
247 lines
8.2 KiB

class PubSubTool
private $__redis = false;
private $__settings = false;
private function __getSetSettings()
$settings = array(
'redis_host' => 'localhost',
'redis_port' => '6379',
'redis_password' => '',
'redis_database' => '1',
'redis_namespace' => 'mispq',
'port' => '50000',
foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) {
$temp = Configure::read('Plugin.ZeroMQ_' . $key);
if ($temp) {
$settings[$key] = $temp;
$settingsFile = new File(APP . 'files' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . 'mispzmq' . DS . 'settings.json', true, 0644);
$settingsFile->write(json_encode($settings, true));
return $settings;
public function initTool()
if (!$this->__redis) {
$settings = $this->__setupPubServer();
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($settings['redis_host'], $settings['redis_port']);
$redis_pwd = $settings['redis_password'];
if (!empty($redis_pwd)) {
$this->__redis = $redis;
$this->__settings = $settings;
} else {
$settings = $this->__settings;
return $settings;
// read the pid file, if it exists, check if the process is actually running
// if either the pid file doesn't exists or the process is not running return false
// otherwise return the pid
public function checkIfRunning()
$pidFile = new File(APP . 'files' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . 'mispzmq' . DS . 'mispzmq.pid');
$pid = $pidFile->read(true, 'r');
if ($pid === false || $pid === '') {
return false;
if (!is_numeric($pid)) {
throw new Exception('Internal error (invalid PID file for the MISP zmq script)');
$result = trim(shell_exec('ps aux | awk \'{print $2}\' | grep "^' . $pid . '$"'));
if (empty($result)) {
return false;
return $pid;
public function statusCheck()
$redis = new Redis();
$settings = $this->__getSetSettings();
$redis->connect($settings['redis_host'], $settings['redis_port']);
$redis_pwd = $settings['redis_password'];
if (!empty($redis_pwd)) {
$redis->rPush($settings['redis_namespace'] . ':command', 'status');
$response = trim($redis->lPop($settings['redis_namespace'] . ':status'));
return json_decode($response, true);
public function checkIfPythonLibInstalled()
$result = trim(shell_exec('python3 ' . APP . 'files' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . 'mispzmq' . DS . 'mispzmqtest.py'));
if ($result === "OK") {
return true;
return false;
private function __setupPubServer()
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
$settings = $this->__getSetSettings();
if ($this->checkIfRunning() === false) {
shell_exec('python3 ' . APP . 'files' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . 'mispzmq' . DS . 'mispzmq.py > ' . APP . 'tmp' . DS . 'logs' . DS . 'mispzmq.log 2> ' . APP . 'tmp' . DS . 'logs' . DS . 'mispzmq.error.log &');
return $settings;
public function publishEvent($event)
App::uses('JSONConverterTool', 'Tools');
$jsonTool = new JSONConverterTool();
$json = $jsonTool->convert($event);
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json', $json);
public function event_save($event, $action)
if (!empty($action)) {
$event['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_event', json_encode($event, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function object_save($object, $action)
if (!empty($action)) {
$object['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_object', json_encode($object, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function object_reference_save($object_reference, $action)
if (!empty($action)) {
$object_reference['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_object_reference', json_encode($object_reference, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function publishConversation($message)
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_conversation', json_encode($message, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
private function __pushToRedis($ns, $data)
$settings = $this->__getSetSettings();
$this->__redis->rPush($settings['redis_namespace'] . $ns, $data);
return true;
public function attribute_save($attribute, $action = false)
if (!empty($action)) {
$attribute['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_attribute', json_encode($attribute, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function tag_save($tag, $action = false)
if (!empty($action)) {
$tag['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_tag', json_encode($tag, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function sighting_save($sighting, $action = false)
if (!empty($action)) {
$sighting['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_sighting', json_encode($sighting, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function modified($data, $type, $action = false)
if (!empty($action)) {
$data['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_' . $type, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function publish($data, $type, $action = false)
if (!empty($action)) {
$data['action'] = $action;
return $this->__pushToRedis(':data:misp_json_' . $type, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function killService($settings = false)
$redis = new Redis();
if ($this->checkIfRunning()) {
if ($settings == false) {
$settings = $this->__getSetSettings();
$redis->connect($settings['redis_host'], $settings['redis_port']);
$redis_pwd = $settings['redis_password'];
if (!empty($redis_pwd)) {
$redis->rPush($settings['redis_namespace'] . ':command', 'kill');
if ($this->checkIfRunning()) {
return false;
return true;
// reload the server if it is running, if not, start it
public function reloadServer()
if (!$this->checkIfRunning()) {
$settings = $this->__setupPubServer();
} else {
$settings = $this->__getSetSettings();
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($settings['redis_host'], $settings['redis_port']);
$redis_pwd = $settings['redis_password'];
if (!empty($redis_pwd)) {
$redis->rPush($settings['redis_namespace'] . ':command', 'reload');
if (!$this->checkIfRunning()) {
return 'Setting saved, but something is wrong with the ZeroMQ server. Please check the diagnostics page for more information.';
return true;
public function restartServer()
if (!$this->checkIfRunning()) {
if (!$this->killService()) {
return 'Could not kill the previous instance of the ZeroMQ script.';
if (!is_numeric($this->checkIfRunning())) {
return 'Failed starting the ZeroMQ script.';
return true;