
145 lines
7.2 KiB

* Create the action field in a table
* - pass a list of actions that will be added as separate icons to the field
* - each action can have the following fields setTLDs
* - url: url to query
* - url_params_data_paths: add dynamic URL elements such as an id to the URL. Can be an array with each value added in a separate param
* - title: title of the action. Automatically generates aria labels too
* - postLink: convert the button into a POST request
* - postLinkConfirm: As the user to confirm the POST before submission with the given message
* - onclick: custom onclick action instead of a simple GET/POST request
* - onclick_params_data_path: pass a data path param to the onclick field. requires [onclick_params_data_path] in the onclick field
* as a needle for replacement
* - icon: FA icon (added using the helper, knowing the fa domain is not needed, just add the short name such as "edit")
* - requirement evaluates to true/false
* - complex_requirement - add complex requirements via lambda functions:
* - function($row, $options): the lambda function. $row contain the row data
* - options: array of options. datapaths described in the datapath keyname will be extracted and replaced with the actual row value
echo '<td class="short action-links">';
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if (isset($action['requirement']) && !$action['requirement']) {
if (isset($action['complex_requirement'])) {
if ($action['complex_requirement'] instanceof Closure) {
$requirementMet = $action['complex_requirement']($row);
} else {
if (isset($action['complex_requirement']['options']['datapath'])) {
foreach ($action['complex_requirement']['options']['datapath'] as $name => $path) {
$action['complex_requirement']['options']['datapath'][$name] = empty(Hash::extract($row, $path)[0]) ? null : Hash::extract($row, $path)[0];
$options = isset($action['complex_requirement']['options']) ? $action['complex_requirement']['options'] : [];
$requirementMet = $action['complex_requirement']['function']($row, $options);
if (!$requirementMet) {
$url_param_data_paths = '';
$url = empty($action['url']) ? '#' : h($action['url']);
if (!empty($action['url_params_data_paths'])) {
if (is_array($action['url_params_data_paths'])) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($action['url_params_data_paths'] as $k => $path) {
$extracted_value = Hash::extract($row, $path);
if (!empty($extracted_value)) {
if (is_string($k)) { // associative array, use cake's parameter
$temp[] = h($k) . ':' . h($extracted_value[0]);
} else {
$temp[] = h($extracted_value[0]);
$url_param_data_paths = implode('/', $temp);
} else {
$url_param_data_paths = h(Hash::extract($row, $action['url_params_data_paths'])[0]);
$url .= '/' . $url_param_data_paths;
if (!empty($action['url_named_params_data_paths'])) {
if (is_array($action['url_named_params_data_paths'])) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($action['url_named_params_data_paths'] as $namedParam => $path) {
$temp[] = sprintf('%s:%s', h($namedParam), h(Hash::extract($row, $path)[0]));
$url_param_data_paths = implode('/', $temp);
$url .= '/' . $url_param_data_paths;
$url_params_values = '';
if (!empty($action['url_params_values'])) {
if (is_array($action['url_params_values'])) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($action['url_params_values'] as $namedParam => $value) {
$temp[] = sprintf('%s:%s', h($namedParam), h($value));
$url_params_values = implode('/', $temp);
$url .= '/' . $url_params_values;
if (!empty($action['url_suffix'])) {
$url .= $action['url_suffix'];
if (!empty($action['url_extension'])) {
$url .= '.' . $action['url_extension'];
if (isset($action['postLink'])) {
echo $this->Form->postLink(
'class' => $this->FontAwesome->getClass($action['icon']) . ' black ' . (empty($action['class']) ? '' : h($action['class'])),
'title' => empty($action['title']) ? '' : h($action['title']),
'aria-label' => empty($action['title']) ? '' : h($action['title']),
empty($action['postLinkConfirm'])? '' : $action['postLinkConfirm']
) . ' ';
} else {
if (!empty($action['onclick']) && !empty($action['onclick_params_data_path'])) {
if (is_array($action['onclick_params_data_path'])) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($action['onclick_params_data_path'] as $k => $path) {
$extracted_value = Hash::extract($row, $path);
if (!empty($extracted_value)) {
if (is_string($k)) { // associative array, use cake's parameter
$temp[] = h($k) . ':' . urlencode(h($extracted_value[0]));
} else {
$temp[] = urlencode(h($extracted_value[0]));
$onclick_params_data_path = implode('/', $temp);
} else {
$onclick_params_data_path = h(Hash::extract($row, $action['onclick_params_data_path'])[0]);
$action['onclick'] = str_replace(
$title = empty($action['title']) ? '' : h($action['title']);
$classes = [];
if (!empty($action['class'])) {
$classes[] = h($action['class']);
if (!empty($action['dbclickAction'])) {
$classes[] = 'dblclickActionElement';
echo sprintf(
'<a href="%s" title="%s" aria-label="%s"%s%s><i class="black %s"></i></a> ',
empty($classes) ? '' : ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"',
empty($action['onclick']) ? '' : sprintf(' onclick="event.preventDefault();%s"', $action['onclick']),
echo '</td>';