
116 lines
4.0 KiB

App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
* Post Model
class Post extends AppModel {
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
public $belongsTo = array(
'User' => array(
'fields' => array('email', 'org', 'id'),
public function sendPostsEmailRouter($user_id, $post_id, $event_id, $title, $message, $JobId = false) {
if (Configure::read('MISP.background_jobs')) {
$user = $this->User->findById($user_id);
$job = ClassRegistry::init('Job');
$data = array(
'worker' => 'email',
'job_type' => 'posts_alert',
'job_input' => 'Post: ' . $post_id,
'status' => 0,
'retries' => 0,
'org' => $user['User']['org'],
'message' => 'Sending..',
$jobId = $job->id;
$process_id = CakeResque::enqueue(
array('postsemail', $user_id, $post_id, $event_id, $title, $message, $jobId)
$job->saveField('process_id', $process_id);
return true;
} else {
$result = $this->sendPostsEmail($user_id, $post_id, $event_id, $title, $message);
return $result;
public function sendPostsEmail($user_id, $post_id, $event_id, $title, $message) {
// fetch the post
$post = $this->read(null, $post_id);
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
// If the post belongs to an event, E-mail all users in the org that have contactalert set
if ($event_id) {
$this->Event = ClassRegistry::init('Event');;
$event = $this->Event->read(null, $event_id);
//Insert extra field here: alertOrg or something, then foreach all the org members
//limit this array to users with contactalerts turned on!
$orgMembers = array();
$this->User->recursive = -1;
$temp = $this->User->findAllByOrg($event['Event']['org'], array('email', 'gpgkey', 'contactalert', 'id'));
foreach ($temp as $tempElement) {
if ($tempElement['User']['id'] != $user_id && ($tempElement['User']['contactalert'] || $tempElement['User']['id'] == $event['Event']['user_id'])) {
array_push($orgMembers, $tempElement);
} else {
// Not an event: E-mail the user that started the thread
$thread = $this->Thread->read(null, $post['Post']['thread_id']);
if ($thread['Thread']['user_id'] == $user_id ) {
$orgMembers = array();
} else {
$orgMembers = $this->User->findAllById($thread['Thread']['user_id'], array('email', 'gpgkey', 'contactalert', 'id'));
// Add all users who posted in this thread
$temp = $this->findAllByThreadId($post['Post']['thread_id'],array('user_id'));
foreach ($temp as $tempElement) {
$user = $this->User->findById($tempElement['Post']['user_id'], array('email', 'gpgkey', 'contactalert', 'id'));
if(!empty($user) && $user['User']['id'] != $user_id && !in_array($user, $orgMembers)) {
array_push($orgMembers, $user);
// The mail body, h() is NOT needed as we are sending plain-text mails.
$body = "";
$body .= "Hello, \n";
$body .= "\n";
$body .= "Someone just posted to a MISP discussion you participated in.\n";
$body .= "\n";
$body .= "The full discussion can be found at: \n";
$body .= Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/posts/view/' . $post['Post']['id'] . "\n";
// body containing all details ($title and $message)
$bodyDetail = "";
$bodyDetail .= "Hello, \n";
$bodyDetail .= "\n";
$bodyDetail .= "Someone just posted to a MISP discussion you participated in with title:\n";
$bodyDetail .= $title . "\n";
$bodyDetail .= "\n";
$bodyDetail .= "The full discussion can be found at: \n";
$bodyDetail .= Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/posts/view/' . $post['Post']['id'] . "\n";
$bodyDetail .= "\n";
$bodyDetail .= "The following message was added: \n";
$bodyDetail .= "\n";
$bodyDetail .= $message . "\n";
$subject = "[" . Configure::read('MISP.org') . " MISP] New post in discussion " . $post['Post']['thread_id'] . " - TLP Amber";
foreach ($orgMembers as &$recipient) {
$this->User->sendEmail($recipient, $bodyDetail, $body, $subject);