parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Send malware sample to MISP.')
parser.add_argument("-u","--upload",type=str,required=True,help="File or directory of files to upload.")
parser.add_argument("-e","--event",type=int,help="Not supplying an event ID will cause MISP to create a single new event for all of the POSTed malware samples.")
parser.add_argument("-d","--distrib",type=int,help="The distribution setting used for the attributes and for the newly created event, if relevant. [0-3].")
parser.add_argument("-ids",action='store_true',help="You can flag all attributes created during the transaction to be marked as \"to_ids\" or not.")
parser.add_argument("-c","--categ",help="The category that will be assigned to the uploaded samples. Valid options are: Payload delivery, Artifacts dropped, Payload Installation, External Analysis.")
parser.add_argument("-i","--info",help="Used to populate the event info field if no event ID supplied.")
parser.add_argument("-a","--analysis",type=int,help="The analysis level of the newly created event, if applicatble. [0-2]")
parser.add_argument("-t","--threat",type=int,help="The threat level ID of the newly created event, if applicatble. [0-3]")