
332 lines
14 KiB

* Generic select picker
/** Config **/
$defaults_options = array(
'select_options' => array(
// 'multiple' => '', // set to add possibility to pick multiple options in the select
//'placeholder' => '' // set to replace the default placeholder text
// additionalData => '' // Additional data valid for all options which will be passed to the callback functionName
'chosen_options' => array(
'width' => '85%',
'search_contains' => true, // matches starting from anywhere within a word
//'no_results_text' => '', // set to replace the default no result text after filtering
//'max_selected_options' => 'Infinity' // set to replace the max selected options
'disable_search_threshold' => 10,
'allow_single_deselect' => true,
'multiple' => 'multiple',
'select_threshold' => 7, // threshold above which pills will be replace by a select (unused if multiple is > 1)
'functionName' => '', // function to be called on submit
'submitButtonText' => 'Submit',
'disabledSubmitButton' => false, // wether to not draw the submit button
'flag_redraw_chosen' => false, // should chosen picker be redraw at drawing time
'redraw_debounce_time' => 200,
'autofocus' => true,
* Supported default option in <Option> fields:
* - name: The name of the item (will be used by the search algo)
* - value: The value when sent when the item is selected
* - template: The template to apply for custom chosen item
* - templateData: Data that will be passed to the template construction function
* - additionalData: Additional data to pass to the callback functionName
/** prevent exception if not set **/
$options = isset($options) ? $options : array();
$items = isset($items) ? $items : array();
// merge options with defaults
$defaults = array_replace_recursive($defaults_options, $options);
// enforce consistency
if ($defaults['multiple'] == 0) {
} else { // multiple enabled
$defaults['chosen_options']['max_selected_options'] = $defaults['multiple'] == -1 ? 'Infinity' : $defaults['multiple'];
$defaults['select_options']['multiple'] = '';
$defaults['select_threshold'] = 0;
$use_select = count($items) > $defaults['select_threshold'];
$countThresholdReached = count($items) > 1000;
$option_templates = array();
$options_additionalData = array();
.popover[data-dismissid] {
max-width: 60%;
function execAndClose(elem, alreadyExecuted) {
var dismissid = $(elem).closest('div.popover').attr('data-dismissid');
$('[data-dismissid="' + dismissid + '"]').popover('destroy');
function setupChosen(id, redrawChosen) {
var $elem = $('#'+id);
var chosen_options = <?php echo json_encode($defaults['chosen_options']); ?>;
if (!$elem.prop('multiple')) { // not multiple, selection trigger next event
$elem.change(function(event, selected) {
var fn = $elem.data('functionname');
if (fn !== undefined) {
fn = window[fn];
submitFunction(this, fn);
} else {
select = this;
$select = $(select);
var endpoint;
if (selected !== undefined) {
endpoint = selected.selected;
} else { // for obscure reasons, `selected` variable is not set in some cases
endpoint = $(event.target).val();
if (endpoint === '') {
$wrapper = $select.closest('div').find('div.generic-picker-wrapper');
} else {
$select.data('endpoint', endpoint);
// hack to add template into the div
var $chosenContainer = $elem.parent().find('.chosen-container');
$elem.on('chosen:searchdone chosen:picked keyup change', function(e) {
redrawChosenWithTemplateDebounced(true, $elem, $chosenContainer, e.type)
if (redrawChosen) {
redrawChosenWithTemplateDebounced(false, $elem, $chosenContainer);
if ($elem.prop('multiple')) {
} else {
var debounceTimer;
function redrawChosenWithTemplateDebounced(useDebounce, $select, $chosenContainer, eventType) {
if (useDebounce) {
var timerValue = <?= $defaults['redraw_debounce_time'] ?>;
var resultCount = $select.data('chosen').search_results.children().length;
if (resultCount <= 20) {
timerValue = 0
debounceTimer = setTimeout(function() {
redrawChosenWithTemplate($select, $chosenContainer, eventType);
}, timerValue);
} else {
redrawChosenWithTemplate($select, $chosenContainer, eventType);
function redrawChosenWithTemplate($select, $chosenContainer, eventType) {
var optionLength = $select.find('option').length;
if (optionLength > 1000) {
} else {
var $matches;
if (eventType === 'chosen:picked' || eventType === 'change') {
$matches = $chosenContainer.find('.chosen-single > span, .search-choice > span');
} else {
$matches = $chosenContainer.find('.chosen-results .active-result');
var templates = options_templates[$select.attr('id')];
$matches.each(function() {
var $item = $(this);
var index = $item.data('option-array-index');
var $option;
if (index !== undefined) {
$option = $select.find('option:eq(' + index + ')');
} else { // if it is a `chosen-single span`, don't have index
var text = $item.text();
$option = $select.find('option').filter(function(index) {
var temp = $.trim($(this).text());
return temp === text;
var template = templates[$option.val()];
if (template !== undefined && template !== '') {
// Used to keep the popover arrow at the correct place regardless of the popover content
function syncPopoverArrow($arrow, $wrapper, content) {
var ar_pos = $arrow.position();
// redraw popover
if (ar_pos !== undefined) {
$arrow.css('top', ar_pos.top + 'px');
$arrow.css('left', ar_pos.left + 'px');
// can either call a function or fetch requested data
function fetchRequestedData(clicked) {
var $clicked = $(clicked);
var $wrapper = $clicked.closest('div').find('div.generic-picker-wrapper');
async: true,
cache: false,
beforeSend: function() {
var loadingHtml = '<div style="height: 40px; width: 40px; left: 50%; position: relative;"><div class="spinner" style="height: 30px; width: 30px;"></div></div>';
var $arrow = $clicked.closest('div.popover').find('div.arrow');
var $wrapper = $clicked.closest('div').find('div.generic-picker-wrapper');
syncPopoverArrow($arrow, $wrapper, loadingHtml)
success:function (data, textStatus) {
$wrapper = $clicked.closest('div').find('div.generic-picker-wrapper');
var $arrow = $clicked.closest('div.popover').find('div.arrow');
syncPopoverArrow($arrow, $wrapper, data)
error:function() {
$wrapper = $clicked.closest('div').find('div.generic-picker-wrapper');
$wrapper.html('<div class="alert alert-error" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">Something went wrong - the queried function returned an exception. Contact your administrator for further details (the exception has been logged).</div>');
url: $clicked.data('endpoint')
function submitFunction(clicked, callback) {
var selected, additionalDataOption;
var $clicked = $(clicked);
var $select = $clicked.parent().find('select');
if ($select.length == 0) {
$select = $clicked.parent().parent().find('select');
selected = $clicked.attr('value');
} else {
selected = $select.val();
if (selected === null) {
showMessage('fail', '<?php echo __('No item picked'); ?>');
var additionalData = $select.data('additionaldata');
if (additionalData !== undefined) {
additionalData = JSON.parse(atob(additionalData));
} else {
additionalData = {};
additionalDataOption = options_additionalData[$select.attr('id')];
if (additionalData !== undefined) {
additionalData['itemOptions'] = additionalDataOption;
// callback function defined in the controller can be overridden in the JS
var dismissId = $clicked.closest('.popover[data-dismissid]').data('dismissid');
var callingButton = $('button[data-dismissid="' + dismissId + '"]');
if (callingButton.data('popover-no-submit') && callingButton.data('popover-callback-function') !== undefined) {
callbackFunction = callingButton.data('popover-callback-function');
callbackFunction(selected, additionalData);
} else {
callback(selected, additionalData);
<div class="generic_picker">
<div class='generic-picker-wrapper-warning-text alert alert-error <?php echo ($countThresholdReached ? '' : 'hidden'); ?>' style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>
<?php echo __('Due to the large number of options, no contextual information is provided.'); ?>
$select_id = h(uniqid()); // used to only register the listener on this select (allowing nesting)
$flag_addPills = false;
<?php if ($use_select): ?>
<select id="<?php echo $select_id; ?>"<?= $defaults['autofocus'] ? ' autofocus' : '' ?> style="height: 100px; margin-bottom: 0px;" <?= $this->GenericPicker->add_select_params($defaults); ?>>
foreach ($items as $param) {
if (isset($param['isPill']) && $param['isPill']) {
$flag_addPills = true;
} else {
echo $this->GenericPicker->add_option($param, $defaults, $countThresholdReached);
if (!$countThresholdReached && isset($param['template'])) {
$template = $this->GenericPicker->build_template($param);
$option_templates[h($param['value'])] = $template;
if (isset($param['additionalData'])) {
$additionalData = $param['additionalData'];
$options_additionalData[h($param['value'])] = $additionalData;
<?php if ($defaults['multiple'] != 0 && !$defaults['disabledSubmitButton']): ?>
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="submitFunction(this, <?php echo h($defaults['functionName']); ?>)"><?php echo h($defaults['submitButtonText']); ?></button>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($flag_addPills): // add forced pills ?>
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
foreach ($items as $param) {
if (isset($param['isPill']) && $param['isPill']) {
echo $this->GenericPicker->add_pill($param, $defaults);
if (isset($param['additionalData'])) {
$additionalData = $param['additionalData'];
$options_additionalData[h($param['value'])] = $additionalData;
<?php endif; ?>
$(function() {
setupChosen("<?php echo $select_id; ?>", <?php echo ($defaults['flag_redraw_chosen'] === true ? 'true' : 'false') ?>);
<?php elseif (count($items) > 0): ?>
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<select id="<?php echo $select_id; ?>"<?= $defaults['autofocus'] ? ' autofocus' : '' ?> style="display: none;" <?php echo h($this->GenericPicker->add_select_params($defaults)); ?>></select>
foreach ($items as $param) {
echo $this->GenericPicker->add_pill($param, $defaults);
if (isset($param['additionalData'])) {
$additionalData = $param['additionalData'];
$options_additionalData[h($param['value'])] = $additionalData;
<?php else: ?>
<span style="margin-left: 15px;"><?php echo __('Nothing to pick'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class='generic-picker-wrapper hidden'></div>
if (options_templates === undefined) {
var options_templates = {};
var options_additionalData = {};
// Keep as string, it is faster than parsing as JS
options_templates['<?php echo $select_id; ?>'] = JSON.parse('<?= addslashes(json_encode($option_templates, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); ?>');
options_additionalData['<?php echo $select_id; ?>'] = JSON.parse('<?= addslashes(json_encode($options_additionalData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); ?>');