
144 lines
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App::uses('NidsExport', 'Export');
class NidsBroExport extends NidsExport
public function export($items, $startSid, $format = "suricata", $continue = false)
// set the specific format
$this->format = "bro";
// call the generic function
return parent::export($items, $startSid, $format, $continue);
// below overwrite functions from NidsExport
public function ipDstRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:ADDR', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function ipSrcRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:ADDR', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function emailSrcRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:EMAIL', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function emailDstRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:EMAIL', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function emailSubjectRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
// Nothing to return, there is no clear mapping to Bro intel
public function emailAttachmentRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:FILE_NAME', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function hostnameRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:DOMAIN', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function domainRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:DOMAIN', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function urlRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$attribute['value'] = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $attribute['value']);
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:URL', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function userAgentRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid)
$overruled = $this->checkWhitelist($attribute['value']);
$attribute['value'] = NidsExport::replaceIllegalChars($attribute['value']); // substitute chars not allowed in rule
$this->rules[] = sprintf($ruleFormat,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' :
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'Intel:SOFTWARE', // type
'T', // meta.do_notice
'-' // meta.if_in
public function snortRule($ruleFormat, $attribute, &$sid, $ruleFormatMsg, $ruleFormatReference)
//Nothing to export