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50 KiB

!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], t) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.Drawflow = t() : e.Drawflow = t() }("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, (function () { return function (e) { var t = {}; function n(i) { if (t[i]) return t[i].exports; var s = t[i] = { i: i, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[i].call(s.exports, s, s.exports, n), s.l = !0, s.exports } return n.m = e, n.c = t, n.d = function (e, t, i) { n.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: i }) }, n.r = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, n.t = function (e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = n(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var i = Object.create(null); if (n.r(i), Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var s in e) n.d(i, s, function (t) { return e[t] }.bind(null, s)); return i }, n.n = function (e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default } : function () { return e }; return n.d(t, "a", t), t }, n.o = function (e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, n.p = "", n(n.s = 0) }([function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t), n.d(t, "default", (function () { return i })); class i { constructor(e, t = null, n = null) { this.events = {}, this.container = e, this.precanvas = null, this.nodeId = 1, this.ele_selected = null, this.node_selected = null, this.drag = !1, this.reroute = !1, this.reroute_fix_curvature = !1, this.curvature = .5, this.reroute_curvature_start_end = .5, this.reroute_curvature = .5, this.reroute_width = 6, this.drag_point = !1, this.editor_selected = !1, this.connection = !1, this.connection_ele = null, this.connection_selected = null, this.canvas_x = 0, this.canvas_y = 0, this.pos_x = 0, this.pos_x_start = 0, this.pos_y = 0, this.pos_y_start = 0, this.mouse_x = 0, this.mouse_y = 0, this.line_path = 5, this.first_click = null, this.force_first_input = !1, this.draggable_inputs = !0, this.useuuid = !1, this.parent = n, this.noderegister = {}, this.render = t, this.drawflow = { drawflow: { Home: { data: {} } } }, this.module = "Home", this.editor_mode = "edit", this.zoom = 1, this.zoom_max = 1.6, this.zoom_min = .5, this.zoom_value = .1, this.zoom_last_value = 1, this.evCache = new Array, this.prevDiff = -1 } start() { this.container.classList.add("parent-drawflow"), this.container.tabIndex = 0, this.precanvas = document.createElement("div"), this.precanvas.classList.add("drawflow"), this.container.appendChild(this.precanvas), this.container.addEventListener("mouseup", this.dragEnd.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("mousemove", this.position.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this.click.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("touchend", this.dragEnd.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("touchmove", this.position.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("touchstart", this.click.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextmenu.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("keydown", this.key.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("wheel", this.zoom_enter.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("input", this.updateNodeValue.bind(this)), this.container.addEventListener("dblclick", this.dblclick.bind(this)), this.container.onpointerdown = this.pointerdown_handler.bind(this), this.container.onpointermove = this.pointermove_handler.bind(this), this.container.onpointerup = this.pointerup_handler.bind(this), this.container.onpointercancel = this.pointerup_handler.bind(this), this.container.onpointerout = this.pointerup_handler.bind(this), this.container.onpointerleave = this.pointerup_handler.bind(this), this.load() } pointerdown_handler(e) { this.evCache.push(e) } pointermove_handler(e) { for (var t = 0; t < this.evCache.length; t++)if (e.pointerId == this.evCache[t].pointerId) { this.evCache[t] = e; break } if (2 == this.evCache.length) { var n = Math.abs(this.evCache[0].clientX - this.evCache[1].clientX); this.prevDiff > 100 && (n > this.prevDiff && this.zoom_in(), n < this.prevDiff && this.zoom_out()), this.prevDiff = n } } pointerup_handler(e) { this.remove_event(e), this.evCache.length < 2 && (this.prevDiff = -1) } remove_event(e) { for (var t = 0; t < this.evCache.length; t++)if (this.evCache[t].pointerId == e.pointerId) { this.evCache.splice(t, 1); break } } load() { for (var e in this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data) this.addNodeImport(this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e], this.precanvas); if (this.reroute) for (var e in this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data) this.addRerouteImport(this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e]); for (var e in this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data) this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e); const t = this.drawflow.drawflow; let n = 1; Object.keys(t).map((function (e, i) { Object.keys(t[e].data).map((function (e, t) { parseInt(e) >= n && (n = parseInt(e) + 1) })) })), this.nodeId = n } removeReouteConnectionSelected() { this.dispatch("connectionUnselected", !0), this.reroute_fix_curvature && this.connection_selected.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").forEach((e, t) => { e.classList.remove("selected") }) } click(e) { if (this.dispatch("click", e), "fixed" === this.editor_mode) { if (e.preventDefault(), "parent-drawflow" !== e.target.classList[0] && "drawflow" !== e.target.classList[0]) return !1; this.ele_selected = e.target.closest(".parent-drawflow") } else "view" === this.editor_mode ? (null != e.target.closest(".drawflow") || e.target.matches(".parent-drawflow")) && (this.ele_selected = e.target.closest(".parent-drawflow"), e.preventDefault()) : (this.first_click = e.target, this.ele_selected = e.target, 0 === e.button && this.contextmenuDel(), null != e.target.closest(".drawflow_content_node") && (this.ele_selected = e.target.closest(".drawflow_content_node").parentElement)); switch (this.ele_selected.classList[0]) { case "drawflow-node": null != this.node_selected && (this.node_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.node_selected != this.ele_selected && this.dispatch("nodeUnselected", !0)), null != this.connection_selected && (this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.removeReouteConnectionSelected(), this.connection_selected = null), this.node_selected != this.ele_selected && this.dispatch("nodeSelected", this.ele_selected.id.slice(5)), this.node_selected = this.ele_selected, this.node_selected.classList.add("selected"), this.draggable_inputs ? "SELECT" !== e.target.tagName && (this.drag = !0) : "INPUT" !== e.target.tagName && "TEXTAREA" !== e.target.tagName && "SELECT" !== e.target.tagName && !0 !== e.target.hasAttribute("contenteditable") && (this.drag = !0); break; case "output": this.connection = !0, null != this.node_selected && (this.node_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.node_selected = null, this.dispatch("nodeUnselected", !0)), null != this.connection_selected && (this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.removeReouteConnectionSelected(), this.connection_selected = null), this.drawConnection(e.target); break; case "parent-drawflow": case "drawflow": null != this.node_selected && (this.node_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.node_selected = null, this.dispatch("nodeUnselected", !0)), null != this.connection_selected && (this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.removeReouteConnectionSelected(), this.connection_selected = null), this.editor_selected = !0; break; case "main-path": null != this.node_selected && (this.node_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.node_selected = null, this.dispatch("nodeUnselected", !0)), null != this.connection_selected && (this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.removeReouteConnectionSelected(), this.connection_selected = null), this.connection_selected = this.ele_selected, this.connection_selected.classList.add("selected"); const t = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList; t.length > 1 && (this.dispatch("connectionSelected", { output_id: t[2].slice(14), input_id: t[1].slice(13), output_class: t[3], input_class: t[4] }), this.reroute_fix_curvature && this.connection_selected.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").forEach((e, t) => { e.classList.add("selected") })); break; case "point": this.drag_point = !0, this.ele_selected.classList.add("selected"); break; case "drawflow-delete": this.node_selected && this.removeNodeId(this.node_selected.id), this.connection_selected && this.removeConnection(), null != this.node_selected && (this.node_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.node_selected = null, this.dispatch("nodeUnselected", !0)), null != this.connection_selected && (this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.removeReouteConnectionSelected(), this.connection_selected = null) }"touchstart" === e.type ? (this.pos_x = e.touches[0].clientX, this.pos_x_start = e.touches[0].clientX, this.pos_y = e.touches[0].clientY, this.pos_y_start = e.touches[0].clientY) : (this.pos_x = e.clientX, this.pos_x_start = e.clientX, this.pos_y = e.clientY, this.pos_y_start = e.clientY), ["input", "output", "main-path"].includes(this.ele_selected.classList[0]) && e.preventDefault(), this.dispatch("clickEnd", e) } position(e) { if ("touchmove" === e.type) var t = e.touches[0].clientX, n = e.touches[0].clientY; else t = e.clientX, n = e.clientY; if (this.connection && this.updateConnection(t, n), this.editor_selected && (i = this.canvas_x + -(this.pos_x - t), s = this.canvas_y + -(this.pos_y - n), this.dispatch("translate", { x: i, y: s }), this.precanvas.style.transform = "translate(" + i + "px, " + s + "px) scale(" + this.zoom + ")"), this.drag) { e.preventDefault(); var i = (this.pos_x - t) * this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom), s = (this.pos_y - n) * this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom); this.pos_x = t, this.pos_y = n, this.ele_selected.style.top = this.ele_selected.offsetTop - s + "px", this.ele_selected.style.left = this.ele_selected.offsetLeft - i + "px", this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[this.ele_selected.id.slice(5)].pos_x = this.ele_selected.offsetLeft - i, this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[this.ele_selected.id.slice(5)].pos_y = this.ele_selected.offsetTop - s, this.updateConnectionNodes(this.ele_selected.id) } if (this.drag_point) { i = (this.pos_x - t) * this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom), s = (this.pos_y - n) * this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom); this.pos_x = t, this.pos_y = n; var o = this.pos_x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)), l = this.pos_y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)); this.ele_selected.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", o), this.ele_selected.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", l); const e = this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[2].slice(9), c = this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[1].slice(13), d = this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[3], a = this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[4]; let r = Array.from(this.ele_selected.parentElement.children).indexOf(this.ele_selected) - 1; if (this.reroute_fix_curvature) { r -= this.ele_selected.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").length - 1, r < 0 && (r = 0) } const h = e.slice(5), u = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[h].outputs[d].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === c && e.output === a })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[h].outputs[d].connections[u].points[r] = { pos_x: o, pos_y: l }; const p = this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[2].slice(9); this.updateConnectionNodes(p) } "touchmove" === e.type && (this.mouse_x = t, this.mouse_y = n), this.dispatch("mouseMove", { x: t, y: n }) } dragEnd(e) { if ("touchend" === e.type) var t = this.mouse_x, n = this.mouse_y, i = document.elementFromPoint(t, n); else t = e.clientX, n = e.clientY, i = e.target; if (this.drag && (this.pos_x_start == t && this.pos_y_start == n || this.dispatch("nodeMoved", this.ele_selected.id.slice(5))), this.drag_point && (this.ele_selected.classList.remove("selected"), this.pos_x_start == t && this.pos_y_start == n || this.dispatch("rerouteMoved", this.ele_selected.parentElement.classList[2].slice(14))), this.editor_selected && (this.canvas_x = this.canvas_x + -(this.pos_x - t), this.canvas_y = this.canvas_y + -(this.pos_y - n), this.editor_selected = !1), !0 === this.connection) if ("input" === i.classList[0] || this.force_first_input && (null != i.closest(".drawflow_content_node") || "drawflow-node" === i.classList[0])) { if (!this.force_first_input || null == i.closest(".drawflow_content_node") && "drawflow-node" !== i.classList[0]) s = i.parentElement.parentElement.id, o = i.classList[1]; else { if (null != i.closest(".drawflow_content_node")) var s = i.closest(".drawflow_content_node").parentElement.id; else var s = i.id; if (0 === Object.keys(this.getNodeFromId(s.slice(5)).inputs).length) var o = !1; else var o = "input_1" } var l = this.ele_selected.parentElement.parentElement.id, c = this.ele_selected.classList[1]; if (l !== s && !1 !== o) { if (0 === this.container.querySelectorAll(".connection.node_in_" + s + ".node_out_" + l + "." + c + "." + o).length) { this.connection_ele.classList.add("node_in_" + s), this.connection_ele.classList.add("node_out_" + l), this.connection_ele.classList.add(c), this.connection_ele.classList.add(o); var d = s.slice(5), a = l.slice(5); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[a].outputs[c].connections.push({ node: d, output: o }), this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[d].inputs[o].connections.push({ node: a, input: c }), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + a), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + d), this.dispatch("connectionCreated", { output_id: a, input_id: d, output_class: c, input_class: o }) } else this.dispatch("connectionCancel", !0), this.connection_ele.remove(); this.connection_ele = null } else this.dispatch("connectionCancel", !0), this.connection_ele.remove(), this.connection_ele = null } else this.dispatch("connectionCancel", !0), this.connection_ele.remove(), this.connection_ele = null; this.drag = !1, this.drag_point = !1, this.connection = !1, this.ele_selected = null, this.editor_selected = !1, this.dispatch("mouseUp", e) } contextmenu(e) { if (this.dispatch("contextmenu", e), e.preventDefault(), "fixed" === this.editor_mode || "view" === this.editor_mode) return !1; if (this.precanvas.getElementsByClassName("drawflow-delete").length && this.precanvas.getElementsByClassName("drawflow-delete")[0].remove(), this.node_selected || this.connection_selected) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("drawflow-delete"), t.innerHTML = "x", this.node_selected && this.node_selected.appendChild(t), this.connection_selected && this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList.length > 1 && (t.style.top = e.clientY * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)) + "px", t.style.left = e.clientX * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)) + "px", this.precanvas.appendChild(t)) } } contextmenuDel() { this.precanvas.getElementsByClassName("drawflow-delete").length && this.precanvas.getElementsByClassName("drawflow-delete")[0].remove() } key(e) { if (this.dispatch("keydown", e), "fixed" === this.editor_mode || "view" === this.editor_mode) return !1; ("Delete" === e.key || "Backspace" === e.key && e.metaKey) && (null != this.node_selected && "INPUT" !== this.first_click.tagName && "TEXTAREA" !== this.first_click.tagName && !0 !== this.first_click.hasAttribute("contenteditable") && this.removeNodeId(this.node_selected.id), null != this.connection_selected && this.removeConnection()) } zoom_enter(e, t) { e.ctrlKey && (e.preventDefault(), e.deltaY > 0 ? this.zoom_out() : this.zoom_in()) } zoom_refresh() { this.dispatch("zoom", this.zoom), this.canvas_x = this.canvas_x / this.zoom_last_value * this.zoom, this.canvas_y = this.canvas_y / this.zoom_last_value * this.zoom, this.zoom_last_value = this.zoom, this.precanvas.style.transform = "translate(" + this.canvas_x + "px, " + this.canvas_y + "px) scale(" + this.zoom + ")" } zoom_in() { this.zoom < this.zoom_max && (this.zoom += this.zoom_value, this.zoom_refresh()) } zoom_out() { this.zoom > this.zoom_min && (this.zoom -= this.zoom_value, this.zoom_refresh()) } zoom_reset() { 1 != this.zoom && (this.zoom = 1, this.zoom_refresh()) } createCurvature(e, t, n, i, s, o) { var l = e, c = t, d = n, a = i, r = s; switch (o) { case "open": if (e >= n) var h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * r, u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * (-1 * r); else h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * r, u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * r; return " M " + l + " " + c + " C " + h + " " + c + " " + u + " " + a + " " + d + " " + a; case "close": if (e >= n) h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * (-1 * r), u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * r; else h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * r, u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * r; return " M " + l + " " + c + " C " + h + " " + c + " " + u + " " + a + " " + d + " " + a; case "other": if (e >= n) h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * (-1 * r), u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * (-1 * r); else h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * r, u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * r; return " M " + l + " " + c + " C " + h + " " + c + " " + u + " " + a + " " + d + " " + a; default: return " M " + l + " " + c + " C " + (h = l + Math.abs(d - l) * r) + " " + c + " " + (u = d - Math.abs(d - l) * r) + " " + a + " " + d + " " + a } } drawConnection(e) { var t = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); this.connection_ele = t; var n = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); n.classList.add("main-path"), n.setAttributeNS(null, "d", ""), t.classList.add("connection"), t.appendChild(n), this.precanvas.appendChild(t); var i = e.parentElement.parentElement.id.slice(5), s = e.classList[1]; this.dispatch("connectionStart", { output_id: i, output_class: s }) } updateConnection(e, t) { const n = this.precanvas, i = this.zoom; let s = n.clientWidth / (n.clientWidth * i); s = s || 0; let o = n.clientHeight / (n.clientHeight * i); o = o || 0; var l = this.connection_ele.children[0], c = this.ele_selected.offsetWidth / 2 + (this.ele_selected.getBoundingClientRect().x - n.getBoundingClientRect().x) * s, d = this.ele_selected.offsetHeight / 2 + (this.ele_selected.getBoundingClientRect().y - n.getBoundingClientRect().y) * o, a = e * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)), r = t * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)), h = this.curvature, u = this.createCurvature(c, d, a, r, h, "openclose"); l.setAttributeNS(null, "d", u) } addConnection(e, t, n, i) { var s = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); if (s === this.getModuleFromNodeId(t)) { var o = this.getNodeFromId(e), l = !1; for (var c in o.outputs[n].connections) { var d = o.outputs[n].connections[c]; d.node == t && d.output == i && (l = !0) } if (!1 === l) { if (this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[e].outputs[n].connections.push({ node: t.toString(), output: i }), this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[t].inputs[i].connections.push({ node: e.toString(), input: n }), this.module === s) { var a = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"), r = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); r.classList.add("main-path"), r.setAttributeNS(null, "d", ""), a.classList.add("connection"), a.classList.add("node_in_node-" + t), a.classList.add("node_out_node-" + e), a.classList.add(n), a.classList.add(i), a.appendChild(r), this.precanvas.appendChild(a), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + t) } this.dispatch("connectionCreated", { output_id: e, input_id: t, output_class: n, input_class: i }) } } } updateConnectionNodes(e) { const t = "node_in_" + e, n = "node_out_" + e; this.line_path; const i = this.container, s = this.precanvas, o = this.curvature, l = this.createCurvature, c = this.reroute_curvature, d = this.reroute_curvature_start_end, a = this.reroute_fix_curvature, r = this.reroute_width, h = this.zoom; let u = s.clientWidth / (s.clientWidth * h); u = u || 0; let p = s.clientHeight / (s.clientHeight * h); p = p || 0; const f = i.querySelectorAll("." + n); Object.keys(f).map((function (t, n) { if (null === f[t].querySelector(".point")) { var g = i.querySelector("#" + e), m = f[t].classList[1].replace("node_in_", ""), _ = i.querySelector("#" + m).querySelectorAll("." + f[t].classList[4])[0], w = _.offsetWidth / 2 + (_.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, v = _.offsetHeight / 2 + (_.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, y = g.querySelectorAll("." + f[t].classList[3])[0], C = y.offsetWidth / 2 + (y.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, x = y.offsetHeight / 2 + (y.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p; const n = l(C, x, w, v, o, "openclose"); f[t].children[0].setAttributeNS(null, "d", n) } else { const n = f[t].querySelectorAll(".point"); let o = ""; const g = []; n.forEach((t, a) => { if (0 === a && n.length - 1 == 0) { var f = i.querySelector("#" + e), m = ((x = t).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, _ = (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, w = (L = f.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (L.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, v = L.offsetHeight / 2 + (L.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, y = l(w, v, m, _, d, "open"); o += y, g.push(y); f = t; var C = t.parentElement.classList[1].replace("node_in_", ""), x = (E = i.querySelector("#" + C)).querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0]; m = (R = E.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (R.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, _ = R.offsetHeight / 2 + (R.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, v = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, y = l(w, v, m, _, d, "close"); o += y, g.push(y) } else if (0 === a) { var L; f = i.querySelector("#" + e), m = ((x = t).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, _ = (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, w = (L = f.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (L.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, v = L.offsetHeight / 2 + (L.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, y = l(w, v, m, _, d, "open"); o += y, g.push(y); f = t, m = ((x = n[a + 1]).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, _ = (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, v = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, y = l(w, v, m, _, c, "other"); o += y, g.push(y) } else if (a === n.length - 1) { var E, R; f = t, C = t.parentElement.classList[1].replace("node_in_", ""), x = (E = i.querySelector("#" + C)).querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0], m = (R = E.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (R.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, _ = R.offsetHeight / 2 + (R.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * (s.clientWidth / (s.clientWidth * h)) + r, v = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * (s.clientHeight / (s.clientHeight * h)) + r, y = l(w, v, m, _, d, "close"); o += y, g.push(y) } else { f = t, m = ((x = n[a + 1]).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * (s.clientWidth / (s.clientWidth * h)) + r, _ = (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * (s.clientHeight / (s.clientHeight * h)) + r, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * (s.clientWidth / (s.clientWidth * h)) + r, v = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * (s.clientHeight / (s.clientHeight * h)) + r, y = l(w, v, m, _, c, "other"); o += y, g.push(y) } }), a ? g.forEach((e, n) => { f[t].children[n].setAttributeNS(null, "d", e) }) : f[t].children[0].setAttributeNS(null, "d", o) } })); const g = i.querySelectorAll("." + t); Object.keys(g).map((function (t, n) { if (null === g[t].querySelector(".point")) { var h = i.querySelector("#" + e), f = g[t].classList[2].replace("node_out_", ""), m = i.querySelector("#" + f).querySelectorAll("." + g[t].classList[3])[0], _ = m.offsetWidth / 2 + (m.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, w = m.offsetHeight / 2 + (m.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, v = (h = h.querySelectorAll("." + g[t].classList[4])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (h.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, y = h.offsetHeight / 2 + (h.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p; const n = l(_, w, v, y, o, "openclose"); g[t].children[0].setAttributeNS(null, "d", n) } else { const n = g[t].querySelectorAll(".point"); let o = ""; const h = []; n.forEach((t, a) => { if (0 === a && n.length - 1 == 0) { var f = i.querySelector("#" + e), g = ((C = t).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, m = (C.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, _ = (E = f.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (E.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, w = E.offsetHeight / 2 + (E.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, v = l(g, m, _, w, d, "close"); o += v, h.push(v); f = t; var y = t.parentElement.classList[2].replace("node_out_", ""), C = (L = i.querySelector("#" + y)).querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0]; g = (x = L.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (x.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, m = x.offsetHeight / 2 + (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, _ = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, v = l(g, m, _, w, d, "open"); o += v, h.push(v) } else if (0 === a) { var x; f = t, y = t.parentElement.classList[2].replace("node_out_", ""), C = (L = i.querySelector("#" + y)).querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0], g = (x = L.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[3])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (x.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, m = x.offsetHeight / 2 + (x.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, _ = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, w = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, v = l(g, m, _, w, d, "open"); o += v, h.push(v); f = t, _ = ((C = n[a + 1]).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, w = (C.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, g = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, m = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, v = l(g, m, _, w, c, "other"); o += v, h.push(v) } else if (a === n.length - 1) { var L, E; f = t, y = t.parentElement.classList[1].replace("node_in_", ""), C = (L = i.querySelector("#" + y)).querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0], _ = (E = L.querySelectorAll("." + t.parentElement.classList[4])[0]).offsetWidth / 2 + (E.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u, w = E.offsetHeight / 2 + (E.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p, g = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, m = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, v = l(g, m, _, w, d, "close"); o += v, h.push(v) } else { f = t, _ = ((C = n[a + 1]).getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, w = (C.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, g = (f.getBoundingClientRect().x - s.getBoundingClientRect().x) * u + r, m = (f.getBoundingClientRect().y - s.getBoundingClientRect().y) * p + r, v = l(g, m, _, w, c, "other"); o += v, h.push(v) } }), a ? h.forEach((e, n) => { g[t].children[n].setAttributeNS(null, "d", e) }) : g[t].children[0].setAttributeNS(null, "d", o) } })) } dblclick(e) { null != this.connection_selected && this.reroute && this.createReroutePoint(this.connection_selected), "point" === e.target.classList[0] && this.removeReroutePoint(e.target) } createReroutePoint(e) { this.connection_selected.classList.remove("selected"); const t = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList[2].slice(9), n = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList[1].slice(13), i = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList[3], s = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList[4]; this.connection_selected = null; const o = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"); o.classList.add("point"); var l = this.pos_x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * (this.precanvas.clientWidth / (this.precanvas.clientWidth * this.zoom)), c = this.pos_y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)) - this.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * (this.precanvas.clientHeight / (this.precanvas.clientHeight * this.zoom)); o.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", l), o.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", c), o.setAttributeNS(null, "r", this.reroute_width); let d = 0; if (this.reroute_fix_curvature) { const t = e.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").length; var a = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); if (a.classList.add("main-path"), a.setAttributeNS(null, "d", ""), e.parentElement.insertBefore(a, e.parentElement.children[t]), 1 === t) e.parentElement.appendChild(o); else { const n = Array.from(e.parentElement.children).indexOf(e); d = n, e.parentElement.insertBefore(o, e.parentElement.children[n + t + 1]) } } else e.parentElement.appendChild(o); const r = t.slice(5), h = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === n && e.output === s })); void 0 === this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points && (this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points = []), this.reroute_fix_curvature ? (d > 0 || this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points !== [] ? this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points.splice(d, 0, { pos_x: l, pos_y: c }) : this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points.push({ pos_x: l, pos_y: c }), e.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").forEach((e, t) => { e.classList.remove("selected") })) : this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[r].outputs[i].connections[h].points.push({ pos_x: l, pos_y: c }), this.dispatch("addReroute", r), this.updateConnectionNodes(t) } removeReroutePoint(e) { const t = e.parentElement.classList[2].slice(9), n = e.parentElement.classList[1].slice(13), i = e.parentElement.classList[3], s = e.parentElement.classList[4]; let o = Array.from(e.parentElement.children).indexOf(e); const l = t.slice(5), c = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[l].outputs[i].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === n && e.output === s })); if (this.reroute_fix_curvature) { const t = e.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".main-path").length; e.parentElement.children[t - 1].remove(), o -= t, o < 0 && (o = 0) } else o--; this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[l].outputs[i].connections[c].points.splice(o, 1), e.remove(), this.dispatch("removeReroute", l), this.updateConnectionNodes(t) } registerNode(e, t, n = null, i = null) { this.noderegister[e] = { html: t, props: n, options: i } } getNodeFromId(e) { var t = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.drawflow.drawflow[t].data[e])) } getNodesFromName(e) { var t = []; const n = this.drawflow.drawflow; return Object.keys(n).map((function (i, s) { for (var o in n[i].data) n[i].data[o].name == e && t.push(n[i].data[o].id) })), t } addNode(e, t, n, i, s, o, l, c, d = !1) { if (this.useuuid) var a = this.getUuid(); else a = this.nodeId; const r = document.createElement("div"); r.classList.add("parent-node"); const h = document.createElement("div"); h.innerHTML = "", h.setAttribute("id", "node-" + a), h.classList.add("drawflow-node"), "" != o && h.classList.add(...o.split(" ")); const u = document.createElement("div"); u.classList.add("inputs"); const p = document.createElement("div"); p.classList.add("outputs"); const f = {}; for (var g = 0; g < t; g++) { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("input"), e.classList.add("input_" + (g + 1)), f["input_" + (g + 1)] = { connections: [] }, u.appendChild(e) } const m = {}; for (g = 0; g < n; g++) { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("output"), e.classList.add("output_" + (g + 1)), m["output_" + (g + 1)] = { connections: [] }, p.appendChild(e) } const _ = document.createElement("div"); if (_.classList.add("drawflow_content_node"), !1 === d) _.innerHTML = c; else if (!0 === d) _.appendChild(this.noderegister[c].html.cloneNode(!0)); else if (3 === parseInt(this.render.version)) { let e = this.render.h(this.noderegister[c].html, this.noderegister[c].props, this.noderegister[c].options); e.appContext = this.parent, this.render.render(e, _) } else { let e = new this.render({ parent: this.parent, render: e => e(this.noderegister[c].html, { props: this.noderegister[c].props }), ...this.noderegister[c].options }).$mount(); _.appendChild(e.$el) } Object.entries(l).forEach((function (e, t) { if ("object" == typeof e[1]) !function e(t, n, i) { if (null === t) t = l[n]; else t = t[n]; null !== t && Object.entries(t).forEach((function (n, s) { if ("object" == typeof n[1]) e(t, n[0], i + "-" + n[0]); else for (var o = _.querySelectorAll("[df-" + i + "-" + n[0] + "]"), l = 0; l < o.length; l++)o[l].value = n[1], o[l].isContentEditable && (o[l].innerText = n[1]) })) }(null, e[0], e[0]); else for (var n = _.querySelectorAll("[df-" + e[0] + "]"), i = 0; i < n.length; i++)n[i].value = e[1], n[i].isContentEditable && (n[i].innerText = e[1]) })), h.appendChild(u), h.appendChild(_), h.appendChild(p), h.style.top = s + "px", h.style.left = i + "px", r.appendChild(h), this.precanvas.appendChild(r); var w = { id: a, name: e, data: l, class: o, html: c, typenode: d, inputs: f, outputs: m, pos_x: i, pos_y: s }; return this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[a] = w, this.dispatch("nodeCreated", a), this.useuuid || this.nodeId++, a } addNodeImport(e, t) { const n = document.createElement("div"); n.classList.add("parent-node"); const i = document.createElement("div"); i.innerHTML = "", i.setAttribute("id", "node-" + e.id), i.classList.add("drawflow-node"), "" != e.class && i.classList.add(...e.class.split(" ")); const s = document.createElement("div"); s.classList.add("inputs"); const o = document.createElement("div"); o.classList.add("outputs"), Object.keys(e.inputs).map((function (n, i) { const o = document.createElement("div"); o.classList.add("input"), o.classList.add(n), s.appendChild(o), Object.keys(e.inputs[n].connections).map((function (i, s) { var o = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"), l = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); l.classList.add("main-path"), l.setAttributeNS(null, "d", ""), o.classList.add("connection"), o.classList.add("node_in_node-" + e.id), o.classList.add("node_out_node-" + e.inputs[n].connections[i].node), o.classList.add(e.inputs[n].connections[i].input), o.classList.add(n), o.appendChild(l), t.appendChild(o) })) })); for (var l = 0; l < Object.keys(e.outputs).length; l++) { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("output"), e.classList.add("output_" + (l + 1)), o.appendChild(e) } const c = document.createElement("div"); if (c.classList.add("drawflow_content_node"), !1 === e.typenode) c.innerHTML = e.html; else if (!0 === e.typenode) c.appendChild(this.noderegister[e.html].html.cloneNode(!0)); else if (3 === parseInt(this.render.version)) { let t = this.render.h(this.noderegister[e.html].html, this.noderegister[e.html].props, this.noderegister[e.html].options); t.appContext = this.parent, this.render.render(t, c) } else { let t = new this.render({ parent: this.parent, render: t => t(this.noderegister[e.html].html, { props: this.noderegister[e.html].props }), ...this.noderegister[e.html].options }).$mount(); c.appendChild(t.$el) } Object.entries(e.data).forEach((function (t, n) { if ("object" == typeof t[1]) !function t(n, i, s) { if (null === n) n = e.data[i]; else n = n[i]; null !== n && Object.entries(n).forEach((function (e, i) { if ("object" == typeof e[1]) t(n, e[0], s + "-" + e[0]); else for (var o = c.querySelectorAll("[df-" + s + "-" + e[0] + "]"), l = 0; l < o.length; l++)o[l].value = e[1], o[l].isContentEditable && (o[l].innerText = e[1]) })) }(null, t[0], t[0]); else for (var i = c.querySelectorAll("[df-" + t[0] + "]"), s = 0; s < i.length; s++)i[s].value = t[1], i[s].isContentEditable && (i[s].innerText = t[1]) })), i.appendChild(s), i.appendChild(c), i.appendChild(o), i.style.top = e.pos_y + "px", i.style.left = e.pos_x + "px", n.appendChild(i), this.precanvas.appendChild(n) } addRerouteImport(e) { const t = this.reroute_width, n = this.reroute_fix_curvature, i = this.container; Object.keys(e.outputs).map((function (s, o) { Object.keys(e.outputs[s].connections).map((function (o, l) { const c = e.outputs[s].connections[o].points; void 0 !== c && c.forEach((l, d) => { const a = e.outputs[s].connections[o].node, r = e.outputs[s].connections[o].output, h = i.querySelector(".connection.node_in_node-" + a + ".node_out_node-" + e.id + "." + s + "." + r); if (n && 0 === d) for (var u = 0; u < c.length; u++) { var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); p.classList.add("main-path"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "d", ""), h.appendChild(p) } const f = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"); f.classList.add("point"); var g = l.pos_x, m = l.pos_y; f.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", g), f.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", m), f.setAttributeNS(null, "r", t), h.appendChild(f) }) })) })) } updateNodeValue(e) { for (var t = e.target.attributes, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (t[n].nodeName.startsWith("df-")) { for (var i = t[n].nodeName.slice(3).split("-"), s = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e.target.closest(".drawflow_content_node").parentElement.id.slice(5)].data, o = 0; o < i.length - 1; o += 1)null == s[i[o]] && (s[i[o]] = {}), s = s[i[o]]; s[i[i.length - 1]] = e.target.value, e.target.isContentEditable && (s[i[i.length - 1]] = e.target.innerText), this.dispatch("nodeDataChanged", e.target.closest(".drawflow_content_node").parentElement.id.slice(5)) } } updateNodeDataFromId(e, t) { var n = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); if (this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].data = t, this.module === n) { const n = this.container.querySelector("#node-" + e); Object.entries(t).forEach((function (e, i) { if ("object" == typeof e[1]) !function e(i, s, o) { if (null === i) i = t[s]; else i = i[s]; null !== i && Object.entries(i).forEach((function (t, s) { if ("object" == typeof t[1]) e(i, t[0], o + "-" + t[0]); else for (var l = n.querySelectorAll("[df-" + o + "-" + t[0] + "]"), c = 0; c < l.length; c++)l[c].value = t[1], l[c].isContentEditable && (l[c].innerText = t[1]) })) }(null, e[0], e[0]); else for (var s = n.querySelectorAll("[df-" + e[0] + "]"), o = 0; o < s.length; o++)s[o].value = e[1], s[o].isContentEditable && (s[o].innerText = e[1]) })) } } addNodeInput(e) { var t = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); const n = this.getNodeFromId(e), i = Object.keys(n.inputs).length; if (this.module === t) { const t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("input"), t.classList.add("input_" + (i + 1)), this.container.querySelector("#node-" + e + " .inputs").appendChild(t), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e) } this.drawflow.drawflow[t].data[e].inputs["input_" + (i + 1)] = { connections: [] } } addNodeOutput(e) { var t = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); const n = this.getNodeFromId(e), i = Object.keys(n.outputs).length; if (this.module === t) { const t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("output"), t.classList.add("output_" + (i + 1)), this.container.querySelector("#node-" + e + " .outputs").appendChild(t), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e) } this.drawflow.drawflow[t].data[e].outputs["output_" + (i + 1)] = { connections: [] } } removeNodeInput(e, t) { var n = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); const i = this.getNodeFromId(e); this.module === n && this.container.querySelector("#node-" + e + " .inputs .input." + t).remove(); const s = []; Object.keys(i.inputs[t].connections).map((function (n, o) { const l = i.inputs[t].connections[o].node, c = i.inputs[t].connections[o].input; s.push({ id_output: l, id: e, output_class: c, input_class: t }) })), s.forEach((e, t) => { this.removeSingleConnection(e.id_output, e.id, e.output_class, e.input_class) }), delete this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].inputs[t]; const o = [], l = this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].inputs; Object.keys(l).map((function (e, t) { o.push(l[e]) })), this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].inputs = {}; const c = t.slice(6); let d = []; if (o.forEach((t, i) => { t.connections.forEach((e, t) => { d.push(e) }), this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].inputs["input_" + (i + 1)] = t }), d = new Set(d.map(e => JSON.stringify(e))), d = Array.from(d).map(e => JSON.parse(e)), this.module === n) { this.container.querySelectorAll("#node-" + e + " .inputs .input").forEach((e, t) => { const n = e.classList[1].slice(6); parseInt(c) < parseInt(n) && (e.classList.remove("input_" + n), e.classList.add("input_" + (n - 1))) }) } d.forEach((t, i) => { this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].outputs[t.input].connections.forEach((i, s) => { if (i.node == e) { const o = i.output.slice(6); if (parseInt(c) < parseInt(o)) { if (this.module === n) { const n = this.container.querySelector(".connection.node_in_node-" + e + ".node_out_node-" + t.node + "." + t.input + ".input_" + o); n.classList.remove("input_" + o), n.classList.add("input_" + (o - 1)) } i.points ? this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].outputs[t.input].connections[s] = { node: i.node, output: "input_" + (o - 1), points: i.points } : this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].outputs[t.input].connections[s] = { node: i.node, output: "input_" + (o - 1) } } } }) }), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e) } removeNodeOutput(e, t) { var n = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); const i = this.getNodeFromId(e); this.module === n && this.container.querySelector("#node-" + e + " .outputs .output." + t).remove(); const s = []; Object.keys(i.outputs[t].connections).map((function (n, o) { const l = i.outputs[t].connections[o].node, c = i.outputs[t].connections[o].output; s.push({ id: e, id_input: l, output_class: t, input_class: c }) })), s.forEach((e, t) => { this.removeSingleConnection(e.id, e.id_input, e.output_class, e.input_class) }), delete this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].outputs[t]; const o = [], l = this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].outputs; Object.keys(l).map((function (e, t) { o.push(l[e]) })), this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].outputs = {}; const c = t.slice(7); let d = []; if (o.forEach((t, i) => { t.connections.forEach((e, t) => { d.push({ node: e.node, output: e.output }) }), this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[e].outputs["output_" + (i + 1)] = t }), d = new Set(d.map(e => JSON.stringify(e))), d = Array.from(d).map(e => JSON.parse(e)), this.module === n) { this.container.querySelectorAll("#node-" + e + " .outputs .output").forEach((e, t) => { const n = e.classList[1].slice(7); parseInt(c) < parseInt(n) && (e.classList.remove("output_" + n), e.classList.add("output_" + (n - 1))) }) } d.forEach((t, i) => { this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].inputs[t.output].connections.forEach((i, s) => { if (i.node == e) { const o = i.input.slice(7); if (parseInt(c) < parseInt(o)) { if (this.module === n) { const n = this.container.querySelector(".connection.node_in_node-" + t.node + ".node_out_node-" + e + ".output_" + o + "." + t.output); n.classList.remove("output_" + o), n.classList.remove(t.output), n.classList.add("output_" + (o - 1)), n.classList.add(t.output) } i.points ? this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].inputs[t.output].connections[s] = { node: i.node, input: "output_" + (o - 1), points: i.points } : this.drawflow.drawflow[n].data[t.node].inputs[t.output].connections[s] = { node: i.node, input: "output_" + (o - 1) } } } }) }), this.updateConnectionNodes("node-" + e) } removeNodeId(e) { this.removeConnectionNodeId(e); var t = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e.slice(5)); this.module === t && this.container.querySelector("#" + e).remove(), delete this.drawflow.drawflow[t].data[e.slice(5)], this.dispatch("nodeRemoved", e.slice(5)) } removeConnection() { if (null != this.connection_selected) { var e = this.connection_selected.parentElement.classList; this.connection_selected.parentElement.remove(); var t = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e[2].slice(14)].outputs[e[3]].connections.findIndex((function (t, n) { return t.node === e[1].slice(13) && t.output === e[4] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e[2].slice(14)].outputs[e[3]].connections.splice(t, 1); var n = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e[1].slice(13)].inputs[e[4]].connections.findIndex((function (t, n) { return t.node === e[2].slice(14) && t.input === e[3] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[e[1].slice(13)].inputs[e[4]].connections.splice(n, 1), this.dispatch("connectionRemoved", { output_id: e[2].slice(14), input_id: e[1].slice(13), output_class: e[3], input_class: e[4] }), this.connection_selected = null } } removeSingleConnection(e, t, n, i) { var s = this.getModuleFromNodeId(e); if (s === this.getModuleFromNodeId(t)) { if (this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[e].outputs[n].connections.findIndex((function (e, n) { return e.node == t && e.output === i })) > -1) { this.module === s && this.container.querySelector(".connection.node_in_node-" + t + ".node_out_node-" + e + "." + n + "." + i).remove(); var o = this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[e].outputs[n].connections.findIndex((function (e, n) { return e.node == t && e.output === i })); this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[e].outputs[n].connections.splice(o, 1); var l = this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[t].inputs[i].connections.findIndex((function (t, i) { return t.node == e && t.input === n })); return this.drawflow.drawflow[s].data[t].inputs[i].connections.splice(l, 1), this.dispatch("connectionRemoved", { output_id: e, input_id: t, output_class: n, input_class: i }), !0 } return !1 } return !1 } removeConnectionNodeId(e) { const t = "node_in_" + e, n = "node_out_" + e, i = this.container.querySelectorAll("." + n); for (var s = i.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { var o = i[s].classList, l = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[1].slice(13)].inputs[o[4]].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === o[2].slice(14) && e.input === o[3] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[1].slice(13)].inputs[o[4]].connections.splice(l, 1); var c = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[2].slice(14)].outputs[o[3]].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === o[1].slice(13) && e.output === o[4] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[2].slice(14)].outputs[o[3]].connections.splice(c, 1), i[s].remove(), this.dispatch("connectionRemoved", { output_id: o[2].slice(14), input_id: o[1].slice(13), output_class: o[3], input_class: o[4] }) } const d = this.container.querySelectorAll("." + t); for (s = d.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { o = d[s].classList, c = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[2].slice(14)].outputs[o[3]].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === o[1].slice(13) && e.output === o[4] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[2].slice(14)].outputs[o[3]].connections.splice(c, 1); l = this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[1].slice(13)].inputs[o[4]].connections.findIndex((function (e, t) { return e.node === o[2].slice(14) && e.input === o[3] })); this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module].data[o[1].slice(13)].inputs[o[4]].connections.splice(l, 1), d[s].remove(), this.dispatch("connectionRemoved", { output_id: o[2].slice(14), input_id: o[1].slice(13), output_class: o[3], input_class: o[4] }) } } getModuleFromNodeId(e) { var t; const n = this.drawflow.drawflow; return Object.keys(n).map((function (i, s) { Object.keys(n[i].data).map((function (n, s) { n == e && (t = i) })) })), t } addModule(e) { this.drawflow.drawflow[e] = { data: {} }, this.dispatch("moduleCreated", e) } changeModule(e) { this.dispatch("moduleChanged", e), this.module = e, this.precanvas.innerHTML = "", this.canvas_x = 0, this.canvas_y = 0, this.pos_x = 0, this.pos_y = 0, this.mouse_x = 0, this.mouse_y = 0, this.zoom = 1, this.zoom_last_value = 1, this.precanvas.style.transform = "", this.import(this.drawflow, !1) } removeModule(e) { this.module === e && this.changeModule("Home"), delete this.drawflow.drawflow[e], this.dispatch("moduleRemoved", e) } clearModuleSelected() { this.precanvas.innerHTML = "", this.drawflow.drawflow[this.module] = { data: {} } } clear() { this.precanvas.innerHTML = "", this.drawflow = { drawflow: { Home: { data: {} } } } } export() { const e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.drawflow)); return this.dispatch("export", e), e } import(e, t = !0) { this.clear(), this.drawflow = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)), this.load(), t && this.dispatch("import", "import") } on(e, t) { return "function" != typeof t ? (console.error("The listener callback must be a function, the given type is " + typeof t), !1) : "string" != typeof e ? (console.error("The event name must be a string, the given type is " + typeof e), !1) : (void 0 === this.events[e] && (this.events[e] = { listeners: [] }), void this.events[e].listeners.push(t)) } removeListener(e, t) { if (!this.events[e]) return !1; const n = this.events[e].listeners, i = n.indexOf(t); i > -1 && n.splice(i, 1) } dispatch(e, t) { if (void 0 === this.events[e]) return !1; this.events[e].listeners.forEach(e => { e(t) }) } getUuid() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < 36; t++)e[t] = "0123456789abcdef".substr(Math.floor(16 * Math.random()), 1); return e[14] = "4", e[19] = "0123456789abcdef".substr(3 & e[19] | 8, 1), e[8] = e[13] = e[18] = e[23] = "-", e.join("") } } }]).default }));