
2178 lines
87 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

'use strict';
// Function called to setup custom MarkdownIt rendering and parsing rules
var markdownItCustomPostInit = markdownItCustomPostInit
// Hint option passed to the CodeMirror constructor
var cmCustomHints = hintMISPElements
// Setup function called after the CodeMirror initialization
var cmCustomSetup = cmCustomSetup
// Hook allowing to alter the raw text before returning the GFM version to the user to be downloaded
var markdownGFMSubstitution = replaceMISPElementByTheirValue
// Post rendering hook called after the markdown is displayed, allowing to register listener
var markdownCustomPostRenderingListener = setupMISPElementMarkdownListeners
// Post rendering hook called after the markdown is display, allowing to perform any actions on the rendered markdown
var markdownCustomPostRenderingActions = attachRemoteMISPElements
// CodeMirror replacement/insertion actions that can be executed on the editor's text
var customReplacementActions = MISPElementReplacementActions
// Called after CodeMirror initialization to insert custom top bar buttons
var insertCustomToolbarButtons = insertMISPElementToolbarButtons
// Key of the model used by the form when saving
var modelNameForSave = 'EventReport';
// Key of the field used by the form when saving
var markdownModelFieldNameForSave = 'content';
var dotTemplateAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"attr-type\"><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"blue\"><span class=\"attr-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateAttributePicture = doT.template("<div class=\"misp-picture-wrapper attributePicture\"><img data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" href=\"#\" src=\"{{=it.src}}\" alt=\"{{=it.alt}}\" title=\"\"/></div>");
var dotTemplateGalaxyMatrix = doT.template("<div class=\"misp-picture-wrapper embeddedGalaxyMatrix\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\"></div>");
var dotTemplateTag = doT.template("<span class=\"tag misp-tag-wrapper embeddedTag\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\">{{=it.elementid}}</span>");
var dotTemplateObject = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper object\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"obj-type\"><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"obj-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateObjectAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper object\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"obj-type\"><span class=\"object-name\">{{=it.objectname}}</span>↦ <span class=\"object-attribute-type\">{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"obj-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateInvalid = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper invalid\"><span class=\"bold red\">{{=it.scope}}<span class=\"blue\"> ({{=it.id}})</span></span></span>");
var dotCloseButtonTemplate = doT.template('<button type="button" class="close" style="margin-left: 5px;" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementID}}\" onclick="closeThePopover(this)">×</button>');
var dotTemplateRenderingDisabled = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\">{{=it.value}}</span>");
var dotTemplateSuggestionAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper suggestion attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-indexstart=\"{{=it.indexStart}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" data-suggestionkey=\"{{=it.suggestionkey}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"attr-type\"><input type=\"checkbox\" {{? it.checked }}checked=\"checked\"{{?}}></input><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"blue\"><span class=\"attr-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span></span>");
var renderingRules = {
'attribute': true,
'attribute-picture': true,
'object': true,
'object-attribute': true,
'tag': true,
'galaxymatrix': true,
'suggestion': true,
var galaxyMatrixTimer, tagTimers = {};
var cache_matrix = {}, cache_tag = {};
var firstCustomPostRenderCall = true;
var contentBeforeSuggestions
var typeToCategoryMapping
var entitiesFromComplexTool
var $suggestionContainer
var unreferencedElements = {
values: null,
context: null
var suggestionIDs = []
var suggestions = {}
var pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
_____ _ __ __ _
/ ____| | | | \/ (_)
| | ___ __| | ___| \ / |_ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ |\/| | | '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |___| (_) | (_| | __/ | | | | | | | | (_) | |
\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|_|_| |_| \___/|_|
function cmCustomSetup() {
$suggestionContainer = $('<div/>').attr('id', 'suggestion-container').addClass('hidden')
/* Replacement actions and Toolbar addition */
function MISPElementReplacementActions(action) {
var start = cm.getCursor('start')
var end = cm.getCursor('end')
var content = cm.getRange(start, end)
var replacement = content
var setCursorTo = false
var noMatch = false
switch (action) {
case 'element':
replacement = '@[MISPElement]()'
end = null
cm.replaceRange(replacement, start)
cm.setSelection({line: start.line, ch: start.ch + 2}, {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + 2 + 11})
return true;
case 'attribute':
replacement = '@[attribute]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'attribute-attachment':
replacement = '@![attribute]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'object':
replacement = '@[object]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'tag':
replacement = '@[tag]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'galaxy-matrix':
replacement = '@[galaxymatrix]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
noMatch = true;
if (noMatch) {
return false
cm.replaceRange(replacement, start, end)
if (setCursorTo !== false) {
cm.setCursor(setCursorTo.line, setCursorTo.ch)
return true
function insertMISPElementToolbarButtons() {
insertTopToolbarButton('cube', 'attribute', 'Attribute')
insertTopToolbarButton('cubes', 'object', 'Object')
insertTopToolbarButton('image', 'attribute-attachment', 'Attribute picture')
insertTopToolbarButton('tag', 'tag', 'Tag')
insertTopToolbarButton('atlas', 'galaxy-matrix', 'Galaxy matrix')
/* Hints */
var MISPElementHints = {}
function buildMISPElementHints() {
MISPElementHints['attribute'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['attribute']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
[attribute.value, uuid],
[attribute.type, uuid],
[attribute.id, uuid],
[attribute.uuid, uuid],
MISPElementHints['object'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['object']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var object = proxyMISPElements['object'][uuid]
var topPriorityValue = getTopPriorityValue(object)
[object.name, uuid],
[object.id, uuid],
[object.uuid, uuid],
[topPriorityValue, uuid],
MISPElementHints['galaxymatrix'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var galaxy = proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix'][uuid]
[galaxy.id, uuid],
[galaxy.uuid, uuid],
[galaxy.name, uuid],
[galaxy.namespace, uuid],
[galaxy.type, uuid],
MISPElementHints['tag'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['tagname']).forEach(function(tagName) {
var tag = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][tagName]
MISPElementHints['tag'].push([tagName, tagName])
function hintMISPElements(cm, options) {
var authorizedMISPElements = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag']
var availableScopes = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag']
var reMISPElement = RegExp('@\\[(?<scope>' + authorizedMISPElements.join('|') + ')\\]\\((?<elementid>[^\\)]+)?\\)');
var reMISPScope = RegExp('@\\[(?<scope>\\S+)\\]\\(\\)');
var reExtendedWord = /\S/
var hintList = []
var scope, elementID, element
var cursor = cm.getCursor()
var line = cm.getLine(cursor.line)
var start = cursor.ch
var end = cursor.ch
while (start && reExtendedWord.test(line.charAt(start - 1))) --start
while (end < line.length && reExtendedWord.test(line.charAt(end))) ++end
var word = line.slice(start, end).toLowerCase()
if (word === '@[]()') {
availableScopes.forEach(function(scope) {
text: '@[' + scope + ']()'
return {
list: hintList,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
var resScope = reMISPScope.exec(word)
if (resScope !== null) {
var partialScope = resScope.groups.scope
availableScopes.forEach(function(scope) {
if (scope.startsWith(partialScope) && scope !== partialScope) {
text: '@[' + scope + ']()'
if (hintList.length > 0) {
return {
list: hintList,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
var res = reMISPElement.exec(word)
if (res !== null) {
scope = res.groups.scope
elementID = res.groups.elementid !== undefined ? res.groups.elementid : ''
if (scope === 'tag') {
element = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][elementID]
} else {
element = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (element !== undefined) {
text: '@[' + scope + '](' + element.uuid + ')',
render: function(elem, self, data) {
var hintElement = renderHintElement(scope, element)
className: 'hint-container',
} else { // search in hint arrays
var addedItems = {}
var maxHints = 20 + 10*(elementID.length - 3 >= 0 ? elementID.length - 3 : 0); // adapt hint numbers if typed value is large enough
if (MISPElementHints[scope] !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < MISPElementHints[scope].length; i++) {
var hintArray = MISPElementHints[scope][i];
var hintValue = hintArray[0]
var hintUUID = hintArray[1]
if (hintList.length >= maxHints) {
if (hintValue.includes(elementID)) {
if (addedItems[hintUUID] === undefined) {
if (scope === 'tag') {
element = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][hintUUID]
element.uuid = hintUUID
} else {
element = proxyMISPElements[scope][hintUUID]
if (element !== undefined) {
text: '@[' + scope + '](' + element.uuid + ')',
element: element,
render: function(elem, self, data) {
var hintElement = renderHintElement(scope, data.element)
className: 'hint-container',
addedItems[hintUUID] = true
return {
list: hintList,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
return null
function renderHintElement(scope, element) {
var $node;
if (scope == 'attribute') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-attribute')
if (isValidObjectAttribute(element)) {
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cubes').css('margin-right', '3px'))
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element.category + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.type + ' '))
$('<span/>').addClass('bold blue ellipsis-overflow')
'max-width': '500px',
'display': 'table-cell'
} else if (scope == 'object') {
var topPriorityValue = getTopPriorityValue(element)
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-object')
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element['meta-category'] + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.name + ' '))
$('<span/>').addClass('bold blue ellipsis-overflow')
'max-width': '500px',
'display': 'table-cell'
} else if (scope == 'galaxymatrix') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-galaxymatrix')
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element.namespace + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.type + ' '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold blue').text(element.name))
} else if (scope == 'tag') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-tag')
$node.append(constructTagHtml(element.name, element.colour, {'box-shadow': 'none'}))
} else {
$node = $('<span>No match</span>') // should not happen
return $node
__ __ _ _ _____ _
| \/ | | | | | |_ _| |
| \ / | __ _ _ __| | ____| | _____ ___ __ | | | |_
| |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \ | | | __|
| | | | (_| | | | < (_| | (_) \ V V /| | | |_| |_| |_
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|_____|\__|
function markdownItCustomPostInit() {
fetchProxyMISPElements(function() {
function markdownItSetupRules() {
md.renderer.rules.MISPElement = MISPElementRenderer;
md.renderer.rules.MISPPictureElement = MISPPictureElementRenderer;
md.inline.ruler.push('MISP_element_rule', MISPElementRule);
md.core.ruler.push('MISP_element_suggestion_rule', MISPElementSuggestionRule);
function MISPElementSuggestionRule(state) {
var blockTokens = state.tokens
var tokens, blockToken, currentToken
var indexOfAllLines, lineOffset, absoluteLine, relativeIndex
var tokenMap
var i, j, l
for (i = 0, l = blockTokens.length; i < l; i++) {
blockToken = blockTokens[i]
if (blockToken.type !== 'inline') {
tokens = blockToken.children;
for (j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) {
currentToken = tokens[j];
if (currentToken.type !== 'MISPElement' && !currentToken.isSuggestion) {
if (blockToken.indexOfAllLines === undefined) {
indexOfAllLines = new md.block.State(blockToken.content, md, {}, [])
blockToken.indexOfAllLines = indexOfAllLines
lineOffset = getLineNumInArrayList(currentToken.content.indexes.start, blockToken.indexOfAllLines.bMarks)
tokenMap = findBackClosestStartLine(blockTokens, i)
var absoluteLine = tokenMap[0] + lineOffset
var relativeIndex = currentToken.content.indexes.start - blockToken.indexOfAllLines.bMarks[lineOffset]
state.tokens[i].children[j].content.indexes.lineStart = absoluteLine
state.tokens[i].children[j].content.indexes.start = relativeIndex
/* Parsing Rules */
function MISPElementRule(state, startLine, endLine, silent) {
var pos, start, labelStart, labelEnd, res, elementID, code, content, token, tokens, attrs, scope
var oldPos = state.pos,
max = state.posMax
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) !== 0x40/* @ */) { return false; }
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) === 0x21/* ! */) {
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 2) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false;}
} else {
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false; }
var isPicture = state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) === 0x21/* ! */
if (isPicture) {
labelStart = state.pos + 3;
labelEnd = state.md.helpers.parseLinkLabel(state, state.pos + 2, false);
} else {
labelStart = state.pos + 2;
labelEnd = state.md.helpers.parseLinkLabel(state, state.pos + 1, false);
// parser failed to find ']', so it's not a valid link
if (labelEnd < 0) { return false; }
scope = state.src.slice(labelStart, labelEnd)
pos = labelEnd + 1;
if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x28/* ( */) {
start = pos;
if (scope == 'tag' || scope == 'suggestion') { // tags may contain spaces
res = parseDestinationValue(state.src, pos, state.posMax);
} else {
res = state.md.helpers.parseLinkDestination(state.src, pos, state.posMax);
if (res.ok) {
// parseLinkDestination does not support trailing characters such as `.` after the link
// so we have to find the matching `)`
var destinationEnd = res.str.length - 1
var traillingCharNumber = 0
for (var i = res.str.length-1; i > 1; i--) {
var code = res.str.charCodeAt(i)
if (code === 0x29 /* ) */) {
destinationEnd = i
elementID = res.str.substring(1, destinationEnd);
pos = res.pos - 1 - traillingCharNumber;
if (pos >= max || state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x29/* ) */) {
state.pos = oldPos;
return false;
if (scope == 'tag' || scope == 'suggestion') {
var reTagName = /^[^\n)]+$/
if (!reTagName.test(elementID)) {
return false;
} else {
var reUUID = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
if (!reUUID.test(elementID)) {
return false;
// We found the end of the link, and know for a fact it's a valid link;
// so all that's left to do is to call tokenizer.
content = {
scope: scope,
elementID: elementID,
indexes: {
start: oldPos,
if (isPicture) {
token = state.push('MISPPictureElement', 'div', 0);
} else {
token = state.push('MISPElement', 'div', 0);
if (scope == 'suggestion') {
token.isSuggestion = true
content.indexes.suggestionID = consumeSuggestionID()
} else {
token.isSuggestion = false
token.children = tokens;
token.content = content;
state.pos = pos;
state.posMax = max;
return true;
/* Rendering rules */
function MISPElementRenderer(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
var allowedScope = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag', 'suggestion']
var token = tokens[idx];
var scope = token.content.scope
var elementID = token.content.elementID
var indexes = token.content.indexes
if (allowedScope.indexOf(scope) == -1) {
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID);
return renderMISPElement(scope, elementID, indexes)
function MISPPictureElementRenderer(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
var allowedScope = ['attribute']
var token = tokens[idx];
var scope = token.content.scope
var elementID = token.content.elementID
if (allowedScope.indexOf(scope) == -1) {
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID);
return renderMISPPictureElement(scope, elementID)
function renderMISPElement(scope, elementID, indexes) {
var templateVariables
if (scope == 'suggestion') {
var suggestionKey = 'suggestion-' + String(indexes.suggestionID)
if (suggestions[elementID] !== undefined) {
var suggestion = suggestions[elementID][suggestionKey]
if (suggestion !== undefined) {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'suggestion',
elementid: elementID,
eventid: eventid,
type: suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.picked_type,
origValue: elementID,
value: suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.value,
indexStart: indexes.start,
suggestionkey: suggestionKey,
checked: suggestion.checked
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateSuggestionAttribute, templateVariables);
if (proxyMISPElements !== null) {
if (scope == 'attribute') {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (attribute !== undefined) {
var templateToRender = dotTemplateAttribute
var attributeData = {
scope: 'attribute',
elementid: elementID,
type: attribute.type,
value: attribute.value
if (isValidObjectAttribute(attribute)) {
var mispObject = getObjectFromAttribute(attribute)
if (mispObject !== undefined) {
attributeData.type = attribute.object_relation
attributeData.objectname = mispObject.name
templateToRender = dotTemplateObjectAttribute
templateVariables = sanitizeObject(attributeData)
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, templateToRender, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'object') {
var mispObject = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (mispObject !== undefined) {
var associatedTemplate = mispObject.template_uuid + '.' + mispObject.template_version
var objectTemplate = proxyMISPElements['objectTemplates'][associatedTemplate]
var topPriorityValue = mispObject.Attribute.length
if (objectTemplate !== undefined) {
var temp = getPriorityValue(mispObject, objectTemplate)
topPriorityValue = temp !== false ? temp : topPriorityValue
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'object',
elementid: elementID,
type: mispObject.name,
value: topPriorityValue
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateObject, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'tag') {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({scope: 'tag', elementid: elementID, eventid: eventid, value: elementID})
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateTag, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'galaxymatrix') {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({scope: 'galaxymatrix', elementid: elementID, eventid: eventid, value: elementID})
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateGalaxyMatrix, templateVariables);
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID)
function renderMISPPictureElement(scope, elementID) {
if (proxyMISPElements !== null) {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (attribute !== undefined) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'attribute',
elementid: elementID,
type: attribute.type,
value: attribute.value,
alt: scope + ' ' + elementID,
src: baseurl + '/attributes/viewPicture/' + attribute.id,
title: attribute.type + ' ' + attribute.value,
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions('attribute-picture', dotTemplateAttributePicture, templateVariables);
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID)
function renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: invalidMessage,
id: elementID
return dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables);
function renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, templateToRender, templateVariables) {
if (renderingRules[scope]) {
return templateToRender(templateVariables)
} else {
return dotTemplateRenderingDisabled(templateVariables)
function setupMISPElementMarkdownListeners() {
var $elements = $('.misp-element-wrapper.attribute:not(".suggestion"), .misp-element-wrapper.object, .misp-picture-wrapper > img, .embeddedTag');
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: isInsideModal() ? 'body' : '#viewer-container',
placement: 'top',
title: getTitleFromMISPElementDOM,
content: getContentFromMISPElementDOM
function setupSuggestionMarkdownListeners() {
$('.misp-element-wrapper').filter('.suggestion').click(function(e) {
var $checkbox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]')
$checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked'))
updateSuggestionCheckedState($(this), $checkbox)
.click(function(e) {
.change(function() {
updateSuggestionCheckedState($(this).closest('.suggestion'), $(this))
function updateSuggestionCheckedState($wrapper, $checkbox) {
var elementID = $wrapper.data('elementid')
var suggestionKey = $wrapper.data('suggestionkey')
suggestions[elementID][suggestionKey].checked = $checkbox.prop('checked')
function attachRemoteMISPElements() {
$('.embeddedGalaxyMatrix[data-scope="galaxymatrix"]').each(function() {
var $div = $(this)
$div.append($('<div/>').css('font-size', '24px').append(loadingSpanAnimation))
var eventID = $div.data('eventid')
var elementID = $div.data('elementid')
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
if (cache_matrix[cacheKey] === undefined) {
galaxyMatrixTimer = setTimeout(function() {
attachGalaxyMatrix($div, eventID, elementID)
}, firstCustomPostRenderCall ? 0 : slowDebounceDelay);
} else {
var tagNamesToLoad = [];
var tagsLoading = [];
$('.embeddedTag[data-scope="tag"]').each(function() {
var $div = $(this);
var elementID = $div.data('elementid');
if (!(elementID in cache_tag)) {
} else {
}).promise().done(function() {
if (tagNamesToLoad.length === 0) {
fetchTagInfo(tagNamesToLoad, function() {
$.each(tagsLoading, function() {
var $div = $(this);
var elementID = $div.data('elementid');
if (elementID in cache_tag) {
if (firstCustomPostRenderCall) {
// Wait, because .each calls are asynchronous
setTimeout(function() {
firstCustomPostRenderCall = false;
}, 1000)
function attachGalaxyMatrix($elem, eventid, elementID) {
var galaxy = proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix'][elementID]
if (galaxy === undefined) {
console.log('Something wrong happened. Could not fetch galaxy from proxy')
var galaxyType = galaxy.type
data: {
"returnFormat": "attack",
"eventid": eventid,
"attackGalaxy": galaxyType
success:function(data, textStatus) {
'max-width': 'unset',
'min-width': 'unset',
'width': 'calc(100% - 5px)'
$elem.find('#attackmatrix_div .heatCell').each(function() {
if ($(this).css('background-color').length > 0 && $(this).css('background-color') != 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
$(this).attr('style', 'background-color:' + $(this).css('background-color') + ' !important; color:' + $(this).css('color') + ' !important;');
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
cache_matrix[cacheKey] = $elem.find('#attackmatrix_div')[0].outerHTML;
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'Error while fetching matrix',
id: graphID
var placeholder = dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables)
.css({'text-align': 'center'})
url: baseurl + "/events/restSearch"
function fetchTagInfo(tagNames, callback) {
data: {
"tag": tagNames,
success: function (data) {
var $tag, tagName;
data = $.parseJSON(data)
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var tag = data[i];
tagName = tag.Tag.name;
proxyMISPElements['tag'][tagName] = tag;
$tag = getTagReprensentation(tag);
cache_tag[tagName] = $tag[0].outerHTML;
// If tag name doesn't exists, construct empty placeholder
for (i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) {
tagName = tagNames[i];
if (!(tagName in cache_tag)) {
$tag = constructTagHtml(tagName, '#ffffff', {'border': '1px solid #000'});
cache_tag[tagName] = $tag[0].outerHTML;
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// Query failed, fill cache with placeholder
var tagName, templateVariables;
for (var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) {
tagName = tagNames[i];
if (!(tagName in cache_tag)) {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'Error while fetching tag',
id: tagName
cache_tag[tagName] = dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables);
complete: function () {
if (callback !== undefined) {
type: "post",
url: baseurl + "/tags/search/0/1/0"
_____ _
/ ____| (_)
| (___ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _
\___ \ / _` \ \ / / | '_ \ / _` |
____) | (_| |\ V /| | | | | (_| |
|_____/ \__,_| \_/ |_|_| |_|\__, |
__/ |
function replaceMISPElementByTheirValue(raw) {
var match, replacement, element
var final = ''
var authorizedMISPElements = ['attribute', 'object']
var reMISPElement = RegExp('@\\[(?<scope>' + authorizedMISPElements.join('|') + ')\\]\\((?<elementid>[\\d]+)\\)', 'g');
var offset = 0
while ((match = reMISPElement.exec(raw)) !== null) {
element = proxyMISPElements[match.groups.scope][match.groups.elementid]
if (element !== undefined) {
replacement = match.groups.scope + '-' + element.uuid
} else {
replacement = match.groups.scope + '-' + match.groups.elementid
final += raw.substring(offset, match.index) + replacement
offset = reMISPElement.lastIndex
final += raw.substring(offset)
return final
__ __
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| \ / | ___ _ __ _ _
| |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | __/ | | | |_| |
|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|
function injectCustomRulesMenu() {
var $MISPElementMenuItem = createRulesMenuItem('MISP Elements', $('<img src="/favicon.ico">'), 'parser', 'MISP_element_rule')
name: 'Markdown rendering rules',
icon: 'fab fa-markdown',
items: [
{ name: 'Attribute', icon: 'fas fa-cube', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'attribute', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Attribute picture', icon: 'fas fa-image', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'attribute-picture', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Object', icon: 'fas fa-cubes', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'object', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Object Attribute', icon: 'fas fa-cube', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'object-attribute', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Tag', icon: 'fas fa-tag', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'tag', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Galaxy matrix', icon: 'fas fa-atlas', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'galaxymatrix', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Suggestion', icon: 'fas fa-magic', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'suggestion', isToggleableRule: true },
name: 'Extract entities',
icon: 'fas fa-cogs',
items: [
{ name: 'Manual extraction', icon: 'fas fa-highlighter', clickHandler: manualEntitiesExtraction},
{ name: 'Automatic extraction', icon: 'fas fa-magic', clickHandler: automaticEntitiesExtraction},
function markdownItToggleCustomRule(rulename, event) {
var enabled
if (rulename == 'MISP_element_rule') {
var rule = getRuleStatus('inline', 'ruler', 'MISP_element_rule')
if (rule !== false) {
enabled = rule.enabled
return {
found: enabled !== undefined,
enabled: enabled
function markdownItToggleRenderingRule(rulename, event) {
if (event !== undefined) {
if (renderingRules[rulename] === undefined) {
console.log('Rule does not exists')
renderingRules[rulename] = !renderingRules[rulename]
function reloadRenderingRuleEnabledUI() {
Object.keys(renderingRules).forEach(function(rulename) {
var enabled = renderingRules[rulename]
if (enabled) {
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-enabled').show()
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-disabled').hide()
} else {
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-enabled').hide()
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-disabled').show()
_____ _ _
/ ____| | | (_)
| (___ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __
\___ \| | | |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
____) | |_| | (_| | (_| | __/\__ \ |_| | (_) | | | |
|_____/ \__,_|\__, |\__, |\___||___/\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/
function automaticEntitiesExtraction() {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/extractAllFromReport/' + reportid
function manualEntitiesExtraction() {
contentBeforeSuggestions = getEditorData()
pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
extractFromReport(function(data) {
typeToCategoryMapping = data.typeToCategoryMapping
prepareSuggestionInterface(data.complexTypeToolResult, data.replacementValues, data.replacementContext)
function prepareSuggestionInterface(complexTypeToolResult, replacementValues, replacementContext) {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Processing document')
entitiesFromComplexTool = complexTypeToolResult
entitiesFromComplexTool = injectNumberOfOccurrencesInReport(entitiesFromComplexTool)
function highlightPickedSuggestionInReport() {
for (var i = 0; i < entitiesFromComplexTool.length; i++) {
var entity = entitiesFromComplexTool[i];
if (pickedSuggestion.entity.value == entity.value) {
var converted = convertEntityIntoSuggestion(contentBeforeSuggestions, entity)
var indicesInCM = getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(converted, entity.value, false)
constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM)
function highlightPickedReplacementInReport() {
var entity = pickedSuggestion.entity
var content = contentBeforeSuggestions
var converted = convertEntityIntoSuggestion(content, entity)
var indicesInCM = getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(converted, entity.value, false)
constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM)
function convertEntityIntoSuggestion(content, entity) {
var converted = ''
var entityValue;
if (entity.importRegexMatch) {
entityValue = entity.importRegexMatch;
} else if (entity.original_value) {
entityValue = entity.original_value;
} else {
entityValue = entity.value;
var splittedContent = content.split(entityValue)
splittedContent.forEach(function(text, i) {
converted += text
if (i < splittedContent.length-1) {
if (isDoubleExtraction(converted)) {
converted += entity.value
} else {
converted += '@[suggestion](' + entity.value + ')'
return converted
function extractFromReport(callback) {
dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Extracting entities')
success:function(data, textStatus) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', 'Could not extract entities from report. ' + textStatus)
complete: function() {
url: baseurl + '/eventReports/extractFromReport/' + reportid
function constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM) {
var suggestionBaseKey = 'suggestion-', suggestionKey
suggestions[entity.value] = {}
indicesInCM.forEach(function(index) {
suggestionKey = suggestionBaseKey + getNewSuggestionID()
suggestions[entity.value][suggestionKey] = {
startIndex: index,
endIndex: {index: index.index + entity.value.length},
complexTypeToolResult: entity,
checked: true
setTimeout(function() {
var notRenderedCount = suggestionIDs.length
if (notRenderedCount > 0) {
.attr('title', 'Could not render ' + notRenderedCount + ' elements. Manual investigation required')
.text('⚠ ' + notRenderedCount)
}, 300);
function injectNumberOfOccurrencesInReport(entities) {
var content = getEditorData()
entities.forEach(function(entity, i) {
entities[i].occurrences = getAllIndicesOf(content, entity.original_value, false, false).length
return entities
function getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(content, entity, caseSensitive) {
var toSearch = '@[suggestion](' + entity + ')'
return getAllIndicesOf(content, toSearch, caseSensitive, true)
function toggleSuggestionInterface(enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
$mardownViewerToolbar.find('.btn-group:first button').css('visibility', 'visible')
function searchForUnreferencedValues(replacementValues) {
unreferencedElements.values = {}
var content = getEditorData()
Object.keys(replacementValues).forEach(function(attributeValue) {
var replacementValue = replacementValues[attributeValue]
var indices = getAllIndicesOf(content, replacementValue.valueInReport, true, true)
if (indices.length > 0) {
var attributes = [];
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['attribute']).forEach(function(uuid) {
if (replacementValue.attributeUUIDs.indexOf(uuid) > -1) {
unreferencedElements.values[replacementValue.valueInReport] = {
attributes: attributes,
indices: indices
if (attributeValue != replacementValue.valueInReport) {
unreferencedElements.values[replacementValue.valueInReport].importRegexMatch = attributeValue
function searchForUnreferencedContext(replacementContext) {
unreferencedElements.context = {}
var content = getEditorData()
Object.keys(replacementContext).forEach(function(rawText) {
var indices = getAllIndicesOf(content, rawText, true, true)
if (indices.length > 0) {
replacementContext[rawText].indices = indices
unreferencedElements.context = replacementContext;
function pickSuggestionColumn(index, tableID, force) {
tableID = tableID === undefined ? 'replacementTable' : tableID
force = force === undefined ? false : force;
if (pickedSuggestion.tableID != tableID || pickedSuggestion.index != index || force) {
if (pickedSuggestion.tr) {
pickedSuggestion.tr.find('.occurrence-issues').attr('title', '').text('')
var $trs = $('#' + tableID + ' tr')
$trs.removeClass('info').find('button').prop('disabled', true)
$trs.find('select').prop('disabled', true)
var $tr = $('#' + tableID + ' tr[data-entityindex="' + index + '"]')
if ($tr.length > 0) {
$tr.addClass('info').find('button').prop('disabled', false)
$tr.find('select').prop('disabled', false)
pickedSuggestion = {
tableID: tableID,
tr: $tr,
index: index
if (tableID === 'replacementTable') {
var uuid = $tr.find('select.attribute-replacement').val()
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = {
value: $tr.data('attributeValue'),
picked_type: proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].type,
replacement: uuid
if (proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].importRegexValue) {
pickedSuggestion['entity']['importRegexMatch'] = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].importRegexValue
} else if (tableID === 'contextReplacementTable') {
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = {
value: $tr.data('contextValue'),
picked_type: 'tag',
replacement: $tr.find('select.context-replacement').val()
pickedSuggestion['isContext'] = true
} else {
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = $tr.data('entity')
pickedSuggestion['entity']['picked_type'] = $tr.find('select.type').val()
function getContentWithCheckedElements(isReplacement) {
var value = pickedSuggestion.entity.value
var content = getEditorData()
var contentWithPickedSuggestions = ''
var nextIndex = 0
var suggestionLength = '@[suggestion]()'.length + pickedSuggestion.entity.value.length
Object.keys(suggestions[value]).forEach(function(suggestionKey, i) {
var suggestion = suggestions[value][suggestionKey]
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex, suggestion.startIndex.index - nextIndex)
nextIndex = suggestion.startIndex.index
var renderedInMardown = $('.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion[data-suggestionkey="' + suggestionKey + '"]').length > 0;
if (suggestion.checked && renderedInMardown) { // If the suggestion is not rendered, ignore it (could happen if parent block is escaped)
if (isReplacement) {
if (pickedSuggestion.isContext === true) {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += '@[tag](' + suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.replacement + ')'
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += '@[attribute](' + suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.replacement + ')'
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex, suggestionLength)
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += value
nextIndex += suggestionLength
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex)
return contentWithPickedSuggestions
function getSuggestionMapping() {
var getSuggestionMapping = {}
var $select = pickedSuggestion.tr.find('select')
var entity = pickedSuggestion.entity
getSuggestionMapping[entity.value] = {
'type': $select.filter('.type').val(),
'category': $select.filter('.category').val(),
'to_ids': entity.to_ids
return getSuggestionMapping
function submitReplacement() {
var contentWithPickedReplacements = getContentWithCheckedElements(true)
saveMarkdown(false, function() {
function submitExtractionSuggestion() {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/replaceSuggestionInReport/' + reportid
var contentWithPickedSuggestions = getContentWithCheckedElements(false)
var suggestionsMapping = getSuggestionMapping()
fetchFormDataAjax(url, function(formHTML) {
$('body').append($('<div id="temp" style="display: none"/>').html(formHTML))
var $tmpForm = $('#temp form')
var formUrl = $tmpForm.attr('action')
'content': contentWithPickedSuggestions,
'mapping': suggestionsMapping
data: $tmpForm.serialize(),
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Applying suggestions in report')
success:function(postResult, textStatus) {
if (postResult) {
showMessage('success', postResult.message);
if (postResult.data !== undefined) {
var report = postResult.data.report.EventReport
var complexTypeToolResult = postResult.data.complexTypeToolResult
var replacementValues = postResult.data.replacementValues
var replacementContext = postResult.data.replacementContext
lastModified = report.timestamp + '000'
originalRaw = report.content
fetchProxyMISPElements(function() {
contentBeforeSuggestions = originalRaw
pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
prepareSuggestionInterface(complexTypeToolResult, replacementValues, replacementContext)
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (jqXHR.responseJSON) {
showMessage('fail', jqXHR.responseJSON.errors);
} else {
showMessage('fail', saveFailedMessage + ': ' + errorThrown);
complete:function() {
url: formUrl
_ _ _ _ _
| | | | | (_) |
| | | | |_ _| |___
| | | | __| | / __|
| |__| | |_| | \__ \
\____/ \__|_|_|___/
function fetchProxyMISPElements(callback) {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/getProxyMISPElements/' + reportid
var errorMessage = 'Could not fetch MISP Elements'
dataType: "json",
url: url,
data: {},
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Loading MISP Elements')
success: function(data) {
if (data) {
proxyMISPElements = data
proxyMISPElements['tag'] = []
} else {
showMessage('fail', errorMessage);
error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', errorMessage + '. ' + textStatus + ": " + errorThrown);
complete: function() {
function getElementFromDom(node) {
var scope = $(node).data('scope')
var elementID = $(node).data('elementid')
if (scope !== undefined && elementID !== undefined) {
return {
element: proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID],
scope: scope,
elementID: elementID
return false
function getTitleFromMISPElementDOM() {
var data = getElementFromDom(this)
return buildTitleForMISPElement(data)
function buildTitleForMISPElement(data) {
var title = invalidMessage
var dismissButton = ''
if (data !== false) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject(data)
dismissButton = dotCloseButtonTemplate(templateVariables)
title = data.scope.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + templateVariables.scope.slice(1) + ' ' + templateVariables.elementID
return title + dismissButton
function closeThePopover(closeButton) {
var scope = $(closeButton).data('scope')
var elementID = $(closeButton).data('elementid')
var $MISPElement = $('#viewer [data-scope="' + scope + '"][data-elementid="' + elementID.replaceAll('\"', '\\\"') + '"]')
if ($MISPElement.length > 0) {
} else {
function constructAttributeRow(attribute, fromObject) {
fromObject = fromObject !== undefined ? fromObject : false
var attributeFieldsToRender = ['id', 'category', 'type'].concat(fromObject ? ['object_relation'] : [], ['value', 'comment'])
var $tr = $('<tr/>')
attributeFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
.css('white-space', ['id', 'type'].indexOf(field) != -1 ? 'nowrap' : 'none')
var $tags = $('<div/>')
if (attribute.AttributeTag !== undefined) {
attribute.AttributeTag.forEach(function(attributeTag) {
var tag = attributeTag.Tag
var $tag = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('tagComplete nowrap')
.css({'background-color': tag.colour, 'color': getTextColour(tag.colour), 'box-shadow': '1px 1px 3px #888888c4'})
var $galaxies = $('<div/>')
if (attribute.Galaxy !== undefined) {
attribute.Galaxy.forEach(function(galaxy) {
var $galaxy = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('tagComplete nowrap')
.css({'background-color': '#0088cc', 'color': getTextColour('#0088cc'), 'box-shadow': '1px 1px 3px #888888c4'})
.text(galaxy.name + ' :: ' + galaxy.GalaxyCluster[0].value)
return $tr
function constructAttributeHeader(attribute, showAll, fromObject) {
showAll = showAll !== undefined ? showAll : false
fromObject = fromObject !== undefined ? fromObject : false
var attributeFieldsToRender = ['id', 'category', 'type'].concat(fromObject ? ['object_relation'] : [], ['value', 'comment'])
var $tr = $('<tr/>')
attributeFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
if (showAll || (attribute.AttributeTag !== undefined && attribute.AttributeTag.length > 0)) {
if (showAll || (attribute.Galaxy !== undefined && attribute.Galaxy.length > 0)) {
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($tr)
return $thead
function constructObject(object) {
var objectFieldsToRender = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'distribution']
var $object = $('<div/>').addClass('similarObjectPanel')
.css({border: '1px solid #3465a4', 'border-radius': '5px'})
var $top = $('<div/>').addClass('blueElement')
.css({padding: '4px 5px'})
objectFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
$('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(field + ': '),
var $attributeTable = $('<table/>').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed')
.css({'margin-bottom': '3px'})
var $thead = constructAttributeHeader({}, true, true)
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
object.Attribute.forEach(function(attribute) {
$tbody.append(constructAttributeRow(attribute, true))
$attributeTable.append($thead, $tbody)
$object.append($top, $attributeTable)
return $('<div/>').append($object)
function getPriorityValue(mispObject, objectTemplate) {
for (var i = 0; i < objectTemplate.ObjectTemplateElement.length; i++) {
var object_relation = objectTemplate.ObjectTemplateElement[i].object_relation;
for (var j = 0; j < mispObject.Attribute.length; j++) {
var attribute = mispObject.Attribute[j];
if (attribute.object_relation === object_relation) {
return attribute.value
return false
function getTopPriorityValue(object) {
var associatedTemplate = object.template_uuid + '.' + object.template_version
var objectTemplate = proxyMISPElements['objectTemplates'][associatedTemplate]
var topPriorityValue = object.Attribute.length
if (objectTemplate !== undefined) {
var temp = getPriorityValue(object, objectTemplate)
topPriorityValue = temp !== false ? temp : topPriorityValue
return topPriorityValue
function constructTag(tagName) {
var tagData = proxyMISPElements['tag'][tagName]
var $info = 'No information about this tag'
if (tagData !== undefined) {
if (tagData.Taxonomy !== undefined) {
$info = constructTaxonomyInfo(tagData)
} else if(tagData.GalaxyCluster !== undefined) {
$info = constructGalaxyInfo(tagData)
return $('<div/>').append($info)
function getTagReprensentation(tagData) {
var $tag
if (tagData.GalaxyCluster !== undefined) {
$tag = constructClusterTagHtml(tagData)
} else {
var color = tagData.Tag.colour ? tagData.Tag.colour : tagData.TaxonomyPredicate.colour;
$tag = constructTagHtml(tagData.Tag.name, color)
return $tag
function constructTagHtml(tagName, tagColour, additionalCSS) {
additionalCSS = additionalCSS === undefined ? {} : additionalCSS
var $tag = $('<span/>').text(tagName)
'background-color': tagColour,
'color': getTextColour(tagColour),
'box-shadow': '3px 3px 3px #888888',
return $tag
function constructClusterTagHtml(tagData) {
var addBorder = false
if (tagData.Tag.colour === undefined) {
tagData.Tag.colour = '#ffffff'
addBorder = true
var $tag = $('<span/>').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fa fa-' + tagData.GalaxyCluster.Galaxy.icon).css('margin-right', '5px'),
$('<span/>').text(tagData.GalaxyCluster.type + ' ↦ ' + tagData.GalaxyCluster.value)
'background-color': tagData.Tag.colour,
'color': getTextColour(tagData.Tag.colour),
'box-shadow': '3px 3px 3px #888888',
'border': (addBorder ? '1px solid #000' : 'none')
return $tag
function constructTaxonomyInfo(tagData) {
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + tagData.Tag.name
var tagHTML = cache_tag[cacheKey]
var $tag = $(tagHTML)
var $predicate = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Predicate info'),
$('<strong/>').text('Expanded tag: '),
$('<strong/>').text('Description: '),
var $meta = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Taxonomy info'),
$('<strong/>').text(tagData.Taxonomy.namespace + ': '),
return $('<div/>').append($predicate, $meta)
function constructGalaxyInfo(tagData) {
var tagHTML = cache_tag[tagData.Tag.name]
var $tag = $(tagHTML)
var $cluster = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Cluster info'),
var fields = ['description', 'source', 'author']
fields.forEach(function(field) {
'max-height': '100px',
'overflow-y': 'auto',
$('<strong/>').text(field + ': '),
$('<span/>').text(tagData.GalaxyCluster[field] === undefined || tagData.GalaxyCluster[field].length == 0 ? '-' : tagData.GalaxyCluster[field]),
var $clusterMeta = $('<div/>').css({
'height': '100px',
'overflow-y': 'auto',
'resize': 'vertical',
'border': '1px solid #0088cc',
'border-radius': '3px',
'padding': '5px'
if (tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta !== undefined) {
Object.keys(tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta).forEach(function(metaKey) {
var metaValue = tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta[metaKey]
if (Array.isArray(metaValue)) {
metaValue = metaValue.join(', ')
$('<strong/>').addClass('blue').text(metaKey + ': '),
var $galaxy = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Galaxy info'),
$('<strong/>').text('Name: '),
$('<strong/>').text('Description: '),
return $('<div/>').append($cluster, $galaxy)
function getContentFromMISPElementDOM() {
var data = getElementFromDom(this)
return buildBodyForMISPElement(data)
function buildBodyForMISPElement(data) {
if (data !== false) {
if (data.scope == 'attribute' && isValidObjectAttribute(data.element)) {
data.scope = 'object'
data.element = getObjectFromAttribute(data.element)
if (data.scope == 'attribute') {
var $thead = constructAttributeHeader(data.element)
var $row = constructAttributeRow(data.element)
var $attribute = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('table table-condensed')
return $attribute.html()
} else if (data.scope == 'object') {
var $object = constructObject(data.element)
return $object.html()
} else if (data.scope == 'tag') {
var $tag = constructTag(data.elementID)
return $tag.html()
return invalidMessage
function constructSuggestionTables(entities) {
var $extractionTable = constructExtractionTable(entities)
var $replacementTable = constructReplacementTable(unreferencedElements.values)
var $contextReplacementTable = constructContextReplacementTable(unreferencedElements.context)
var $collapsibleControl = $('<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="suggestionTableTabs" />').append(
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#replacement-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cube'),
$('<span/>').text(' Data Replacement'),
$('<span class="badge badge-important"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(Object.keys(unreferencedElements.values).length)
).attr('title', 'Replace raw text into attribute reference').css('padding', '8px 8px')
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#replacement-context-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-atlas'),
$('<span/>').text(' Context replacement'),
$('<span class="badge badge-important"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(Object.keys(unreferencedElements.context).length)
).attr('title', 'Replace raw text into context reference').css('padding', '8px 8px')
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#extraction-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cogs'),
$('<span/>').text(' Data extraction'),
$('<span class="badge badge-warning"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(entities.length)
).attr('title', 'Convert raw text into attribute and reference it')
var $collapsibleContent = $('<div class="tab-content"/>').append(
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="replacement-table" />').append($replacementTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="replacement-context-table" />').append($contextReplacementTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="extraction-table" />').append($extractionTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane active" />').text('Pick a table to view available actions').css({
'text-align': 'center',
'opacity': '80%'
var $topBar = $('<div/>').append(
$('<button/>').addClass('btn btn-mini btn-inverse').css({
'float': 'right',
'margin-top': '8px',
'margin-right': '3px'
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-expand-arrows-alt').css('margin-right', '5px'),
var $div = $('<div/>').append($topBar, $collapsibleContent)
$('#suggestionTableTabs a').click(function (e) {
function constructExtractionTable(entities) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'suggestionTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
entities.forEach(function(entity, index) {
var $selectType, $selectCategory, $option
if (entity.types.length > 1) {
$selectType = $('<select/>').addClass('type').css('width', 'auto').prop('disabled', true).change(function() {
var $selectCategory = $(this).closest('tr').find('select.category')
var selected = $(this).val()
var currentOptions = typeToCategoryMapping[selected];
currentOptions.forEach(function(category) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'suggestionTable', true)
entity.types.forEach(function(type) {
$option = $('<option/>').text(type).val(type).prop('selected', type == entity.default_type)
} else {
$selectType = $('<span/>').text(entity.default_type)
.append($('<select/>').addClass('type hidden').append($('<option/>').text(entity.default_type).val(entity.default_type)))
$selectCategory = $('<select/>').addClass('category').css('width', 'auto')
typeToCategoryMapping[entity.default_type].forEach(function(category) {
$option = $('<option/>').text(category).val(category)
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('entity', entity)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(entity.value).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(entity.occurrences),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').addClass('occurrence-issues bold red').css({'margin-left': '3px'})
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Extract & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'suggestionTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function constructReplacementTable(unreferencedValues) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'replacementTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
$('<th/>').text('Existing attribute'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
Object.keys(unreferencedValues).forEach(function(value, index) {
var $selectContainer, $select, $option
var unreferenceValue = unreferencedValues[value]
if(unreferenceValue.attributes.length > 1) {
$select = $('<select/>').prop('disabled', true).addClass('attribute-replacement').css({
'width': 'auto',
'max-width': '300px'
}).change(function() {
if ($('#viewer-container .popover.in').length > 0) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'replacementTable', true)
unreferenceValue.attributes.forEach(function(attribute) {
var attributeToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, attribute)
attributeToRender.value = attribute.id
$option = $('<option/>').val(attribute.uuid).append(renderHintElement('attribute', attributeToRender))
var $helpIcon = $('<a/>').css({
'cursor': 'help',
'margin-left': '3px',
'margin-top': '10px',
'vertical-align': 'top'
}).addClass('helpicon fas fa-question-circle')
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: '#viewer-container',
placement: 'right',
title: function() {
var uuid = $(this).parent().find('select').val()
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
var popoverData = {
element: attribute,
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: attribute.value
return buildTitleForMISPElement(popoverData)
content: function() {
var uuid = $(this).parent().find('select').val()
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
var popoverData = {
element: attribute,
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: attribute.value
return buildBodyForMISPElement(popoverData)
$selectContainer = $('<span/>').css({
'white-space': 'nowrap'
}).append($select, $helpIcon)
} else {
var attributeToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, unreferenceValue.attributes[0])
attributeToRender.value = unreferenceValue.attributes[0].id
var popoverData = {
element: unreferenceValue.attributes[0],
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: unreferenceValue.attributes[0].value
$selectContainer = $('<a/>').css({'color': 'unset', 'cursor': 'help'})
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: '#viewer-container',
placement: 'right',
title: buildTitleForMISPElement(popoverData),
content: buildBodyForMISPElement(popoverData)
.append(renderHintElement('attribute', attributeToRender))
.append($('<select/>').addClass('attribute-replacement hidden').append($('<option/>').text(unreferenceValue.attributes[0].uuid).val(unreferenceValue.attributes[0].uuid)))
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('attributeValue', value)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(value).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(unreferenceValue.indices.length),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Replace & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'replacementTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function constructContextReplacementTable(unreferencedContext) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'contextReplacementTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
$('<th/>').text('Existing context'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
Object.keys(unreferencedContext).forEach(function(rawText, index) {
var contexts = unreferencedContext[rawText]
var $selectContainer, $select, $option
if(Object.keys(contexts).length > 2) {
$select = $('<select/>').prop('disabled', true).addClass('context-replacement').css({
'width': 'auto',
'max-width': '300px'
}).change(function() {
if ($('#viewer-container .popover.in').length > 0) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'contextReplacementTable', true)
Object.keys(contexts).forEach(function(tagName, index) {
if (tagName == 'indices') {
var context = contexts[tagName]
var contextToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, context)
contextToRender.value = tagName
contextToRender.name = tagName
$option = $('<option/>').val(tagName).text(tagName)
$selectContainer = $('<span/>').css({
'white-space': 'nowrap'
} else {
var context = jQuery.extend(true, { }, contexts)
delete context.indices
var tagName = Object.keys(context)[0]
context = context[tagName]
var contextToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, context)
contextToRender.value = tagName
contextToRender.name = tagName
$selectContainer = $('<span/>')
.append($('<span/>').append(constructTagHtml(tagName, contextToRender.colour)))
.append($('<select/>').addClass('context-replacement hidden').append($('<option/>').text(tagName).val(tagName)))
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('contextValue', rawText)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(rawText).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(contexts.indices.length),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Replace & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'contextReplacementTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function addCloseSuggestionButtonToToolbar() {
var $toolbarMode = $mardownViewerToolbar.find('.btn-group:first')
if ($toolbarMode.find('#suggestionCloseButton').length == 0) {
$toolbarMode.find('button').css('visibility', 'hidden')
var $closeButton = $('<button id="suggestionCloseButton" type="button"/>').addClass('btn btn-danger').css({
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
'border-top-left-radius': '4px',
'border-bottom-left-radius': '4px',
}).attr('title', 'Close manual extraction view').text('Close extraction view').click(function() { toggleSuggestionInterface(false) })
function jumpToPreviousOccurrence() {
var $suggestionsInReport = $('span.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion')
if ($suggestionsInReport.length > 0) {
var suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[0]
var $temp = $suggestionsInReport.filter('.picked')
if ($temp.length > 0) {
var index = $suggestionsInReport.index($temp)
if (index > 0) {
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index-1]
} else{
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index]
suggestionToScrollInto.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
function jumpToNextOccurrence() {
var $suggestionsInReport = $('span.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion')
if ($suggestionsInReport.length > 0) {
var suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[0]
var $temp = $suggestionsInReport.filter('.picked')
if ($temp.length > 0) {
var index = $suggestionsInReport.index($temp)
if ($suggestionsInReport.length-1 > index) {
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index+1]
} else{
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index]
suggestionToScrollInto.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
} else {
var toSearch = '@[suggestion](' + pickedSuggestion.entity.value + ')'
var match = $('#viewer').find('*').filter(function() {
return $(this).text().includes(toSearch)
if (match.length > 0) {
showMessage('success', 'Suggestion element not rendered. Please check manually')
match[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
} else {
showMessage('fail', 'Could not find element')
function pickOccurrence($wrapper) {
function isValidObjectAttribute(attribute) {
var mispObject = getObjectFromAttribute(attribute)
return attribute.object_relation !== null && mispObject !== undefined
function getObjectFromAttribute(attribute) {
return proxyMISPElements['object'][attribute.object_uuid]
function isDoubleExtraction(content) {
var wrapperAttribute = '@[attribute]('
var wrapperTag = '@[tag]('
var a = content.slice(-wrapperAttribute.length)
a = content.slice(-wrapperTag.length)
return content.slice(-wrapperAttribute.length) == wrapperAttribute || content.slice(-wrapperTag.length) == wrapperTag
function getAllIndicesOf(haystack, needle, caseSensitive, requestLineNum) {
var indices = []
if (needle.length === 0) {
return indices
var startIndex = 0, index = 0;
if (!caseSensitive) {
needle = needle.toLowerCase();
haystack = haystack.toLowerCase();
while (true) {
index = haystack.indexOf(needle, startIndex)
if (index === -1) {
if (isDoubleExtraction(haystack.slice(index-10, index))) {
startIndex = index + needle.length + 1; // +1 for closing parenthesis
if (requestLineNum) {
var position = cm.posFromIndex(index)
index: index,
editorPosition: position
} else {
startIndex = index + needle.length;
return indices;
function getNewSuggestionID() {
var randomID = getRandomID()
return randomID
function consumeSuggestionID() {
return suggestionIDs.shift()
function resetSuggestionIDs() {
suggestionIDs = []
function getRandomID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,9)
function getLineNumInArrayList(index, arrayToSearchInto) {
for (var lineNum = 0; lineNum < arrayToSearchInto.length; lineNum++) {
var newLineIndex = arrayToSearchInto[lineNum];
if (index < newLineIndex) {
return lineNum - 1
return 0
function findBackClosestStartLine(tokens, i) {
if (tokens[i].map !== null) {
return tokens[i].map
var token
for (var j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) {
token = tokens[j]
if (token.map !== null) {
return token.map
return null
function parseDestinationValue(str, pos, max) {
var level = 0
var lines = 0
var code
var start = pos
var result = {
ok: false,
pos: 0,
lines: 0,
str: ''
while (pos < max) {
code = str.charCodeAt(pos);
// ascii control characters
if (code < 0x20 || code === 0x7F) { break; }
if (code === 0x5C /* \ */ && pos + 1 < max) {
pos += 2;
if (code === 0x28 /* ( */) {
if (code === 0x29 /* ) */) {
if (level === 0) {
if (start === pos) { return result; }
if (level !== 0) { return result; }
result.str = str.slice(start, pos);
result.lines = lines;
result.pos = pos;
result.ok = true;
return result;