
199 lines
8.3 KiB

$tr_class = 'tableHighlightBorderTop borderBlue';
if ($event['Event']['id'] != $object['event_id']) {
$objectEvent = $event['extensionEvents'][$object['event_id']];
$objectEvent = ['Event' => $objectEvent, 'Orgc' => $objectEvent['Orgc']]; // fix format to match standard event format
$mayModify = $this->Acl->canMofiyEvent($objectEvent);
} else {
$objectEvent = $event;
$isNew = $object['timestamp'] > $event['Event']['publish_timestamp'];
if ($object['deleted']) $tr_class .= ' lightBlueRow';
else $tr_class .= ' blueRow';
if (!empty($k)) {
$tr_class .= ' row_' . h($k);
$quickEdit = function($fieldName) use ($mayModify) {
if (!$mayModify) {
return ''; // without permission it is not possible to edit object
return " data-edit-field=\"$fieldName\"";
$objectId = intval($object['id']);
<tr id="Object_<?= $objectId ?>_tr" data-primary-id="<?= $objectId ?>" class="<?php echo $tr_class; ?>" tabindex="0">
if ($mayModify || $extended):
<td style="width:10px;"></td>
<td class="short context hidden"><?= $objectId ?></td>
<td class="short context hidden uuid">
<span class="quickSelect"><?php echo h($object['uuid']); ?></span>
$notes = !empty($object['Note']) ? $object['Note'] : [];
$opinions = !empty($object['Opinion']) ? $object['Opinion'] : [];
$relationships = !empty($object['Relationship']) ? $object['Relationship'] : [];
echo $this->element('genericElements/Analyst_data/generic', [
'analyst_data' => ['notes' => $notes, 'opinions' => $opinions, 'relationships' => $relationships],
'object_uuid' => $object['uuid'],
'object_type' => 'Attribute'
<td class="short context hidden">
<?php echo $this->element('/Events/View/seen_field', array('object' => $object)); ?>
<td class="short timestamp <?= $isNew ? 'bold red' : '' ?>" <?= $isNew ? 'title="' . __('Element or modification to an existing element has not been published yet.') . '"' : '' ?>><?= $this->Time->date($object['timestamp']) . ($isNew ? '*' : '') ?></td>
<td class="short context">
$notes = !empty($object['Note']) ? $object['Note'] : [];
$opinions = !empty($object['Opinion']) ? $object['Opinion'] : [];
$relationships = !empty($object['Relationship']) ? $object['Relationship'] : [];
echo $this->element('genericElements/shortUuidWithNotes', [
'uuid' => $object['uuid'],
'object_type' => 'Attribute',
'notes' => $notes,
'opinions' => $opinions,
'relationships' => $relationships,
if ($extended):
<td class="short">
<?php echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/events/view/' . h($object['event_id']) . '" class="white">' . h($object['event_id']) . '</a>'; ?>
<?php if ($includeOrgColumn): ?>
<td class="short">
if ($extended):
echo $this->OrgImg->getOrgImg(array('name' => $objectEvent['Orgc']['name'], 'id' => $objectEvent['Orgc']['id'], 'size' => 24));
<?php endif; ?>
<td colspan="<?= $includeRelatedTags ? 6 : 5 ?>">
<span class="bold"><?php echo __('Object name: ');?></span><?php echo h($object['name']);?>
<span class="fa fa-expand useCursorPointer" title="<?php echo __('Expand or Collapse');?>" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="<?php echo __('Expand or Collapse');?>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#Object_<?php echo $objectId ?>_collapsible"></span>
<div id="Object_<?= $objectId ?>_collapsible" class="collapse">
<span class="bold"><?php echo __('UUID');?>: </span><?php echo h($object['uuid']);?><br />
<span class="bold"><?php echo __('Meta-category: ');?></span><?php echo h($object['meta-category']);?><br />
<span class="bold"><?php echo __('Description: ');?></span><?php echo h($object['description']);?><br />
<span class="bold"><?php echo __('Template: ');?></span><?php echo h($object['name']) . ' v' . h($object['template_version']) . ' (' . h($object['template_uuid']) . ')'; ?>
echo $this->element('/Events/View/row_object_reference', array(
'deleted' => $deleted,
'object' => $object,
'mayModify' => $mayModify
if (!empty($object['referenced_by'])) {
echo $this->element('/Events/View/row_object_referenced_by', array(
'deleted' => $deleted,
'object' => $object
<td class="showspaces bitwider"<?= $quickEdit('comment') ?>>
<div class="inline-field-solid">
<?= nl2br(h($object['comment']), false); ?>
<td colspan="<?= $me['Role']['perm_view_feed_correlations'] ? 4 : 3 ?>"></td>
<td class="shortish"<?= $quickEdit('distribution') ?>>
<div class="inline-field-solid">
if ($object['distribution'] == 4):
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>/sharing_groups/view/<?php echo h($object['sharing_group_id']); ?>"><?php echo h($object['SharingGroup']['name']);?></a>
if ($object['distribution'] == 0) {
echo '<span class="red">' . h($shortDist[$object['distribution']]) . '</span>';
} else {
echo h($shortDist[$object['distribution']]);
<td colspan="2"></td>
$paddedFields = array('includeSightingdb', 'includeDecayScore');
foreach ($paddedFields as $paddedField) {
if (!empty(${$paddedField})) {
echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
<td class="short action-links">
if ($mayModify) {
if (Configure::read('Plugin.Enrichment_services_enable') && ($isSiteAdmin || $mayModify) && (isset($modules) && isset($modules['types'][$object['name']]))) {
echo sprintf(
'<span class="fa fa-asterisk white useCursorPointer" title="%1$s" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="%1$s" onclick="%2$s"></span> ',
__('Add enrichment'),
$baseurl, $objectId
if (empty($object['deleted'])) {
echo sprintf(
'<a href="%s/objects/edit/%s" title="%s" aria-label="%s" class="fa fa-edit white"></a> ',
echo sprintf(
'<span class="fa fa-trash white useCursorPointer" title="%1$s" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="%1$s" onclick="%2$s"></span>',
(empty($event['Event']['publish_timestamp']) ? __('Permanently delete object') : __('Soft delete object')),
'deleteObject(\'objects\', \'delete\', \'%s\');',
empty($event['Event']['publish_timestamp']) ? $objectId . '/true' : $objectId
} else {
echo sprintf(
'<span class="fa fa-trash white useCursorPointer" title="%1$s" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="%1$s" onclick="%2$s"></span>',
__('Permanently delete object'),
'deleteObject(\'objects\', \'delete\', \'%s\');',
$objectId . '/true'
if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) {
$lastElement = key($object['Attribute']);
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attrKey => $attribute) {
echo $this->element('/Events/View/row_' . $attribute['objectType'], array(
'object' => $attribute,
'mayModify' => $mayModify,
'mayChangeCorrelation' => $mayChangeCorrelation,
'fieldCount' => $fieldCount,
'child' => $attrKey === $lastElement ? 'last' : true,
if ($mayModify) {
echo '<tr class="objectAddFieldTr"><td><span class="fa fa-plus-circle objectAddField" title="' . __('Add an Object Attribute') . '" data-popover-popup="' . $baseurl . '/objects/quickFetchTemplateWithValidObjectAttributes/' . $objectId . '"></span></td></tr>';