
134 lines
5.0 KiB

$config = array(
'debug' => 0,
'Security' =>
'level' => 'medium',
'salt' => '',
'cipherSeed' => '',
//'auth'=>array('CertAuth.Certificate'), // additional authentication methods
'MISP' =>
'baseurl' => '',
'footermidleft' => '',
'footermidright' => '',
'org' => 'ORGNAME',
'showorg' => true,
'background_jobs' => true,
'cached_attachments' => true,
'email' => 'email@address.com',
'contact' => 'email@address.com',
'cveurl' => 'http://cve.circl.lu/cve/',
'disablerestalert' => false,
'default_event_distribution' => '1',
'default_attribute_distribution' => 'event',
'tagging' => true,
'full_tags_on_event_index' => true,
'footer_logo' => '',
'take_ownership_xml_import' => false,
'unpublishedprivate' => false,
'disable_emailing' => false,
'GnuPG' =>
'onlyencrypted' => false,
'email' => '',
'homedir' => '',
'password' => '',
'bodyonlyencrypted' => false,
'SMIME' =>
'enabled' => false,
'email' => '',
'cert_public_sign' => '',
'key_sign' => '',
'password' => '',
'Proxy' =>
'host' => '',
'port' => '',
'method' => '',
'user' => '',
'password' => '',
'SecureAuth' =>
'amount' => 5,
'expire' => 300,
// Uncomment the following to enable client SSL certificate authentication
'CertAuth' =>
'ca' => array('FIRST.Org'), // allowed CAs
'caId' => 'O', // which attribute will be used to verify the CA
'userModel' => 'User', // name of the User class to check if user exists
'userModelKey' => 'nids_sid', // User field that will be used for querying
'map' => array( // maps client certificate attributes to User properties
'O' => 'org',
'emailAddress' => 'email',
'syncUser' => true, // should the User be synchronized with an external REST API
'userDefaults' => array( // default user attributes, only used when creating new users
'role_id' => 4,
'restApi' => array( // API parameters
'url' => 'https://example.com/data/users', // URL to query
'headers' => array(), // additional headers, used for authentication
'param' => array('email' => 'email'), // query parameters to add to the URL, mapped to User properties
'map' => array( // maps REST result to the User properties
'uid' => 'nids_sid',
'team' => 'org',
'email' => 'email',
'pgp_public' => 'gpgkey',
'userDefaults' => array('role_id' => 3), // default attributes for new users
'ApacheShibbAuth' => // Configuration for shibboleth authentication
'apacheEnv' => 'REMOTE_USER', // If proxy variable = HTTP_REMOTE_USER
'ssoAuth' => 'AUTH_TYPE',
'MailTag' => 'EMAIL_TAG',
'GroupTag' => 'GROUP_TAG',
'GroupSeparator' => ';',
'GroupRoleMatching' => array( // 3:User, 1:admin. May be good to set "1" for the first user
'group_three' => 3,
'group_two' => 2,
'group_one' => 1,
'DefaultRoleId' => 3,
'DefaultOrg' => 'DEFAULT_ORG',
// Warning: The following is a 3rd party contribution and still untested (including security) by the MISP-project team.
// Feel free to enable it and report back to us if you run into any issues.
// Uncomment the following to enable Kerberos authentication
// needs PHP LDAP support enabled (e.g. compile flag --with-ldap or Debian package php5-ldap)
'ApacheSecureAuth' => // Configuration for kerberos authentication
'apacheEnv' => 'REMOTE_USER', // If proxy variable = HTTP_REMOTE_USER
'ldapServer' => 'ldap://example.com', // FQDN or IP
'ldapProtocol' => 3,
'ldapReaderUser' => 'cn=userWithReadAccess,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', // DN ou RDN LDAP with reader user right
'ldapReaderPassword' => 'UserPassword', // the LDAP reader user password
'ldapDN' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
'ldapSearchAttribut' => 'uid', // filter for search
'ldapFilter' => array(
'ldapDefaultRoleId' => 3, // 3:User, 1:admin. May be good to set "1" for the first user
'ldapDefaultOrg' => '1', // uses 1st local org in MISP if undefined