
764 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Standard imports
import base64
import logging
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
import pprint
from io import BytesIO
import pymisp
from html import escape
logger = logging.getLogger('pymisp')
# Potentially not installed imports
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFDictionary, PDFInfo
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, PageBreak, Spacer, Table, TableStyle, Flowable
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY, TA_LEFT
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
except ImportError:
print("ReportLab cannot be imported. Please verify that ReportLab is installed on the system.")
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
class Flowable_Tag(Flowable):
Custom flowable to handle tags
Modified from :
and :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, width=40, height=15, text="", color="#ffffff", custom_style=None):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.text = text
self.colour = color
if custom_style is not None:
self.custom_style = custom_style
self.custom_style = getSampleStyleSheet()["Normal"]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def coord(self, x, y, unit=1):
Helper class to help position flowables in Canvas objects
x, y = x * unit, self.height - y * unit
return x, y
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
return "Tag(w=" + str(self.width) + ")"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def choose_good_text_color(self):
# See :
r, g, b = colors.HexColor(self.colour).rgb()
brightness = r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114 / 1000
if brightness < 500: # Standard treeshold for human vision : 123 instead of 500
return "#ffffff" # Black
return "#000000" # White
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def draw(self):
Draw the shape, text, etc to show a Tag
Honestely, constant are totally ad-hoc. Feels free to change it, but be sure to test the visual result of it.
RADIUS = 1 * mm
p = Paragraph("<font color='" + self.choose_good_text_color() + "'>" + self.text + "</font>",
string_width = stringWidth(self.text, self.custom_style.fontName, self.custom_style.fontSize)
self.width = string_width + ELONGATION
self.height = self.custom_style.fontSize
self.canv.roundRect(self.x, self.y + LEFT_INTERNAL_PADDING, self.width, self.height + 2, RADIUS, fill=1)
p.wrapOn(self.canv, self.width, self.height)
p.drawOn(self.canv, *self.coord(self.x, self.y + 0.5 * LEFT_INTERNAL_PADDING, mm))
# == Row colors of the table (alternating) ==
EVEN_COLOR = colors.whitesmoke
ODD_COLOR = colors.lightgrey
# == Lines parameters of the table ==
LINE_COLOR = colors.lightslategray
# == Columns colors, aligment, fonts, space, size, width, heights ==
# FIRST_COL_FONT_COLOR = colors.darkslateblue # Test purposes
FIRST_COL_FONT_COLOR = colors.HexColor("#333333") # Same as GUI
FIRST_COL_FONT = 'Helvetica-Bold'
SECOND_COL_FONT = 'Helvetica'
EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
COL_WIDTHS = ['30%', '75%'] # colWidths='*' # Not documented but does exist
ROW_HEIGHT = 5 * mm # 4.5 * mm (a bit too short to allow vertical align TODO : Fix it)
ROW_HEIGHT_FOR_TAGS = 4 * mm # 4.5 * mm (a bit too short to allow vertical align TODO : Fix it)
# == Whole document margins and size ==
PAGESIZE = (140 * mm, 216 * mm) # width, height
BASE_MARGIN = 5 * mm # Create a list here to specify each row separately
# == Parameters for error handling for content too long to fit on a page ==
FRAME_MAX_HEIGHT = 500 # 650 # Ad hoc value for a A4 page
STR_TOO_LONG_WARNING = "<br/><b><font color=red>[Too long to fit on a single page. Cropped]</font></b>"
"UTILITIES" METHODS. Not meant to be used except for development purposes
def get_sample_fonts():
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Get fonts available on the current system, usable in pdf generation
:return: None. Print on std output the list of available fonts
# Create a dummy canvas
c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")
# Print list of usable fonts
def get_sample_styles():
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Get styles available in reportLab (Paragraph, Heading1, ...)
:return: None. Print on std output the list of available styles
# Get styles, as for example sample_style_sheet['Heading1'], sample_style_sheet['BodyText'] ...
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
# if you want to see all the sample styles, this prints them
"INTERNAL" METHODS. Not meant to be used outside of this class.
def alternate_colors_style_generator(data):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Create a style, applicable on a table that will be built with parameter's data, with alternated
background color for each line.
Modified from :
:param data: list of list of items (2D table) to be displayed in the pdf
:return: A list of 'BACKGROUND' properties, usable in a TableStyle, with alternated colours
data_len = len(data)
color_list = []
# For each line, generate a tuple giving to a line a color
for each in range(data_len):
if each % 2 == 0:
bg_color = EVEN_COLOR
bg_color = ODD_COLOR
color_list.append(('BACKGROUND', (0, each), (-1, each), bg_color))
return color_list
def lines_style_generator(data):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Create a style, applicable on a table that will be built with parameter's data,
that draw colored lines above and below each line of the table
:param data: list of list of items (2D table) to be displayed in the pdf
:return: A list of 'LINE****' properties, usable in a TableStyle, that are drawing lines
data_len = len(data)
lines_list = []
# For each line, generate a tuple giving to a line a color
for each in range(data_len):
lines_list.append(('LINEABOVE', (0, each), (-1, each), LINE_THICKNESS, LINE_COLOR))
# Last line
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
lines_list.append(('LINEBELOW', (0, len(data) - 1), (-1, len(data) - 1), LINE_THICKNESS, LINE_COLOR))
return lines_list
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def general_style_generator():
Create the general style (alignement, padding ...) of the table, copying the MISP'event's web_view.
:return: a list of properties, usable in a TableStyle
lines_list = []
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
lines_list.append(('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'))
lines_list.append(('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0))
lines_list.append(('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0))
# lines_list.append(('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), VERTICAL_PADDING))
# lines_list.append(('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), VERTICAL_PADDING))
return lines_list
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def get_published_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event published/published_time
More information on how to play with paragraph into reportlab cells :
:param misp_event: A misp event with or without "published"/"publish_timestamp" attributes
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
:param item: a list of name, in order :
["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
" Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event", json property access name (for timestamp")]
e.g. item = ["Published", 'published', "None", "publish_timestamp"]
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "published"/"publish_timestamp"
RED_COLOR = '#ff0000'
GREEN_COLOR = '#008000'
YES_ANSWER = "<font color=" + GREEN_COLOR + "><b> Yes </b></font> ("
NO_ANSWER = "<font color=" + RED_COLOR + "><b>No</b></font>"
# Formatting similar to MISP Event web view
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if getattr(misp_event, item[1]): # == True
if hasattr(misp_event, item[3]):
# Published and have published date
return Paragraph(YES_ANSWER + getattr(misp_event, item[3]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT) + ")",
# Published without published date
return YES_ANSWER + "no date)"
# Not published
return NO_ANSWER
# Does not have a published attribute
return item[2]
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def get_timestamp_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event timestamp
:param misp_event: A misp event with or without "timestamp" attributes
:param item: a list of name, in order :
["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
" Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "timestamp"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
def get_creator_organisation_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event creator organisation
:param misp_event: A misp event with or without "timestamp" attributes
:param item: a list of name, in order :
["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
" Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event", "json property access name (second level)"]
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "creator organisation"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(escape(str(getattr(getattr(misp_event, item[1]), item[3]))), col2_style)
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
def get_attributes_number_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event attributes
:param misp_event: A misp event with or without "attributes" attributes
:param item: a list of name, in order :
["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
" Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "attributes"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(str(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
def get_tag_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event tags
:param misp_event: A misp event with or without "tags" attributes
:param item: a list of name, in order :
["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
" Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "tags"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
table_event_tags = create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event)
return table_event_tags
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
def get_unoverflowable_paragraph(dirty_string, curr_style) :
Create a paragraph that can fit on a cell of one page. Mostly hardcoded values.
This method can be improved (get the exact size of the current frame, and limit the paragraph to this size.)
This might be worst look at KeepInFrame (which hasn't went well so far)
:param dirty_string:
:param curr_style:
sanitized_str = str(escape(dirty_string))
# Get the space that the paragraph needs to be printed
w, h = Paragraph(sanitized_str, curr_style).wrap(FRAME_MAX_WIDTH, FRAME_MAX_HEIGHT)
# If there is enough space, directly send back the sanitized paragraph
return Paragraph(sanitized_str, curr_style)
else :
# Otherwise, cut the content to fit the paragraph (Dichotomy)
max_carac_amount = int((FRAME_MAX_HEIGHT/(h*1.0))*len(sanitized_str))
i = 0
limited_string = ""
i += 1
limited_string = sanitized_str[:max_carac_amount] # .replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
w, h = Paragraph(limited_string + STR_TOO_LONG_WARNING, curr_style).wrap(FRAME_MAX_WIDTH, FRAME_MAX_HEIGHT)
max_carac_amount = int(max_carac_amount/2)
return Paragraph(limited_string + STR_TOO_LONG_WARNING, curr_style)
else :
# We may still end with a not short enough string
return Paragraph(STR_TOO_LONG_WARNING, curr_style)
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def create_flowable_table_from_data(data):
Given a list of flowables items (2D/list of list), creates a Table with styles.
:param data: list of list of items (flowables is better)
:return: a Table - with styles - to add to the pdf
# Create the table
curr_table = Table(data, COL_WIDTHS)
# Aside notes :
# colWidths='*' does a 100% and share the space automatically
# rowHeights=ROW_HEIGHT if you want a fixed height. /!\ Problems with paragraphs that are spreading everywhere
# Create styles and set parameters
alternate_colors_style = alternate_colors_style_generator(data)
lines_style = lines_style_generator(data)
general_style = general_style_generator()
# Make the table nicer
curr_table.setStyle(TableStyle(general_style + alternate_colors_style + lines_style))
return curr_table
def create_tags_table_from_data(data):
Given a list of flowables tags (2D/list of list), creates a Table with styles adapted to tags.
:param data: list of list of tags (flowables)
:return: a Table - with styles - to add to another table
# Create the table
curr_table = Table(data, COL_WIDTHS, rowHeights=ROW_HEIGHT_FOR_TAGS)
# Create styles and set parameters
general_style = general_style_generator()
# Make the table nicer
return curr_table
def create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Returns Table presenting a MISP event
:param misp_event: A misp event (complete or not)
:return: a table that can be added to a pdf
# To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
# to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
list_attr_automated = [ # ["Event ID", 'id', "None"],
["UUID", 'uuid', "None"],
["Date", 'date', "None"],
["Owner org", 'owner', "None"],
# TODO : Not present ["Email", 'email', "None"],
["Threat level", 'threat_level_id', "None"], # TODO : improve design
["Analysis", 'analysis', "None"], # TODO : improve design + Ask where the enum is !
# TODO : ["Distribution", 'distribution', "None"],
["Info", 'info', "None"], # OK
# TODO : ["First recorded change", 'TODO', "None"],
# TODO : ["Last change", 'TODO', "None"],
# TODO : ["Modification map", 'TODO', "None"],
# TODO : ["Sightings", 'TODO', "None"]
list_attr_manual = [["Event date", 'timestamp', "None"],
["Published", 'published', "None", "publish_timestamp"],
["Creator Org", 'Orgc', "None", "name"],
["# Attributes", 'Attribute', "None"],
["Tags", 'Tag', "None"]
data = []
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
# Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp event
# Note that PEP 0363 may change the syntax in future release :
for item in list_attr_automated:
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
# The attribute exist, we fetch it and create the row
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(escape(str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))), col2_style)]) # TODO : get_unoverflowable_paragraph
# The attribute does not exist ,we print a default text on the row
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# Manual addition of specific attributes(Factorized, because too long)
# Timestamp
item = list_attr_manual[0]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_timestamp_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# Published
item = list_attr_manual[1]
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_published_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# Creator organisation
item = list_attr_manual[2]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_creator_organisation_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# Number of Attributes
item = list_attr_manual[3]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_attributes_number_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# Number of Attributes
item = list_attr_manual[4]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_tag_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
return create_flowable_table_from_data(data)
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
Returns a list of flowables representing the list of attributes of a misp event.
The list is composed alternatively of headers and tables, to add to the pdf
:param misp_event: A misp event
:return: a table of flowables
flowable_table = []
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
i = 0
if hasattr(misp_event, "Attribute"):
# There is some attributes for this object
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Attribute"):
# TODO : TO ACTIVATE IF NECESSARY flowable_table.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm))
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("Attribute #" + str(i), sample_style_sheet['Heading3']))
i += 1
# No attributes for this object
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("No attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2']))
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
return flowable_table
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute: pymisp.mispevent.MISPAttribute):
Returns a table (flowalbe) representing the attribute
:param misp_attribute: A misp attribute
:return: a table representing this misp's attribute's attributes, to add to the pdf as a flowable
data = []
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
# To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
# to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
list_attr_automated = [["UUID", 'uuid', "None"], # OK
["Category", 'category', "None"], # OK
["Comment", 'comment', "None"], # OK
["Type", 'type', "None"], # OK
["Value", 'value', "None"]] # OK
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
list_attr_manual = [["Tags", 'Tag', "None"]] # OK
# Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp event
for item in list_attr_automated:
if hasattr(misp_attribute, item[1]) and getattr(misp_attribute, item[1]) is not None and getattr(misp_attribute, item[1]) != "":
# The attribute exist, we fetch it and create the row
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_unoverflowable_paragraph(getattr(misp_attribute, item[1]), col2_style)])
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
# The attribute does not exist ,we print a default text on the row
# TODO : TO ACTIVATE IF YOU WANT A EMPTY LINE INSTEAD OF NOTHING data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
# Number of Attributes
item = list_attr_manual[0]
if hasattr(misp_attribute, item[1]):
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_tag_value(misp_attribute, item, col2_style)])
return create_flowable_table_from_data(data)
def create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
Returns a Table (flowable) to add to a pdf, representing the list of tags of an event or a misp event
:param misp_event: A misp event
:return: a table of flowable to add to the pdf
flowable_table = []
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
i = 0
if hasattr(misp_event, "Tag") and len(getattr(misp_event, "Tag")): # Tags can exist but be empty
# There is some tags for this object
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Tag"):
i += 1
return create_tags_table_from_data(flowable_table)
# No tags for this object
return [Paragraph("No tags", col2_style)]
def create_flowable_tag(misp_tag):
Returns a Flowable tag linked to one tag.
:param misp_tag: A misp tag of a misp event or a misp event's attribute
:return: one flowable representing a tag (with style)
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
return [Flowable_Tag(, color=misp_tag.colour, custom_style=col1_style)]
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
def get_table_styles():
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Create and returns the two mains styles for the columns of the document.
:return: two styles, one for each columns of the document, describing the MISP object.
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
custom_body_style_col_1 = ParagraphStyle(name='Column_1',
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
custom_body_style_col_2 = ParagraphStyle(name='Column_2',
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
return custom_body_style_col_1, custom_body_style_col_2
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
def collect_parts(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Main part of the PDF creation, it creates a ready-to-compile-as-pdf list of flowables from a MISP Event, calling subfunctions to handle the printing of each element
:param misp_event: a misp event
:return: a list of flowables to compile as pdf
# List of elements/content we want to add
flowables = []
# Get the list of available styles
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
# Create stuff
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
title = Paragraph(, sample_style_sheet['Heading1'])
subtitle = Paragraph("General information", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
attributes = Paragraph("Attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
table_event_general = create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event)
table_event_attribute = create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event)
# If you want to output the full json, just add next line
# paragraph_2 = Paragraph(str(misp_event.to_json()), sample_style_sheet['Code'])
# Add all parts to final PDF
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
flowables += table_event_attribute
return flowables
def set_template(canvas, doc):
add_page_number(canvas, doc)
add_metadata(canvas, doc)
def set_metadata(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
if hasattr(misp_event, 'info'):
METADATA["title"] = getattr(misp_event, 'info')
if hasattr(misp_event, 'info'):
METADATA["subject"] = getattr(misp_event, 'info')
if hasattr(misp_event, 'Orgc'):
if hasattr(getattr(misp_event, 'Orgc'), 'name'):
METADATA["author"] = getattr(getattr(misp_event, 'Orgc'), 'name')
METADATA["creator"] = getattr(getattr(misp_event, 'Orgc'), 'name')
if hasattr(misp_event, 'uuid'):
METADATA["keywords"] = getattr(misp_event, 'uuid')
def add_metadata(canvas, doc):
# There should be a nicer way to do it :
# From :
keys = METADATA.keys()
if 'title' in keys:
if 'subject' in keys:
if 'author' in keys:
if 'creator' in keys:
if 'keywords' in keys:
def add_page_number(canvas, doc):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Add footer to each page, drawing the page number
:param canvas: / Automatically filled during pdf compilation
:param doc: / Automatically filled during pdf compilation
:return: / Automatically filled during pdf compilation
canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 10)
page_number_text = "%d" % (
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
curr_spacing = 4 * mm # 0.75 * inch
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def export_flowables_to_pdf(document, pdf_buffer, flowables):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Export function : creates a pdf from a list of flowables, adding page numbers, etc.
:param document: A document template
:param pdf_buffer: / not used
:param flowables: list of flowables to compile as pdf
onFirstPage=set_template, # Pagination for first page
onLaterPages=set_template, # Pagination for all other page
"EXTERNAL" exposed METHODS. Meant to be used outside of this class.
def convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(misp_event: pymisp.MISPEvent):
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
Externally callable function that create a full pdf from a Misp Event
:param misp_event: a misp event
:return: a pdf buffer (BytesIO) that contains the pdf
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
# Create a document buffer
pdf_buffer = BytesIO()
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
# DEBUG / TO DELETE : curr_document = SimpleDocTemplate('myfile.pdf')
curr_document = SimpleDocTemplate(pdf_buffer,
# Collect already accessible event's parts to be shown
flowables = collect_parts(misp_event)
# Export
export_flowables_to_pdf(curr_document, pdf_buffer, flowables)
pdf_value = pdf_buffer.getvalue()
# TODO : Not sure what to give back ? Buffer ? Buffer.value() ? Base64(buffer.value()) ? ...
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
return pdf_value
def get_values_from_buffer(pdf_buffer):
return pdf_buffer.value()
def get_base64_from_buffer(pdf_buffer):
return base64.b64encode(pdf_buffer.value())
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def get_base64_from_value(pdf_value):
return base64.b64encode(pdf_value)
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
def register_to_file(pdf_buffer, file_name):
# Used for testing purposes only
2019-02-19 16:00:57 +01:00
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
2019-02-22 10:18:44 +01:00
def register_value_to_file(pdf_value, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: