mirror of https://github.com/MISP/MISP
291 lines
14 KiB
291 lines
14 KiB
import sys, json, uuid, os, time, datetime, re
from misp2cybox import *
from misp2ciq import *
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from stix.indicator import Indicator
from stix.indicator.valid_time import ValidTime
from stix.ttp import TTP, Behavior
from stix.ttp.malware_instance import MalwareInstance
from stix.incident import Incident, Time, ImpactAssessment, ExternalID, AffectedAsset
from stix.exploit_target import ExploitTarget, Vulnerability
from stix.incident.history import JournalEntry, History, HistoryItem
from stix.threat_actor import ThreatActor
from stix.core import STIXPackage, STIXHeader
from stix.common import InformationSource, Identity, Confidence
from stix.data_marking import Marking, MarkingSpecification
from stix.extensions.marking.tlp import TLPMarkingStructure
from stix.common.related import *
from stix.common.confidence import Confidence
from stix.common.vocabs import IncidentStatus
from cybox.utils import Namespace
namespace = ['https://github.com/MISP/MISP', 'MISP']
# mappings
status_mapping = {'0' : 'New', '1' : 'Open', '2' : 'Closed'}
TLP_mapping = {'0' : 'AMBER', '1' : 'GREEN', '2' : 'GREEN', '3' : 'GREEN'}
confidence_mapping = {False : 'None', True : 'High'}
not_implemented_attributes = ['yara', 'pattern-in-traffic', 'pattern-in-memory']
non_indicator_attributes = ['text', 'comment', 'other', 'link', 'target-user', 'target-email', 'target-machine', 'target-org', 'target-location', 'target-external', 'email-target', 'vulnerability', 'attachment']
# Load the array from MISP. MISP will call this script with a parameter containing the temporary file it creates for the export (using a generated 12 char alphanumeric name)
def loadEvent(args, pathname):
filename = pathname + "/tmp/" + args[1]
tempFile = open(filename, 'r')
events = json.loads(tempFile.read())
return events
print(json.dumps({'success' : 0, 'message' : 'The temporary MISP export file could not be read'}))
def saveFile(args, pathname, package):
filename = pathname + "/tmp/" + args[1] + ".out"
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
if args[2] == 'json':
f.write('{"package": ' + package.to_json() + "}")
f.write(package.to_xml(include_namespaces=False, include_schemalocs=False))
print(json.dumps({'success' : 0, 'message' : 'The STIX file could not be written'}))
#generate a package that will contain all of the event-packages
def generateMainPackage(events):
stix_package = STIXPackage()
stix_header = STIXHeader()
stix_header.title="Export from " + namespace[1] + " MISP"
stix_header.package_intents="Threat Report"
stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
return stix_package
# generate a package for each event
def generateEventPackage(event):
package_name = namespace[1] + ':STIXPackage-' + event["Event"]["uuid"]
timestamp = getDateFromTimestamp(int(event["Event"]["timestamp"]))
stix_package = STIXPackage(id_=package_name, timestamp=timestamp)
stix_header = STIXHeader()
stix_header.title=event["Event"]["info"] + " (MISP Event #" + event["Event"]["id"] + ")"
stix_header.package_intents="Threat Report"
stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
objects = generateSTIXObjects(event)
incident = objects[0]
ttps = objects[1]
for ttp in ttps:
return stix_package
# generate the incident information. MISP events are currently mapped to incidents with the event metadata being stored in the incident information
def generateSTIXObjects(event):
incident = Incident(id_ = namespace[1] + ":incident-" + event["Event"]["uuid"], title=event["Event"]["info"])
setDates(incident, event["Event"]["date"], int(event["Event"]["publish_timestamp"]))
addJournalEntry(incident, "Event Threat Level: " + event["ThreatLevel"]["name"])
ttps = []
external_id = ExternalID(value=event["Event"]["id"], source="MISP Event")
incident_status_name = status_mapping.get(event["Event"]["analysis"], None)
if incident_status_name is not None:
incident.status = IncidentStatus(incident_status_name)
setTLP(incident, event["Event"]["distribution"])
setOrg(incident, event["Org"]["name"])
setTag(incident, event["Tag"])
resolveAttributes(incident, ttps, event["Attribute"])
return [incident, ttps]
# set up the dates for the incident
def setDates(incident, date, published):
incident_time = Time()
incident_time.incident_discovery = convertToStixDate(date)
incident_time.incident_reported = timestamp
incident.time = incident_time
# decide what to do with the attribute, as not all of them will become indicators
def resolveAttributes(incident, ttps, attributes):
for attribute in attributes:
if (attribute["type"] in not_implemented_attributes):
addJournalEntry(incident, "!Not implemented attribute category/type combination caught! attribute[" + attribute["category"] + "][" + attribute["type"] + "]: " + attribute["value"])
elif (attribute["type"] in non_indicator_attributes):
#types that will definitely not become indicators
handleNonIndicatorAttribute(incident, ttps, attribute)
#types that may become indicators
handleIndicatorAttribute(incident, ttps, attribute)
for rindicator in incident.related_indicators:
for ttp in ttps:
ittp=TTP(idref=ttp.id_, timestamp=ttp.timestamp)
return [incident, ttps]
# Create the indicator and pass the attribute further for observable creation - this can be called from resolveattributes directly or from handleNonindicatorAttribute, for some special cases
def handleIndicatorAttribute(incident, ttps, attribute):
indicator = generateIndicator(attribute)
indicator.add_indicator_type("Malware Artifacts")
if attribute["type"] == "email-attachment":
indicator.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail")
generateEmailAttachmentObject(indicator, attribute)
generateObservable(indicator, attribute)
if "data" in attribute:
if attribute["type"] == "malware-sample":
createArtifactObject(indicator, attribute)
relatedIndicator = RelatedIndicator(indicator, relationship=attribute["category"])
# Handle the attributes that do not fit into an indicator
def handleNonIndicatorAttribute(incident, ttps, attribute):
if attribute["type"] in ("comment", "text", "other"):
if attribute["category"] == "Payload type":
generateTTP(incident, attribute, ttps)
elif attribute["category"] == "Attribution":
ta = generateThreatActor(attribute)
rta = RelatedThreatActor(ta, relationship="Attribution")
entry_line = "attribute[" + attribute["category"] + "][" + attribute["type"] + "]: " + attribute["value"]
addJournalEntry(incident, entry_line)
elif attribute["type"] == "target-machine":
aa = AffectedAsset()
if attribute["comment"] != "":
aa.description = attribute["value"] + " (" + attribute["comment"] + ")"
aa.description = attribute["value"]
elif attribute["type"] == "vulnerability":
generateTTP(incident, attribute, ttps)
elif attribute["type"] == "link":
if attribute["category"] == "Payload delivery":
handleIndicatorAttribute(incident, ttps, attribute)
addReference(incident, attribute["value"])
elif attribute["type"].startswith('target-'):
resolveIdentityAttribute(incident, attribute, namespace[1])
elif attribute["type"] == "attachment":
observable = returnAttachmentComposition(attribute)
related_observable = RelatedObservable(observable, relationship=attribute["category"])
return [incident, ttps]
# TTPs are only used to describe malware names currently (attribute with category Payload Type and type text/comment/other)
def generateTTP(incident, attribute, ttps):
ttp = TTP(timestamp=getDateFromTimestamp(int(attribute["timestamp"])))
ttp.id_= namespace[1] + ":ttp-" + attribute["uuid"]
setTLP(ttp, attribute["distribution"])
ttp.title = attribute["category"] + ": " + attribute["value"] + " (MISP Attribute #" + attribute["id"] + ")"
if attribute["type"] == "vulnerability":
vulnerability = Vulnerability()
vulnerability.cve_id = attribute["value"]
et = ExploitTarget(timestamp=getDateFromTimestamp(int(attribute["timestamp"])))
et.id_= namespace[1] + ":et-" + attribute["uuid"]
if attribute["comment"] != "" and attribute["comment"] != "Imported via the freetext import.":
et.title = attribute["comment"]
et.title = "Vulnerability " + attribute["value"]
malware = MalwareInstance()
ttp.behavior = Behavior()
if attribute["comment"] != "":
ttp.description = attribute["comment"]
rttp = TTP(idref=ttp.id_, timestamp=ttp.timestamp)
relatedTTP = RelatedTTP(rttp, relationship=attribute["category"])
# Threat actors are currently only used for the category:attribution / type:(text|comment|other) attributes
def generateThreatActor(attribute):
ta = ThreatActor(timestamp=getDateFromTimestamp(int(attribute["timestamp"])))
ta.id_= namespace[1] + ":threatactor-" + attribute["uuid"]
ta.title = attribute["category"] + ": " + attribute["value"] + " (MISP Attribute #" + attribute["id"] + ")"
if attribute["comment"] != "":
ta.description = attribute["value"] + " (" + attribute["comment"] + ")"
ta.description = attribute["value"]
return ta
# generate the indicator and add the relevant information
def generateIndicator(attribute):
indicator = Indicator(timestamp=getDateFromTimestamp(int(attribute["timestamp"])))
indicator.id_= namespace[1] + ":indicator-" + attribute["uuid"]
if attribute["comment"] != "":
indicator.description = attribute["comment"]
setTLP(indicator, attribute["distribution"])
indicator.title = attribute["category"] + ": " + attribute["value"] + " (MISP Attribute #" + attribute["id"] + ")"
indicator.description = indicator.title
confidence_description = "Derived from MISP's IDS flag. If an attribute is marked for IDS exports, the confidence will be high, otherwise none"
confidence_value = confidence_mapping.get(attribute["to_ids"], None)
if confidence_value is None:
return indicator
indicator.confidence = Confidence(value=confidence_value, description=confidence_description, timestamp=getDateFromTimestamp(int(attribute["timestamp"])))
return indicator
# converts timestamp to the format used by STIX
def getDateFromTimestamp(timestamp):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat() + "+00:00"
# converts a date (YYYY-mm-dd) to the format used by stix
def convertToStixDate(date):
return getDateFromTimestamp(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()))
# takes an object and adds the passed organisation as the information_source.identity to it.
def setOrg(target, org):
ident = Identity(name=org)
information_source = InformationSource(identity = ident)
target.information_source = information_source
# takes an object and adds the passed tags as journal entries to it.
def setTag(target, tags):
for tag in tags:
addJournalEntry(target, "MISP Tag: " + tag["name"])
def addReference(target, reference):
if hasattr(target.information_source, "references"):
# takes an object and applies a TLP marking based on the distribution passed along to it
def setTLP(target, distribution):
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../descendant-or-self::node()"
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
colour = TLP_mapping.get(distribution, None)
if colour is None:
return target
tlp.color = colour
handling = Marking()
target.handling = handling
# add a journal entry to an incident
def addJournalEntry(incident, entry_line):
hi = HistoryItem()
hi.journal_entry = entry_line
# main
def main(args):
pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
namespace[0] = sys.argv[3]
if len(sys.argv) > 4:
namespace[1] = sys.argv[4].replace(" ", "_")
namespace[1] = re.sub('[\W]+', '', namespace[1])
stix.utils.idgen.set_id_namespace({namespace[0]: namespace[1]})
event = loadEvent(args, pathname)
stix_package = generateEventPackage(event)
saveFile(args, pathname, stix_package)
print(json.dumps({'success' : 1, 'message' : ''}))
if __name__ == "__main__":