
200 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

<div class="attributes form">
<?php echo $this->Form->create('Attribute');?>
<legend>Search Attribute</legend>
You can search for attributes based on contained expression within the value, event ID, submiting organisation, category and type. <br />For the value, event ID and organisation, you can enter several search terms by entering each term as a new line. To exclude things from a result, use the NOT operator (!) infront of the term.<br/><br />
echo $this->Form->input('keyword', array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Containing the following expressions', 'div' => 'clear', 'class' => 'input-xxlarge'));
echo $this->Form->input('keyword2', array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Being attributes of the following event IDs', 'div' => 'clear', 'class' => 'input-xxlarge'));
if ('true' == Configure::read('MISP.showorg') || $isAdmin)
echo $this->Form->input('org', array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'label' => 'From the following organisation(s)',
'div' => 'input clear',
'class' => 'input-xxlarge'));
echo $this->Form->input('type', array(
'div' => 'input clear',
echo $this->Form->input('category', array(
<div class="input clear"></div>
echo $this->Form->input('ioc', array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => 'Only find valid IOCs',
echo $this->Form->input('alternate', array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => 'Alternate Search Result (Events)',
echo $this->Form->button('Search', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
echo $this->Form->end();
<script type="text/javascript">
//Generate Category / Type filtering array
var category_type_mapping = new Array();
// all types for Categorie ALL
echo "category_type_mapping['ALL'] = {";
$first = true;
foreach ($typeDefinitions as $type => $def) {
if ($first) $first = false;
else echo ', ';
echo "'" . addslashes($type) . "' : '" . addslashes($type) . "'";
echo "}; \n";
//all types for empty Categorie
echo "category_type_mapping[''] = {";
$first = true;
foreach ($typeDefinitions as $type => $def) {
if ($first) $first = false;
else echo ', ';
echo "'" . addslashes($type) . "' : '" . addslashes($type) . "'";
echo "}; \n";
// Types per Categorie
foreach ($categoryDefinitions as $category => $def) {
echo "category_type_mapping['" . addslashes($category) . "'] = {";
$first = true;
foreach ($def['types'] as $type) {
if ($first) $first = false;
else echo ', ';
echo "'" . addslashes($type) . "' : '" . addslashes($type) . "'";
echo "}; \n";
//Generate Type / Category filtering array
var type_category_mapping = new Array();
// all categories for Type ALL
echo "type_category_mapping['ALL'] = {";
$first = true;
foreach ($categoryDefinitions as $type => $def) {
if ($first) $first = false;
else echo ', ';
echo "'" . addslashes($type) . "' : '" . addslashes($type) . "'";
echo "}; \n";
// Categories per Type
foreach ($typeDefinitions as $type => $def) {
echo "type_category_mapping['" . addslashes($type) . "'] = {";
$first = true;
foreach ($categoryDefinitions as $category => $def) {
if ( in_array ( $type , $def['types'])) {
if ($first) $first = false;
else echo ', ';
echo "'" . addslashes($category) . "' : '" . addslashes($category) . "'";
echo "}; \n";
function formCategoryChanged(id) {
var alreadySelected = $('#AttributeType').val();
// empty the types
document.getElementById("AttributeType").options.length = 1;
// add new items to options
var options = $('#AttributeType').prop('options');
$.each(category_type_mapping[$('#AttributeCategory').val()], function(val, text) {
options[options.length] = new Option(text, val);
if (val == alreadySelected) {
options[options.length-1].selected = true;
// enable the form element
$('#AttributeType').prop('disabled', false);
function formTypeChanged(id) {
var alreadySelected = $('#AttributeCategory').val();
// empty the categories
document.getElementById("AttributeCategory").options.length = 2;
// add new items to options
var options = $('#AttributeCategory').prop('options');
$.each(type_category_mapping[$('#AttributeType').val()], function(val, text) {
options[options.length] = new Option(text, val);
if (val == alreadySelected) {
options[options.length-1].selected = true;
// enable the form element
$('#AttributeCategory').prop('disabled', false);
var formInfoValues = new Array();
foreach ($typeDefinitions as $type => $def) {
$info = isset($def['formdesc']) ? $def['formdesc'] : $def['desc'];
echo "formInfoValues['$type'] = \"$info\";\n";
foreach ($categoryDefinitions as $category => $def) {
$info = isset($def['formdesc']) ? $def['formdesc'] : $def['desc'];
echo "formInfoValues['$category'] = \"$info\";\n";
$this->Js->get('#AttributeCategory')->event('change', 'formCategoryChanged("#AttributeCategory")');
$this->Js->get('#AttributeType')->event('change', 'formTypeChanged("#AttributeType")');
formInfoValues['ALL'] = '';
formInfoValues[''] = '';
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#AttributeType, #AttributeCategory").on('mouseleave', function(e) {
$("#AttributeType, #AttributeCategory").on('mouseover', function(e) {
var $e = $(e.target);
if ($e.is('option')) {
trigger: 'manual',
placement: 'right',
content: formInfoValues[$e.val()],
// workaround for browsers like IE and Chrome that do now have an onmouseover on the 'options' of a select.
// disadvangate is that user needs to click on the item to see the tooltip.
// no solutions exist, except to generate the select completely using html.
$("#AttributeType, #AttributeCategory").on('change', function(e) {
var $e = $(e.target);
trigger: 'manual',
placement: 'right',
content: formInfoValues[$e.val()],
echo $this->element('side_menu', array('menuList' => 'event-collection', 'menuItem' => 'searchAttributes'));
<?php echo $this->Js->writeBuffer(); // Write cached scripts ?>