
319 lines
8.9 KiB

class FinancialTool
public $ibanLengths = array(
'AD' => '24',
'AE' => '23',
'AL' => '28',
'AO' => '25',
'AT' => '20',
'AZ' => '28',
'BA' => '20',
'BE' => '16',
'BF' => '27',
'BG' => '22',
'BH' => '22',
'BI' => '16',
'BJ' => '28',
'BR' => '29',
'CG' => '27',
'CH' => '21',
'CI' => '28',
'CM' => '27',
'CR' => '21',
'CV' => '25',
'CY' => '28',
'CZ' => '24',
'DE' => '22',
'DK' => '18',
'DO' => '28',
'DZ' => '24',
'EE' => '20',
'EG' => '27',
'ES' => '24',
'FI' => '18',
'FO' => '18',
'FR' => '27',
'GA' => '27',
'GB' => '22',
'GE' => '22',
'GI' => '23',
'GL' => '18',
'GR' => '27',
'GT' => '28',
'HR' => '21',
'HU' => '28',
'IE' => '22',
'IL' => '23',
'IR' => '26',
'IS' => '26',
'IT' => '27',
'JO' => '30',
'KW' => '30',
'KZ' => '20',
'LB' => '28',
'LC' => '32',
'LI' => '21',
'LT' => '20',
'LU' => '20',
'LV' => '21',
'MC' => '27',
'MD' => '24',
'ME' => '22',
'MG' => '27',
'MK' => '19',
'ML' => '28',
'MR' => '27',
'MT' => '31',
'MU' => '30',
'MZ' => '25',
'NL' => '18',
'NO' => '15',
'PK' => '24',
'PL' => '28',
'PS' => '29',
'PT' => '25',
'QA' => '29',
'RO' => '24',
'RS' => '22',
'SA' => '24',
'SE' => '24',
'SI' => '19',
'SK' => '24',
'SM' => '27',
'SN' => '28',
'TN' => '24',
'TR' => '26',
'UA' => '29',
'VG' => '24',
'XK' => '20'
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* @param string $type
* @param string $value
* @return bool
public function validateRouter($type, $value)
$validationRoutes = array(
'cc-number' => 'CC',
'bin' => 'BIN',
'bic' => 'BIC',
'iban' => 'IBAN',
'btc' => 'BTC',
'xmr' => 'XMR'
if (isset($validationRoutes[$type])) {
return $this->{'validate' . $validationRoutes[$type]}($value);
return true;
* alternative to bcmod from: http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.bcmod.php#38474
* my_bcmod - get modulus (substitute for bcmod)
* string my_bcmod ( string left_operand, int modulus )
* left_operand can be really big, but be careful with modulus :(
* by Andrius Baranauskas and Laurynas Butkus :) Vilnius, Lithuania
private function my_bcmod($x, $y)
// how many numbers to take at once? careful not to exceed (int)
$take = 5;
$mod = '';
do {
$a = (int)$mod.substr($x, 0, $take);
$x = substr($x, $take);
$mod = $a % $y;
} while (strlen($x));
return (int)$mod;
// validating using method described on wikipedia @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number#Algorithms
public function validateIBAN($iban)
if (strlen($iban) < 15 || strlen($iban) > 32) {
return false;
$temp = substr($iban, 4) . substr($iban, 0, 4);
$temp2 = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($temp); $i++) {
if (is_numeric($temp[$i])) {
$temp2 .= $temp[$i];
} else {
$temp2 .= ord(strtolower($temp[$i])) - 87;
if (function_exists('bcmod')) {
$temp = bcmod($temp2, 97);
} else {
$temp = $this->my_bcmod($temp2, 97);
return intval($temp)===1 ? true : false;
public function validateBIC($bic)
if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]{4})([A-Z]){2}([0-9A-Z]){2}([0-9A-Z]{3})?$/i', $bic)) {
return true;
return false;
public function validateBIN($bin)
if (is_numeric($bin) && strlen($bin) == 6) {
return true;
return false;
// based on the explanation at www.freeformatter.com/credit-card-number-generator-validator.html#validate
public function validateCC($cc)
if (is_numeric($cc) && strlen($cc) > 12 && strlen($cc) < 20) {
$numberArray = str_split($cc);
$lastDigit = $numberArray[count($numberArray) - 1];
unset($numberArray[count($numberArray) - 1]);
$numberArray = array_reverse($numberArray);
$sum = 0;
foreach ($numberArray as $k => $number) {
$number = intval($number);
if ($k%2 == 0) {
$number *= 2;
if ($number > 9) {
$number -=9;
$sum += $number;
$sum += $lastDigit;
if ($sum%10 == 0) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Based on the php implementation of the BTC address validation example from
* http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitcoin/address_validation
* @param string $address
* @return bool
public function validateBTC($address)
if ($this->validateBtcBech32($address)) {
return true;
$strlen = strlen($address);
if ($strlen < 26 || $strlen > 35) {
return false;
$decoded = $this->__decodeBase58($address);
if ($decoded === false) {
return false;
$d1 = hash("sha256", substr($decoded, 0, 21), true);
$d2 = hash("sha256", $d1, true);
if (substr_compare($decoded, $d2, 21, 4)) {
return false;
return true;
public function validateXMR($address)
if (!preg_match('/^4[0-9AB][1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{93}$/', $address)) {
return false;
return true;
private function validateBtcBech32($address)
if (!preg_match('/^(bc|tb)1([023456789acdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz]{11,71})$/i', $address, $match)) {
return false;
$hrp = strtolower($match[1]);
$expand1 = [];
$expand2 = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hrp); $i++) {
$o = ord($hrp[$i]);
$expand1[] = $o >> 5;
$expand2[] = $o & 31;
$data = array_merge($expand1, [0], $expand2);
$chars = strtolower($match[2]);
$chars = array_map('ord', str_split($chars));
foreach ($chars as $char) {
$data[] = ($char & 0x80) ? -1 : self::BTC_BASE32_CONVERT_TABLE[$char];
$generator = [0x3b6a57b2, 0x26508e6d, 0x1ea119fa, 0x3d4233dd, 0x2a1462b3];
$chk = 1;
foreach ($data as $char) {
$top = $chk >> 25;
$chk = ($chk & 0x1ffffff) << 5 ^ $char;
for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) {
$value = (($top >> $j) & 1) ? $generator[$j] : 0;
$chk ^= $value;
return $chk === 1;
private function __decodeBase58($input)
$alphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$out = array_fill(0, 25, 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
$p = strpos($alphabet, $input[$i]);
if ($p === false) {
return false;
$c = $p;
for ($j = 25; $j--;) {
$c += (int)(58 * $out[$j]);
$out[$j] = $c % 256;
$c /= 256;
$c = (int)$c;
if ($c != 0) {
return false;
$result = "";
foreach ($out as $val) {
$result .= chr($val);
return $result;