Alexandre Dulaunoy 81543d05d4
Update README.md
2021-06-09 09:01:47 +02:00
README.md Update README.md 2021-06-09 09:01:47 +02:00


Data visibility for Sync-users and MISP synchronisation

Sync-users are used to serve as the point of connection between instances. Typically, events pushed to an instance are created via a sync-user account residing on the remote instance. Events pulled from an instance are fetched using the remote's sync user account and are then saved locally.

If a sync-user is bound to a synchronisation server, the event index might be filtered based on the PUSH rules defined in the synchronisation server settings. The binding can be set when editing a user by linking it to an existing synchronisation server.

Standard server connection without filtering rules


  • User Role = perm_sync
  • MISP.unpublishedprivate = false
    • True will deny access to unpublished events to users outside the organization of the submitter except site admins.


  • cond_org: Does the event belong to the requesting user's org
  • cond_unpublished_private: Should unpublished events be hidden for users outside the event's organisation
  • cond_distribution: Does the event's distribution level allows it to be view by the requesting user

Where cond_distribution is as follow:

Event.distribution ∈ [1, 2, 3]  (Event.distribution = 4 ∧ User ∈ Event.sharing_group_id)

Or expressed otherwise:

  • The distribution level of the event must either be This community only, Connected community or All communities.
  • Or, if the distribution level is set to sharing group, the user requesting the event must be part of said sharing group

Events are retrieved from the database if the following condition is met:

cond_org  (cond_distribution ∧ cond_unpublished_private)

Or expressed otherwise:

  • The event belongs to the user requesting the event
  • Or, the user is authorised to view the event considering its distribution level and its publication state

Server connection with PUSH filtering rules


  • User Role = perm_sync
  • MISP.unpublishedprivate = false // True will deny access to unpublished events to users outside the organization of the submitter except site admins.
  • Server has PUSH rule(s)
    • e.g.: Events with the tag exportable are allowed


  • cond_org: Does the event belong to the requesting user's org
  • cond_unpublished_private: Should unpublished events be hidden for users outside the event's organisation
  • cond_distribution: Does the event's distribution level allows it to be view by the requesting user
  • cond_push_rule: Any events to be pushed must satisfy this condition

Where cond_distribution is as follow:

Event.distribution ∈ [1, 2, 3]  (Event.distribution = 4 ∧ User ∈ Event.sharing_group_id)

Which is the same as in the previous example.

Events are retrieved from the database if the following condition is met:

( cond_org  (cond_distribution ∧ cond_unpublished_private) ) ∧ cond_push_rule

Which is almost the same as in the previous example. The only difference is that the previous conditions must be fulfilled and the push_rule described in the synchronisation link must be met.

Synchronisation logic

MISP Sync diagrams: PUSH MISP Sync diagrams: PULL