2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import time
import json
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
from json import JSONEncoder
import os
try :
from dateutil . parser import parse
except ImportError :
try :
import jsonschema
except ImportError :
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
from . exceptions import PyMISPError , NewEventError , NewAttributeError
2016-09-28 18:50:05 +02:00
# Least dirty way to support python 2 and 3
try :
except NameError :
basestring = str
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
class MISPAttribute ( object ) :
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , describe_types ) :
self . categories = describe_types [ ' categories ' ]
self . types = describe_types [ ' types ' ]
self . category_type_mapping = describe_types [ ' category_type_mappings ' ]
self . sane_default = describe_types [ ' sane_defaults ' ]
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . _reinitialize_attribute ( )
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
def _reinitialize_attribute ( self ) :
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
# Default values
self . category = None
self . type = None
self . value = None
self . to_ids = False
self . comment = ' '
self . distribution = 5
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
# other possible values
self . id = None
self . uuid = None
self . timestamp = None
self . sharing_group_id = None
self . deleted = None
self . SharingGroup = [ ]
self . ShadowAttribute = [ ]
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
def set_all_values ( self , * * kwargs ) :
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' type ' ) and kwargs . get ( ' category ' ) :
if kwargs [ ' type ' ] not in self . category_type_mapping [ kwargs [ ' category ' ] ] :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' {} and {} is an invalid combinaison, type for this category has to be in {} ' . capitalizeformat ( self . type , self . category , ( ' , ' . join ( self . category_type_mapping [ self . category ] ) ) ) )
# Required
if kwargs . get ( ' type ' ) :
self . type = kwargs [ ' type ' ]
if self . type not in self . types :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' {} is invalid, type has to be in {} ' . format ( self . type , ( ' , ' . join ( self . types ) ) ) )
else :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' The type of the attribute is required. ' )
type_defaults = self . sane_default [ self . type ]
if kwargs . get ( ' value ' ) :
self . value = kwargs [ ' value ' ]
else :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' The value of the attribute is required. ' )
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
# Default values
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' category ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . category = kwargs [ ' category ' ]
if self . category not in self . categories :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' {} is invalid, category has to be in {} ' . format ( self . category , ( ' , ' . join ( self . categories ) ) ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
else :
self . category = type_defaults [ ' default_category ' ]
if kwargs . get ( ' to_ids ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . to_ids = kwargs [ ' to_ids ' ]
if not isinstance ( self . to_ids , bool ) :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' {} is invalid, to_ids has to be True or False ' . format ( self . to_ids ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
else :
self . to_ids = bool ( int ( type_defaults [ ' to_ids ' ] ) )
if kwargs . get ( ' comment ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . comment = kwargs [ ' comment ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' distribution ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . distribution = int ( kwargs [ ' distribution ' ] )
if self . distribution not in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 ] :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' {} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 ' . format ( self . distribution ) )
# other possible values
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . id = int ( kwargs [ ' id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' uuid ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . uuid = kwargs [ ' uuid ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' timestamp ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . timestamp = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( int ( kwargs [ ' timestamp ' ] ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' sharing_group_id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . sharing_group_id = int ( kwargs [ ' sharing_group_id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' deleted ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . deleted = kwargs [ ' deleted ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' SharingGroup ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . SharingGroup = kwargs [ ' SharingGroup ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' ShadowAttribute ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . ShadowAttribute = kwargs [ ' ShadowAttribute ' ]
def _json ( self ) :
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
to_return = { ' type ' : self . type , ' category ' : self . category , ' to_ids ' : self . to_ids ,
' distribution ' : self . distribution , ' value ' : self . value ,
' comment ' : self . comment }
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
if self . sharing_group_id :
to_return [ ' sharing_group_id ' ] = self . sharing_group_id
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
to_return = _int_to_str ( to_return )
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
return to_return
def _json_full ( self ) :
to_return = self . _json ( )
if self . id :
to_return [ ' id ' ] = self . id
if self . uuid :
to_return [ ' uuid ' ] = self . uuid
if self . timestamp :
to_return [ ' timestamp ' ] = int ( time . mktime ( self . timestamp . timetuple ( ) ) )
if self . deleted is not None :
to_return [ ' deleted ' ] = self . deleted
if self . ShadowAttribute :
to_return [ ' ShadowAttribute ' ] = self . ShadowAttribute
if self . SharingGroup :
to_return [ ' SharingGroup ' ] = self . SharingGroup
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
to_return = _int_to_str ( to_return )
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
return to_return
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
class EncodeUpdate ( JSONEncoder ) :
def default ( self , obj ) :
try :
return obj . _json ( )
except AttributeError :
return JSONEncoder . default ( self , obj )
class EncodeFull ( JSONEncoder ) :
def default ( self , obj ) :
try :
return obj . _json_full ( )
except AttributeError :
return JSONEncoder . default ( self , obj )
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
def _int_to_str ( d ) :
# transform all integer back to string
for k , v in d . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( v , int ) and not isinstance ( v , bool ) :
d [ k ] = str ( v )
return d
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
class MISPEvent ( object ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , describe_types = None ) :
self . ressources_path = os . path . join ( os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ) , ' data ' )
self . json_schema = json . load ( open ( os . path . join ( self . ressources_path , ' schema.json ' ) , ' r ' ) )
self . json_schema_lax = json . load ( open ( os . path . join ( self . ressources_path , ' schema-lax.json ' ) , ' r ' ) )
if not describe_types :
t = json . load ( open ( os . path . join ( self . ressources_path , ' describeTypes.json ' ) , ' r ' ) )
describe_types = t [ ' result ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
self . describe_types = describe_types
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
self . categories = describe_types [ ' categories ' ]
self . types = describe_types [ ' types ' ]
self . category_type_mapping = describe_types [ ' category_type_mappings ' ]
self . sane_default = describe_types [ ' sane_defaults ' ]
self . new = True
self . dump_full = False
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . _reinitialize_event ( )
def _reinitialize_event ( self ) :
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
self . distribution = 3
self . threat_level_id = 2
self . analysis = 0
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
self . info = None
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
self . published = False
self . date = datetime . date . today ( )
self . attributes = [ ]
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
# All other keys
self . id = None
self . orgc_id = None
self . org_id = None
self . uuid = None
self . attribute_count = None
self . timestamp = None
self . proposal_email_lock = None
self . locked = None
self . publish_timestamp = None
self . sharing_group_id = None
self . Org = None
self . Orgc = None
self . ShadowAttribute = [ ]
self . RelatedEvent = [ ]
self . Tag = [ ]
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
def load ( self , json_event ) :
self . new = False
self . dump_full = True
2016-10-11 17:45:38 +02:00
if isinstance ( json_event , basestring ) and os . path . exists ( json_event ) :
# NOTE: is it a good idea? (possible security issue if an untrusted user call this method)
json_event = open ( json_event , ' r ' )
if hasattr ( json_event , ' read ' ) :
# python2 and python3 compatible to find if we have a file
json_event = json_event . read ( )
2016-09-28 18:50:05 +02:00
if isinstance ( json_event , basestring ) :
2016-10-11 17:45:38 +02:00
json_event = json . loads ( json_event )
if json_event . get ( ' response ' ) :
event = json_event . get ( ' response ' ) [ 0 ]
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
else :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
event = json_event
2016-10-11 17:45:38 +02:00
if not event :
raise PyMISPError ( ' Invalid event ' )
# Invalid event created by MISP up to 2.4.52 (attribute_count is none instead of '0')
if event . get ( ' Event ' ) and event . get ( ' Event ' ) . get ( ' attribute_count ' ) is None :
event [ ' Event ' ] [ ' attribute_count ' ] = ' 0 '
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
jsonschema . validate ( event , self . json_schema_lax )
e = event . get ( ' Event ' )
self . _reinitialize_event ( )
self . set_all_values ( * * e )
def set_all_values ( self , * * kwargs ) :
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
# Required value
if kwargs . get ( ' info ' ) :
self . info = kwargs [ ' info ' ]
else :
raise NewAttributeError ( ' The info field of the new event is required. ' )
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' distribution ' ) is not None :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . distribution = int ( kwargs [ ' distribution ' ] )
if self . distribution not in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] :
raise NewEventError ( ' {} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3 ' . format ( self . distribution ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' threat_level_id ' ) is not None :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . threat_level_id = int ( kwargs [ ' threat_level_id ' ] )
if self . threat_level_id not in [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] :
raise NewEventError ( ' {} is invalid, the threat_level has to be in 1, 2, 3, 4 ' . format ( self . threat_level_id ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' analysis ' ) is not None :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . analysis = int ( kwargs [ ' analysis ' ] )
if self . analysis not in [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] :
raise NewEventError ( ' {} is invalid, the analysis has to be in 0, 1, 2 ' . format ( self . analysis ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' published ' ) is not None :
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
self . publish ( )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' date ' ) :
2016-09-28 18:50:05 +02:00
if isinstance ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] , basestring ) :
2016-10-12 15:40:49 +02:00
self . date = parse ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] ) . date ( )
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
elif isinstance ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] , datetime . datetime ) :
self . date = kwargs [ ' date ' ] . date ( )
elif isinstance ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] , datetime . date ) :
self . date = kwargs [ ' date ' ]
else :
raise NewEventError ( ' Invalid format for the date: {} - {} ' . format ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] , type ( kwargs [ ' date ' ] ) ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' Attribute ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
for a in kwargs [ ' Attribute ' ] :
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
attribute = MISPAttribute ( self . describe_types )
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
attribute . set_all_values ( * * a )
self . attributes . append ( attribute )
# All other keys
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . id = int ( kwargs [ ' id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' orgc_id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . orgc_id = int ( kwargs [ ' orgc_id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' org_id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . org_id = int ( kwargs [ ' org_id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' uuid ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . uuid = kwargs [ ' uuid ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' attribute_count ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . attribute_count = int ( kwargs [ ' attribute_count ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' timestamp ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . timestamp = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( int ( kwargs [ ' timestamp ' ] ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' proposal_email_lock ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . proposal_email_lock = kwargs [ ' proposal_email_lock ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' locked ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . locked = kwargs [ ' locked ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' publish_timestamp ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . publish_timestamp = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( int ( kwargs [ ' publish_timestamp ' ] ) )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' sharing_group_id ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . sharing_group_id = int ( kwargs [ ' sharing_group_id ' ] )
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' Org ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . Org = kwargs [ ' Org ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' Orgc ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . Orgc = kwargs [ ' Orgc ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' ShadowAttribute ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . ShadowAttribute = kwargs [ ' ShadowAttribute ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' RelatedEvent ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . RelatedEvent = kwargs [ ' RelatedEvent ' ]
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs . get ( ' Tag ' ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . Tag = kwargs [ ' Tag ' ]
def _json ( self ) :
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
to_return = { ' Event ' : { } }
to_return [ ' Event ' ] = { ' distribution ' : self . distribution , ' info ' : self . info ,
' date ' : self . date . isoformat ( ) , ' published ' : self . published ,
' threat_level_id ' : self . threat_level_id ,
' analysis ' : self . analysis , ' Attribute ' : [ ] }
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
if self . id :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' id ' ] = self . id
if self . orgc_id :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' orgc_id ' ] = self . orgc_id
if self . org_id :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' org_id ' ] = self . org_id
if self . uuid :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' uuid ' ] = self . uuid
if self . sharing_group_id :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' sharing_group_id ' ] = self . sharing_group_id
if self . Tag :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' Tag ' ] = self . Tag
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
to_return [ ' Event ' ] = _int_to_str ( to_return [ ' Event ' ] )
2016-10-10 12:23:03 +02:00
if self . attributes :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' Attribute ' ] = [ a . _json ( ) for a in self . attributes ]
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
jsonschema . validate ( to_return , self . json_schema )
return to_return
def _json_full ( self ) :
to_return = self . _json ( )
if self . locked is not None :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' locked ' ] = self . locked
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
if self . attribute_count is not None :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' attribute_count ' ] = self . attribute_count
if self . RelatedEvent :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' RelatedEvent ' ] = self . RelatedEvent
if self . Org :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' Org ' ] = self . Org
if self . Orgc :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' Orgc ' ] = self . Orgc
if self . ShadowAttribute :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' ShadowAttribute ' ] = self . ShadowAttribute
if self . proposal_email_lock is not None :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' proposal_email_lock ' ] = self . proposal_email_lock
if self . locked is not None :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' locked ' ] = self . locked
if self . publish_timestamp :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' publish_timestamp ' ] = int ( time . mktime ( self . publish_timestamp . timetuple ( ) ) )
if self . timestamp :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' timestamp ' ] = int ( time . mktime ( self . timestamp . timetuple ( ) ) )
2016-09-30 16:06:41 +02:00
to_return [ ' Event ' ] = _int_to_str ( to_return [ ' Event ' ] )
2016-10-10 12:23:03 +02:00
if self . attributes :
to_return [ ' Event ' ] [ ' Attribute ' ] = [ a . _json_full ( ) for a in self . attributes ]
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
jsonschema . validate ( to_return , self . json_schema )
return to_return
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
def publish ( self ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . published = True
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
def unpublish ( self ) :
2016-09-27 19:47:22 +02:00
self . published = False
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
def add_attribute ( self , type , value , * * kwargs ) :
attribute = MISPAttribute ( self . describe_types )
attribute . set_all_values ( type = type , value = value , * * kwargs )
2016-09-26 00:26:09 +02:00
self . attributes . append ( attribute )