2019-09-26 20:31:05 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Koen Van Impe
List all the sightings
Put this script in crontab to run every day
25 4 * * * mispuser / usr / bin / python3 / home / mispuser / PyMISP / examples / show_sightings . py
from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP
from keys import misp_url , misp_key , misp_verifycert
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
import smtplib
import mimetypes
from email . mime . multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email import encoders
from email . mime . base import MIMEBase
from email . mime . text import MIMEText
import argparse
def init ( url , key , verifycert ) :
Template to get MISP module started
return ExpandedPyMISP ( url , key , verifycert , ' json ' )
def set_drift_timestamp ( drift_timestamp , drift_timestamp_path ) :
Save the timestamp in a ( local ) file
try :
with open ( drift_timestamp_path , ' w+ ' ) as f :
f . write ( str ( drift_timestamp ) )
return True
except IOError :
sys . exit ( " Unable to write drift_timestamp %s to %s " % ( drift_timestamp , drift_timestamp_path ) )
return False
def get_drift_timestamp ( drift_timestamp_path ) :
From when do we start with the sightings ?
try :
with open ( drift_timestamp_path ) as f :
drift = f . read ( )
if drift :
drift = int ( float ( drift ) )
else :
drift = 0
except IOError :
drift = 0
return drift
def search_sightings ( misp , from_timestamp , end_timestamp ) :
Search all the sightings
completed_sightings = [ ]
try :
found_sightings = misp . search_sightings ( date_from = from_timestamp , date_to = end_timestamp )
except Exception as e :
sys . exit ( ' Unable to search for sightings ' )
if found_sightings is not None :
for s in found_sightings :
if ' Sighting ' in s :
sighting = s [ ' Sighting ' ]
if ' attribute_id ' in sighting :
attribute_id = sighting [ ' attribute_id ' ]
# Query the attribute and event to get the details
try :
attribute = misp . get_attribute ( attribute_id )
except Exception as e :
2019-09-26 20:46:31 +02:00
print ( " Unable to fetch attribute " )
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if ' Attribute ' in attribute and ' uuid ' in attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] :
event_details = misp . get_event ( attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] [ ' event_id ' ] )
event_info = event_details [ ' Event ' ] [ ' info ' ]
attribute_uuid = attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] [ ' uuid ' ]
completed_sightings . append ( { ' attribute_uuid ' : attribute_uuid , ' date_sighting ' : sighting [ ' date_sighting ' ] , ' source ' : sighting [ ' source ' ] , ' type ' : sighting [ ' type ' ] , ' uuid ' : sighting [ ' uuid ' ] , ' event_id ' : attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] [ ' event_id ' ] , ' value ' : attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] [ ' value ' ] , ' attribute_id ' : attribute [ ' Attribute ' ] [ ' id ' ] , ' event_title ' : event_info } )
else :
return completed_sightings
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
smtp_from = ' INSERT_FROM '
smtp_to = ' INSERT_TO '
smtp_server = ' localhost '
report_sightings = ' '
ts_format = ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S '
drift_timestamp_path = ' /home/mispuser/PyMISP/examples/show_sightings.drift '
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " Show all the sightings. " )
parser . add_argument ( ' -m ' , ' --mail ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Mail the report ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -o ' , ' --mailoptions ' , action = ' store ' , help = ' mailoptions: \' smtp_from=INSERT_FROM;smtp_to=INSERT_TO;smtp_server=localhost \' ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
misp = init ( misp_url , misp_key , misp_verifycert )
start_timestamp = get_drift_timestamp ( drift_timestamp_path = drift_timestamp_path )
end_timestamp = time . time ( )
start_timestamp_s = datetime . fromtimestamp ( start_timestamp ) . strftime ( ts_format )
end_timestamp_s = datetime . fromtimestamp ( end_timestamp ) . strftime ( ts_format )
# Get all attribute sightings
found_sightings = search_sightings ( misp , start_timestamp , end_timestamp )
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if found_sightings :
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for s in found_sightings :
if int ( s [ ' type ' ] ) == 0 :
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s_type = ' TP '
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else :
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s_type = ' FP '
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date_sighting = datetime . fromtimestamp ( int ( s [ ' date_sighting ' ] ) ) . strftime ( ts_format )
source = s [ ' source ' ]
if not s [ ' source ' ] :
source = ' N/A '
2019-09-26 20:46:31 +02:00
report_sightings = report_sightings + ' %s for [ %s ] ( %s ) in event [ %s ] ( %s ) on %s from %s \n ' % ( s_type , s [ ' value ' ] , s [ ' attribute_id ' ] , s [ ' event_title ' ] , s [ ' event_id ' ] , date_sighting , source )
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set_drift_timestamp ( end_timestamp , drift_timestamp_path )
else :
report_sightings = ' No sightings found '
# Mail options
if args . mail :
if args . mailoptions :
mailoptions = args . mailoptions . split ( ' ; ' )
for s in mailoptions :
if s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 0 ] == ' smtp_from ' :
smtp_from = s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ]
if s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 0 ] == ' smtp_to ' :
smtp_to = s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ]
if s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 0 ] == ' smtp_server ' :
smtp_server = s . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ]
report_sightings_body = ' MISP Sightings report for %s between %s and %s \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n ' % ( misp_url , start_timestamp_s , end_timestamp_s )
report_sightings_body = report_sightings_body + report_sightings
subject = ' Report of sightings between %s and %s ' % ( start_timestamp_s , end_timestamp_s )
msg = MIMEMultipart ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = smtp_from
msg [ ' To ' ] = smtp_to
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = subject
msg . attach ( MIMEText ( report_sightings_body , ' text ' ) )
server = smtplib . SMTP ( smtp_server )
server . sendmail ( smtp_from , smtp_to , msg . as_string ( ) )
else :
print ( report_sightings )