
85 lines
3.7 KiB

App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class PivotHelper extends AppHelper {
private function __doConvert($pivot, $currentEvent, $activeText=false) {
$data = null;
$text = $pivot['id'] . ': ';
$active = '';
$pivot['info'] = h($pivot['info']);
// Truncate string if longer than (11 - length of event id) chars to fit the pivot bubble
if (strlen($pivot['info']) > (11 - strlen((string)$pivot['id'])) && strlen($pivot['info']) > 9) {
$text .= mb_substr($pivot['info'], 0, 6) . '...';
} else {
$text .= $pivot['info'];
// Colour the text white if it is a highlighted pivot element
$pivotType = 'pivotText';
$pivotSpanType = '';
if ($activeText) {
$pivotType = 'pivotTextBlue';
$pivotSpanType = 'pivotSpanBlue';
$data[] = '<span class ="'.$pivotSpanType.'">';
if ($pivot['deletable']) {
$data[] = '<a class="pivotDelete icon-remove" href="' . h(Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')) . '/events/removePivot/' . $pivot['id'] . '/' . $currentEvent . '"></a>';
$data[] = '<a class="' . $pivotType . '" href="' . h(Configure::read('MISP.baseurl')) . '/events/view/' . $pivot['id'] . '/1/' . $currentEvent . '" title="' . h($pivot['info']) . ' (' . $pivot['date'] . ')">' . h($text) . '</a>';
$data[] = '</span>';
if (!empty($pivot['children'])) {
foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) {
$extra = '';
if ($v['id'] == $currentEvent) {
$active = ' activePivot';
if ($k > 0) {
$pixelDifference = $pivot['children'][$k]['height'] - $pivot['children'][$k-1]['height'];
$lineDifference = $pixelDifference / 50;
$extra = ' distance' . $lineDifference;
$data[] = '<div class="pivotElement' . $extra . $active . '" style="top:' . $pivot['children'][$k]['height'] . 'px;">';
if ($active != '') $temp = $this->__doConvert($v, $currentEvent, true);
else $temp = $this->__doConvert($v, $currentEvent);
$data = array_merge($data, $temp);
$data[] = '</div>';
$active = '';
return $data;
public function convertPivotToHTML($pivot, $currentEvent) {
$lookingAtRoot = false;
$pivotType = '';
if ($pivot['id'] == $currentEvent) {
$lookingAtRoot = true;
$pivotType = ' activePivot';
$temp = $this->__doConvert($pivot, $currentEvent, $lookingAtRoot);
$height = $this->__findMaxHeight($pivot);
$height = $height + 50;
$data = array('<div class="pivotElement firstPivot ' . $pivotType . '" style="height:' . $height . 'px;">');
$data = array_merge($data, $temp);
$data = array_merge($data, array('</div>'));
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
echo ($v);
private function __findMaxHeight($pivot) {
$height = $pivot['height'];
$heightToAdd = 0;
$temp = 0;
foreach ($pivot['children'] as $k => $v) {
$temp = $this->__findMaxHeight($v);
if ($temp > $heightToAdd) $heightToAdd = $temp;
return $height + $heightToAdd;