
976 lines
33 KiB

App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
class SendEmailException extends Exception {}
class CakeEmailBody
/** @var string|null */
public $html;
/** @var string|null */
public $text;
public function __construct($text = null, $html = null)
$this->html = $html;
$this->text = $text;
* @return string
public function format()
if (!empty($this->html) && !empty($this->text)) {
return 'both';
if (!empty($this->html)) {
return 'html';
return 'text';
* Class CakeEmailExtended
* Extends `CakeEmail` to implement RFC 4880 and 3156.
* @see https://dkg.fifthhorseman.net/notes/inline-pgp-harmful/
* @see https://www.dalesandro.net/create-self-signed-smime-certificates/
class CakeEmailExtended extends CakeEmail
* @var MimeMultipart|MessagePart|CakeEmailBody
private $body;
* @param array $include
* @return array
public function getHeaders($include = array())
$headers = parent::getHeaders($include);
if ($this->body instanceof MimeMultipart) {
$headers['Content-Type'] = $this->body->getContentType();
} else if ($this->body instanceof MessagePart) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, $this->body->getHeaders());
} else if ($this->_emailFormat !== 'both') { // generate correct content-type header for 'text' or 'html' format
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $this->boundary() . '"';
return $headers;
* @return string|null
public function boundary()
if ($this->body instanceof MimeMultipart) {
return $this->body->boundary();
return $this->_boundary;
* @param string|null|MimeMultipart|MessagePart $message
* @return string|null|MimeMultipart|MessagePart|CakeEmailExtended
public function body($message = null)
if ($message === null) {
return $this->body;
$this->body = $message;
return $this;
* @return array
public function render()
if ($this->body instanceof MimeMultipart) {
return $this->body->render();
} else if ($this->body instanceof MessagePart) {
return $this->body->render(false);
} else if ($this->body instanceof CakeEmailBody) {
return $this->_render([]); // @see _renderTemplates
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Expected that body is instance of MimeMultipart, MessagePart or CakeEmailBody, " . gettype($this->body) . " given.");
protected function _renderTemplates($content)
if (!$this->body instanceof CakeEmailBody) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Expected instance of CakeEmailBody, " . gettype($this->body) . " given.");
$this->_boundary = md5(uniqid());
$rendered = [];
if (!empty($this->body->text)) {
$rendered['text'] = $this->body->text;
if (!empty($this->body->html)) {
$rendered['html'] = $this->body->html;
foreach ($rendered as $type => $content) {
$content = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $content);
$content = $this->_encodeString($content, $this->charset);
$content = $this->_wrap($content);
$content = implode("\n", $content);
$rendered[$type] = rtrim($content, "\n");
// This is hack how to force CakeEmail to always generate multipart message.
$rendered[''] = '';
return $rendered;
protected function _render($content)
if ($this->body instanceof MimeMultipart) {
return $this->body->render();
} else if ($this->body instanceof MessagePart) {
return $this->body->render(false);
return parent::_render($content);
public function send($content = null)
if ($content !== null) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Content must be null for CakeEmailExtended.");
return parent::send();
public function __toString()
return implode("\n", $this->render());
class MimeMultipart
* @var MessagePart[]
private $parts = array();
* @var string
private $subtype;
* @var string
private $boundary;
* @var array
private $additionalTypes;
* @param string $subtype
* @param array $additionalTypes
public function __construct($subtype = 'mixed', $additionalTypes = array())
$this->subtype = $subtype;
$this->boundary = md5(uniqid());
$this->additionalTypes = $additionalTypes;
* @return string
public function getContentType()
$contentType = array_merge(array('multipart/' . $this->subtype), $this->additionalTypes);
$contentType[] = 'boundary="' . $this->boundary . '"';
return implode('; ', $contentType);
public function boundary()
return $this->boundary;
public function addPart(MessagePart $part)
$this->parts[] = $part;
* @return array
public function render()
$msg = array('--' . $this->boundary);
foreach ($this->parts as $part) {
$msg = array_merge($msg, $part->render());
$msg[] = '--' . $this->boundary;
$msg[count($msg) - 1] .= '--'; // last boundary
return $msg;
public function __toString()
return implode("\n", $this->render());
class MessagePart
* @var array
private $headers = array();
* @var array
private $payload;
* @param string $name
* @param string|array $value
public function addHeader($name, $value)
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = implode('; ', $value);
$this->headers[$name] = $value;
* @return array
public function getHeaders()
return $this->headers;
* @param array|string $payload
public function setPayload($payload)
if (is_string($payload)) {
$payload = explode("\n", $payload);
$this->payload = $payload;
* @param bool $withHeaders
* @return array
public function render($withHeaders = true)
$msg = array();
if ($withHeaders) {
foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
$msg[] = "$name: $value";
$msg[] = '';
return array_merge($msg, $this->payload);
public function __toString()
return implode("\n", $this->render());
class SendEmail
/** @var CryptGpgExtended */
private $gpg;
/** @var string|null */
private $transport;
* @param CryptGpgExtended|null $gpg
public function __construct(CryptGpgExtended $gpg = null)
if ($gpg) {
$this->gpg = $gpg;
* @param string $transport
public function setTransport($transport)
$this->transport = $transport;
* @param array $params
* @return array|bool
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
* @throws SendEmailException
public function sendExternal(array $params)
foreach (array('body', 'reply-to', 'to', 'subject') as $requiredParam) {
if (!isset($params[$requiredParam])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Param '$requiredParam' is required, but not provided.");
$body = str_replace('\n', PHP_EOL, $params['body']); // TODO: Why this?
$body = new CakeEmailBody($body);
$attachments = array();
if (!empty($params['requestor_gpgkey'])) {
$attachments['gpgkey.asc'] = array(
'data' => $params['requestor_gpgkey']
if (!empty($params['attachments'])) {
foreach ($params['attachments'] as $key => $value) {
$attachments[$key] = array('data' => $value);
$email = new CakeEmailExtended();
if ($this->transport) {
$mock = false;
if (!empty(Configure::read('MISP.disable_emailing')) || !empty($params['mock'])) {
$mock = true;
if (!empty($params['gpgkey'])) {
if (!$this->gpg) {
throw new SendEmailException("GPG encryption is enabled, but GPG is not configured.");
try {
$fingerprint = $this->importAndValidateGpgPublicKey($params['gpgkey']);
} catch (Crypt_GPG_NoDataException $e) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be encrypted because the provided key is invalid.", 0, $e);
if (!$fingerprint) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be encrypted because the provided key is either expired or cannot be used for encryption.");
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be encrypted.", 0, $e);
try {
$result = $email->send();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be sent.", 0, $e);
if ($result && !$mock) {
return true;
return $result;
* @param array $user
* @param string $subject
* @param SendEmailTemplate|string $body
* @param string|false $bodyWithoutEncryption
* @param array $replyToUser
* @return array
* @throws Crypt_GPG_BadPassphraseException
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
* @throws SendEmailException
public function sendToUser(array $user, $subject, $body, $bodyWithoutEncryption = false, array $replyToUser = array())
if ($body instanceof SendEmailTemplate && $bodyWithoutEncryption !== false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("When body is instance of SendEmailTemplate, \$bodyWithoutEncryption must be false.");
if (Configure::read('MISP.disable_emailing')) {
throw new SendEmailException('Emailing is currently disabled on this instance.');
if (!isset($user['User'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid user model provided.");
// Check if the e-mail can be encrypted
$canEncryptGpg = isset($user['User']['gpgkey']) && !empty($user['User']['gpgkey']);
$canEncryptSmime = isset($user['User']['certif_public']) && !empty($user['User']['certif_public']) && Configure::read('SMIME.enabled');
if (Configure::read('GnuPG.onlyencrypted') && !$canEncryptGpg && !$canEncryptSmime) {
throw new SendEmailException('Encrypted messages are enforced and the message could not be encrypted for this user as no valid encryption key was found.');
// If 'GnuPG.bodyonlyencrypted' is enabled and the user has no encryption key, use the alternate body
$hideDetails = Configure::read('GnuPG.bodyonlyencrypted') && !$canEncryptSmime && !$canEncryptGpg;
if ($body instanceof SendEmailTemplate) {
$body->set('canEncryptSmime', $canEncryptSmime);
$body->set('canEncryptGpg', $canEncryptGpg);
$bodyContent = $body->render($hideDetails);
$subject = $body->subject() ?: $subject; // Get generated subject from template
} else {
if ($hideDetails && $bodyWithoutEncryption) {
$body = $bodyWithoutEncryption;
$bodyContent = new CakeEmailBody($body);
$email = $this->create($user, $subject, $bodyContent, [], $replyToUser);
if ($this->transport) {
// Generate `In-Reply-To` and `References` headers to group emails
if ($body instanceof SendEmailTemplate && $body->referenceId()) {
$reference = sha1($body->referenceId() . '|' . Configure::read('MISP.uuid'));
$reference = "<$reference@{$email->domain()}>";
'In-Reply-To' => $reference,
'References' => $reference,
$signed = false;
if (Configure::read('GnuPG.sign')) {
if (!$this->gpg) {
throw new SendEmailException("GPG signing is enabled, but GPG is not initialized. Check debug log why GPG could not be initialized.");
try {
$gnupgEmail = Configure::read('GnuPG.email');
if (empty($gnupgEmail)) {
throw new Exception("GPG email signing is enabled but variable 'GnuPG.email' is not set.");
$this->gpg->addSignKey($gnupgEmail, Configure::read('GnuPG.password'));
$this->signByGpg($email, $replyToUser);
$email->addHeaders(array('Autocrypt' => $this->generateAutocrypt($gnupgEmail)));
$signed = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be signed by GPG.", 0, $e);
$encrypted = false;
if ($canEncryptGpg) {
if (!$this->gpg) {
throw new SendEmailException("GPG signing is enabled, but GPG is not initialized. Check debug log why GPG could not be initialized.");
try {
$fingerprint = $this->importAndValidateGpgPublicKey($user['User']['gpgkey']);
} catch (Crypt_GPG_NoDataException $e) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be encrypted because the provided GPG key is invalid.", 0, $e);
if (!$fingerprint) {
throw new SendEmailException("The message could not be encrypted because the provided GPG key is either expired or cannot be used for encryption.");
try {
if ($signed && Configure::read('GnuPG.obscure_subject')) {
// If message is signed, we can remove subject from unencrypted part of email and replace with '...',
// because subject is also part of signed data. Three dots are used according to
// 'draft-autocrypt-lamps-protected-headers-01' standard. This behaviour must be enabled by
// 'GnuPG.obscure_subject' setting.
$encrypted = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SendEmailException('The message could not be encrypted by GPG.', 0, $e);
if (!$canEncryptGpg && $canEncryptSmime) {
if (!empty(Configure::read('SMIME.cert_public_sign')) && !empty(Configure::read('SMIME.key_sign'))) {
$this->encryptBySmime($email, $user['User']['certif_public']);
$encrypted = true;
try {
return [
'contents' => $email->send(),
'encrypted' => $encrypted,
'subject' => $subject,
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SendEmailException('The message could not be sent.', 0, $e);
* Test if S/MIME certificate is valid for email encrypting.
* @param string $certificate
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function testSmimeCertificate($certificate)
try {
// Try to encrypt empty message
$this->encryptTextBySmime($certificate, '');
} catch (SendEmailException $e) {
throw new Exception('This S/MIME certificate cannot be used to encrypt email.', 0, $e);
$parsed = openssl_x509_parse($certificate);
if (!$parsed) {
throw new Exception('Could not parse S/MIME certificate');
if ($parsed['purposes'][X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_ENCRYPT][0] !== true) {
throw new Exception('This S/MIME certificate cannot be used to encrypt email.');
$now = new DateTime();
$validToTime = new DateTime("@{$parsed['validTo_time_t']}");
if ($validToTime <= $now) {
throw new Exception('This S/MIME certificate expired at ' . $validToTime->format('c'));
return true;
* @param array $user User model
* @param string $subject
* @param CakeEmailBody $body
* @param array $attachments
* @param array $replyToUser User model
* @return CakeEmailExtended
private function create(array $user, $subject, CakeEmailBody $body, array $attachments = array(), array $replyToUser = array())
$email = new CakeEmailExtended();
$fromEmail = Configure::read('MISP.email');
// Set correct domain when sending email from CLI
$fromEmailParts = explode('@', $fromEmail, 2);
if (isset($fromEmailParts[1])) {
// We must generate message ID by own, because CakeEmail returns different message ID for every call of
// getHeaders() method.
// The same problem is with 'Date' header, that we need to protect by GPG signature.
$email->addHeaders(array('Date' => date(DATE_RFC2822)));
// If the e-mail is sent on behalf of a user, then we want the target user to be able to respond to the sender.
// For this reason we should also attach the public key of the sender along with the message (if applicable).
if ($replyToUser) {
if (!isset($replyToUser['User']['email'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid replyToUser model provided.");
if (!empty($replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'])) {
$attachments['gpgkey.asc'] = $replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'];
} elseif (!empty($replyToUser['User']['certif_public'])) {
$attachments[$replyToUser['User']['email'] . '.pem'] = $replyToUser['User']['certif_public'];
} else if (Configure::read('MISP.email_reply_to')) {
$email->from($fromEmail, Configure::read('MISP.email_from_name'));
$email->returnPath($fromEmail); // TODO?
foreach ($attachments as $key => $value) {
$attachments[$key] = array('data' => $value);
return $email;
* @param CakeEmailExtended $email
* @param array $replyToUser
* @throws Crypt_GPG_BadPassphraseException
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
* @throws Crypt_GPG_KeyNotFoundException
private function signByGpg(CakeEmailExtended $email, array $replyToUser = array())
$renderedEmail = $email->render();
$messagePart = new MessagePart();
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Type', array(
$email->emailFormat() === 'both' ? 'multipart/alternative' : 'multipart/mixed',
'boundary="' . $email->boundary() . '"',
// Protect User-Facing Headers and Structural Headers according to
// https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-autocrypt-lamps-protected-headers-02.html
$originalHeaders = $email->getHeaders(array('subject', 'from', 'to'));
$protectedHeaders = ['From', 'To', 'Date', 'Message-ID', 'Subject', 'Reply-To', 'In-Reply-To', 'References'];
foreach ($protectedHeaders as $header) {
if (isset($originalHeaders[$header])) {
$messagePart->addHeader($header, $originalHeaders[$header]);
// If the e-mail is sent on behalf of a user and that user has assigned GPG key, we will send his public key
// in signed autocrypt header.
if ($replyToUser) {
if (!empty($replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'])) {
$autocrypt = $this->generateAutocrypt($replyToUser['User']['email'], $replyToUser['User']['gpgkey'], false);
$messagePart->addHeader('Autocrypt-Gossip', $autocrypt);
} else if (Configure::read('MISP.email_reply_to')) {
$autocrypt = $this->generateAutocrypt(Configure::read('MISP.email_reply_to'), null, false);
if ($autocrypt) {
$messagePart->addHeader('Autocrypt-Gossip', $autocrypt);
// GPG message to sign must be delimited by <CR><LF>
$messageToSign = implode("\r\n", $messagePart->render());
$signature = $this->gpg->sign($messageToSign, Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_DETACHED);
$signatureInfo = $this->gpg->getLastSignatureInfo();
$signaturePart = new MessagePart();
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Type', array('application/pgp-signature', 'name="signature.asc"'));
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Description', 'OpenPGP digital signature');
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Disposition', array('attachment', 'filename="signature.asc"'));
$output = new MimeMultipart('signed', array(
* @param CakeEmailExtended $email
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
* @throws Crypt_GPG_KeyNotFoundException
private function encryptByGpg(CakeEmailExtended $email)
$versionPart = new MessagePart();
$versionPart->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pgp-encrypted');
$versionPart->addHeader('Content-Description', 'PGP/MIME version identification');
$versionPart->setPayload("Version 1\n");
$rendered = $email->render();
$messagePart = new MessagePart();
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Type', $email->getHeaders()['Content-Type']);
$rendered = $messagePart->render();
$messageToEncrypt = implode("\r\n", $rendered);
$encrypted = $this->gpg->encrypt($messageToEncrypt, true);
$encryptedPart = new MessagePart();
$encryptedPart->addHeader('Content-Type', array('application/octet-stream', 'name="encrypted.asc"'));
$encryptedPart->addHeader('Content-Description', 'OpenPGP encrypted message');
$encryptedPart->addHeader('Content-Disposition', array('inline', 'filename="encrypted.asc"'));
$output = new MimeMultipart('encrypted', array('protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"'));
* @param CakeEmailExtended $email
* @throws SendEmailException
private function signBySmime(CakeEmailExtended $email)
$renderedEmail = $email->render();
$messagePart = new MessagePart();
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Type', array(
$email->emailFormat() === 'both' ? 'multipart/alternative' : 'multipart/mixed',
'boundary="' . $email->boundary() . '"',
$signaturePart = new MessagePart();
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Type', array('application/pkcs7-signature', 'name="smime.p7s"'));
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64');
$signaturePart->addHeader('Content-Disposition', array('attachment', 'filename="smime.p7s"'));
$signaturePart->setPayload($this->signTextBySmime(implode("\r\n", $messagePart->render())));
$output = new MimeMultipart('signed', array('protocol="application/x-pkcs7-signature"', 'micalg="sha-256"'));
* @param CakeEmailExtended $email
* @param string $publicKey
* @throws SendEmailException
private function encryptBySmime(CakeEmailExtended $email, $publicKey)
$rendered = $email->render();
$messagePart = new MessagePart();
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Type', $email->getHeaders()['Content-Type']);
$rendered = $messagePart->render();
$encrypted = $this->encryptTextBySmime($publicKey, implode("\r\n", $rendered));
$messagePart = new MessagePart();
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64');
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pkcs7-mime; name="smime.p7m"; smime-type="enveloped-data"');
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="smime.p7m"');
$messagePart->addHeader('Content-Description', 'S/MIME Encrypted Message');
* @param string $body
* @return false|string
* @throws SendEmailException
private function signTextBySmime($body)
$certPublicSignPath = Configure::read('SMIME.cert_public_sign');
$keySignPath = Configure::read('SMIME.key_sign');
if (empty($certPublicSignPath)) {
throw new SendEmailException("Configuration value 'SMIME.cert_public_sign' is not defined.");
if (empty($keySignPath)) {
throw new SendEmailException("Configuration value 'SMIME.key_sign' is not defined.");
if (!is_readable($certPublicSignPath)) {
throw new SendEmailException("Certification file '$certPublicSignPath' is not readable.");
if (!is_readable($keySignPath)) {
throw new SendEmailException("Sign key file '$keySignPath' is not readable.");
$certPublicSign = openssl_x509_read(file_get_contents($certPublicSignPath));
if (!$certPublicSign) {
throw new SendEmailException("Certification file '$certPublicSignPath' is not valid X.509 file: " . openssl_error_string());
$keySign = openssl_pkey_get_private(file_get_contents($keySignPath), Configure::read('SMIME.password'));
if (!$keySign) {
throw new SendEmailException("Sign key file '$keySignPath' is not valid private key file: " . openssl_error_string());
list($inputFile, $outputFile) = $this->createInputOutputFiles($body);
$result = openssl_pkcs7_sign($inputFile->pwd(), $outputFile->pwd(), $certPublicSign, $keySign, array(), PKCS7_DETACHED);
if ($result) {
$data = $outputFile->read();
$parts = explode("\n\n", $data);
return $parts[4] . "\n";
} else {
throw new SendEmailException('Failed while attempting to sign the S/MIME message: ' . openssl_error_string());
* @param string $publicKey
* @param string $body
* @return string
* @throws SendEmailException
private function encryptTextBySmime($publicKey, $body)
$publicKey = openssl_x509_read($publicKey);
if (!$publicKey) {
throw new SendEmailException('Certification file is not valid X.509 file: ' . openssl_error_string());
list($inputFile, $outputFile) = $this->createInputOutputFiles($body);
$result = openssl_pkcs7_encrypt($inputFile->pwd(), $outputFile->pwd(), $publicKey, array(), 0, OPENSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC);
if ($result) {
$encryptedBody = $outputFile->read();
$parts = explode("\n\n", $encryptedBody);
return $parts[1];
} else {
throw new SendEmailException('Could not encrypt the S/MIME message: ' . openssl_error_string());
* @param string $content
* @return File[]
* @throws SendEmailException
* @throws MethodNotAllowedException
private function createInputOutputFiles($content)
$dir = APP . 'tmp' . DS . 'SMIME';
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!mkdir($dir, 0750, true)) {
throw new SendEmailException("The SMIME temp directory '$dir' is not writeable.");
App::uses('FileAccessTool', 'Tools');
$fileAccessTool = new FileAccessTool();
$inputFile = $fileAccessTool->createTempFile($dir, 'SMIME');
$fileAccessTool->writeToFile($inputFile, $content);
$outputFile = $fileAccessTool->createTempFile($dir, 'SMIME');
return array(new File($inputFile), new File($outputFile));
* Check if public key is not expired and can encrypt.
* @param string $gpgKey
* @return string|bool Fingerprint if key is valid, false otherwise.
* @throws Crypt_GPG_BadPassphraseException
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
* @throws Crypt_GPG_NoDataException
private function importAndValidateGpgPublicKey($gpgKey)
$keyImportOutput = $this->gpg->importKey($gpgKey);
$key = $this->gpg->getKeys($keyImportOutput['fingerprint']);
$subKeys = $key[0]->getSubKeys();
$currentTimestamp = time();
foreach ($subKeys as $subKey) {
$expiration = $subKey->getExpirationDate();
if (($expiration == 0 || $currentTimestamp < $expiration) && $subKey->canEncrypt()) {
// key is valid, return fingerprint
return $keyImportOutput['fingerprint'];
return false;
* This method generates Message-ID (RFC 2392).
* @param CakeEmail $email
* @return string
private function generateMessageId(CakeEmail $email)
$uuid = str_replace('-', '', CakeText::uuid());
return "<$uuid@{$email->domain()}>";
* Generates Autocrypt header.
* If $gpgKey is not provided, GPG will try to find correct key by given e-mail address. If no key found, `null` is
* returned.
* @see https://autocrypt.org/level1.html
* @param string $address
* @param string|null $gpgKey
* @param bool $preferEncrypt
* @return string|null
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception
private function generateAutocrypt($address, $gpgKey = null, $preferEncrypt = true)
if ($gpgKey) {
$keyImportOutput = $this->gpg->importKey($gpgKey);
$keyData = $this->gpg->exportPublicKeyMinimal($keyImportOutput['fingerprint'], false);
} else {
try {
$keyData = $this->gpg->exportPublicKeyMinimal($address, false);
} catch (Crypt_GPG_KeyNotFoundException $e) {
return null;
$parts = array("addr=$address");
if ($preferEncrypt) {
$parts[] = 'prefer-encrypt=mutual';
$parts[] = 'keydata=' . base64_encode($keyData);
return implode('; ', $parts);