
140 lines
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class OrgContributionToplistWidget
public $title = 'Contributor Top List (Orgs)';
public $render = 'BarChart';
public $description = 'The top contributors (orgs) in a selected time frame.';
public $width = 3;
public $height = 4;
public $params = [
'days' => 'How many days back should the list go - for example, setting 7 will only show contributions in the past 7 days. (integer)',
'month' => 'Who contributed most this month? (boolean)',
'previous_month' => 'Who contributed most the previous, finished month? (boolean)',
'year' => 'Which contributed most this year? (boolean)',
'first_half_year' => 'Which contributed most the first half-year (between Jan and June)? (boolean)',
'second_half_year' => 'Which contributed most the second half-year (between July and Dec)? (boolean)',
'start_date' => 'The ISO 8601 date format at which to start',
'end_date' => 'The ISO 8601 date format at which to end. (Leave empty for today)',
'filter' => 'A list of filters by organisation meta information (nationality, sector, type, name, uuid, local (- expects a boolean or a list of boolean values)) to include. (dictionary, prepending values with ! uses them as a negation)',
'limit' => 'Limits the number of displayed tags. Default: 10'
public $cacheLifetime = null;
public $autoRefreshDelay = false;
private $validFilterKeys = [
public $placeholder =
"days": "7d",
"threshold": 15,
"filter": {
"sector": "Financial"
private $Org = null;
private $Event = null;
private function timeConditions($options)
if (!empty($options['days'])) {
$condition = strtotime(sprintf("-%s days", $options['days']));
} else if (!empty($options['month'])) {
$condition = strtotime('first day of this month 00:00:00', time());
} else if (!empty($options['previous_month'])) {
$condition = strtotime('first day of previous month 00:00:00', time());
$end_condition = strtotime('last day of last month 23:59:59', time());
} else if (!empty($options['year'])) {
$condition = strtotime('first day of this year 00:00:00', time());
} else if (!empty($options['last_half_year'])) {
$condition = strtotime('first day of january this year 00:00:00', time());
$end_condition = strtotime('last day of june this year 23:59:59', time());
} else if (!empty($options['current_half'])) {
$condition = strtotime('first day of july this year 00:00:00', time());
$end_condition = strtotime('last day of december this year 23:59:59', time());
} else if (!empty($options['start_date'])) {
$condition = strtotime($options['start_date'], time());
$end_condition = [];
if (empty($options['end_date'])) {
$end_condition = time();
} else {
$end_condition = strtotime($options['end_date'], time());
} else {
return null;
$conditions = [];
if (!empty($condition)) {
$datetime = new DateTime();
$conditions['Event.timestamp >='] = $datetime->getTimestamp();
if (!empty($end_condition)) {
$datetime = new DateTime();
$conditions['Event.timestamp <='] = $datetime->getTimestamp();
return $conditions;
public function handler($user, $options = array())
$params = ['conditions' => []];
if (!empty($options['filter']) && is_array($options['filter'])) {
foreach ($this->validFilterKeys as $filterKey) {
if (!empty($options['filter'][$filterKey])) {
if (!is_array($options['filter'][$filterKey])) {
$options['filter'][$filterKey] = [$options['filter'][$filterKey]];
$tempConditionBucket = [];
foreach ($options['filter'][$filterKey] as $value) {
if ($value[0] === '!') {
$tempConditionBucket['Organisation.' . $filterKey . ' NOT IN'][] = mb_substr($value, 1);
} else {
$tempConditionBucket['Organisation.' . $filterKey . ' IN'][] = $value;
if (!empty($tempConditionBucket)) {
$params['conditions']['AND'][] = $tempConditionBucket;
if (isset($options['filter']['local'])) {
$params['conditions']['AND']['local'] = $options['filter']['local'];
$this->Org = ClassRegistry::init('Organisation');
$org_ids = $this->Org->find('list', [
'fields' => ['Organisation.id', 'Organisation.name'],
'conditions' => $params['conditions']
$conditions = [];
$conditions['AND'][] = ['Event.orgc_id IN' => array_keys($org_ids)];
$timeConditions = $this->timeConditions($options);
if ($timeConditions) {
$conditions['AND'][]['AND'] = $timeConditions;
$this->Event = ClassRegistry::init('Event');
$this->Event->virtualFields['frequency'] = 0;
$orgs = $this->Event->find('all', [
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => ['orgc_id', 'count(Event.orgc_id) as Event__frequency'],
'group' => ['orgc_id'],
'conditions' => $conditions,
'order' => 'count(Event.orgc_id) desc',
'limit' => empty($options['limit']) ? 10 : $options['limit']
$results = [];
foreach($orgs as $org) {
$results[$org_ids[$org['Event']['orgc_id']]] = $org['Event']['frequency'];
return ['data' => $results];