
526 lines
18 KiB

class CyclicGraphException extends Exception {}
class GraphUtil
public function __construct($graphData)
$this->graph = $graphData;
$this->numberNodes = count($this->graph);
$this->edgeList = $this->_buildEdgeList($graphData);
$this->properties = [];
private function _buildEdgeList($graphData): array
$list = [];
foreach ($graphData as $node) {
$list[(int)$node['id']] = [];
foreach (($node['outputs'] ?? []) as $output_id => $outputs) {
foreach ($outputs as $connections) {
foreach ($connections as $connection) {
$list[$node['id']][] = (int)$connection['node'];
return $list;
private function _DFSUtil($node_id, &$color): bool
$color[$node_id] = 'GRAY';
foreach ($this->edgeList[$node_id] as $i) {
if ($color[$i] == 'GRAY') {
$this->loopNode = $i;
$this->properties[] = [$node_id, $i, __('Cycle')];
return true;
if ($color[$i] == 'WHITE' && $this->_DFSUtil($i, $color)) {
if (!is_null($this->loopNode)) {
$this->properties[] = [$node_id, $i, __('Cycle')];
if ($this->loopNode == $node_id) {
$this->loopNode = null;
return true;
$color[$node_id] = 'BLACK';
return false;
* isCyclic Return is the graph is cyclic, so if it contains a cycle.
* A directed graph G is acyclic if and only if a depth-first search of G yields no back edges.
* Introduction to Algorithms, third edition By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
* @return array
public function isCyclic(): array
$this->properties = [];
$color = [];
foreach (array_keys($this->edgeList) as $node_id) {
$color[$node_id] = 'WHITE';
$this->loopNode = null;
foreach (array_keys($this->edgeList) as $node_id) {
if ($color[$node_id] == 'WHITE') {
if ($this->_DFSUtil($node_id, $color)) {
return [true, $this->properties];
return [false, []];
public function hasMultipleOutputConnection(): array
$edges = [];
foreach ($this->graph as $node) {
foreach (($node['outputs'] ?? []) as $output_id => $outputs) {
foreach ($outputs as $connections) {
if (count($connections) > 1 && empty($node['data']['multiple_output_connection'])) {
$edges[$node['id']] = array_map(function ($connection) {
return intval($connection['node']);
}, $connections);
return [!empty($edges), $edges];
class GraphWalker
private $graph;
private $WorkflowModel;
private $startNodeID;
private $for_path;
private $cursor;
const PATH_TYPE_BLOCKING = 'blocking';
const PATH_TYPE_NON_BLOCKING = 'non-blocking';
const PATH_TYPE_INCLUDE_LOGIC = 'include-logic';
public function __construct(array $graphData, $WorkflowModel, $startNodeID, $for_path=null)
$this->graph = $graphData;
$this->WorkflowModel = $WorkflowModel;
$this->startNodeID = $startNodeID;
$this->for_path = $for_path;
$this->triggersByNodeID = [];
if (empty($this->graph[$startNodeID])) {
throw new Exception(__('Could not find start node %s', $startNodeID));
$this->cursor = $startNodeID;
private function getModuleClass($node)
$moduleClass = $this->loaded_classes[$node['data']['module_type']][$node['data']['id']] ?? null;
return $moduleClass;
private function _getPathType($node_id, $path_type)
$node = $this->graph[$node_id];
if ($node['data']['module_type'] == 'logic' && $node['data']['id'] == 'concurrent-task') {
return $path_type;
private function _evaluateOutputs($node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData, $shouldExecuteLogicNode=true)
$allowed_outputs = ($node['outputs'] ?? []);
if ($shouldExecuteLogicNode && $node['data']['module_type'] == 'logic') {
$allowed_outputs = $this->_executeModuleLogic($node, $roamingData);
return $allowed_outputs;
* _executeModuleLogic function
* @param array $node
* @return array
private function _executeModuleLogic(array $node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData): array
$outputs = ($node['outputs'] ?? []);
if ($node['data']['id'] == 'if') {
$useFirstOutput = $this->_evaluateIFCondition($node, $roamingData);
return $useFirstOutput ? ['output_1' => $outputs['output_1']] : ['output_2' => $outputs['output_2']];
} else if ($node['data']['id'] == 'concurrent-task') {
$this->_evaluateConcurrentTask($node, $roamingData, $outputs['output_1']);
return ['output_1' => []];
} else if ($node['data']['id'] == 'generic-filter-data') {
$this->_evaluateFilterAddLogic($node, $roamingData, $outputs['output_1']);
return ['output_1' => $outputs['output_1']];
} else if ($node['data']['id'] == 'generic-filter-reset') {
$this->_evaluateFilterRemoveLogic($node, $roamingData, $outputs['output_1']);
return ['output_1' => $outputs['output_1']];
} else {
$useFirstOutput = $this->_evaluateCustomLogicCondition($node, $roamingData);
return $useFirstOutput ? ['output_1' => $outputs['output_1']] : ['output_2' => $outputs['output_2']];
return $outputs;
private function _evaluateIFCondition($node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData): bool
$result = $this->WorkflowModel->executeNode($node, $roamingData);
return $result;
private function _evaluateFilterAddLogic($node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData): bool
$result = $this->WorkflowModel->executeNode($node, $roamingData);
return $result;
private function _evaluateFilterRemoveLogic($node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData): bool
$result = $this->WorkflowModel->executeNode($node, $roamingData);
return $result;
private function _evaluateCustomLogicCondition($node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData): bool
$result = $this->WorkflowModel->executeNode($node, $roamingData);
return $result;
private function _evaluateConcurrentTask($concurrent_node, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData, array $connections)
foreach ($connections['connections'] as $connection) {
$node_id_to_exec = (int)$connection['node'];
$data = $roamingData->getData();
$data['__node_id_to_exec'] = $node_id_to_exec;
$data = $roamingData->setData($data);
$this->WorkflowModel->executeNode($concurrent_node, $roamingData);
public function _walk($node_id, $path_type=null, array $path_list=[], WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData)
$this->cursor = $node_id;
$node = $this->graph[$node_id];
$shouldExecuteLogicNode = $path_type != self::PATH_TYPE_INCLUDE_LOGIC;
if (!$shouldExecuteLogicNode) {
yield ['node' => $node, 'path_type' => $path_type, 'path_list' => $path_list];
} else if ($node['data']['module_type'] != 'trigger' && $node['data']['module_type'] != 'logic') { // trigger and logic nodes should not be returned as they are "control" nodes
yield ['node' => $node, 'path_type' => $path_type, 'path_list' => $path_list];
$allowedOutputs = $this->_evaluateOutputs($node, $roamingData, $shouldExecuteLogicNode);
foreach ($allowedOutputs as $output_id => $outputs) {
if ($shouldExecuteLogicNode) {
$path_type = $this->_getPathType($node_id, $path_type);
if (is_null($this->for_path) || $path_type == $this->for_path) {
foreach ($outputs as $connections) {
foreach ($connections as $connection_id => $connection) {
$next_node_id = (int)$connection['node'];
$current_path = $this->__genPathList($node_id, $output_id, $connection_id, $next_node_id);
if (in_array($current_path, $path_list)) { // avoid loops
$next_path_list = $path_list;
$next_path_list[] = $current_path;
yield from $this->_walk($next_node_id, $path_type, $next_path_list, $roamingData);
public function walk(WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData)
return $this->_walk($this->cursor, $this->for_path, [], $roamingData);
private function __genPathList($source_id, $output_id, $connection_id, $next_node_id)
return sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s', $source_id, $output_id, $connection_id, $next_node_id);
public static function parsePathList($pathList): array
return array_map(function($path) {
$split = explode(':', $path);
return [
'source_id' => $split[0],
'output_id' => $split[1],
'connection_id' => $split[2],
'next_node_id' => $split[3],
}, $pathList);
class WorkflowRoamingData
private $workflow_user;
private $data;
private $workflow;
private $current_node;
private $workflowModel;
public function __construct(array $workflow_user, array $data, array $workflow, int $current_node)
$this->workflow_user = $workflow_user;
$this->data = $data;
$this->workflow = $workflow;
$this->current_node = $current_node;
public function getUser(): array
return $this->workflow_user;
public function getData(): array
if (!empty($this->getEnabledFilters())) {
return $this->filterDataIfNeeded();
return $this->data;
public function filterDataIfNeeded(): array
$filteredData = $this->data;
$filters = $this->getEnabledFilters();
foreach ($filters as $filteringLabel => $filteringOptions) {
$filteredData = $this->applyFilter($filteredData, $filteringOptions);
return $filteredData;
private function applyFilter(array $data, array $filteringOptions): array
if (substr($filteringOptions['selector'], -4) === '.{n}') {
$filteringOptions['selector'] = substr($filteringOptions['selector'], 0, -4);
$baseModule = $this->getFilteringModule();
$extracted = $baseModule->extractData($data, $filteringOptions['selector']);
if ($extracted === false) {
$filteredData = false;
$filteredData = $baseModule->getItemsMatchingCondition($extracted, $filteringOptions['value'], $filteringOptions['operator'], $filteringOptions['path']);
$newData = Hash::remove($data, $filteringOptions['selector']);
$newData = Hash::insert($data, $filteringOptions['selector'], $filteredData);
return $newData;
private function getFilteringModule()
$this->workflowModel = ClassRegistry::init('Workflow');
$moduleClass = $this->workflowModel->getModuleClassByType('logic', 'generic-filter-data');
return $moduleClass;
public function getEnabledFilters(): array
return !empty($this->data['enabledFilters']) ? $this->data['enabledFilters'] : [];
public function getWorkflow(): array
return $this->workflow;
public function getCurrentNode(): int
return $this->current_node;
public function setData(array $data)
$this->data = $data;
public function setCurrentNode(int $current_node)
$this->current_node = $current_node;
class WorkflowGraphTool
* extractTriggerFromWorkflow Return the trigger id (or full module) that are specified in the workflow
* @param array $workflow
* @param bool $fullNode
* @return int|array|null
public static function extractTriggerFromWorkflow(array $graphData, bool $fullNode = false)
$triggers = self::extractTriggersFromWorkflow($graphData, $fullNode);
if (empty($triggers)) {
return null;
$node = $triggers[0];
return $node;
* extractTriggersFromWorkflow Return the list of triggers id (or full module) that are specified in the workflow
* @param array $workflow
* @param bool $fullNode
* @return array
public static function extractTriggersFromWorkflow(array $graphData, bool $fullNode = false): array
$triggers = [];
foreach ($graphData as $node) {
if ($node['data']['module_type'] == 'trigger') {
if (!empty($fullNode)) {
$triggers[] = $node;
} else {
$triggers[] = $node['data']['id'];
return $triggers;
* extractConcurrentTasksFromWorkflow Return the list of concurrent-tasks's id (or full module) that are included in the workflow
* @param array $workflow
* @param bool $fullNode
* @return array
public static function extractConcurrentTasksFromWorkflow(array $graphData, bool $fullNode = false): array
$nodes = [];
foreach ($graphData as $node) {
if ($node['data']['module_type'] == 'logic' && $node['data']['id'] == 'concurrent-task') {
if (!empty($fullNode)) {
$nodes[] = $node;
} else {
$nodes[] = $node['data']['id'];
return $nodes;
* extractFilterNodesFromWorkflow Return the list of generic-filter-data's id (or full module) that are included in the workflow
* @param array $workflow
* @param bool $fullNode
* @return array
public static function extractFilterNodesFromWorkflow(array $graphData, bool $fullNode = false): array
$nodes = [];
foreach ($graphData as $node) {
if ($node['data']['module_type'] == 'logic' && $node['data']['id'] == 'generic-filter-data') {
if (!empty($fullNode)) {
$nodes[] = $node;
} else {
$nodes[] = $node['data']['id'];
return $nodes;
* extractResetFilterFromWorkflow Return the list of generic-filter-reset's id (or full module) that are included in the workflow
* @param array $workflow
* @param bool $fullNode
* @return array
public static function extractResetFilterFromWorkflow(array $graphData, bool $fullNode = false): array
$nodes = [];
foreach ($graphData as $node) {
if ($node['data']['module_type'] == 'logic' && $node['data']['id'] == 'generic-filter-reset') {
if (!empty($fullNode)) {
$nodes[] = $node;
} else {
$nodes[] = $node['data']['id'];
return $nodes;
* isAcyclic Return if the graph contains a cycle
* @param array $graphData
* @param array $cycles Get a list of cycle
* @return boolean
public static function isAcyclic(array $graphData, array &$cycles=[]): bool
$graphUtil = new GraphUtil($graphData);
$result = $graphUtil->isCyclic();
$isCyclic = $result[0];
$cycles = $result[1];
return !$isCyclic;
* hasMultipleOutputConnection Return if the graph has multiple connection from a node output
* @param array $graphData
* @param array $edges Get a list of edges from the same output
* @return boolean
public static function hasMultipleOutputConnection(array $graphData, array &$edges=[]): bool
$graphUtil = new GraphUtil($graphData);
$result = $graphUtil->hasMultipleOutputConnection();
$hasMultipleOutputConnection = $result[0];
$edges = $result[1];
return $hasMultipleOutputConnection;
* Undocumented getNodeIdForTrigger
* @param array $graphData
* @param string $trigger_id
* @return integer Return the ID of the node for the provided trigger and -1 if no nodes with this id was found.
public static function getNodeIdForTrigger(array $graphData, $trigger_id): int
$trigger_node = WorkflowGraphTool::extractTriggerFromWorkflow($graphData, true);
if ($trigger_node['data']['id'] == $trigger_id) {
return $trigger_node['id'];
return -1;
public static function getRoamingData(array $user=[], array $data=[], array $workflow=[], int $node_id=-1)
return new WorkflowRoamingData($user, $data, $workflow, $node_id);
public static function getWalkerIterator(array $graphData, $WorkflowModel, $startNodeID, $path_type=null, WorkflowRoamingData $roamingData)
if (!in_array($path_type, GraphWalker::ALLOWED_PATH_TYPES)) {
return [];
$graphWalker = new GraphWalker($graphData, $WorkflowModel, $startNodeID, $path_type);
return $graphWalker->walk($roamingData);