
431 lines
16 KiB

class CorrelationGraphTool
private $__lookupTables = array();
private $__related_events = array();
private $__related_attributes = array();
/** @var Event */
private $__eventModel;
private $__taxonomyModel = false;
private $__galaxyClusterModel = false;
private $__user = false;
private $__json = array();
public function construct(Event $eventModel, $taxonomyModel, $galaxyClusterModel, $user, $json)
$this->__eventModel = $eventModel;
$this->__taxonomyModel = $taxonomyModel;
$this->__galaxyClusterModel = $galaxyClusterModel;
$this->__user = $user;
$this->__json = $json;
$this->__lookupTables = array(
'analysisLevels' => $this->__eventModel->analysisLevels,
'distributionLevels' => $this->__eventModel->Attribute->distributionLevels
return true;
private function __expandEvent($id)
$event = $this->__eventModel->fetchEvent($this->__user, array(
'eventid' => $id,
'flatten' => 0,
'includeTagRelations' => 1,
'includeGalaxy' => 1,
'includeGranularCorrelations' => 1,
'noSightings' => true,
'sgReferenceOnly' => true,
if (empty($event)) {
return $this->__json;
$event[0]['Event']['Orgc'] = $event[0]['Orgc'];
$current_event_id = $this->__createNode('event', $event[0]['Event'], true);
if (!empty($event[0]['RelatedEvent'])) {
foreach ($event[0]['RelatedEvent'] as $re) {
$this->__related_events[$re['Event']['id']] = $re['Event'];
if (!empty($event[0]['RelatedAttribute'])) {
$this->__related_attributes = $event[0]['RelatedAttribute'];
if (!empty($event[0]['EventTag'])) {
$tags = array();
foreach ($event[0]['EventTag'] as $et) {
$tags[] = $et['Tag'];
$this->__handleTags($tags, $current_event_id);
if (!empty($event[0]['Galaxy'])) {
$this->__handleGalaxies($event[0]['Galaxy'], $current_event_id);
if (!empty($event[0]['Object'])) {
$this->__handleObjects($event[0]['Object'], $current_event_id);
if (!empty($event[0]['Attribute'])) {
$this->__handleAttributes($event[0]['Attribute'], $current_event_id);
public function buildGraphJson($id, $type = 'event', $action = 'create')
if ($action == 'delete') {
return $this->__json;
switch ($type) {
case 'event':
case 'galaxy':
case 'tag':
return $this->__json;
private function __deleteObject($id)
return $this->__json;
private function __handleObjects($objects, $anchor_id, $full = false)
foreach ($objects as $k => $object) {
$include = $full;
if (!$include && isset($object['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
if (isset($this->__related_attributes[$attribute['id']])) {
$include = true;
if ($include) {
$current_object_id = $this->__createNode('object', $object);
$this->__addLink($anchor_id, $current_object_id);
$this->__handleAttributes($object['Attribute'], $current_object_id, true, 50);
private function __handleAttributes($attributes, $anchor_id, $full = false, $linkDistance = 150)
foreach ($attributes as $k => $attribute) {
if ($full || isset($this->__related_attributes[$attribute['id']])) {
$current_attribute_id = $this->__createNode('attribute', $attribute);
$this->__addLink($anchor_id, $current_attribute_id, $linkDistance);
if (isset($this->__related_attributes[$attribute['id']])) {
foreach ($this->__related_attributes[$attribute['id']] as $relation) {
$found = $this->graphJsonContains('event', $relation);
if ($found !== false) {
$this->__addLink($found, $current_attribute_id);
} else {
$current_relation_id = $this->__createNode('event', $this->__related_events[$relation['id']]);
$this->__addLink($current_attribute_id, $current_relation_id);
private function __addTag($id)
$tag = $this->__eventModel->EventTag->Tag->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('Tag.id' => $id),
'recursive' => -1
return $this->__createNode('tag', $tag['Tag']);
private function __handleTags($tags, $anchor_id)
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (strpos($tag['name'], 'misp-galaxy:') === 0) {
$taxonomy = $this->__taxonomyModel->getTaxonomyForTag($tag['name']);
if (!empty($taxonomy)) {
$tag['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['namespace'];
$tag['taxonomy_description'] = $taxonomy['Taxonomy']['description'];
if (isset($taxonomy['TaxonomyEntry'])) {
$tag['description'] = empty($taxonomy['TaxonomyEntry']['expanded']) ? '' : $taxonomy['TaxonomyEntry']['expanded'];
} else {
$tag['description'] = empty($taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate']['expanded']) ? '' : $taxonomy['TaxonomyPredicate']['expanded'];
$current_tag_id = $this->__createNode('tag', $tag);
$this->__addLink($anchor_id, $current_tag_id, 100);
private function __expandTag($id)
$current_tag_id = $this->graphJsonContains('tag', array('id' => $id));
if (empty($current_tag_id)) {
$current_tag_id = $this->__addTag($id);
$events = $this->__eventModel->EventTag->Tag->fetchSimpleEventsForTag($id, $this->__user);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$current_event_id = $this->__createNode('event', $event);
$this->__addLink($current_tag_id, $current_event_id, 100);
$this->_json['nodes'][$current_tag_id]['expanded'] = 1;
private function __handleGalaxies($galaxies, $anchor_id)
foreach ($galaxies as $galaxy) {
$current_galaxy_id = $this->__createNode('galaxy', $galaxy);
$this->__addLink($anchor_id, $current_galaxy_id);
private function __expandGalaxy($id)
if (!empty($this->__json['nodes'])) {
foreach ($this->__json['nodes'] as $k => $node) {
if ($node['type'] == 'galaxy' && $node['id'] == $id) {
$current_galaxy_id = $k;
$tag_name = $node['tag_name'];
if (empty($current_galaxy_id)) {
$current_galaxy_id = $this->__addGalaxy($id);
$events = $this->__eventModel->EventTag->Tag->fetchSimpleEventsForTag($this->__json['nodes'][$current_galaxy_id]['tag_name'], $this->__user, true);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$current_event_id = $this->__createNode('event', $event);
$this->__addLink($current_event_id, $current_galaxy_id);
$this->_json['nodes'][$current_galaxy_id]['expanded'] = 1;
private function __addGalaxy($id)
$temp = $this->__galaxyClusterModel->getCluster($id, $this->__user);
if (!empty($temp)) {
// move stuff around to resemble the galaxies attached to events
$galaxy = $temp['GalaxyCluster']['Galaxy'];
$galaxy['GalaxyCluster'][0] = $temp['GalaxyCluster'];
return $this->__createNode('galaxy', $galaxy);
private function __addLink($from_id, $to_id, $linkDistance = 150)
$link = $this->graphJsonContainsLink($from_id, $to_id);
if ($link === false) {
$this->__json['links'][] = array('source' => $from_id, 'target' => $to_id, 'linkDistance' => $linkDistance);
private function __addLinkByUuid($from_uuid, $to_uuid)
$from_id = false;
$to_id = false;
if ($from_uuid == $to_uuid) {
return false;
foreach ($this->__json['nodes'] as $k => $node) {
if ($node['uuid'] === $from_uuid) {
$from_id = $k;
if ($node['uuid'] === $to_uuid) {
$to_id = $k;
if (!empty($from_id) && !empty($to_id)) {
return $this->__addLink($from_id, $to_id);
return false;
private function __createNode($type, $data, $expand = false)
$current_id = $this->graphJsonContains($type, $data);
if ($current_id === false) {
$node = false;
switch ($type) {
case 'galaxy':
$node = array(
'unique_id' => 'galaxy-' . $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['id'],
'name' => $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['value'],
'galaxy' => $data['name'],
'type' => 'galaxy',
'expanded' => $expand,
'id' => $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['id'],
'source' => $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['source'],
'tag_name' => $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['tag_name'],
'description' => $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['description'],
'imgClass' => empty($data['icon']) ? 'globe' : $data['icon'],
'authors' => !empty($data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['authors']) ? implode(',', $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['authors']) : '',
'synonyms' => !empty($data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['meta']['synonyms']) ? implode(',', $data['GalaxyCluster'][0]['meta']['synonyms']) : ''
case 'event':
if ($this->orgImgExists($data['Orgc']['name'])) {
$image = Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/img/orgs/' . h($data['Orgc']['name']) . '.png';
} else {
$image = Configure::read('MISP.baseurl') . '/img/orgs/MISP.png';
$node = array(
'unique_id' => 'event-' . $data['id'],
'name' => '(' . $data['id'] . ') ' . (strlen($data['info']) > 32 ? substr($data['info'], 0, 31) . '...' : $data['info']),
'type' => 'event',
'id' => $data['id'],
'expanded' => $expand,
'uuid' => $data['uuid'],
'image' => $image,
'info' => $data['info'],
'org' => $data['Orgc']['name'],
'analysis' => $this->__lookupTables['analysisLevels'][$data['analysis']],
'distribution' => $this->__lookupTables['distributionLevels'][$data['distribution']],
'date' => $data['date']
case 'tag':
$node = array(
'unique_id' => 'tag-' . $data['id'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'type' => 'tag',
'expanded' => $expand,
'id' => $data['id'],
'colour' => $data['colour'],
'imgClass' => empty($data['taxonomy']) ? 'tag' : 'tags',
if (!empty($data['taxonomy'])) {
$node['taxonomy'] = $data['taxonomy'];
if (!empty($data['taxonomy'])) {
$node['description'] = $data['description'];
if (!empty($data['taxonomy'])) {
$node['taxonomy_description'] = $data['taxonomy_description'];
case 'attribute':
$node = array(
'unique_id' => 'attribute-' . $data['id'],
'name' => $data['value'],
'type' => 'attribute',
'id' => $data['id'],
'uuid' => $data['uuid'],
'att_category' => $data['category'],
'att_type' => $data['type'],
'image' => '/img/indicator.png',
'att_ids' => $data['to_ids'],
'comment' => $data['comment']
case 'object':
$node = array(
'unique_id' => 'object-' . $data['id'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'type' => 'object',
'id' => $data['id'],
'uuid' => $data['uuid'],
'metacategory' => $data['meta-category'],
'description' => $data['description'],
'comment' => $data['comment'],
'imgClass' => 'th-list',
$this->__json['nodes'][] = $node;
$current_id = count($this->__json['nodes'])-1;
} else {
if ($expand) {
$this->__json['nodes'][$current_id]['expanded'] = 1;
return $current_id;
public function cleanLinks()
if (isset($this->__json['nodes']) && isset($this->__json['links'])) {
$links = array();
foreach ($this->__json['links'] as $link) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($this->__json['nodes'] as $k => $node) {
if ($link['source'] == $node) {
$temp['source'] = $k;
if ($link['target'] == $node) {
$temp['target'] = $k;
$temp['linkDistance'] = $link['linkDistance'];
$links[] = $temp;
$this->__json['links'] = $links;
} else {
if (!isset($this->__json['links'])) {
$this->__json['links'] = array();
if (!isset($this->__json['nodes'])) {
$this->__json['nodes'] = array();
return true;
public function orgImgExists($org)
if (file_exists(APP . 'webroot' . DS . 'img' . DS . 'orgs' . DS . $org . '.png')) {
return true;
return false;
public function graphJsonContains($type, $element)
if (!isset($this->__json['nodes'])) {
return false;
foreach ($this->__json['nodes'] as $k => $node) {
if ($type == 'event' && $node['type'] == 'event' && $node['id'] == $element['id']) {
return $k;
if ($type == 'attribute' && $node['type'] == 'attribute' && $node['name'] == $element['value']) {
return $k;
if ($type == 'tag' && $node['type'] == 'tag' && $node['id'] == $element['id']) {
return $k;
if ($type == 'galaxy' && $node['type'] == 'galaxy' && $node['id'] == $element['GalaxyCluster'][0]['id']) {
return $k;
if ($type == 'object' && $node['type'] == 'object' && $node['id'] == $element['id']) {
return $k;
return false;
public function graphJsonContainsLink($id1, $id2)
if (!isset($this->__json['links'])) {
return false;
foreach ($this->__json['links'] as $k => $link) {
if (($link['source'] == $id1 && $link['target'] == $id2) || ($link['source'] == $id2 && $link['target'] == $id1)) {
return $k;
return false;