
221 lines
9.9 KiB

<div class="attributes index">
if ($isSearch == 1) {
echo "<h4>Results for all attributes";
if ($keywordSearch != null) echo " with the value containing \"<b>" . h($keywordSearch) . "</b>\"";
if ($attributeTags != null) echo " being tagged with \"<b>" . h($attributeTags) . "</b>\"";
if ($keywordSearch2 != null) echo " from the events \"<b>" . h($keywordSearch2) . "</b>\"";
if ($tags != null) echo " from events tagged \"<b>" . h($tags) . "</b>\"";
if ($categorySearch != "ALL") echo " of category \"<b>" . h($categorySearch) . "</b>\"";
if ($typeSearch != "ALL") echo " of type \"<b>" . h($typeSearch) . "</b>\"";
if (isset($orgSearch) && $orgSearch != '' && $orgSearch != null) echo " created by the organisation \"<b>" . h($orgSearch) . "</b>\"";
echo ":</h4>";
<div class="pagination">
'update' => '.span12',
'evalScripts' => true,
'before' => '$(".progress").show()',
'complete' => '$(".progress").hide()',
echo $this->Paginator->prev('&laquo; ' . __('previous'), array('tag' => 'li', 'escape' => false), null, array('tag' => 'li', 'class' => 'prev disabled', 'escape' => false, 'disabledTag' => 'span'));
echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('modulus' => 20, 'separator' => '', 'tag' => 'li', 'currentClass' => 'active', 'currentTag' => 'span'));
echo $this->Paginator->next(__('next') . ' &raquo;', array('tag' => 'li', 'escape' => false), null, array('tag' => 'li', 'class' => 'next disabled', 'escape' => false, 'disabledTag' => 'span'));
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('event_id');?></th>
<?php if (Configure::read('MISP.showorg') || $isAdmin): ?>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('org_id', 'Org');?></th>
<?php endif; ?>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('category');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('type');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('value');?></th>
<th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('comment');?></th>
<th<?php echo ' title="' . $attrDescriptions['signature']['desc'] . '"';?>>
<?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('IDS');?></th>
<th class="actions">Actions</th>
$currentCount = 0;
if ($isSearch == 1) {
// sanitize data
if (isset($keywordArray)) {
foreach ($keywordArray as &$keywordArrayElement) {
$keywordArrayElement = h($keywordArrayElement);
// build the $replacePairs variable used to highlight the keywords
$replacePairs = $this->Highlight->build_replace_pairs($keywordArray);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute):
<td class="short">
<div ondblclick="document.location='<?php echo $baseurl?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';" title="<?php echo h($attribute['Event']['info']); ?>">
if ($attribute['Event']['orgc_id'] == $me['org_id']) {
} else {
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>" <?php echo $style;?>><?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?></a>
<?php if (Configure::read('MISP.showorg') || $isAdmin): ?>
<td class="short" ondblclick="document.location.href ='<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>'">
$imgRelativePath = 'orgs' . DS . h($orgs[$attribute['Event']['orgc_id']]) . '.png';
$imgAbsolutePath = APP . WEBROOT_DIR . DS . 'img' . DS . $imgRelativePath;
if (file_exists($imgAbsolutePath)) {
echo $this->Html->image(
'orgs/' . h($orgs[$attribute['Event']['orgc_id']]) . '.png',
array('alt' => h($orgs[$attribute['Event']['orgc_id']]),
'title' => h($orgs[$attribute['Event']['orgc_id']]),
'style' => 'width:24px; height:24px'
} else {
echo $this->Html->tag(
'class' => 'welcome',
'style' => 'float:left;'
<?php endif;?>
<td title="<?php echo $categoryDefinitions[$attribute['Attribute']['category']]['desc'];?>" class="short" ondblclick="document.location='<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';">
<?php echo h($attribute['Attribute']['category']); ?>&nbsp;</td>
<td title="<?php if (isset($typeDefinitions[$attribute['Attribute']['type']])) echo $typeDefinitions[$attribute['Attribute']['type']]['desc'];?>" class="short" ondblclick="document.location='<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';">
<?php echo h($attribute['Attribute']['type']); ?>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="showspaces" ondblclick="document.location='<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';"><?php
$sigDisplay = nl2br(h($attribute['Attribute']['value']));
if ($isSearch == 1 && !empty($replacePairs)) {
// highlight the keywords if there are any
$sigDisplay = $this->Highlight->highlighter($sigDisplay, $replacePairs);
if ('attachment' == $attribute['Attribute']['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $attribute['Attribute']['type']) {
if ($attribute['Attribute']['type'] == 'attachment' && isset($attribute['Attribute']['image'])):
$extension = explode('.', $attribute['Attribute']['value']);
$extension = end($extension);
$uri = 'data:image/' . strtolower(h($extension)) . ';base64,' . h($attribute['Attribute']['image']);
echo '<img class="screenshot screenshot-collapsed useCursorPointer" src="' . $uri . '" title="' . h($attribute['Attribute']['value']) . '" />';
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/attributes/download/<?php echo $attribute['Attribute']['id'];?>"><?php echo $sigDisplay; ?></a>
} else if ('link' == $attribute['Attribute']['type']) {
?><a href="<?php echo h($attribute['Attribute']['value']);?>"><?php echo $sigDisplay; ?></a><?php
} else {
echo $sigDisplay;
<td style = "max-width:200px;width:10px;">
<?php foreach ($attribute['AttributeTag'] as $tag):
$tagText = "&nbsp;";
if (Configure::read('MISP.full_tags_on_attribute_index') == 1) $tagText = h($tag['Tag']['name']);
else if (Configure::read('MISP.full_tags_on_attribute_index') == 2) {
if (strpos($tag['Tag']['name'], '=')) {
$tagText = explode('=', $tag['Tag']['name']);
$tagText = h(trim(end($tagText), "\""));
else $tagText = h($tag['Tag']['name']);
<span class="tag useCursorPointer" style="margin-bottom:3px;background-color:<?php echo h($tag['Tag']['colour']);?>;color:<?php echo $this->TextColour->getTextColour($tag['Tag']['colour']);?>;" title="<?php echo h($tag['Tag']['name']); ?>" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="Search events tagged <?php echo h($tag['Tag']['name'])?>" onClick="document.location.href='<?php echo $baseurl; ?>/attributes/search/attributetag:<?php echo h($tag['Tag']['id']);?>';"><?php echo $tagText; ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<td ondblclick="document.location ='document.location ='<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';">
$sigDisplay = nl2br(h($attribute['Attribute']['comment']));
if ($isSearch == 1 && !empty($replacePairs)) {
// highlight the keywords if there are any
$sigDisplay = $this->Highlight->highlighter($sigDisplay, $replacePairs);
echo $sigDisplay;
<td class="short" ondblclick="document.location ='document.location ='/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Event']['id'];?>';">
<?php echo $attribute['Attribute']['to_ids'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'; ?>&nbsp;
<td class="short action-links">
if ($isSiteAdmin || ($isAclModify && $attribute['Event']['user_id'] == $me['id']) || ($isAclModifyOrg && $attribute['Event']['org_id'] == $me['org_id'])):
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/attributes/edit/<?php echo $attribute['Attribute']['id'];?>" class="icon-edit" title="Edit"></a><?php
echo $this->Form->postLink('',array('action' => 'delete', $attribute['Attribute']['id']), array('class' => 'icon-trash', 'title' => 'Delete'), __('Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?'));
elseif ($isAclModify):
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/shadow_attributes/edit/<?php echo $attribute['Attribute']['id'];?>" class="icon-share" title="Propose an edit"></a>
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/events/view/<?php echo $attribute['Attribute']['event_id'];?>" class="icon-list-alt" title="View"></a>
echo $this->Paginator->counter(array(
'format' => __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}')
<div class="pagination">
echo $this->Paginator->prev('&laquo; ' . __('previous'), array('tag' => 'li', 'escape' => false), null, array('tag' => 'li', 'class' => 'prev disabled', 'escape' => false, 'disabledTag' => 'span'));
echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('modulus' => 20, 'separator' => '', 'tag' => 'li', 'currentClass' => 'active', 'currentTag' => 'span'));
echo $this->Paginator->next(__('next') . ' &raquo;', array('tag' => 'li', 'escape' => false), null, array('tag' => 'li', 'class' => 'next disabled', 'escape' => false, 'disabledTag' => 'span'));
if ($isSearch == 1){
$class = 'searchAttributes2';
} else {
$class = 'listAttributes';
echo $this->element('side_menu', array('menuList' => 'event-collection', 'menuItem' => $class));
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$("td, div").tooltip({
'placement': 'top',
'container' : 'body',
delay: { show: 500, hide: 100 }
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