
78 lines
4.1 KiB

<label for="toggleTableDBIndexes" style="display: inline-block;">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggleTableDBIndexes" class="form-input" checked>
<?php echo __('Show database indexes') ?>
<div id="containerDBIndexes" class="" style="max-height: 800px; overflow-y: auto; padding: 5px;">
<?php if(empty($diagnostic)): ?>
<span class="label label-success"><?php echo __('Index diagnostic:'); ?> <i class="fa fa-check"></i></span>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="alert alert-warning">
<strong><?php echo __('Notice'); ?></strong>
<?php echo __('The highlighted issues may be benign. if you are unsure, please open an issue and ask for clarification.'); ?>
<table id="tableDBIndexes" class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
<th>Table name</th>
<th>Column name</th>
<?php foreach($columnPerTable as $tableName => $columnArray): ?>
$columnCount = 0;
$rowHtml = '';
<?php foreach($columnArray as $columnName): ?>
$columnIndexed = isset($indexes[$tableName][$columnName]);
$warningArray = isset($diagnostic[$tableName][$columnName]);
if ($warningArray) {
$rowHtml .= sprintf('%s%s%s%s%s%s',
sprintf('<tr class="%s">', $warningArray ? 'error' : 'indexInfo hidden'),
sprintf('<td>%s</td>', h($columnName)),
sprintf('<td><i class="bold fa %s"></i></td>', $columnIndexed ? 'green fa-check' : 'red fa-times'),
sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $warningArray ? h($diagnostic[$tableName][$columnName]['message']) : ''),
sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $warningArray ?
'<i class="fa fa-wrench useCursorPointer" onclick="quickFixIndexSchema(this, \'%s\')" title="%s" aria-label="%s" tabindex="0" role="link" data-query="%s"></i>',
__('Fix Database Index Schema'),
__('Fix Database Index Schema'),
) : ''
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($columnCount > 0): ?>
<?php echo sprintf('<tr><td rowspan="%s" colspan="0" class="bold">%s</td></tr>', $columnCount+1, h($tableName)); ?>
<?php echo $rowHtml; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#toggleTableDBIndexes').change(function() {
function quickFixIndexSchema(clicked, sqlQuery) {
var message = "<?php echo sprintf('<div class=\"alert alert-error\" style=\"margin-bottom: 5px;\"><h5>%s</h5> %s</div>', __('Warning'), __('Executing this query might take some time and may harm your database. Please review the query below or backup your database in case of doubt.')) ?>"
message += "<div class=\"well\"><kbd>" + sqlQuery + "</kbd></div>"
openPopover(clicked, message, undefined, 'left');