
490 lines
13 KiB

App::uses('Worker', 'Tools/BackgroundJobs');
App::uses('BackgroundJob', 'Tools/BackgroundJobs');
* BackgroundJobs Tool
* Utility class to queue jobs, run them and monitor workers.
* The background jobs rely in two main scripts running:
* * StartWorkerShell.php
* * MonitorWorkersShell.php
* To run them manually (debug only):
* $ ./Console/cake start_worker [queue]
* $ ./Console/cake monitor_workers
* It is recommended to run these commands with [supervisord](http://supervisord.org).
* `supervisord` has an extensive feature set to manage scripts as services,
* such as autorestart, parallel execution, logging, monitoring and much more.
* All can be managed via terminal or a XML-RPC API.
* Use the following configuration as a template for the services:
* Monitor workers service:
* [program:misp-workers-monitor]
* command=/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake monitor_workers
* numprocs=1
* autostart=true
* autorestart=true
* redirect_stderr=false
* stderr_logfile=/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-monitor-errors.log
* stdout_logfile=/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-monitor.log
* user=www-data
* Workers (one per each queue type is required):
* [program:misp-worker-default]
* command=/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake start_worker default
* process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d
* numprocs=5 ; adjust the amount of parallel workers to your MISP usage
* autostart=true
* autorestart=true
* redirect_stderr=false
* stderr_logfile=/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
* stdout_logfile=/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
* user=www-data
class BackgroundJobsTool
/** @var Redis */
private $RedisConnection;
public const
DEFAULT_QUEUE = 'default',
EMAIL_QUEUE = 'email',
CACHE_QUEUE = 'cache',
PRIO_QUEUE = 'prio',
UPDATE_QUEUE = 'update';
public const VALID_QUEUES = [
public const CMD_EVENT = 'event';
public const ALLOWED_COMMANDS = [
public const CMD_TO_SHELL_DICT = [
self::CMD_EVENT => 'EventShell'
public const JOB_STATUS_PREFIX = 'job_status';
public const WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX = 'worker_status';
/** @var array */
private $settings;
* Initialize
* Settings should have the following format:
* [
* 'enabled' => true,
* 'use_resque' => true,
* 'redis_host' => 'localhost',
* 'redis_port' => 6379,
* 'redis_password' => '',
* 'redis_database' => 1,
* 'redis_namespace' => 'background_jobs',
* 'max_job_history_ttl' => 86400
* 'track_status' => 86400
* ]
* @param array $settings
* @return void
public function initTool(array $settings): void
$this->settings = $settings;
if (!$this->RedisConnection) {
$this->RedisConnection = $this->createRedisConnection();
* Enqueue a Job.
* @param string $queue Queue name, e.g. 'default'.
* @param string $command Command of the job.
* @param array $args Arguments passed to the job.
* @param boolean|null $trackStatus Whether to track the status of the job.
* @param array $metadata Related to the job.
* @param Job|null $job Relational database record representing the job.
* @return string Background Job Id.
* @throws InvalidArgumentExceptiony
public function enqueue(
string $queue,
string $command,
array $args = [],
$trackStatus = null,
array $metadata = [],
Job $job = null
): string {
if ($this->settings['use_resque']) {
return $this->resqueEnqueue($queue, self::CMD_TO_SHELL_DICT[$command], $args, $trackStatus, $job);
$backgroundJob = new BackgroundJob(
'id' => CakeText::uuid(),
'command' => $command,
'args' => $args,
'trackStatus' => $trackStatus ?? $this->settings['track_status'],
'metadata' => $metadata
if ($job) {
$job->saveField('process_id', $backgroundJob->id());
return $backgroundJob->id();
* Enqueue a Job using the CakeResque.
* @deprecated
* @param string $queue Name of the queue to enqueue the job to.
* @param string $class Class of the job.
* @param array $args Arguments passed to the job.
* @param boolean $trackStatus Whether to track the status of the job.
* @param Job|null $job Relational database record representing the job.
* @return string Job Id.
private function resqueEnqueue(
string $queue,
string $class,
$args = [],
$trackStatus = null,
Job $job = null
): string {
CakeLog::notice('[DEPRECATION] CakeResque background jobs engine will be deprecated in future MISP versions, please migrate to the light-weight background jobs processor following this guide: [link].');
$process_id = CakeResque::enqueue(
if ($job) {
$job->saveField('process_id', $process_id);
return $process_id;
* Dequeue a BackgroundJob.
* If the queue is empty the read is blocked until a job is pushed to this queue or the timeout is reached.
* @param string $queue Queue name, e.g. 'default'.
* @param int $timeout Time to block the read if the queue is empty.
* Must be less than your configured `read_write_timeout`
* for the redis connection.
* @return BackgroundJob|null.
* @throws Exception
public function dequeue($queue, int $timeout = 30): ?BackgroundJob
$rawJob = $this->RedisConnection->blpop($queue, $timeout);
if (!empty($rawJob) && $rawJob[0] === $queue) {
try {
return new BackgroundJob(json_decode($rawJob[1], true));
} catch (Exception $exception) {
CakeLog::error("Failed to parse job, invalid format: {$rawJob[1]}. exception: {$exception->getMessage()}");
return null;
* Get the job status.
* @param string $jobId Backgroun Job Id.
* @return BackgroundJob|null job status.
public function getJob(string $jobId): ?BackgroundJob
$rawJob = $this->RedisConnection->get(
self::JOB_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $jobId
if ($rawJob) {
return new BackgroundJob(json_decode($rawJob, true));
return null;
* Get the queues's names.
* @return array Array containing the queues' names.
public function getQueues(): array
return self::VALID_QUEUES;
* Clear all the queue's jobs.
* @param string $queue Queue name, e.g. 'default'.
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure.
public function clearQueue($queue): bool
return (bool) $this->RedisConnection->del($queue);
* Get worker by PID.
* @return Worker|null Worker instance.
public function getWorker(int $workerPid): ?Worker
$rawWorker = $this->RedisConnection->get(self::WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $workerPid);
if ($rawWorker) {
return new Worker(json_decode($rawWorker, true));
return null;
* Get all workers' instances.
* @return Worker[] List of worker's instances.
public function getWorkers(): array
$pattern = self::WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX . ':*';
// get existing workers status keys
$iterator = null;
$workersKeys = [];
while ($keys = $this->RedisConnection->scan($iterator, $pattern)) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$workersKeys[] = $key;
if (!$workersKeys) {
return [];
// get workers status
$workersStatus = $this->RedisConnection->mget($workersKeys);
$workers = [];
foreach ($workersStatus as $worker) {
$workers[] = new Worker(json_decode($worker, true));
return $workers;
* Get the number of jobs inside a queue.
* @param string $queue Queue name, e.g. 'default'.
* @return integer Number of jobs.
public function getQueueSize(string $queue): int
return $this->RedisConnection->llen($queue);
* Update job
* @param BackgroundJob $job
* @return void
public function update(BackgroundJob $job): void
self::JOB_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $job->id(),
* Run job
* @param BackgroundJob $job
* @return integer Process return code.
public function run(BackgroundJob $job): int
CakeLog::info("[JOB ID: {$job->id()}] - started.");
$job = $job->run();
return $job->returnCode();
* Register worker
* @param integer $workerPid
* @param string $queue
* @param integer $createdAt
* @return void
public function registerWorker(Worker $worker): void
self::WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $worker->pid(),
* Update worker
* @param integer $workerPid
* @param integer $status
* @return void
public function updateWorkerStatus(int $workerPid, int $status): void
$worker = $this->getWorker($workerPid);
if (!$worker) {
CakeLog::warning("updateWorkerStatus: worker with PID: {$workerPid} not found.");
self::WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $workerPid,
* Unregister worker
* @param integer $workerPid
* @return void
public function unregisterWorker(int $workerPid): void
$this->RedisConnection->del(self::WORKER_STATUS_PREFIX . ':' . $workerPid);
* Validate queue
* @return boolean
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function validateQueue(string $queue): bool
if (!in_array($queue, self::VALID_QUEUES)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid background job queue, must be one of: [%s]',
implode(', ', self::VALID_QUEUES)
return true;
* Validate command
* @return boolean
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function validateCommand(string $command): bool
if (!in_array($command, self::ALLOWED_COMMANDS)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid command, must be one of: [%s]',
implode(', ', self::ALLOWED_COMMANDS)
return true;
* @return Redis
private function createRedisConnection(): Redis
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($this->settings['redis_host'], $this->settings['redis_port']);
$redisPassword = $this->settings['redis_password'];
if (!empty($redisPassword)) {
return $redis;