
35 lines
1.3 KiB

<div class="users form">
<h2><?php echo __('MISP Terms and Conditions');?></h2>
$embedableExtensions = array('pdf');
if (!Configure::read('MISP.terms_file')) {
$termsFile = APP ."View/Users/terms";
} else {
$termsFile = APP . 'files' . DS . 'terms' . DS . Configure::read('MISP.terms_file');
if (!(file_exists($termsFile))) {
echo "<p>" . __("Terms and Conditions file not found.") . "</p>";
} else {
if (!Configure::read('MISP.terms_download')) {
$terms = new File($termsFile, false);
echo $terms->read(true,'r');
} else {
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/users/downloadTerms" class="btn btn-inverse"><?php echo __('Download Terms and Conditions');?></a>
if (!$termsaccepted) {
echo "<br /><br />";
echo $this->Form->create('User');
echo $this->Form->hidden('termsaccepted', array('default' => '1'));
echo $this->Form->submit(__('Accept Terms'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
echo $this->Form->end();
echo $this->element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu', array('menuList' => 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'terms'));