
2538 lines
96 KiB

var dotBlock_default = doT.template(' \
<div class="canvas-workflow-block {{? it.module_data.is_misp_module }} is-misp-module {{?}}" data-nodeuid="{{=it.node_uid}}"> \
<div style="width: 100%;"> \
<div class="default-main-container"> \
{{? it.module_data.icon }} \
<i class="fa-fw fa-{{=it.module_data.icon}} {{=it.module_data.icon_class}}"></i> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.icon_path }} \
<span style="display: flex; height: 1em;"><img src="/img/{{=it.module_data.icon_path}}" alt="Icon of {{=it.module_data.name}}" width="18" height="18" style="margin: auto 0; filter: grayscale(1);"></span> \
{{?}} \
<strong style="margin-left: 0.25em;"> \
{{=it.module_data.name}} \
</strong> \
{{? it.module_data.is_misp_module }} \
<sup class="is-misp-module"></sup> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.blocking }} \
<span style="margin-left: 2px;" class="text-error"> \
<i title="This module can block execution" class="fa-fw fas fa-stop-circle"></i> \
</span> \
{{?}} \
<span style="margin-left: auto;"> \
<span class="block-notification-container"> \
{{=it._node_notification_html}} \
</span> \
<span> \
<a href="#block-modal" role="button" class="btn btn-mini" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fas fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a> \
{{=it._node_filter_html}} \
</span> \
</span> \
</div> \
<div class="muted" class="description" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">{{=it.module_data.description}}</div> \
{{=it._node_param_html}} \
</div> \
var dotBlock_trigger = doT.template(' \
<div class="canvas-workflow-block" data-nodeuid="{{=it.node_uid}}"> \
<div style="width: 100%;"> \
<div class="default-main-container" style="border:none;"> \
{{? it.module_data.icon }} \
<i class="fa-fw fa-{{=it.module_data.icon}} {{=it.module_data.icon_class}}"></i> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.icon_path }} \
<span style="display: flex; height: 1em;"><img src="/img/{{=it.module_data.icon_path}}" alt="Icon of {{=it.module_data.name}}" width="18" height="18" style="margin: auto 0;"></span> \
{{?}} \
<strong style="margin-left: 0.25em;"> \
{{=it.module_data.name}} \
</strong> \
<span style="margin-left: auto; display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 3px;"> \
{{? it.module_data.blocking }} \
<span class="label label-important" style="line-height: 20px;" title="This workflow is a blocking worklow and can prevent the default MISP behavior to execute"> \
<i class="fa-lg fa-fw fas fa-stop-circle"></i> \
Blocking \
</span> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.misp_core_format }} \
<span class="label" style="min-width: 18px; margin: auto 3px; line-height: 20px; background-color: #009fdc;"> \
<img src="/img/misp-logo-no-text.png" alt="MISP Core format" width="18" height="18" style="filter: brightness(0) invert(1);" title="The data passed by this trigger is compliant with the MISP core format"> \
</span> \
{{?}} \
<span class="block-notification-container"> \
{{=it._node_notification_html}} \
</span> \
</span> \
</div> \
</div> \
var dotBlock_if = doT.template(' \
<div class="canvas-workflow-block" data-nodeuid="{{=it.node_uid}}"> \
<div style="width: 100%;"> \
<div class="default-main-container"> \
{{? it.module_data.icon }} \
<i class="fa-fw fa-{{=it.module_data.icon}} {{=it.module_data.icon_class}}"></i> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.icon_path }} \
<span style="display: flex; height: 1em;"><img src="/img/{{=it.module_data.icon_path}}" alt="Icon of {{=it.module_data.name}}" width="18" height="18" style="margin: auto 0;"></span> \
{{?}} \
<strong style="margin-left: 0.25em;"> \
{{=it.module_data.name}} \
</strong> \
<span style="margin-left: auto;"> \
<span class="block-notification-container"> \
{{=it._node_notification_html}} \
</span> \
<span> \
<a href="#block-modal" role="button" class="btn btn-mini" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fas fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a> \
</span> \
</span> \
</div> \
{{=it._node_param_html}} \
</div> \
var dotBlock_concurrent = doT.template(' \
<div class="canvas-workflow-block" data-nodeuid="{{=it.node_uid}}"> \
<div style="width: 100%;"> \
<div class="default-main-container"> \
{{? it.module_data.icon }} \
<i class="fa-fw fa-{{=it.module_data.icon}} {{=it.module_data.icon_class}}"></i> \
{{?}} \
{{? it.module_data.icon_path }} \
<span style="display: flex; height: 1em;"><img src="/img/{{=it.module_data.icon_path}}" alt="Icon of {{=it.module_data.name}}" width="18" height="18" style="margin: auto 0;"></span> \
{{?}} \
<strong style="margin-left: 0.25em;"> \
{{=it.module_data.name}} \
</strong> \
<span style="margin-left: auto;"> \
<span class="block-notification-container"> \
{{=it._node_notification_html}} \
</span> \
<span> \
<a href="#block-modal" role="button" class="btn btn-mini" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fas fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a> \
</span> \
</span> \
</div> \
{{=it._node_param_html}} \
<div class="muted" class="description" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">{{=it.module_data.description}}</div> \
</div> \
var dotBlock_error = doT.template(' \
<div class="canvas-workflow-block" data-nodeuid="{{=it.node_uid}}"> \
<div style="width: 100%;"> \
<div class="alert alert-danger">{{=it.error}}</div> \
<div>Data:</div> \
<textarea rows=6 style="width: 95%;">{{=it.data}}</textarea> \
</div> \
var dotBlock_connectionLabel = doT.template(' \
<span class="label label-{{=it.variant}}" id="{{=it.id}}">{{=it.name}}</span>')
var classBySeverity = {
'info': 'info',
'warning': 'warning',
'error': 'danger',
var iconBySeverity = {
'info': 'fa-times-circle',
'warning': 'fa-exclamation-triangle',
'error': 'fa-exclamation-circle',
var severities = ['info', 'warning', 'error']
var haspathQuickPickMenu = [
{ 'name': 'All Attributes', 'path': 'Event._AttributeFlattened.{n}' },
{ 'name': 'All tags attached to all Attributes', 'path': 'Event._AttributeFlattened.{n}.Tag.{n}.name' },
{ 'name': 'All tags attached to the Event', 'path': 'Event.Tag.{n}.name' },
var workflow_id = 0
var contentChanged = false
var lastModified = 0
var graphPooler
function sanitizeObject(obj) {
var newObj = {}
for (var key of Object.keys(obj)) {
var newVal = $('</p>').text(obj[key]).html()
newObj[key] = newVal
return newObj
function initDrawflow() {
workflow_id = $drawflow.data('workflowid')
editor = new Drawflow($drawflow[0]);
editor.on('nodeCreated', function() {
editor.on('nodeRemoved', function () {
editor.on('frameNodeCreated', function (framenodeUuid) {
var frameNodeFullUuid = 'framenode-' + framenodeUuid
$('#' + frameNodeFullUuid).find('.drawflow-framenode-text').dblclick(function() {
var existingText = $(this).text()
var newText = prompt('Edit frame node text', existingText)
editor.updateFramenode(frameNodeFullUuid, {text: newText})
editor.on('frameNodeUpdated', function () {
editor.on('frameNodeRemoved', function () {
editor.on('nodeDataChanged', invalidateContentCache)
editor.on('nodeMoved', invalidateContentCache)
editor.on('connectionCreated', function() {
if (!editor.isLoading) {
editor.on('connectionRemoved', function() {
if (!editor.isLoading) {
editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
if (evt.keyCode == 67 && $drawflow.is(evt.target)) {
if (evt.keyCode == 83 && evt.ctrlKey && $drawflow.is(evt.target)) {
if (evt.keyCode == 46 && $drawflow.is(evt.target)) {
if (evt.keyCode == 68 && evt.ctrlKey && $drawflow.is(evt.target)) {
if (evt.keyCode == 70 && $drawflow.is(evt.target)) {
editor.translate_to = function (x, y) {
this.canvas_x = x;
this.canvas_y = y;
let storedZoom = this.zoom;
this.zoom = 1;
this.precanvas.style.transform = "translate(" + this.canvas_x + "px, " + this.canvas_y + "px) scale(" + this.zoom + ")";
this.zoom = storedZoom;
this.zoom_last_value = 1;
editor.fitCanvas = function () {
editor.translate_to(0, 0)
editor.zoom = 1
editor.zoom_min = 0.3
var sidebarWidth = 340
var parentOffsetY = editor.precanvas.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top
var editor_bcr = editor.container.getBoundingClientRect()
var offset_x = (editor_bcr.width + sidebarWidth) / 2
var offset_y = (editor_bcr.height - parentOffsetY) / 2
var canvasCentroid = getCanvasCentroid()
var calc_zoom = Math.min(1, Math.min(
(editor_bcr.width - sidebarWidth) / ((canvasCentroid.maxX - canvasCentroid.minX) + sidebarWidth),
editor_bcr.height / ((canvasCentroid.maxY - canvasCentroid.minY) - parentOffsetY)
) // Zoom out if needed
calc_zoom = calc_zoom > 0 ? calc_zoom : 1
calc_zoom = calc_zoom * 0.95
offset_x += 100 * (1 / calc_zoom) // dirty fix to offset the position relative to the sidebar
offset_y -= 100 * (1 / calc_zoom) // dirty fix to slightly move the graph up
offset_x - canvasCentroid.centroidX,
offset_y - canvasCentroid.centroidY
editor.zoom = calc_zoom
$('#block-tabs a').click(function (e) {
$chosenBlocks.chosen({width: '320px'})
.on('change', function (evt, param) {
var selection = param.selected
var selected_module = all_modules_by_id[selection]
var canvasBR = $canvas[0].getBoundingClientRect()
var position = {
top: canvasBR.height / 2 - canvasBR.top,
left: canvasBR.left + canvasBR.width / 2
if ($(this).hasClass('blueprint-select')) {
} else {
addNode(selected_module, position)
$('.sidebar-workflow-block').each(function() {
var $block = $(this)
$block.data('module', all_modules_by_id[$block[0].id])
if ($(this).data('module').disabled) {
helper: "clone",
scroll: false,
disabled: $(this).data('module').disabled,
start: function (event, ui) {
stop: function (event, ui) {
$('.sidebar-workflow-blueprints').each(function () {
var $block = $(this)
$block.data('blueprint', all_workflow_blueprints_by_id[$block[0].id])
helper: "clone",
scroll: false,
start: function (event, ui) {
stop: function (event, ui) {
drop: function (event, ui) {
if (event.pageX < 340) { // dirty hack to avoid drops on the sidebar
ui.position.top += 96 // take padding/marging/position into account
if (ui.draggable.data('blueprint')) {
addWorkflowBlueprint(ui.draggable.data('blueprint').WorkflowBlueprint.id, ui.position)
} else {
var node = addNode(ui.draggable.data('module'), ui.position)
var fakeUi = {
draggable: ui.helper,
position: { left: ui.helper[0].getBoundingClientRect().left, top: ui.helper[0].getBoundingClientRect().top }
var link = getLinkUnderElement(fakeUi)
if (link !== undefined) {
insertNodeOnLink(node, link)
activate: function (event, ui) {
var $pathsWithClass = $()
ui.helper.mousemove(function (event) {
var fakeUi = {
draggable: $(this),
position: {left: this.getBoundingClientRect().left, top: this.getBoundingClientRect().top}
var links = getLinkUnderElement(fakeUi)
if (links) {
$paths = $(links).find('path')
$pathsWithClass = $paths
graphPooler = new TaskScheduler(checkGraphProperties, {
interval: 10000,
slowInterval: 60000,
fetchAndLoadWorkflow().then(function() {
// block contextual menu for trigger blocks
$canvas.find('.canvas-workflow-block').on('contextmenu', function (evt) {
var selectedNode = getSelectedNode()
if (selectedNode !== undefined && selectedNode.data.module_data.module_type == 'trigger') {
.on('show', function (evt) {
var selectedNode = getSelectedNode()
buildModalForBlock(selectedNode.id, selectedNode)
.on('shown', function (evt) {
$blockModalDeleteButton.click(function() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this block?')) {
$drawflow.on('mousedown', function (evt) {
if (evt.shiftKey) {
editor.editor_selected = false
// evt.stopPropagation()
editor.on('nodeCreated', function(node_id) {
$drawflow.find('#node-'+node_id).on('mousedown', function (evt) {
var selected_ids = selection.getSelection().map(function(e) { return e.id.slice(5) })
if (selected_ids.indexOf(this.id.slice(5)) !== -1) {
editor.node_selected = this // Allow moving multiple nodes from any nodes of the selection
editor.last_x = 0;
editor.last_y = 0;
editor.on('mouseMove', function(coordinates) {
// Credit: https://github.com/jerosoler/Drawflow/issues/322#issuecomment-1133036432
if (selection.getSelection() && editor.drag) {
selection.getSelection().forEach(function(node) {
var node_id = node.id.slice(5)
if (node_id != editor.node_selected.id.slice(5)) { // Drawflow default behavior will also move the node
var xnew = (editor.last_x - coordinates.x) * editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)
var ynew = (editor.last_y - coordinates.y) * editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)
node.style.top = (node.offsetTop - ynew) + 'px'
node.style.left = (node.offsetLeft - xnew) + 'px'
editor.drawflow.drawflow[editor.module].data[node_id].pos_x = (node.offsetLeft - xnew)
editor.drawflow.drawflow[editor.module].data[node_id].pos_y = (node.offsetTop - ynew)
editor.last_x = coordinates.x
editor.last_y = coordinates.y
editor.on('nodeSelected', function(node_id) {
editor.on('nodeUnselected', function() {
selection.getSelection().forEach(function (el) {
selection = new SelectionArea({
selectables: ['#drawflow .drawflow-node'],
boundaries: ['#drawflow']
.on('beforestart', function (data) {
var evt = data.event
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
return false
.on('start', function(data) {
var store = data.store
var evt = data.event
if (!evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey) {
store.stored.forEach(function(el) {
.on('move', function(data) {
var store = data.store
var added = store.changed.added
var removed = store.changed.removed
added.forEach(function (el) {
removed.forEach(function (el) {
.on('stop', function (data) {
var store = data.store
if (store.selected.length > 0) {
editor.node_selected = store.selected[0]
editor.dispatch('nodeSelected', editor.node_selected.id.slice(5));
$controlDuplicateButton.click(function() {
$controlFrameNodeButton.click(function() {
$controlDeleteButton.click(function() {
$controlSaveBlocksLi.click(function(evt) {
var $link = $(this).find('a')
if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
$controlEditBlocksLis.click(function(evt) {
var $link = $(this).find('a')
if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
$saveBlueprintButton.click(function(evt) {
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {
if (contentChanged) {
return false;
function saveBlueprint(href) {
var selectedNodes = selection.getSelection()
var editorData = getEditorData(true)
openGenericModal(href, undefined, function () {
var trigger_id = (all_triggers_by_id[workflowTriggerId] || { id: 'unknown-trigger' }).id
var nodes = selectedNodes.map(function (nodeHtml) {
var node = editorData[nodeHtml.id.slice(5)]
return node
var $modal = $('#genericModal')
var $graphData = $modal.find('form #WorkflowBlueprintData')
var $graphDescription = $modal.find('form #WorkflowBlueprintDescription')
if ($graphDescription.val().length == 0 ) {
$graphDescription.val('[' + trigger_id + ']\n')
var $modalBody = $modal.find('.modal-body')
$('<span></span').text('Workflow Blueprint Content '),
$('<a class="fas fa-copy" href="#"></a>')
.attr('title', 'Copy Workflow Blueprint to clipboard')
.click(function () {
var $clicked = $(this)
navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(nodes)).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
}, function (err) {
console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err);
var $ul = $('<ul></ul>')
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
var validParams = {}
Object.entries(node.data.indexed_params).forEach(function (e) {
var k = e[0], v = e[1]
if (v) {
validParams[k] = v
var validFilters = {}
Object.entries(node.data.saved_filters).forEach(function (e) {
var k = e[0], v = e[1]
if (v) {
validFilters[k] = v
Object.values(validFilters).length == 0 ? null : $('<li></li>').text('Has filter').attr('title', JSON.stringify(validFilters, null, 4)),
Object.values(validParams).length == 0 ? null : $('<li></li>').text('Has ' + Object.values(validParams).length + ' parameters').attr('title', JSON.stringify(validParams, null, 4))
function duplicateSelection() {
var currentSelection = selection.getSelection()
var newNodes = duplicateNodesFromHtml(currentSelection)
function createFrameNodeForSelected() {
var text = prompt('Enter text for the frame node')
var selectedNodesHtml = selection.getSelection()
var selectedIDs = selectedNodesHtml.map(function(nodeHtml) {
return parseInt(nodeHtml.id.slice(5))
createFrameForNodes(selectedIDs, text)
function createFrameForNodes(nodesIDs, text) {
const frameNode = {
nodes: nodesIDs,
text: text,
class: "",
function buildModalForBlock(node_id, node) {
var html = genNodeParamHtml(node, false)
.data('selected-block', node.data)
.data('selected-node-id', node_id)
function buildNotificationModalForBlock(node_id, data) {
var html = genBlockNotificationForModalHtml(data)
.data('selected-block', data)
.data('selected-node-id', node_id)
function buildFilteringModalForNode(node_id, node) {
var html = genModalFilteringHtml(node)
.data('selected-block', node.data)
.data('selected-node-id', node_id)
function showNotificationModalForBlock() {
var selectedNode = getSelectedNode()
buildNotificationModalForBlock(selectedNode.id, selectedNode.data)
function showNotificationModalForModule(module_id, data) {
buildNotificationModalForBlock(module_id, {module_data: data})
function showNotificationModalForSidebarModule(clicked) {
var $block = $(clicked).closest('.sidebar-workflow-block')
var blockID = $block.data('blockid')
showNotificationModalForModule(blockID, all_modules_by_id[blockID])
function showFilteringModalForNode() {
var selectedNode = getSelectedNode()
buildFilteringModalForNode(selectedNode.id, selectedNode)
function invalidateContentCache() {
changeDetectedMessage = ' Last saved change: '
contentChanged = true
.text('not saved')
$workflowSavedIconTextDetails.text(changeDetectedMessage + moment(parseInt(lastModified)).fromNow())
function revalidateContentCache() {
changeDetectedMessage = ' Last saved change: '
contentChanged = false
$workflowSavedIconTextDetails.text(changeDetectedMessage + moment(parseInt(lastModified)).fromNow())
function addNode(block, position, additionalData={}) {
var module = all_modules_by_id[block.id] || all_triggers_by_id[block.id]
if (!module) {
console.error('Tried to add node for unknown module ' + block.data.id + ' (' + block.id + ')')
return '';
var node_uid = uid() // only used for UI purposes
block['node_uid'] = node_uid
var pos_x = position.left;
var pos_y = position.top;
// Credit: Drawflow example page
pos_x = pos_x * (editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)) - (editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)));
pos_y = pos_y * (editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)) - (editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)));
var module_data = Object.assign({}, module)
var newNode = {name: block.name, data: {}}
if (additionalData.indexed_params) {
newNode.data.indexed_params = additionalData.indexed_params
if (additionalData.saved_filters) {
newNode.data.saved_filters = additionalData.saved_filters
newNode = mergeNodeAndModule(newNode, module_data)
newNode.data['_node_param_html'] = genNodeParamHtml(newNode)
newNode.data['_node_notification_html'] = genNodeNotificationHtml(newNode.data)
newNode.data['_node_filter_html'] = genNodeFilteringHtml(newNode)
var html = getTemplateForNode(newNode)
var blockClass = newNode.data.module_data.class === undefined ? [] : newNode.data.module_data.class
blockClass = !Array.isArray(blockClass) ? [blockClass] : blockClass
blockClass.push('block-type-' + (newNode.data.module_data.html_template !== undefined ? newNode.data.module_data.html_template : 'default'))
if (newNode.data.module_data.module_type == 'logic') {
if (newNode.data.module_data.expect_misp_core_format) {
module.inputs === undefined ? 1 : module.inputs,
module.outputs === undefined ? 1 : module.outputs,
blockClass.join(' '),
return editor.getNodeFromId(editor.nodeId-1)
function getEditorData(cleanNodes) {
var data = {} // Make sure nodes are index by their internal IDs
var editorExport = editor.export().drawflow.Home.data
var frameNodes = editorExport._frames !== undefined ? editorExport._frames : {}
delete editorExport._frames
editorExport = Array.isArray(editorExport) ? editorExport : Object.values(editorExport)
editorExport.forEach(function(node) {
if (node !== null) { // for some reason, the editor create null nodes
if (cleanNodes && node.data.params !== undefined) {
node.data.params = deleteInvalidParams(node.data.params)
cleanedIndexedParams = {}
node.data.params.forEach(function(param) {
cleanedIndexedParams[param.id] = param.value !== undefined ? param.value : param.default
node.data.indexed_params = cleanedIndexedParams
if (cleanNodes) {
delete node.html
delete node.data.module_data
delete node.data.params
Object.keys(node.data).forEach(function (k) {
if (k.startsWith('_')) {
delete node.data[k]
data[node.id] = node
data._frames = frameNodes
return data
function deleteInvalidParams(params) {
return params.filter(function(param) {
return !param.is_invalid
function fetchAndLoadWorkflow() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
editor.isLoading = true
fetchWorkflow(workflow_id, function (workflow) {
lastModified = workflow.timestamp + '000'
editor.isLoading = false
function loadWorkflow(workflow) {
if (workflow.data.length == 0) {
console.error('Workflow doesn\'t have a trigger.')
showMessage('fail', 'Workflow doesn\'t have a trigger.')
// We cannot rely on the editor's import function as it recreates the nodes with the saved HTML instead of rebuilding them
// We have to manually add the nodes and their connections
Object.entries(workflow.data).forEach(function (entry) {
var i = entry[0]
var node = entry[1]
if (i == '_frames') {
var module = all_modules_by_id[node.data.id] || all_triggers_by_id[node.data.id]
if (!module) {
console.error('Tried to add node for unknown module ' + node.data.id + ' (' + node.id + ')')
var html = window['dotBlock_error']({
error: 'Invalid module id`' + node.data.id + '` (' + node.id + ')',
data: JSON.stringify(node.data.indexed_params, null, 2)
var module_data = Object.assign({}, module)
var newNode = mergeNodeAndModule(node, module_data)
newNode.data['_node_param_html'] = genNodeParamHtml(newNode)
newNode.data['_node_notification_html'] = genNodeNotificationHtml(newNode.data)
newNode.data['_node_filter_html'] = genNodeFilteringHtml(newNode)
var nodeClass = newNode.data.module_data.class === undefined ? [] : newNode.data.module_data.class
nodeClass = !Array.isArray(nodeClass) ? [nodeClass] : nodeClass
nodeClass.push('block-type-' + (newNode.data.module_data.html_template !== undefined ? newNode.data.module_data.html_template : 'default'))
if (newNode.data.module_data.module_type == 'logic') {
if (newNode.data.module_data.expect_misp_core_format) {
if (newNode.data.module_data.disabled) {
var html = getTemplateForNode(newNode)
editor.nodeId = newNode.id // force the editor to use the saved id of the node instead of generating a new one
nodeClass.join(' '),
Object.values(workflow.data).forEach(function (node) {
for (var input_name in node.inputs) {
node.inputs[input_name].connections.forEach(function (connection) {
connection.labels = connection.labels === undefined ? [] : connection.labels;
var labels = connection.labels.map(function(labelConf) {
return dotBlock_connectionLabel(labelConf)
editor.addConnection(connection.node, node.id, connection.input, input_name, labels)
var frameNodes = workflow.data._frames || {}
Object.values(frameNodes).forEach(function (frameNode) {
function filterModules(clicked) {
var $activeButton = $(clicked)
var selectedFilter
if ($activeButton.length > 0) {
selectedFilter = $activeButton.data('type')
} else {
selectedFilter = 'enabled'
var $modulesToShow = $('.sidebar .tab-pane.active').find('.sidebar-workflow-block')
if (selectedFilter == 'enabled') {
$modulesToShow.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('module')['disabled']
} else if (selectedFilter == 'misp-module') {
$modulesToShow.filter(function () {
return !$(this).data('module')['is_misp_module'] || $(this).data('module')['disabled']
} else if (selectedFilter == 'is-blocking') {
$modulesToShow.filter(function () {
return !$(this).data('module')['blocking'] || $(this).data('module')['disabled']
function duplicateNodesFromHtml(currentSelection) {
var selectedNodeIDs = currentSelection.map(function (nodeHtml) {
return nodeHtml.id.slice(5)
var newNodes = []
var oldNewIDMapping = {}
currentSelection.forEach(function (nodeHtml) {
var node_id = nodeHtml.id.slice(5)
var node = getEditorData()[node_id]
if (node.data.module_data.module_type == 'trigger') {
var position = {
top: nodeHtml.getBoundingClientRect().top - 100 * editor.zoom,
left: nodeHtml.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100 * editor.zoom,
var newNode = Object.assign({}, all_modules_by_id[node.data.module_data.id])
var additionalData = {
indexed_params: node.data.indexed_params,
saved_filters: node.data.saved_filters,
addNode(newNode, position, additionalData)
oldNewIDMapping[node_id] = editor.nodeId - 1
newNodes.push(getNodeHtmlByID(editor.nodeId - 1)) // nodeId is incremented as soon as a new node is created
selectedNodeIDs.forEach(function (node_id) {
var node = getEditorData()[node_id]
Object.keys(node.outputs).forEach(function (outputName) {
node.outputs[outputName].connections.forEach(function (connection) {
if (selectedNodeIDs.includes(connection.node)) {
return newNodes
function addNodesFromBlueprint(workflowBlueprint, cursorPosition) {
var newNodes = []
if (workflowBlueprint.data.length == 0) {
return counterNodeAdded
var oldNewIDMapping = {}
// We position all nodes relatively based on the left most node
var minX = workflowBlueprint.data[0].pos_x
var matchingY = workflowBlueprint.data[0].pos_y
workflowBlueprint.data.forEach(function(node) {
minX = node.pos_x < minX ? node.pos_x : minX
matchingY = node.pos_x < minX ? node.pos_y : matchingY
workflowBlueprint.data.forEach(function(node) {
if (node.data.module_type == 'trigger') {
var position = {
top: (node.pos_y - matchingY) * editor.zoom + cursorPosition.top,
left: (node.pos_x - minX) * editor.zoom + cursorPosition.left,
if (all_modules_by_id[node.data.id] === undefined) {
var errorMessage = 'Invalid ' + node.data.module_type + ' module id `' + node.data.id + '` (' + node.id + ')'
var html = window['dotBlock_error']({
error: errorMessage,
data: JSON.stringify(node.data.indexed_params, null, 2)
} else {
additionalData = {
indexed_params: node.data.indexed_params,
saved_filters: node.data.saved_filters,
addNode(all_modules_by_id[node.data.id], position, additionalData)
oldNewIDMapping[node.id] = editor.nodeId - 1
newNodes.push(getNodeHtmlByID(editor.nodeId - 1)) // nodeId is incremented as soon as a new node is created
workflowBlueprint.data.forEach(function (node) {
Object.keys(node.outputs).forEach(function (outputName) {
var outputCount = all_modules_by_id[node.data.id] !== undefined ? all_modules_by_id[node.data.id].outputs : Object.keys(node.outputs).length
if (outputCount > 0) { // make sure the module configuration didn't change in regards of the outputs
node.outputs[outputName].connections.forEach(function (connection) {
if (oldNewIDMapping[connection.node] !== undefined) {
return newNodes
function getCanvasCentroid() {
var parentOffsetY = editor.precanvas.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top
var maxX = 0, maxY = 0, minX = 9999999, minY = 9999999
var nodes = $(editor.precanvas).find('.drawflow-node')
nodes.each(function () {
var node_bcr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getBoundingClientRect()))
node_bcr.top = node_bcr.top - parentOffsetY // Make bcr relative
maxX = (node_bcr.left + node_bcr.width) > maxX ? (node_bcr.left + node_bcr.width) : maxX
maxY = (node_bcr.top + node_bcr.height) > maxY ? (node_bcr.top + node_bcr.height) : maxY
minX = node_bcr.left < minX ? node_bcr.left : minX
minY = node_bcr.top < minY ? node_bcr.top : minY
var centroidX = (Math.abs(maxX) - Math.abs(minX)) / 2
var centroidY = (Math.abs(maxY) - Math.abs(minY)) / 2
return {
centroidX: centroidX,
centroidY: centroidY,
minX: minX,
minY: minY,
maxX: maxX,
maxY: maxY,
function mergeNodeAndModule(node, module_data) {
if (node.data === undefined) {
node.data = {}
node.data.node_uid = uid() // only used for UI purposes
node.data.params = node.data.params !== undefined ? node.data.params : []
node.data.indexed_params = node.data.indexed_params !== undefined ? node.data.indexed_params : {}
node.data.saved_filters = node.data.saved_filters !== undefined ? node.data.saved_filters : {}
node.data.module_type = module_data.module_type
node.data.id = module_data.id
node.data.name = node.data.name ? node.data.name : module_data.name
node.data.module_data = module_data
node.data.multiple_output_connection = module_data.multiple_output_connection
node.data.previous_module_version = node.data.module_version ? node.data.module_version : '?'
node.data.module_version = module_data.version
node.data.params = mergeNodeAndModuleParams(node, module_data.params)
node.data.indexed_params = getIndexedParams(node, module_data.params)
node.data.saved_filters = mergeNodeAndModuleFilters(node, module_data.saved_filters)
return node
function mergeNodeAndModuleParams(node, moduleParams) {
var moduleParamsById = {}
var nodeParamsById = {}
moduleParams.forEach(function (param, i) {
if (param.id === undefined) { // Param id is not set in the module definition.
param.id = 'param-' + i
param.no_id = true
moduleParamsById[param.id] = param
Object.entries(node.data.indexed_params).forEach(function (e) {
var param_id = e[0], val = e[1]
nodeParamsById[param_id] = {
id: param_id,
label: param_id,
type: 'input',
value: val
var procesedParams = {}
var finalParams = []
var fakeNodeFullParams = Object.values(nodeParamsById)
var nodeAndModuleParams = moduleParams.concat(fakeNodeFullParams)
nodeAndModuleParams.forEach(function (param) {
var finalParam
if (procesedParams[param.id]) { // param has already been processed
procesedParams[param.id] = true
if (moduleParamsById[param.id] === undefined) { // Param do not exist in the module (anymore or never did)
param.is_invalid = true
finalParam = Object.assign({}, nodeParamsById[param.id])
} else {
finalParam = Object.assign({}, moduleParamsById[param.id])
finalParam.value = node.data.indexed_params[param.id]
if (!finalParam['param_id']) {
finalParam['param_id'] = getIDForNodeParameter(node, finalParam)
return finalParams
function getIndexedParams(node, moduleParams) {
var finalParams = {}
moduleParams.forEach(function (param, i) {
if (param.id === undefined) { // Param id is not set in the module definition.
param.id = 'param-' + i
param.no_id = true
finalParams[param.id] = node.data.indexed_params[param.id] ? node.data.indexed_params[param.id] : (param.default ? param.default : '')
return finalParams
function mergeNodeAndModuleFilters(node, moduleFilters) {
node.saved_filters = node.data.saved_filters ? node.data.saved_filters : []
var finalFilters = {}
moduleFilters.forEach(function(filter) {
finalFilters[filter.text] = node.data.saved_filters[filter.text] ? node.data.saved_filters[filter.text] : filter.value
return finalFilters
/* API */
function fetchWorkflow(id, callback) {
var url = '/workflows/view/' + id + '.json'
beforeSend: function () {
toggleEditorLoading(true, 'Loading workflow')
success: function (workflow, textStatus) {
if (workflow) {
workflow = workflow.Workflow
showMessage('success', 'Workflow fetched');
if (callback !== undefined) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', saveFailedMessage + ': ' + errorThrown);
if (callback !== undefined) {
complete: function () {
type: "post",
url: url
function saveWorkflow(confirmSave, callback) {
saveConfirmMessage = 'Confirm saving the current state of the workflow'
saveFailedMessage = 'Failed to save the workflow'
confirmSave = confirmSave === undefined ? true : confirmSave
if (confirmSave && !confirm(saveConfirmMessage)) {
var url = baseurl + "/workflows/edit/" + workflow_id
fetchFormDataAjax(url, function (formHTML) {
$('body').append($('<div id="temp" style="display: none"/>').html(formHTML))
var $tmpForm = $('#temp form')
var formUrl = $tmpForm.attr('action')
var editorData = getEditorData(true)
data: $tmpForm.serialize(),
beforeSend: function () {
success: function (workflow, textStatus) {
if (workflow) {
showMessage('success', workflow.message);
if (workflow.data !== undefined) {
lastModified = workflow.data.Workflow.timestamp + '000'
error: function (jqXHR, _, _) {
errorThrown = jqXHR.responseJSON.errors
showMessage('fail', saveFailedMessage + ': ' + errorThrown);
complete: function () {
toggleLoadingInSaveButton(false, true)
if (callback !== undefined) {
type: "post",
url: formUrl
function checkGraphProperties() {
var url = baseurl + "/workflows/checkGraph/"
var graphData = getEditorData()
data: {graph: JSON.stringify(graphData)},
success: function (data, textStatus) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (jqXHR.status === 401) {
showMessage('fail', 'Could not check graph properties')
type: "post",
url: url,
function importWorkflow() {
showMessage('fail', 'Import workflow: to be implemented')
function exportWorkflow() {
showMessage('fail', 'Export workflow: to be implemented')
function enabledDebugMode() {
var $clicked = $(this)
enableWorkflowDebugMode(workflow_id, $clicked.data('enabled'), function(result) {
if (result.saved) {
$clicked.data('enabled', !$clicked.data('enabled'))
if ($clicked.data('enabled')) {
} else {
$clicked.find('.state-text').text($clicked.find('.state-text').data($clicked.data('enabled') ? 'on' : 'off'))
$runWorkflowButton.prop('disabled', $clicked.data('enabled') ? false : true)
function runWorkflow() {
var html = '<div style="width: 350px;"><textarea rows=15 style="width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;" placeholder="Enter data to be sent to the workflow"></textarea><div style="display: flex;"><button class="btn btn-primary" style="margin: 0 0 0 auto;"><i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner hidden"></i> Run Workflow</button></div><pre style="margin-top: 0.75em;"></pre></div>'
var popoverOptions = {
html: true,
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'click',
content: html,
container: 'body',
template: '<div class="popover" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"><div class="data-content"></div></div></div>'
if ($runWorkflowButton.data().popover === undefined) {
.on('shown.bs.popover', function () {
var $popover = $runWorkflowButton.data('popover').tip()
$popover.find('button').click(function() {
var url = baseurl + "/workflows/executeWorkflow/" + workflow.Workflow.id
fetchFormDataAjax(url, function (formHTML) {
$('body').append($('<div id="temp" style="display: none"/>').html(formHTML))
var $tmpForm = $('#temp form')
var formUrl = $tmpForm.attr('action')
data = $popover.find('textarea').val()
data: $tmpForm.serialize(),
beforeSend: function() {
$popover.find('button i').removeClass('hidden')
success: function (data) {
error: xhrFailCallback,
complete: function () {
$popover.find('button i').addClass('hidden')
type: 'post',
cache: false,
url: formUrl,
function getSelectedNodeID() {
return editor.node_selected !== null ? editor.node_selected.id : null // Couldn't find a better way to get the selected node
function getSelectedNodeIDInteger() {
var nodeId = getSelectedNodeID()
return nodeId ? parseInt(nodeId.split('-')[1]) : null // Couldn't find a better way to get the selected node
function getNodeHtmlByID(node_id) {
return editor.precanvas.querySelector('#node-' + node_id)
function getSelectedNode() {
var nodeId = getSelectedNodeIDInteger()
return nodeId ? editor.getNodeFromId(nodeId) : [];
function deleteSelectedNode() {
function deleteNodeByID(nodeId) {
nodeIdInt = nodeId.slice(5)
editorData = getEditorData()
if (all_triggers_by_id[editorData[nodeIdInt].data.id]) {
function getNodeFromContainedHtml(htmlNode) {
var $drawflowNode = $(htmlNode).closest('.drawflow-node')
var nodeStringId = $drawflowNode.attr('id')
var nodeId = nodeStringId ? parseInt(nodeStringId.split('-')[1]) : null
return nodeId !== null ? editor.getNodeFromId(nodeId) : null
function deleteSelectedNodes(fromDelKey) {
selection.getSelection().forEach(function(node) {
if (fromDelKey && getSelectedNodeID() !== null && getSelectedNodeID() == node.id) {
return // This node will be removed by drawflow delete callback
function addWorkflowBlueprint(blueprintId, cursorPosition) {
var workflowBlueprint = all_workflow_blueprints_by_id[blueprintId]
if (!workflowBlueprint) {
console.error('Tried to get workflow blueprint ' + blueprintId)
return '';
if (!cursorPosition) {
var centroid = getCanvasCentroid()
cursorPosition = {
top: centroid.centroidY,
left: centroid.centroidX,
var newNodes = addNodesFromBlueprint(workflowBlueprint.WorkflowBlueprint, cursorPosition);
if (newNodes.length > 0) {
var newNodeIDs = newNodes.map(function(node) {
return node.id.slice(5)
createFrameForNodes(newNodeIDs, workflowBlueprint.WorkflowBlueprint.name)
editor.dispatch('nodeSelected', newNodes[0].id);
function getLinkUnderElement(ui) {
var orig_pos_x = ui.position.left
var orig_pos_y = ui.position.top
var elementHeight = ui.draggable[0].clientHeight
var elementCenterY = ui.position.top + ui.draggable[0].clientHeight / 2
// Credit: Drawflow example page
var transpositionFactorX = (editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom))
var transpositionOffsetX = -(editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)))
var transpositionFactorY = (editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom))
var transpositionOffsetY = -(editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)))
var pos_x = orig_pos_x * transpositionFactorX + transpositionOffsetX
var pos_y = orig_pos_y * transpositionFactorY + transpositionOffsetY
var transposedHeight = (orig_pos_y + elementHeight) * transpositionFactorY + transpositionOffsetY
var transposedCenterY = elementCenterY * transpositionFactorY + transpositionOffsetY
var $allConnectionMiddlePoint = $drawflow.find('svg.connection > foreignObject')
var allValidLinks = []
$allConnectionMiddlePoint.each(function() {
var middlePointY = this.y.baseVal.value
if (pos_y <= middlePointY && middlePointY <= transposedHeight) {
var $svg = this.parentElement.childNodes[0]
var svgBR = $svg.getBoundingClientRect()
var linkTransposedLeftPosition = svgBR.x * transpositionFactorX + transpositionOffsetX
var linkTransposedRightPosition = (svgBR.x + svgBR.width) * transpositionFactorX + transpositionOffsetX
if (linkTransposedLeftPosition <= pos_x && pos_x <= linkTransposedRightPosition) {
if (allValidLinks.length == 1) {
return allValidLinks[0]
} else if (allValidLinks.length > 1) {
// sort based on distance between link middle point and element input
function calcDistance(pt1, pt2) {
return Math.sqrt((pt2.x - pt1.x)**2 + (pt2.y - pt1.y)**2)
var elementInputPosition = { x: pos_x, y: transposedCenterY }
var allValidLinksSorted = allValidLinks.sort(function (link1, link2) {
var middlePoint1 = {
x: $(link1).find('foreignObject')[0].x.baseVal.value,
y: $(link1).find('foreignObject')[0].y.baseVal.value,
var middlePoint2 = {
x: $(link2).find('foreignObject')[0].x.baseVal.value,
y: $(link2).find('foreignObject')[0].y.baseVal.value,
var distance1 = calcDistance(elementInputPosition, middlePoint1)
var distance2 = calcDistance(elementInputPosition, middlePoint2)
return distance1 <= distance2 ? -1 : 1
return allValidLinksSorted[0]
function insertNodeOnLink(newNode, link) {
var defaultConnectionName = 'output_1'
var ids = getIDsFromSvgLink(link)
var nodeIn = ids.nodeIn
var inConnectionName = ids.inConnectionName
var nodeOut = ids.nodeOut
var outConnectionName = ids.outConnectionName
editor.addConnection(nodeOut, newNode.id, outConnectionName, inConnectionName, [])
editor.addConnection(newNode.id, nodeIn, defaultConnectionName, inConnectionName, [])
editor.removeSingleConnection(nodeOut, nodeIn, outConnectionName, inConnectionName)
function getIDsFromSvgLink(link) {
return {
'nodeIn': parseInt(Array.from(link.classList).filter(c => c.startsWith('node_in_node-'))[0].replace('node_in_node-', '')),
'inConnectionName': Array.from(link.classList).filter(c => c.startsWith('input_'))[0],
'nodeOut': parseInt(Array.from(link.classList).filter(c => c.startsWith('node_out_node-'))[0].replace('node_out_node-', '')),
'outConnectionName': Array.from(link.classList).filter(c => c.startsWith('output_'))[0],
/* UI Utils */
function toggleSaveButton(enabled) {
.prop('disabled', !enabled)
function toggleLoadingInSaveButton(saving, ignoreDisabledState) {
// TODO: Use I18n strings instead
if (!ignoreDisabledState) {
if (saving) {
toggleEditorLoading(true, 'Saving workflow')
} else {
function toggleEditorLoading(loading, message) {
loadingSpanAnimation = '<span class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner loading-span"></span>'
if (loading) {
'font-size': '20px',
'color': 'white'
'margin-right': '0.5em'
} else {
function getTemplateForNode(node) {
var html = ''
node.data.module_data.icon_class = node.data.module_data.icon_class ? node.data.module_data.icon_class : 'fas'
if (node.data.module_data.html_template !== undefined) {
if (window['dotBlock_' + node.data.module_data.html_template] !== undefined) {
html = window['dotBlock_' + node.data.module_data.html_template](node.data)
} else {
html = 'Wrong HTML template'
console.error('Wrong HTML template for node', node)
} else {
html = dotBlock_default(node.data)
return html
function genNodeParamHtml(node, forNode = true) {
var nodeParams = node.data.params !== undefined ? node.data.params : []
var html = ''
nodeParams.forEach(function (param) {
paramHtml = ''
switch (param.type) {
case 'input':
paramHtml = genInput(param, false, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'hashpath':
paramHtml = genHashpathInput(param, false, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'textarea':
paramHtml = genInput(param, true, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'select':
paramHtml = genSelect(param, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'picker':
paramHtml = genPicker(param, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'checkbox':
paramHtml = genCheckbox(param, forNode)[0].outerHTML
case 'radio':
paramHtml = genRadio(param, forNode)[0].outerHTML
html += paramHtml
return html
function afterNodeDrawCallback() {
var $nodes = $drawflow.find('.drawflow-node')
$nodes.find('.start-chosen').each(function() {
var chosenOptions = $(this).data('chosen_options')
function afterModalShowCallback() {
$blockModal.find('.start-chosen').each(function() {
var chosenOptions = $(this).data('chosen_options')
var cmOptions = {
theme: 'default',
lineNumbers: true,
indentUnit: 4,
showCursorWhenSelecting: true,
lineWrapping: true,
autoCloseBrackets: true,
extraKeys: {
"Esc": function () {
$blockModal.find('.start-codemirror').each(function() {
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this, cmOptions).on('change', function(cm, e) {
function toggleDisplayOnFields() {
var $nodes = $drawflow.find('.drawflow-node')
$nodes.find('div.node-param-container.display-on').each(function() {
var $container = $(this)
var node = getNodeFromContainedHtml($container)
var param_id = $container.attr('param-id')
var node_param_config = node.data.module_data.params.filter(function(param_config) {
return param_config.id == param_id
var showContainer = false
if (node_param_config) {
node_param_config = node_param_config[0]
Object.keys(node_param_config.display_on).forEach(function(target_param_id) {
var target_param_values = node_param_config.display_on[target_param_id]
var node_param_value = node.data.indexed_params[target_param_id]
if (Array.isArray(target_param_values) && target_param_values.includes(node_param_value)) {
showContainer = true
} else if (target_param_values == node_param_value) {
showContainer = true
if (showContainer) {
} else {
function enablePickerCreateNewOptions() {
var $nodes = $drawflow.find('.drawflow-node')
$nodes.find('.start-chosen[picker_create_new="1"]').each(function () {
var $select = $(this)
var $input = $select.parent().find('.chosen-search-input')
$input.on('keydown', function(evt) {
if (evt.which == 13) { // <ENTER>
var newVal = $input.val()
var optionExists = $select.find('option').filter(function () {
return $(this).val() == newVal
}).length > 0
if (!optionExists) {
var $newOption = $('<option>')
function enableHashpathPicker() {
var $nodes = $drawflow.find('.drawflow-node')
$nodes.find('.hashpath-picker-container').each(function () {
$(this).find('.hashpath-quick-picker').click(function () {
$(this).find('.hashpath-format-picker').click(function() {
function toggleCoreFormatPicker(btn) {
var associatedParamId = $(btn).closest('.input-append').find('input').data('paramid')
var sample = JSON.parse($('#misp-core-format-sample').text())
var UIPicker = generateCoreFormatUI(sample, associatedParamId)
var $selectedPath = $('<input>')
id: 'selected-hashpath-input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Click on a elemet on the JSON to show the path',
onchange: 'setValueOnAssociatedInput(this.value, "' + associatedParamId + '")',
.css({ margin: '0 0.75em 0 0', 'flex-grow': 2 })
var $selectedPathOperators = $('<select>')
id: 'selected-hashpath-operator',
onchange: 'setHashpathOnInput(this, "' + associatedParamId + '")',
.css({margin: '0', 'max-width': '15%'})
var pathOperators = [
{ name: 'Has key []', stringToFormat: '[{$key}]' },
{ name: 'Match [=]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}={$value}]', default: true },
{ name: 'Match [!=]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}!={$value}]' },
{ name: 'Match [>]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}>{$value}]' },
{ name: 'Match [>=]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}>={$value}]' },
{ name: 'Match [<]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}<{$value}]' },
{ name: 'Match [<=]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}<={$value}]' },
{ name: 'Regex match [/.../]', stringToFormat: '[{$key}=/\S*\{$value}\S*/]' },
pathOperators.forEach((opt) => {
var $option = $('<option>')
if (opt.default === true) {
$option.attr('selected', 'selected')
$pathGroup = $('<span>').css({'display': 'flex', 'width': '100%'})
.append($selectedPathOperators, $selectedPath)
var $closeButton = $('<div>').append($('<a href="#" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Close</a>'))
var $footer = $('<div>').css({display: 'flex'}).append($pathGroup, $closeButton)
openModal('Pick Hash path', UIPicker[0].outerHTML, $footer[0].outerHTML, undefined, undefined, 'max-height: 70vh;', 'modal-lg')
function genParameterWarning(options) {
var text = '', text_short = ''
if (options.is_invalid) {
text = 'This parameter does not exist in the associated module and thus will be removed upon saving. Make sure you have the latest version of this module.'
text_short = 'Invalid parameter'
} else if (options.no_id) {
text = 'This parameter does not have an ID in the associated module and thus will be ignored. Make sure you have the latest version of this module.'
text_short = 'parameter has no ID'
if (text || text_short) {
return $('<span>').addClass('text-error').css('margin-left', '5px')
$('<i>').addClass('fas fa-exclamation-triangle'),
.attr('title', text)
return ''
function genSelect(options, forNode = true) {
var $container = $('<div>')
.attr('param-id', options.id)
if (options.display_on) {
var $label = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
var $select = $('<select>').css({
width: '100%',
if (options.multiple) {
$select.prop('multiple', true)
$select.attr('size', 1)
if (options.picker_create_new) {
options.multiple = true
$select.attr('picker_create_new', 1)
$select.prop('multiple', true)
if (!options.options) {
options.options = []
if (options.value) {
if (Array.isArray(options.value)) {
options.options = options.options.concat(options.value)
} else {
if (options.disabled !== undefined) {
$select.prop('disabled', options.disabled == true)
var selectOptions = options.options
if (!Array.isArray(selectOptions)) {
selectOptions = Object.keys(options.options).map((k) => { return { name: options.options[k], value: k } })
selectOptions.forEach(function (option) {
var optionValue = ''
var optionName = ''
if (typeof option === 'string') {
optionValue = option
optionName = option
} else {
optionValue = option.value
optionName = option.name
var $option = $('<option>')
if (options.value !== undefined) {
$select.find('option').filter(function() {
if (options.multiple) {
return options.value.includes(this.value)
} else {
return this.value == options.value
}).attr('selected', 'selected')
} else {
$select.find('option').filter(function() {
if (options.multiple && Array.isArray(options.default)) {
return options.default.includes(this.value)
} else {
return this.value == options.default
}).attr('selected', 'selected')
.attr('data-paramid', options.param_id)
.attr('onchange', 'handleSelectChange(this)')
return $container
function genPicker(options, forNode = true) {
var $container = genSelect(options)
var $select = $container.find('select')
if (options.picker_options) {
// $select.data('chosen_options', options.picker_options)
$select.attr('data-chosen_options', JSON.stringify(options.picker_options))
return $container
function genInput(options, isTextArea, forNode = true) {
var $container = $('<div>')
.attr('param-id', options.id)
if (options.display_on) {
var $label = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
var $input
if (isTextArea) {
if (forNode) {
$input = $('<textarea>').attr('rows', 1).prop('disabled', true).css({ resize: 'none' }).attr('title', 'Can only be edited in node settings')
} else {
$input = $('<textarea>').attr('rows', 4).css({resize: 'none'}).addClass('start-codemirror')
} else {
$input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'text').css({height: '30px'})
width: '100%',
'box-sizing': 'border-box',
.attr('oninput', 'handleInputChange(this)')
.attr('data-paramid', options.param_id)
if (isTextArea) {
$input.text(options.value !== undefined ? options.value : options.default)
} else {
$input.attr('value', options.value !== undefined ? options.value : options.default)
if (options.placeholder !== undefined) {
$input.attr('placeholder', options.placeholder)
if (options.disabled !== undefined) {
$input.prop('disabled', options.disabled == true)
return $container
function genHashpathInput(options, forNode = true) {
function hashPathGenDropdownMenu() {
var $divider = $('<li>').addClass('divider')
var $dropdownMenu = $('<ul>').addClass('dropdown-menu pull-right')
var $liPicker = $('<li>').append(
'tabindex': '-1',
'href': '#',
.text('Show picker')
haspathQuickPickMenu.forEach((entry) => {
var $li = $('<li>').append(
'tabindex': '-1',
'href': '#',
'data-hashpath': entry.path
return $dropdownMenu
var $container = $('<div>')
.attr('param-id', options.id)
if (options.display_on) {
var $addonContainer = $('<div>')
.css({'display': 'flex'})
var $label = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
var $input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'text').css({ height: '30px' })
'flex-grow': '1',
'box-sizing': 'border-box',
.attr('oninput', 'handleInputChange(this)')
.attr('data-paramid', options.param_id)
$input.attr('value', options.value !== undefined ? options.value : options.default)
if (options.placeholder !== undefined) {
$input.attr('placeholder', options.placeholder)
if (options.disabled !== undefined) {
$input.prop('disabled', options.disabled == true)
var $dropdownContainer = $('<div>').addClass(['btn-group', 'hashpath-picker-container'])
var $dropdownButton = $('<button>')
.addClass(['btn', 'dropdown-toggle'])
.attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown')
.text('Pick ')
var $dropdownMenu = hashPathGenDropdownMenu()
$dropdownContainer.append($dropdownButton, $dropdownMenu)
$addonContainer.append($input, $dropdownContainer)
$container.append($label, $addonContainer)
return $container
function genCheckbox(options, forNode = true) {
var $label = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
var $input = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'checkbox')
.attr('oninput', 'handleInputChange(this)')
.attr('data-paramid', options.param_id)
if (options.value !== undefined) {
if (options.value) {
$input.attr('checked', '')
} else if (options.default) {
$input.attr('checked', '')
if (options.disabled !== undefined) {
$input.prop('disabled', options.disabled == true)
var $container = $('<div>')
.data('param-id', options.id)
if (options.display_on) {
return $container
function genRadio(options, forNode = true) {
var $container = $('<div>')
.data('param-id', options.id)
if (options.display_on) {
var $rootLabel = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
var selectOptions = options.options
if (!Array.isArray(selectOptions)) {
selectOptions = Object.keys(options.options).map((k) => { return { name: options.options[k], value: k } })
var u_id = uid()
selectOptions.forEach(function (option) {
var optionValue = ''
var optionName = ''
if (typeof option === 'string') {
optionValue = option
optionName = option
} else {
optionValue = option.value
optionName = option.name
var $input = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'radio')
.attr('name', 'option-radio-' + u_id)
.attr('data-paramid', options.param_id)
.attr('onchange', 'handleInputChange(this)')
if (options.value !== undefined) {
if (optionValue == options.value) {
$input.attr('checked', '')
} else if (options.default) {
$input.attr('checked', '')
if (options.disabled !== undefined) {
$input.prop('disabled', options.disabled == true)
var $label = $('<label>')
marginLeft: '0.25em',
marginBbottom: 0,
return $container
function handleInputChange(changed) {
var $input = $(changed)
var node = getNodeFromNodeInput($input)
var node_data = setParamValueForInput($input, node.data)
editor.updateNodeDataFromId(node.id, node_data)
function handleSelectChange(changed) {
var $input = $(changed)
var node = getNodeFromNodeInput($input)
var node_data = setParamValueForInput($input, node.data)
editor.updateNodeDataFromId(node.id, node_data)
function saveFilteringForModule() {
var selector = $blockFilteringModal.find('input#element_selector').val()
var value = $blockFilteringModal.find('input#value').val()
var operator = $blockFilteringModal.find('select#operator').val()
var path = $blockFilteringModal.find('input#hash_path').val()
if (selector.length > 0 && (value.length == 0 || operator.length == 0 || path.length == 0)) {
$('<div></div>').addClass('alert alert-danger').text('Some fields cannot be empty')
} else {
if (selector.length == 0 && value.length == 0 && path.length == 0) {
operator = ''
var node_id = $blockFilteringModal.data('selected-node-id')
var block = $blockFilteringModal.data('selected-block')
block.saved_filters = {
selector: selector,
value: value,
operator: operator,
path: path,
editor.updateNodeDataFromId(node_id, block)
if (selector.length > 0) {
$drawflow.find('#node-' + node_id).find('.filtering-button').addClass('btn-success')
} else {
$drawflow.find('#node-' + node_id).find('.filtering-button').removeClass('btn-success')
function getIDForNodeParameter(node, param) {
if (param.id !== undefined) {
return param.id + '-' + node.data.node_uid
return param.id + '-' + node.data.node_uid
function getNodeFromNodeInput($input) {
var node_id = 0
if ($input.closest('.modal').length > 0) {
node_id = $input.closest('.modal').data('selected-node-id')
var $relatedInputInNode = $drawflow.find('#node-'+node_id).find('[data-paramid="' + $input.data('paramid') + '"]')
if ($relatedInputInNode.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
$relatedInputInNode.prop('checked', $input.is(':checked'))
} else if ($relatedInputInNode.attr('type') == 'radio') {
$relatedInputInNode = $relatedInputInNode.filter(function() {
return $(this).val() == $input.val()
$relatedInputInNode.prop('checked', $input.is(':checked'))
} else {
} else {
node_id = $input.closest('.drawflow-node')[0].id.split('-')[1]
var node = editor.getNodeFromId(node_id)
return node
function setParamValueForInput($input, node_data) {
var param_id = $input.data('paramid')
for (let i = 0; i < node_data.params.length; i++) {
var param = node_data.params[i];
if (param.param_id == param_id) {
var newValue = ''
if ($input.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
newValue = $input.is(':checked')
} else {
newValue = $input.val()
node_data.params[i].value = newValue
node_data.indexed_params[param.id] = newValue
return node_data
function genNodeNotificationHtml(block) {
// var module = all_modules_by_id[block.id] || all_triggers_by_id[block.id]
var module = all_modules_by_id[block.module_data.id] || all_triggers_by_id[block.module_data.id]
if (!module) {
console.error('Tried to get notification of unknown module ' + block.module_data.id)
return '';
var html = ''
var $notificationContainer = $('<span></span>')
severities.forEach(function(severity) {
var visibleNotifications = module.notifications[severity].filter(function (notification) { return notification
if (visibleNotifications && visibleNotifications.length > 0) {
var notificationTitles = visibleNotifications.map(function (notification) {
return notification.text
var $notification = $('<button class="btn btn-mini" role="button" onclick="showNotificationModalForBlock(this)"></button>')
'title': notificationTitles,
'data-blockid': block.module_data.id,
.addClass('btn-' + classBySeverity[severity])
'vertical-align': 'middle',
'margin-right': '0.25em',
'white-space': 'nowrap',
$('<i class="fas"></i>').addClass(iconBySeverity[severity]),
$('<strong></strong>').text(' '+visibleNotifications.length)
html = $notificationContainer[0].outerHTML
return html
function genBlockNotificationForModalHtml(block) {
// var module = all_modules_by_id[block.id] || all_triggers_by_id[block.id]
var module = all_modules_by_id[block.module_data.id] || all_triggers_by_id[block.module_data.id]
var html = ''
var $notificationMainContainer = $('<div></div>')
var reversedSeverities = [].concat(severities)
reversedSeverities.forEach(function (severity) {
if (module.notifications[severity] && module.notifications[severity].length > 0) {
var $notificationSeverityContainer = $('<div></div>')
.addClass(['alert', 'alert-'+classBySeverity[severity]])
module.notifications[severity].forEach(function(notification) {
var $notification = $('<div></div>')
$('<i class="fas"></i>').addClass(iconBySeverity[severity]),
$('<strong></strong>').text(' '+notification.text),
if (notification.details.length > 0) {
var notificationDetails = notification.details.map(function(detail) {
return $('<li></li>').text(detail)
notificationDetails = $('<ul></ul>').addClass('muted').append(notificationDetails)
html = $notificationMainContainer[0].outerHTML
return html
function genNodeFilteringHtml(node) {
var module = all_modules_by_id[node.data.module_data.id] || all_triggers_by_id[node.data.module_data.id]
var html = ''
if (module.support_filters) {
var $link = $('<a></a>')
href: '#block-filtering-modal',
role: 'button',
class: 'filtering-button btn btn-mini ' + (getFiltersFromNode(node).value ? 'btn-success' : ''),
onclick: 'showFilteringModalForNode(this)',
title: 'Module filtering conditions'
.addClass('fas fa-filter'))
html += $link[0].outerHTML
return html
function genModalFilteringHtml(node) {
var module = all_modules_by_id[node.data.module_data.id] || all_triggers_by_id[node.data.module_data.id]
var html = ''
if (module.support_filters) {
html += genGenericBlockFilter(node)
return html
function getFiltersFromNode(node) {
return {
'selector': node.data.saved_filters.selector ? node.data.saved_filters.selector : '',
'value': node.data.saved_filters.value ? node.data.saved_filters.value : '',
'operator': node.data.saved_filters.operator ? node.data.saved_filters.operator : '',
'path': node.data.saved_filters.path ? node.data.saved_filters.path : '',
function genGenericBlockFilter(node) {
var operatorOptions = [
{value: 'in', text: 'In'},
{value: 'not_in', text: 'Not in'},
{value: 'equals', text: 'Equals'},
{value: 'not_equals', text: 'Not equals'},
var filters = getFiltersFromNode(node)
var $div = $('<div></div>').append($('<form></form>').append(
genGenericInput({ id: 'filtering-selector', id: 'element_selector', label: 'Element selector', type: 'text', placeholder: 'Event._AttributeFlattened.{n}', required: false, value: filters.selector}),
genGenericInput({ id: 'filtering-value', id: 'value', label: 'Value', type: 'text', placeholder: 'tlp:white', required: false, value: filters.value}),
genGenericSelect({ id: 'filtering-operator', id: 'operator', label: 'Operator', options: operatorOptions, value: filters.operator}),
genGenericInput({ id: 'filtering-path', id: 'hash_path', label: 'Hash Path', type: 'text', placeholder: 'Tag.{n}.name', required: false, value: filters.path}),
return $div[0].outerHTML
function genGenericInput(options) {
var $label = $('<label></label>').append(
$('<span></span>').text(options.label).css({'display': 'block'}),
id: options.id,
type: options.type,
placeholder: options.placeholder,
value: options.value
.prop('required', options.required)
.css({'width': '100%', 'box-sizing': 'border-box', 'height': '30px'}),
return $label[0].outerHTML
function genGenericSelect(options) {
var $select = $('<select></select>')
.attr({id: options.id})
.css({'width': '100%', 'box-sizing': 'border-box'})
options.options.forEach(function(option) {
var $option = $('<option></option>')
if (options.value == option.value) {
$option.attr('selected', '')
var $label = $('<label></label>').append(
$('<span></span>').text(options.label).css({'display': 'block'}),
return $label[0].outerHTML
function getPathForEdge(from_id, to_id) {
return $drawflow.find('svg.connection').filter(function() {
return $(this).hasClass('node_out_node-' + from_id) && $(this).hasClass('node_in_node-' + to_id)
// generate unique id for the inputs
function uid() {
return (performance.now().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36)).replace(/\./g, "")
function highlightAcyclic(acyclicData) {
if (!acyclicData.is_acyclic) {
acyclicData.cycles.forEach(function (cycle) {
getPathForEdge(cycle[0], cycle[1])
.append($(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title')).text(cycle[2]))
function highlightMultipleOutputConnection(connectionData) {
if (connectionData.has_multiple_output_connection) {
Object.keys(connectionData.edges).forEach(function (from_id) {
connectionData.edges[from_id].forEach(function (target_id) {
getPathForEdge(from_id, target_id)
.append($(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title')).text('Multiple connections'))
function highlightPathWarning(pathWarningData) {
if (pathWarningData.has_path_warnings) {
pathWarningData.edges.forEach(function (edge) {
getPathForEdge(edge[0], edge[1])
.append($(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title')).text(edge[2]))
function highlightGraphIssues(graphProperties) {
$drawflow.find('svg.connection > path.main-path')
.removeClass(['connection-danger', 'connection-warning'])
function setHashpathOnInput(clicked, associatedParamId, isValue) {
var path = $(clicked).data('hashpath')
if (isValue === true) {
var key = $(clicked).data('hashpath-key')
var value = $(clicked).data('hashpath-value')
path += getPathFiltering(key, value)
setValueOnAssociatedInput(associatedParamId, path)
function setValueOnAssociatedInput(associatedParamId, value) {
var $associatedInput = $drawflow.find('input[data-paramid="' + associatedParamId + '"]')
function getPathFiltering(key, value) {
var stringToFormat = $('#selected-hashpath-operator').val()
var filter = stringToFormat
.replace('{$key}', key)
.replace('{$value}', value)
return filter
function generateCoreFormatUI(event, associatedParamId) {
var indent_size = 'calc(1.25em)'
var color_key = '#005cd5'
var color_index = '#727272'
var color_string = '#cf5900'
var color_null = '#747474'
var color_bool = '#004bad'
var color_brace = '#727272'
var color_column = '#727272'
var color_collapse = '#727272'
var defaultCollapseList = ['Org', 'Orgc']
function generate(item, depth, path, forceObjectCollaspe) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
var $container = $('<span>').append(
depth == 1 ? '' : braceOpen(true),
depth == 1 ? '' : childrenCount(item),
genArray(item, depth, path),
depth == 1 ? '' : braceClose(true),
if (depth > 2) {
} else if (typeof item === 'object' && item !== null) {
var $container = $('<span>').append(
depth == 1 ? '' : braceOpen(),
depth == 1 ? '' : childrenCount(item),
genObject(item, depth, path),
depth == 1 ? '' : braceClose(),
if (forceObjectCollaspe === true) {
} else {
var $container = genValue(item, path)
return $container
function genArray(arr, depth, path) {
var $container = $('<div>')
arr.forEach(function (v, i) {
var nextPath = path + '.{n}'
var $index = genIndex(i, nextPath)
var $value = generate(v, depth + 1, nextPath)
var $div = $('<div>')
$div.append($index, column(), $value)
setDepth($container, depth, path)
return $container
function genObject(obj, depth, path) {
var $container = $('<div>')
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) {
var nextPath = path + '.' + k
var v = obj[k]
var forceCollaspe = defaultCollapseList.includes(k)
var $key = genKey(k, nextPath)
var $value = generate(v, depth+1, nextPath, forceCollaspe)
var $div = $('<div>')
var $collase = ''
if (isIterable(v)) {
$collase = collapseIcon()
if (depth > 1 && (Array.isArray(v) || forceCollaspe)) {
$div.append($collase, $key, column(), $value)
setDepth($container, depth)
return $container
function genValue(val, path) {
var exploded_path = path.split('.')
var path_without_last_key = exploded_path.slice(0, -1).join('.')
var key = exploded_path.pop()
var path_filtered_by_value = path_without_last_key
var $value
if (val === null) {
$value = $('<span>').text('null').css({'color': color_null })
} else if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
$value = $('<span>').text(val).css({'color': color_bool })
} else {
$value = $('<span>').text(val).css({'color': color_string })
.attr('data-hashpath-key', key)
.attr('data-hashpath-value', val)
.attr('data-hashpath', path_filtered_by_value.slice(1))
.attr('onclick', 'setHashpathOnInput(this, "' + associatedParamId + '", true)')
return $value
function genKey(key, path) {
return $('<span>')
.css({ 'color': color_key })
.attr('data-hashpath', path.slice(1))
.attr('onclick', 'setHashpathOnInput(this, "' + associatedParamId + '")')
function genIndex(i, path) {
return $('<span>')
.css({ 'color': color_index })
.attr('data-hashpath', path.slice(1))
.attr('onclick', 'setHashpathOnInput(this, "' + associatedParamId + '")')
function header() {
return $('<div>').append(braceOpen())
function footer() {
return $('<div>').append(braceClose())
function collapseIcon() {
return $('<i>')
.addClass(['fas fa-caret-down', 'collaspe-button'])
.css({ 'color': color_collapse, 'margin-right': '0.25rem', 'font-size': '1.25em' })
.attr('onclick', '$(this).toggleClass("fa-rotate-270").parent().children().last().children("div").toggleClass("hidden")')
function childrenCount(iterable) {
var count = getChildrenCount(iterable)
var $span = $('<span>').text(count).addClass('children-counter')
if (count === 0) {
$span.css('background-color', '#a3a3a3')
return $span
function braceOpen(isArray) {
return $('<span>').text(isArray ? '[' : '{').css({ 'color': color_brace, margin: '0 0.25em' })
function braceClose(isArray) {
return $('<span>').text(isArray ? ']' : '}').css({ 'color': color_brace, margin: '0 0.25em' })
function column() {
return $('<span>').text(':').css({ 'color': color_column, margin: '0 0.25em' })
function setDepth($obj) {
$obj.css('margin-left', 'calc( ' + indent_size + ' )')
function isIterable(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null
function getChildrenCount(iterable) {
var count = 0
if (Array.isArray(iterable)) {
count = iterable.length
} else if (typeof iterable === 'object') {
count = Object.keys(iterable).length
return count
var $mainContainer = $('<div id="core-format-picker">')
$mainContainer.append(header(), generate(event, 1, ''), footer())
return $mainContainer