
475 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

class NidsExportComponent extends Component {
public $rules = array();
public $classtype = 'trojan-activity';
public function explain() {
$this->rules[] = '# These NIDS rules contain some variables that need to exist in your configuration.';
$this->rules[] = '# Make sure you have set:';
$this->rules[] = '#';
$this->rules[] = '# $HOME_NET - Your internal network range';
$this->rules[] = '# $EXTERNAL_NET - The network considered as outside';
$this->rules[] = '# $SMTP_SERVERS - All your internal SMTP servers';
$this->rules[] = '# $HTTP_PORTS - The ports used to contain HTTP traffic (not required with suricata export)';
$this->rules[] = '# ';
public function suricataRules($items, $start_sid) {
$this->whitelist = $this->populateWhitelist();
foreach ($items as &$item) {
switch ($item['Event']['risk']) {
case 'Undefined':
$priority = '4';
case 'Low':
$priority = '3';
case 'Medium':
$priority = '2';
case 'High':
$priority = '1';
$priority = '4';
# proto src_ip src_port direction dst_ip dst_port msg rule_content tag sid rev
$rule_format_msg = 'msg: "CyDefSIG e' . $item['Event']['id'] . ' %s"';
$rule_format_reference = 'reference:url,' . Configure::read('CyDefSIG.baseurl') . '/events/view/' . $item['Event']['id'];
$rule_format = '%salert %s %s %s %s %s %s (' . $rule_format_msg . '; %s %s classtype:' . $this->classtype . '; sid:%d; rev:%d; priority:' . $priority . '; ' . $rule_format_reference . ';) ';
$sid = $start_sid + ($item['Attribute']['id'] * 10); // leave 9 possible rules per attribute type
$attribute = &$item['Attribute'];
switch ($attribute['type']) {
// LATER nids - test all the snort attributes
// LATER nids - add the tag keyword in the rules to capture network traffic
// LATER nids - sanitize every $attribute['value'] to not conflict with snort
case 'ip-dst':
$this->ipDstRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'ip-src':
$this->ipSrcRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'email-src':
$this->emailSrcRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'email-dst':
$this->emailDstRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'email-subject':
$this->emailSubjectRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'email-attachment':
$this->emailAttachmentRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'domain':
$this->domainRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'hostname':
$this->hostnameRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'url':
$this->urlRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'user-agent':
$this->userAgentRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid);
case 'snort':
$this->snortRule($rule_format, $attribute, $sid, $rule_format_msg, $rule_format_reference);
return $this->rules;
public function ipDstRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$overruled = in_array($attribute['value'], $this->whitelist);
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'ip', // proto
'$HOME_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
$attribute['value'], // dst_ip
'any', // dst_port
'Outgoing To IP: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
'', // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function ipSrcRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$overruled = in_array($attribute['value'], $this->whitelist);
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'ip', // proto
$attribute['value'], // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'$HOME_NET', // dst_ip
'any', // dst_port
'Incoming From IP: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
'', // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function emailSrcRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$content = 'flow:established,to_server; content:"MAIL FROM|3a|"; nocase; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
(false) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'<>', // direction
'$SMTP_SERVERS', // dst_ip
'25', // dst_port
'Source Email Address: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function emailDstRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$content = 'flow:established,to_server; content:"RCPT TO|3a|"; nocase; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
(false) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'<>', // direction
'$SMTP_SERVERS', // dst_ip
'25', // dst_port
'Destination Email Address: ' . $attribute['value'],// msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function emailSubjectRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
// LATER nids - email-subject rule might not match because of line-wrapping
$content = 'flow:established,to_server; content:"Subject|3a|"; nocase; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
(false) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'<>', // direction
'$SMTP_SERVERS', // dst_ip
'25', // dst_port
'Bad Email Subject', // msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function emailAttachmentRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
// LATER nids - email-attachment rule might not match because of line-wrapping
$content = 'flow:established,to_server; content:"Content-Disposition: attachment|3b| filename=|22|"; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '|22|";';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
(false) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'<>', // direction
'$SMTP_SERVERS', // dst_ip
'25', // dst_port
'Bad Email Attachment', // msg
$content, // rule_content // LATER nids - test and finetune this snort rule https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/MIME#Content-Disposition
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function hostnameRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$overruled = $this->checkNames($attribute['value']);
$content = 'content:"' . $this->dnsNameToRawFormat($attribute['value'], 'hostname') . '"; nocase;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'udp', // proto
'any', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'any', // dst_ip
'53', // dst_port
'Hostname: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'any', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'any', // dst_ip
'53', // dst_port
'Hostname: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
// also do http requests
// warning: only suricata compatible
$content = 'flow:to_server,established; content: "Host: ' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase; http_header; pcre: "/[^A-Za-z0-9-]' . preg_quote($attribute['value']) . '[^A-Za-z0-9-]/";';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'http', // proto
'$HOME_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // dst_ip
'any', // dst_port
'Outgoing HTTP Hostname: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function domainRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
$overruled = $this->checkNames($attribute['value']);
$content = 'content:"' . $this->dnsNameToRawFormat($attribute['value']) . '"; nocase;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'udp', // proto
'any', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'any', // dst_ip
'53', // dst_port
'Domain: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'tcp', // proto
'any', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'any', // dst_ip
'53', // dst_port
'Domain: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
// also do http requests,
// warning: only suricata compatible
$content = 'flow:to_server,established; content: "Host:"; nocase; http_header; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase; http_header; pcre: "/[^A-Za-z0-9-]' . preg_quote($attribute['value']) . '[^A-Za-z0-9-]/";';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
($overruled) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'http', // proto
'$HOME_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // dst_ip
'any', // dst_port
'Outgoing HTTP Domain: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function urlRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
// TODO in hindsight, an url should not be excluded given a host or domain name.
//$hostpart = parse_url($attribute['value'], PHP_URL_HOST);
//$overruled = $this->checkNames($hostpart);
// warning: only suricata compatible
$content = 'flow:to_server,established; content:"' . $attribute['value'] . '"; nocase; http_uri;';
$this->rules[] = sprintf($rule_format,
(false) ? '#OVERRULED BY WHITELIST# ' : '',
'http', // proto
'$HOME_NET', // src_ip
'any', // src_port
'->', // direction
'$EXTERNAL_NET', // dst_ip
'any', // dst_port
'Outgoing HTTP URL: ' . $attribute['value'], // msg
$content, // rule_content
'tag:session,600,seconds;', // tag
$sid, // sid
1 // rev
public function userAgentRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid) {
// TODO nids - write snort user-agent rule
public function snortRule($rule_format, $attribute, &$sid, $rule_format_msg, $rule_format_reference) {
// LATER nids - test using lots of snort rules.
$tmp_rule = $attribute['value'];
// rebuild the rule by overwriting the different keywords using preg_replace()
// sid - '/sid\s*:\s*[0-9]+\s*;/'
// rev - '/rev\s*:\s*[0-9]+\s*;/'
// classtype - '/classtype:[a-zA-Z_-]+;/'
// msg - '/msg\s*:\s*".*?"\s*;/'
// reference - '/reference\s*:\s*.+?;/'
// tag - '/tag\s*:\s*.+?;/'
$replace_count = array();
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/sid\s*:\s*[0-9]+\s*;/', 'sid:' . $sid . ';', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['sid']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/rev\s*:\s*[0-9]+\s*;/', 'rev:1;', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['rev']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/classtype:[a-zA-Z_-]+;/', 'classtype:' . $this->classtype . ';', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['classtype']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
$tmp_message = sprintf($rule_format_msg, 'snort-rule');
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/msg\s*:\s*".*?"\s*;/', $tmp_message . ';', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['msg']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/reference\s*:\s*.+?;/', $rule_format_reference . ';', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['reference']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/reference\s*:\s*.+?;/', $rule_format_reference . ';', $tmp_rule, -1, $replace_count['reference']);
if (null == $tmp_rule ) break; // don't output the rule on error with the regex
// FIXME nids - implement priority overwriting
// some values were not replaced, so we need to add them ourselves, and insert them in the rule
$extra_for_rule = "";
if (0 == $replace_count['sid']) {
$extra_for_rule .= 'sid:' . $sid . ';';
} if (0 == $replace_count['rev']) {
$extra_for_rule .= 'rev:1;';
} if (0 == $replace_count['classtype']) {
$extra_for_rule .= 'classtype:' . $this->classtype . ';';
} if (0 == $replace_count['msg']) {
$extra_for_rule .= $tmp_message . ';';
} if (0 == $replace_count['reference']) {
$extra_for_rule .= $rule_format_reference . ';';
$tmp_rule = preg_replace('/;\s*\)/', '; ' . $extra_for_rule . ')', $tmp_rule);
// finally the rule is cleaned up and can be outputed
$this->rules[] = $tmp_rule;
* Converts a DNS name to a raw format usable in NIDS like Snort.
* example host: foobar.com becomes |00||06|foobar|03|com|00|
* example domain: foobar.com becomes |06|foobar|03|com|00|
* @param string $name dns name to be converted
* @param string $type the type of dns name - domain (default) or hostname
* @return string raw snort compatible format of the dns name
public function dnsNameToRawFormat($name, $type='domain') {
$rawName = "";
if ('hostname' == $type) $rawName = '|00|';
// explode using the dot
$explodedNames = explode('.', $name);
// for each part
foreach ($explodedNames as &$explodedName) {
// count the lenght of the part, and add |length| before
$length = strlen($explodedName);
if ($length > 255) exit('ERROR: dns name is to long for RFC'); // LATER log correctly without dying
$hexLength = dechex($length);
if (1 == strlen($hexLength)) $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength;
$rawName .= '|' . $hexLength . '|' . $explodedName;
// put all together
$rawName .= '|00|';
// and append |00| to terminate the name
return $rawName;
* Converts a DNS name to a MS DNS log format.
* Practical usage is to use these strings to search in logfiles
* example: foobar.com becomes (6)foobar(3)com(0)
* @param string $name dns name to be converted
* @return string raw snort compatible format of the dns name
public function dnsNameToMSDNSLogFormat($name) {
$rawName = "";
// in MS DNS log format we can't use (0) to distinguish between hostname and domain (including subdomains)
// explode using the dot
$explodedNames = explode('.', $name);
// for each part
foreach ($explodedNames as &$explodedName) {
// count the lenght of the part, and add |length| before
$length = strlen($explodedName);
if ($length > 255) exit('ERROR: dns name is to long for RFC'); // LATER log correctly without dying
$hexLength = dechex($length);
$rawName .= '(' . $hexLength . ')' . $explodedName;
// put all together
$rawName .= '(0)';
// and append |00| to terminate the name
return $rawName;
public $whitelist = array();
public function populateWhitelist() {
$whitelistCheck = array();
$this->Whitelist = ClassRegistry::init('Whitelist');
$whitelist = $this->Whitelist->find('all', array('recursive' => 0,'fields' => 'name'));
// loop through whitelist table,
foreach ($whitelist as $whitelistItem) {
$ipl = array();
$ipl = $this->nametoipl($whitelistItem['Whitelist']['name']);
$whitelistCheck = array_merge($whitelistCheck,$ipl);
if (count($ipl) > 0 && $whitelistItem != $ipl[0]) {
$dummyArray = array();
$dummyArray[] = $whitelistItem['Whitelist']['name'];
$whitelistCheck = array_merge($whitelistCheck,$dummyArray);
return $whitelistCheck;
public function nametoipl($name) {
if (!$ips = gethostbynamel($name)) $ips = array();
return $ips;
public function checkNames($name) {
$ipl = $this->nametoipl($name);
$ipl[] = $name;
$overruled = false;
foreach ($ipl as $ip) {
$overruled = in_array($ip, $this->whitelist);
if ($overruled) break;
return $overruled;