
261 lines
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App::uses('BaseAuthenticate', 'Controller/Component/Auth');
if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
* custom class for Apache-based authentication
* User for ApacheAuthenticate you can pass in settings to which fields, model and additional conditions
* are used. See FormAuthenticate::$settings for more information.
* TODO: clarification needed, text almost the same as in lib/Cake/Controller/Component/Auth/FormAuthenticate.php
* CakePHP version 2.8.5
* @package Controller.Component.Auth
* @since 2.0
* @see ApacheAuthComponent::$authenticate
class ApacheShibbAuthenticate extends BaseAuthenticate
* Authentication class
* Configuration in app/Config/Config.php is:
* 'ApacheShibbAuth' => // Configuration for shibboleth authentication
* array(
* 'MailTag' => 'EMAIL_TAG',
* 'OrgTag' => 'FEDERATION_TAG',
* 'GroupTag' => 'GROUP_TAG',
* 'GroupSeparator' => ';',
* 'GroupRoleMatching' => array( // 3:User, 1:admin. May be good to set "1" for the first user
* 'group_three' => '3',
* 'group_two' => 2,
* 'group_one' => 1,
* ),
* 'DefaultOrg' => 'MY_ORG',
* 'DefaultRole' => false, // set to a specific value if you wish to hard-set users created via ApacheShibbAuth
* 'BlockRoleModifications' => false, // set to true if you wish for the roles never to be updated during login. Especially
* // useful if you manually change roles in MISP
* 'BlockOrgModifications' => false, // set to true if you wish for the organizations never to be updated during login. Especially
* // useful if you manually change orgs in MISP
* ),
* @param CakeRequest $request The request that contains login information.
* @param CakeResponse $response Unused response object.
* @return mixed False on login failure. An array of User data on success.
* @throws Exception
public function authenticate(CakeRequest $request, CakeResponse $response)
return self::getUser($request);
* @param CakeRequest $request
* @return array|bool
* @throws Exception
public function getUser(CakeRequest $request)
// If the url contains sso=disable we return false so the main misp authentication form is used to log in
if (array_key_exists('sso', $request->query) && $request->query['sso'] == 'disable' || (isset($_SESSION["sso_disable"]) && $_SESSION["sso_disable"] === true)) {
$_SESSION["sso_disable"] = true;
return false;
// Get Default parameters
$roleId = -1;
$org = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.DefaultOrg');
$useDefaultOrg = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.UseDefaultOrg');
$blockOrgModifications = Configure::check('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockOrgModifications') ? Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockOrgModifications') : false;
// Get tags from SSO config
$mailTag = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.MailTag');
$orgTag = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.OrgTag');
$groupTag = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.GroupTag');
$groupRoleMatching = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.GroupRoleMatching');
$blockRoleModifications = Configure::check('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockRoleModifications') ? Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockRoleModifications') : false;
$blockOrgModifications = Configure::check('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockOrgModifications') ? Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.BlockOrgModifications') : false;
// Get user values
if (!isset($_SERVER[$mailTag])) {
CakeLog::error('Mail tag is not given by the SSO SP. Not processing login.');
return false;
$mispUsername = $_SERVER[$mailTag];
if (filter_var($mispUsername, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
CakeLog::error( "Mail tag `$mispUsername` given by the SSO SP, but it is not valid email address.");
return false;
CakeLog::info("Trying login of user: `$mispUsername`.");
// Change username column for email (username in shibboleth attributes corresponds to the email in MISPs DB)
$this->settings['fields'] = array('username' => 'email');
// Find user with real username (mail)
$user = $this->_findUser($mispUsername);
// Obtain default org. If default is not enforced and it is given, org keeps the default value
if (!$useDefaultOrg && isset($_SERVER[$orgTag])) {
$org = $_SERVER[$orgTag];
// Check if the organization exits and create it if not
$org = $this->checkOrganization($org, $user);
if (!$org) {
return false;
// Get user role from its list of groups
list($roleChanged, $roleId) = $this->getUserRoleFromGroup($groupTag, $groupRoleMatching, $roleId);
if ($roleId < 0) {
CakeLog::error('No role was assigned, no egroup matched the configuration.');
return false; // Deny if the user is not in any egroup
// if a default role is set, override the currently parsed out selection and use that instead.
$roleId = Configure::check('ApacheShibbAuth.DefaultRole') ? Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.DefaultRole') : $roleId;
if ($roleChanged) {
CakeLog::write('info', "User role $roleId assigned.");
/** @var User $userModel */
$userModel = ClassRegistry::init($this->settings['userModel']);
if ($user) { // User already exists
CakeLog::info( "User `$mispUsername` found in database.");
if (!$blockRoleModifications) {
$user = $this->updateUserRole($roleChanged, $user, $roleId, $userModel);
if (!$blockOrgModifications) {
$user = $this->updateUserOrg($org, $user, $userModel);
$userModel->extralog($user, 'login');
return $user;
CakeLog::info("User `$mispUsername` not found in database.");
// Insert user in database if not existent
$userData = array('User' => array(
'email' => $mispUsername,
'org_id' => $org,
'newsread' => time(),
'role_id' => $roleId,
'change_pw' => 0,
'date_created' => time(),
// save user
CakeLog::info("User `$mispUsername` saved in database.");
$user = $this->_findUser($mispUsername);
$userModel->extralog($user, 'login');
return $user;
* @param string $org
* @param array $user
* @return int
* @throws Exception
private function checkOrganization($org, $user)
$orgIsUuid = Validation::uuid($org);
/** @var Organisation $orgModel */
$orgModel = ClassRegistry::init('Organisation');
$orgAux = $orgModel->find('first', [
'fields' => array('Organisation.id'),
'conditions' => $orgIsUuid ? ['uuid' => strtolower($org)] : ['name' => $org],
if (empty($orgAux)) {
if ($orgIsUuid) {
CakeLog::error("Could not found organisation with UUID `$org`.");
return false;
$orgUserId = 1; // By default created by the admin
if ($user) {
$orgUserId = $user['id'];
$orgId = $orgModel->createOrgFromName($org, $orgUserId, true);
CakeLog::info("User organisation `$org` created with ID $orgId.");
} else {
$orgId = $orgAux['Organisation']['id'];
CakeLog::info("User organisation `$org` found with ID $orgId.");
return $orgId;
* @param string $groupTag
* @param array $groupRoleMatching
* @param int $roleId
* @return array
public function getUserRoleFromGroup($groupTag, $groupRoleMatching, $roleId)
// Check the role mapping to get the user's role level and update it if needed
$roleChanged = false;
if (isset($_SERVER[$groupTag])) {
$groupSeparator = Configure::read('ApacheShibbAuth.GroupSeparator');
$groupList = explode($groupSeparator, $_SERVER[$groupTag]);
// Check user roles and egroup match and update if needed
foreach ($groupList as $group) {
// TODO: Can be optimized inverting the search group and using only array_key_exists
if (array_key_exists($group, $groupRoleMatching)) { //In case there is an group not defined in the config.php file
CakeLog::write('info', "User group $group found.");
$roleVal = $groupRoleMatching[$group];
if ($roleVal <= $roleId || $roleId == -1) {
$roleId = $roleVal;
$roleChanged = true;
return array($roleChanged, $roleId);
return array($roleChanged, $roleId);
* @param bool $roleChanged
* @param array $user
* @param int $roleId
* @param User $userModel
* @return array
* @throws Exception
private function updateUserRole($roleChanged, array $user, $roleId, User $userModel)
if ($roleChanged && $user['role_id'] != $roleId) {
$message = "User role changed from ${user['role_id']} to $roleId for user ${user['email']} (${user['id']}).";
CakeLog::write('warning', $message);
$userModel->updateField($user, 'role_id', $roleId);
return $user;
* @param int $orgId
* @param array $user
* @param User $userModel
* @return array
* @throws Exception
private function updateUserOrg($orgId, array $user, User $userModel)
if ($user['org_id'] != $orgId) {
$message = "User organisation changed from ${user['org_id']} to $orgId for user ${user['email']} (${user['id']}).";
CakeLog::write('warning', $message);
$user['org_id'] = $orgId; // Different role either increase or decrease permissions
$userModel->updateField($user, 'org_id', $orgId);
return $user;