
142 lines
4.9 KiB

App::uses('JsonExport', 'Export');
class YaraExport
private $__script_path = APP . 'files/scripts/yara/yaraexport.py';
private $__tmp_dir = APP . 'tmp/yara/';
private $__end_of_cmd = ' 2>>' . APP . 'tmp/logs/yara_export.log';
private $__n_attributes = 0;
private $__MAX_n_attributes = 15000;
private $__yara_file_gen = null;
private $__yara_file_asis = null;
private $__curr_input_file = null;
private $__scope = false;
private $__curr_input_is_empty = true;
private $__JsonExporter = false;
private $__raw_mode = true;
public $non_restrictive_export = true;
private static function __count_atributes($data)
$attributes_count = count($data['Attribute']);
// foreach ($data['Object'] as $_object) {
// $attributes_count += count($_object['Attribute']);
// }
public function header($options = array())
if($this->__JsonExporter === false){
$this->__JsonExporter = new JsonExport();
if($options['returnFormat'] === 'yara-json'){
$this->__raw_mode = false;
return '';
private function __initialize_yara_file()
$yaraFileName = $this->generateRandomFileName();
$this->__yara_file_gen = new File($this->__tmp_dir . $yaraFileName . '_generated', true, 0644);
$this->__yara_file_asis = new File($this->__tmp_dir . $yaraFileName . '_asis', true, 0644);
private function __initialize_misp_file($options)
$mispFileName = $this->generateRandomFileName();
$this->__curr_input_file = new File($this->__tmp_dir . $mispFileName, true, 0644);
$header = $this->__JsonExporter->header($options);
$this->__curr_input_is_empty = true;
public function handler($data, $options = array())
// convert attribute(s) to json and write them to input queue file
if ($options['scope'] === 'Attribute') {
$attr_count = 1;
} else if($options['scope'] === 'Event') {
$attr_count = YaraExport::__count_atributes($data);
$this->separator(); // calling separator since returning '' will prevent it
$jsonData = $this->__JsonExporter->handler($data, $options);
$this->__curr_input_is_empty = false;
$this->__n_attributes += $attr_count;
// if the file exceeds the max_attributes, process it, delete it and reset the counter
if ($this->__n_attributes >= $this->__MAX_n_attributes){
return '';
public function footer($options = array())
$file = new File($this->__yara_file_gen->path);
$data_gen = $file->read(true, 'r');
$file = new File($this->__yara_file_asis->path);
$data_asis = $file->read(true, 'r');
$output =
'// ===================================== GENERATED ===================================='. PHP_EOL .
$data_gen . PHP_EOL .
'// ===================================== AS-IS ===================================='. PHP_EOL .
$output = '{"generated":['. $data_gen .'],'.
'"as-is":[' . $data_asis . ']}';
return $output;
public function separator()
return '';
private function __process_file($options)
$footer = $this->__JsonExporter->footer($options);
$pythonSrcipt = $this->__script_path;
$in = $this->__curr_input_file->path;
$out1 = $this->__yara_file_gen->path;
$out2 = $this->__yara_file_asis->path;
$logging = $this->__end_of_cmd;
$raw_flag = $this->__raw_mode ? '--raw' : '';
$result = shell_exec("python3 $pythonSrcipt --input $in --out-generated $out1 --out-asis $out2 $raw_flag $logging");
$this->__n_attributes = 0;
public function generateRandomFileName()
return (new RandomTool())->random_str(false, 12);