtml += replyNoteTemplate({notes_html: renderNotes(note.notes)})
return renderedNotesArray.join('')
function renderNote(note) {
note.modified_relative = note.modified.date ? moment(note.modified.date).fromNow() : note.modified
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note.modified = note.modified.date ? (new Date(note.modified.date)).toLocaleString() : note.modified
note.created = note.created.date ? (new Date(note.created.date)).toLocaleString() : note.created
note.distribution_text = note.distribution != 4 ? shortDist[note.distribution] : note.SharingGroup.name
note.distribution_color = note.distribution == 0 ? '#ff0000' : (note.distribution == 4 ? '#0000ff' : '#000')
note.authors = Array.isArray(note.authors) ? note.authors.join(', ') : note.authors;
note._permissions = {
can_edit: true,
can_delete: true,
can_add: true,
if (note.note_type == 0) { // analyst note
note.content = analystTemplate(note)
} else if (note.note_type == 1) { // opinion
note.opinion_color = note.opinion == 50 ? '#333' : ( note.opinion > 50 ? '#468847' : '#b94a48');
note.opinion_text = (note.opinion >= 81) ? '<?= __("Strongly Agree") ?>' : ((note.opinion >= 61) ? '<?= __("Agree") ?>' : ((note.opinion >= 41) ? '<?= __("Neutral") ?>' : ((note.opinion >= 21) ? '<?= __("Disagree") ?>' : '<?= __("Strongly Disagree") ?>')))
note.content = opinionTemplate(note)
} else {
note.content = 'INVALID NOTE TYPE'
var noteHtml = baseNoteTemplate(note)
return noteHtml
function renderAllNotesWithForm() {
renderedNotes = nodeContainerTemplate({content: renderNotes(notes) + addNoteButton})
function createNewNote(clicked, object_type, object_uuid) {
note_type = 0;
openGenericModal(baseurl + '<?= $URL_ADD ?>' + object_type + '/' + object_uuid + '/' + note_type)
function addNote(clicked, note_uuid) {
object_type = 'note';
note_type = 0;
openGenericModal(baseurl + '<?= $URL_ADD ?>' + object_type + '/' + note_uuid + '/' + note_type)
function addOpinion(clicked, note_uuid) {
object_type = 'note';
note_type = 1;
openGenericModal(baseurl + '<?= $URL_ADD ?>' + object_type + '/' + note_uuid + '/' + note_type)
function editNote(clicked, note_id) {
openGenericModal(baseurl + '<?= $URL_EDIT ?>' + note_id)
function deleteNote(clicked, note_id) {
var deletionSuccessCallback = function(data) {
popoverConfirm(clicked, '<?= __('Confirm deletion of this note') ?>', undefined, deletionSuccessCallback)
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foreach ($notes as $note) {
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if(!function_exists("genStyleForOpinionNote")) {
function genStyleForOpinionNote($note) {
if ($note['note_type'] != 1) { // opinion
$opinion_color_scale_100 = ['rgb(164, 0, 0)', 'rgb(166, 15, 0)', 'rgb(169, 25, 0)', 'rgb(171, 33, 0)', 'rgb(173, 40, 0)', 'rgb(175, 46, 0)', 'rgb(177, 52, 0)', 'rgb(179, 57, 0)', 'rgb(181, 63, 0)', 'rgb(183, 68, 0)', 'rgb(186, 72, 0)', 'rgb(188, 77, 0)', 'rgb(190, 82, 0)', 'rgb(191, 86, 0)', 'rgb(193, 90, 0)', 'rgb(195, 95, 0)', 'rgb(197, 98, 0)', 'rgb(198, 102, 0)', 'rgb(200, 106, 0)', 'rgb(201, 110, 0)', 'rgb(203, 114, 0)', 'rgb(204, 118, 0)', 'rgb(206, 121, 0)', 'rgb(208, 125, 0)', 'rgb(209, 128, 0)', 'rgb(210, 132, 0)', 'rgb(212, 135, 0)', 'rgb(213, 139, 0)', 'rgb(214, 143, 0)', 'rgb(216, 146, 0)', 'rgb(217, 149, 0)', 'rgb(218, 153, 0)', 'rgb(219, 156, 0)', 'rgb(220, 160, 0)', 'rgb(222, 163, 0)', 'rgb(223, 166, 0)', 'rgb(224, 169, 0)', 'rgb(225, 173, 0)', 'rgb(226, 176, 0)', 'rgb(227, 179, 0)', 'rgb(228, 182, 0)', 'rgb(229, 186, 0)', 'rgb(230, 189, 0)', 'rgb(231, 192, 0)', 'rgb(232, 195, 0)', 'rgb(233, 198, 0)', 'rgb(234, 201, 0)', 'rgb(235, 204, 0)', 'rgb(236, 207, 0)', 'rgb(237, 210, 0)', 'rgb(237, 212, 0)', 'rgb(234, 211, 0)', 'rgb(231, 210, 0)', 'rgb(229, 209, 1)', 'rgb(226, 208, 1)', 'rgb(223, 207, 1)', 'rgb(220, 206, 1)', 'rgb(218, 204, 1)', 'rgb(215, 203, 2)', 'rgb(212, 202, 2)', 'rgb(209, 201, 2)', 'rgb(206, 200, 2)', 'rgb(204, 199, 2)', 'rgb(201, 198, 3)', 'rgb(198, 197, 3)', 'rgb(195, 196, 3)', 'rgb(192, 195, 3)', 'rgb(189, 194, 3)', 'rgb(186, 193, 3)', 'rgb(183, 192, 4)', 'rgb(180, 190, 4)', 'rgb(177, 189, 4)', 'rgb(174, 188, 4)', 'rgb(171, 187, 4)', 'rgb(168, 186, 4)', 'rgb(165, 185, 4)', 'rgb(162, 183, 4)', 'rgb(159, 182, 4)', 'rgb(156, 181, 4)', 'rgb(153, 180, 4)', 'rgb(149, 179, 5)', 'rgb(146, 178, 5)', 'rgb(143, 177, 5)', 'rgb(139, 175, 5)', 'rgb(136, 174, 5)', 'rgb(133, 173, 5)', 'rgb(130, 172, 5)', 'rgb(126, 170, 5)', 'rgb(123, 169, 5)', 'rgb(119, 168, 5)', 'rgb(115, 167, 5)', 'rgb(112, 165, 6)', 'rgb(108, 164, 6)', 'rgb(104, 163, 6)', 'rgb(100, 162, 6)', 'rgb(96, 160, 6)', 'rgb(92, 159, 6)', 'rgb(88, 157, 6)', 'rgb(84, 156, 6)', 'rgb(80, 155, 6)', 'rgb(78, 154, 6)'];
$opinion = min(100, max(0, intval($note['opinion'])));
#note-<?= $note['id'] ?> .opinion-gradient-<?= $opinion >= 50 ? 'negative' : 'positive' ?> {
opacity: 0;
#note-<?= $note['id'] ?> .opinion-gradient-dot {
left: calc(<?= $opinion ?>% - 6px);
background-color: <?= $opinion == 50 ? '#555' : $opinion_color_scale_100[$opinion] ?>;
<?php if ($opinion >= 50): ?>
#note-<?= $note['id'] ?> .opinion-gradient-positive {
-webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(90deg, black 0 <?= abs(-50 + $opinion)*2 ?>%, transparent <?= abs(-50 + $opinion)*2 ?>% 100%);
mask-image: linear-gradient(90deg, black 0 <?= abs(-50 + $opinion)*2 ?>%, transparent <?= abs(-50 + $opinion)*2 ?>% 100%);
<?php else: ?>
#note-<?= $note['id'] ?> .opinion-gradient-negative {
-webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 0 <?= 100-(abs(-50 + $opinion)*2) ?>%, black <?= 100-(abs(-50 + $opinion)*2) ?>% 100%);
mask-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 0 <?= 100-(abs(-50 + $opinion)*2) ?>%, black <?= 100-(abs(-50 + $opinion)*2) ?>% 100%);
<?php endif; ?>