
366 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import time
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import os
from dateutil.parser import parse
except ImportError:
import jsonschema
except ImportError:
from .exceptions import PyMISPError, NewEventError, NewAttributeError
# Least dirty way to support python 2 and 3
2016-10-27 21:58:58 +02:00
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.3")
except NameError:
basestring = str
2016-10-27 21:58:58 +02:00
unicode = str
class MISPAttribute(object):
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
def __init__(self, describe_types):
self.categories = describe_types['categories']
self.types = describe_types['types']
self.category_type_mapping = describe_types['category_type_mappings']
self.sane_default = describe_types['sane_defaults']
def _reinitialize_attribute(self):
# Default values
self.category = None
self.type = None
self.value = None
self.to_ids = False
self.comment = ''
self.distribution = 5
# other possible values = None
self.uuid = None
self.timestamp = None
self.sharing_group_id = None
self.deleted = None
self.SharingGroup = []
self.ShadowAttribute = []
def set_all_values(self, **kwargs):
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('type') and kwargs.get('category'):
if kwargs['type'] not in self.category_type_mapping[kwargs['category']]:
raise NewAttributeError('{} and {} is an invalid combinaison, type for this category has to be in {}'.capitalizeformat(self.type, self.category, (', '.join(self.category_type_mapping[self.category]))))
# Required
if kwargs.get('type'):
self.type = kwargs['type']
if self.type not in self.types:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, type has to be in {}'.format(self.type, (', '.join(self.types))))
raise NewAttributeError('The type of the attribute is required.')
type_defaults = self.sane_default[self.type]
if kwargs.get('value'):
self.value = kwargs['value']
raise NewAttributeError('The value of the attribute is required.')
# Default values
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('category'):
self.category = kwargs['category']
if self.category not in self.categories:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, category has to be in {}'.format(self.category, (', '.join(self.categories))))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
self.category = type_defaults['default_category']
if kwargs.get('to_ids'):
self.to_ids = kwargs['to_ids']
if not isinstance(self.to_ids, bool):
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, to_ids has to be True or False'.format(self.to_ids))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
self.to_ids = bool(int(type_defaults['to_ids']))
if kwargs.get('comment'):
self.comment = kwargs['comment']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('distribution'):
self.distribution = int(kwargs['distribution'])
if self.distribution not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5]:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3, 5'.format(self.distribution))
# other possible values
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('id'): = int(kwargs['id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('uuid'):
self.uuid = kwargs['uuid']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('timestamp'):
self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(kwargs['timestamp']))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('sharing_group_id'):
self.sharing_group_id = int(kwargs['sharing_group_id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('deleted'):
self.deleted = kwargs['deleted']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('SharingGroup'):
self.SharingGroup = kwargs['SharingGroup']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('ShadowAttribute'):
self.ShadowAttribute = kwargs['ShadowAttribute']
def _json(self):
to_return = {'type': self.type, 'category': self.category, 'to_ids': self.to_ids,
'distribution': self.distribution, 'value': self.value,
'comment': self.comment}
if self.sharing_group_id:
to_return['sharing_group_id'] = self.sharing_group_id
to_return = _int_to_str(to_return)
return to_return
def _json_full(self):
to_return = self._json()
to_return['id'] =
if self.uuid:
to_return['uuid'] = self.uuid
if self.timestamp:
to_return['timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.timestamp.timetuple()))
if self.deleted is not None:
to_return['deleted'] = self.deleted
if self.ShadowAttribute:
to_return['ShadowAttribute'] = self.ShadowAttribute
if self.SharingGroup:
to_return['SharingGroup'] = self.SharingGroup
to_return = _int_to_str(to_return)
return to_return
class EncodeUpdate(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
return obj._json()
except AttributeError:
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class EncodeFull(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
return obj._json_full()
except AttributeError:
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def _int_to_str(d):
# transform all integer back to string
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, int) and not isinstance(v, bool):
d[k] = str(v)
return d
class MISPEvent(object):
def __init__(self, describe_types=None):
self.ressources_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data')
self.json_schema = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'schema.json'), 'r'))
self.json_schema_lax = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'schema-lax.json'), 'r'))
if not describe_types:
t = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'describeTypes.json'), 'r'))
describe_types = t['result']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
self.describe_types = describe_types
self.categories = describe_types['categories']
self.types = describe_types['types']
self.category_type_mapping = describe_types['category_type_mappings']
self.sane_default = describe_types['sane_defaults'] = True
self.dump_full = False
def _reinitialize_event(self):
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
self.distribution = 3
self.threat_level_id = 2
self.analysis = 0
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00 = None
self.published = False =
self.attributes = []
# All other keys = None
self.orgc_id = None
self.org_id = None
self.uuid = None
self.attribute_count = None
self.timestamp = None
self.proposal_email_lock = None
self.locked = None
self.publish_timestamp = None
self.sharing_group_id = None
self.Org = None
self.Orgc = None
self.ShadowAttribute = []
self.RelatedEvent = []
self.Tag = []
def load(self, json_event): = False
self.dump_full = True
if isinstance(json_event, basestring) and os.path.exists(json_event):
# NOTE: is it a good idea? (possible security issue if an untrusted user call this method)
json_event = open(json_event, 'r')
if hasattr(json_event, 'read'):
# python2 and python3 compatible to find if we have a file
json_event =
if isinstance(json_event, basestring):
json_event = json.loads(json_event)
if json_event.get('response'):
event = json_event.get('response')[0]
event = json_event
if not event:
raise PyMISPError('Invalid event')
# Invalid event created by MISP up to 2.4.52 (attribute_count is none instead of '0')
if event.get('Event') and event.get('Event').get('attribute_count') is None:
event['Event']['attribute_count'] = '0'
jsonschema.validate(event, self.json_schema_lax)
e = event.get('Event')
def set_all_values(self, **kwargs):
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
# Required value
if kwargs.get('info'): = kwargs['info']
raise NewAttributeError('The info field of the new event is required.')
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('distribution') is not None:
self.distribution = int(kwargs['distribution'])
if self.distribution not in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3'.format(self.distribution))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('threat_level_id') is not None:
self.threat_level_id = int(kwargs['threat_level_id'])
if self.threat_level_id not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the threat_level has to be in 1, 2, 3, 4'.format(self.threat_level_id))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('analysis') is not None:
self.analysis = int(kwargs['analysis'])
if self.analysis not in [0, 1, 2]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the analysis has to be in 0, 1, 2'.format(self.analysis))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('published') is not None:
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('date'):
2016-10-19 19:00:09 +02:00
if isinstance(kwargs['date'], basestring) or isinstance(kwargs['date'], unicode): = parse(kwargs['date']).date()
elif isinstance(kwargs['date'], datetime.datetime): = kwargs['date'].date()
elif isinstance(kwargs['date'], = kwargs['date']
raise NewEventError('Invalid format for the date: {} - {}'.format(kwargs['date'], type(kwargs['date'])))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('Attribute'):
for a in kwargs['Attribute']:
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
attribute = MISPAttribute(self.describe_types)
# All other keys
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('id'): = int(kwargs['id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('orgc_id'):
self.orgc_id = int(kwargs['orgc_id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('org_id'):
self.org_id = int(kwargs['org_id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('uuid'):
self.uuid = kwargs['uuid']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('attribute_count'):
self.attribute_count = int(kwargs['attribute_count'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('timestamp'):
self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(kwargs['timestamp']))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('proposal_email_lock'):
self.proposal_email_lock = kwargs['proposal_email_lock']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('locked'):
self.locked = kwargs['locked']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('publish_timestamp'):
self.publish_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(kwargs['publish_timestamp']))
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('sharing_group_id'):
self.sharing_group_id = int(kwargs['sharing_group_id'])
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('Org'):
self.Org = kwargs['Org']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('Orgc'):
self.Orgc = kwargs['Orgc']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('ShadowAttribute'):
self.ShadowAttribute = kwargs['ShadowAttribute']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('RelatedEvent'):
self.RelatedEvent = kwargs['RelatedEvent']
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
if kwargs.get('Tag'):
self.Tag = kwargs['Tag']
def _json(self):
to_return = {'Event': {}}
to_return['Event'] = {'distribution': self.distribution, 'info':,
'date':, 'published': self.published,
'threat_level_id': self.threat_level_id,
'analysis': self.analysis, 'Attribute': []}
to_return['Event']['id'] =
if self.orgc_id:
to_return['Event']['orgc_id'] = self.orgc_id
if self.org_id:
to_return['Event']['org_id'] = self.org_id
if self.uuid:
to_return['Event']['uuid'] = self.uuid
if self.sharing_group_id:
to_return['Event']['sharing_group_id'] = self.sharing_group_id
if self.Tag:
to_return['Event']['Tag'] = self.Tag
to_return['Event'] = _int_to_str(to_return['Event'])
if self.attributes:
to_return['Event']['Attribute'] = [a._json() for a in self.attributes]
jsonschema.validate(to_return, self.json_schema)
return to_return
def _json_full(self):
to_return = self._json()
if self.locked is not None:
to_return['Event']['locked'] = self.locked
if self.attribute_count is not None:
to_return['Event']['attribute_count'] = self.attribute_count
if self.RelatedEvent:
to_return['Event']['RelatedEvent'] = self.RelatedEvent
if self.Org:
to_return['Event']['Org'] = self.Org
if self.Orgc:
to_return['Event']['Orgc'] = self.Orgc
if self.ShadowAttribute:
to_return['Event']['ShadowAttribute'] = self.ShadowAttribute
if self.proposal_email_lock is not None:
to_return['Event']['proposal_email_lock'] = self.proposal_email_lock
if self.locked is not None:
to_return['Event']['locked'] = self.locked
if self.publish_timestamp:
to_return['Event']['publish_timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.publish_timestamp.timetuple()))
if self.timestamp:
to_return['Event']['timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.timestamp.timetuple()))
to_return['Event'] = _int_to_str(to_return['Event'])
if self.attributes:
to_return['Event']['Attribute'] = [a._json_full() for a in self.attributes]
jsonschema.validate(to_return, self.json_schema)
return to_return
def publish(self):
self.published = True
def unpublish(self):
self.published = False
2016-09-28 18:20:37 +02:00
def add_attribute(self, type, value, **kwargs):
attribute = MISPAttribute(self.describe_types)
attribute.set_all_values(type=type, value=value, **kwargs)