
108 lines
4.2 KiB

echo sprintf('<div%s>', empty($ajax) ? ' class="index"' : '');
echo $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/index_table', [
'data' => [
'data' => $data,
'top_bar' => [
'pull' => 'right',
'children' => [
'type' => 'search',
'button' => __('Filter'),
'placeholder' => __('Enter value to search'),
'searchKey' => 'quickFilter',
'fields' => [
'name' => '#',
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.id',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.id',
'name' => __('User'),
'sort' => 'User.email',
'data_path' => 'User.email',
'element' => empty($user_id) ? 'links' : 'generic_field',
'url' => $baseurl . '/users/view',
'url_params_data_paths' => ['User.id'],
'name' => __('IP'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.ip',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.ip',
'name' => __('User-Agent'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.user_agent',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.user_agent',
'name' => ('Reported on'),
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.created_at',
'element' => 'datetime',
'empty' => __('Never'),
'name' => __('Status'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.status',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.status',
'name' => __('Accept Language'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.accept_lang',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.accept_lang',
'name' => __('GeoIP'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.geoip',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.geoip',
'name' => __('UA.pattern'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_pattern',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_',
'name' => __('UA.Platform'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_platform',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_platform',
'name' => __('UA.Browser'),
'sort' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_browser',
'data_path' => 'UserLoginProfile.ua_browser',
'title' => empty($ajax) ? __('UserLoginProfile Index') : false,
'description' => empty($ajax) ? __('A list of confirmed authentication profiles bound to a user. This is used by the backend to identify suspicious connections from a user and raise alerts.') : false,
'pull' => 'right',
'actions' => [
'class' => 'modal-open',
'url' => "$baseurl/admin/UserLoginProfiles/delete",
'url_params_data_paths' => ['UserLoginProfile.id'],
'postLink' => true,
'postLinkConfirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete this profile?'),
'icon' => 'trash',
'title' => __('Delete entry'),
'requirement' => $delete_buttons
echo '</div>';
if (empty($ajax)) {
echo $this->element('/genericElements/SideMenu/side_menu', $menuData);
<script type="text/javascript">
var passedArgsArray = <?php echo $passedArgs; ?>;
$(function() {
$('#quickFilterButton').click(function() {