
185 lines
6.5 KiB

include_once APP . 'Model/WorkflowModules/action/Module_tag_operation.php';
class Module_tag_replacement_generic extends Module_tag_operation
public $version = '0.1';
public $blocking = false;
public $id = 'tag_replacement_generic';
public $name = 'Tag Replacement Generic';
public $description = 'Toggle or remove the IDS flag on selected attributes.';
public $icon = 'tags';
public $inputs = 1;
public $outputs = 1;
public $support_filters = true;
public $expect_misp_core_format = true;
public $params = [];
public $searchRegex = '';
public $substitutionTemplate = ''; // Format the template using CakeText::insert where variables are surround by `{{ var }}`
public function __construct()
$this->params = [
'id' => 'scope',
'label' => __('Scope'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'event' => __('Event'),
'attribute' => __('Attributes'),
'all' => __('All'),
'default' => 'event',
'id' => 'remove_substituted',
'label' => 'Removed substituted tag',
'type' => 'select',
'default' => '1',
'options' => [
'no' => __('No'),
'yes' => __('Yes'),
'id' => 'locality',
'label' => __('Tag Locality'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'local' => __('Local'),
'global' => __('Global'),
'default' => 'local',
'id' => 'relationship_type',
'label' => __('Relationship Type'),
'type' => 'input',
'display_on' => [
'action' => 'add',
public function exec(array $node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData, array &$errors = []): bool
$params = $this->getParamsWithValues($node);
$rData = $roamingData->getData();
$user = $roamingData->getUser();
if ($this->filtersEnabled($node)) {
$filters = $this->getFilters($node);
$extracted = $this->extractData($rData, $filters['selector']);
if ($extracted === false) {
return false;
$matchingItems = $this->getItemsMatchingCondition($extracted, $filters['value'], $filters['operator'], $filters['path']);
} else {
$matchingItems = $rData;
$matchingEvent = $matchingItems;
$matchingAttributes = [];
if ($params['scope']['value'] == 'attribute' || $params['scope']['value'] == 'all') {
$matchingAttributes = Hash::extract($matchingItems, 'Event._AttributeFlattened.{n}');
if (empty($matchingItems)) {
return true;
$result = false;
$optionsRemove = [
'local' => [0, 1],
$optionsAdd = [
'local' => $params['locality']['value'] == 'local' ? true : false,
'relationship_type' => $params['relationship_type']['value'],
if ($params['scope']['value'] == 'event' || $params['scope']['value'] == 'all') {
$result = $this->replaceOnEvent($matchingEvent, $params, $user, $optionsRemove, $optionsAdd);
if ($params['scope']['value'] == 'attribute' || $params['scope']['value'] == 'all') {
$result = $this->replaceOnAttribute($matchingAttributes, $params, $user, $optionsRemove, $optionsAdd);
return $result;
protected function replaceOnEvent(array $matchingItems, array $params, array $user, array $optionsRemove, array $optionsAdd): bool
$result = true;
$extractedTags = Hash::extract($matchingItems['Event']['Tag'], '{n}.name');
$options = $this->getReplacementOptions($extractedTags);
$optionsRemove['tags'] = $options['remove'];
$optionsAdd['tags'] = $options['add'];
if ($params['remove_substituted']['value'] == 'yes' && !empty($optionsRemove['tags'])) {
$result = $this->__removeTagsFromEvent($matchingItems, $optionsRemove);
if (!empty($optionsAdd['tags'])) {
$result = $this->__addTagsToEvent($matchingItems, $optionsAdd, $user);
return $result;
protected function replaceOnAttribute(array $matchingItems, array $params, array $user, array $optionsRemove, array $optionsAdd): bool
$result = true;
foreach ($matchingItems as $attribute) {
$extractedTags = Hash::extract($attribute['Tag'], '{n}.name');
$options = $this->getReplacementOptions($extractedTags);
$optionsRemove['tags'] = $options['remove'];
$optionsAdd['tags'] = $options['add'];
if ($params['remove_substituted']['value'] == 'yes' && !empty($optionsRemove['tags'])) {
$result = $this->__removeTagsFromAttributes([$attribute], $optionsRemove);
if (!empty($optionsAdd['tags'])) {
$result = $this->__addTagsToAttributes([$attribute], $optionsAdd, $user);
return $result;
protected function isAMatch($matches): bool
return !empty($matches);
protected function searchAndReplaceTag(array $tags): array
$toReturn = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$matches = [];
preg_match($this->searchRegex, $tag, $matches);
if ($this->isAMatch($matches)) {
$toReturn[] = [
'matched' => $tag,
'substitution' => $this->formatSubstitution($matches),
return $toReturn;
protected function getReplacementOptions(array $extractedTags)
$substitutionResult = $this->searchAndReplaceTag($extractedTags);
$tagsToRemove = Hash::extract($substitutionResult, '{n}.matched');
$tagsToAdd = Hash::extract($substitutionResult, '{n}.substitution');
return [
'remove' => $tagsToRemove,
'add' => $tagsToAdd,
protected function formatSubstitution($matches)
return CakeText::insert($this->substitutionTemplate, $matches, ['before' => '{{', 'after' => '}}']);