mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
fix: [reportlab] Clusters added. Still UX to perform
@ -716,6 +716,34 @@ class Value_Formatter():
return answer
def get_galaxy_name_value(self, misp_galaxy):
item = ["Name", 'name', "None", "namespace", "type"]
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_galaxy, item[1]):
return self.get_unoverflowable_paragraph(safe_string(misp_galaxy[item[1]])
+ " <i>from</i> " + safe_string(misp_galaxy[item[3]]) + ":"
+ safe_string(misp_galaxy[item[4]]), do_escape_string=False)
return self.get_unoverflowable_paragraph(item[2])
def get_galaxy_cluster_name_value(self, misp_cluster):
item = ["Name", 'value', "None", "source", "meta", "synonyms"]
tmp_text = ""
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_cluster, item[1]):
tmp_text += safe_string(misp_cluster[item[1]])
#if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_cluster, item[3]) :
# tmp_text += "<br/><i>Source :</i> " + misp_cluster[item[3]]
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_cluster, item[4]) and is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_cluster[item[4]], item[5]):
tmp_text += " <br/><i>Synonyms :</i> "
for i, synonyme in enumerate(misp_cluster[item[4]][item[5]]) :
if i != 0 :
tmp_text += " / "
tmp_text += safe_string(synonyme)
return self.get_unoverflowable_paragraph(tmp_text, do_escape_string=False)
return self.get_unoverflowable_paragraph(item[2])
class Event_Metadata():
@ -801,11 +829,7 @@ class Event_Metadata():
# Galaxies
item = ["Related Galaxies", 'Galaxy', "None"]
curr_Galaxy = Galaxy(self.config, self.value_formatter)
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]) and is_in_config(self.config, 3):
galaxy_title = Paragraph(item[0], self.sample_style_sheet['Heading5'])
flowable_table.append(curr_Galaxy.get_galaxy_value(misp_event, item))
flowable_table += curr_Galaxy.get_galaxy_value(misp_event, item)
return flowable_table
@ -1013,11 +1037,7 @@ class Attributes():
# Galaxies
item = ["Related Galaxies", 'Galaxy', "None"]
curr_Galaxy = Galaxy(self.config, self.value_formatter)
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_attribute, item[1]) and is_in_config(self.config, 3):
galaxy_title = Paragraph(item[0], self.sample_style_sheet['Heading5'])
flowable_table.append(curr_Galaxy.get_galaxy_value(misp_attribute, item))
flowable_table += curr_Galaxy.get_galaxy_value(misp_attribute, item)
return flowable_table
@ -1219,6 +1239,7 @@ class Galaxy():
def __init__(self, config, value_formatter):
self.config = config
self.value_formatter = value_formatter
self.sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1232,9 +1253,20 @@ class Galaxy():
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Flowable to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "galaxies"
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]):
return self.create_flowable_table_from_galaxies(misp_event)
return self.value_formatter.get_unoverflowable_paragraph(item[2])
flowable_table = []
# Galaxies
# item = ["Related Galaxies", 'Galaxy', "None"]
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]) and is_in_config(self.config, 3):
galaxy_title = Paragraph(item[0], self.sample_style_sheet['Heading5'])
flowable_table += self.create_flowable_table_from_galaxies(misp_event)
else :
return flowable_table
def create_flowable_table_from_galaxies(self, misp_event):
@ -1247,6 +1279,7 @@ class Galaxy():
flowable_table = []
scheme_alternation = []
curr_color = 0
i = 0
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, "Galaxy"):
# There is some galaxies for this object
@ -1254,6 +1287,10 @@ class Galaxy():
for curr_galaxy in getattr(misp_event, "Galaxy"):
# For each galaxy of the misp object
galaxy_title = Paragraph("Galaxy # " + str(i), self.sample_style_sheet['Heading6'])
i += 1
# Add metadata about the Galaxy
galaxy_metadata, nb_added_item = self.create_flowable_table_from_one_galaxy(curr_galaxy)
flowable_table += galaxy_metadata
@ -1261,22 +1298,27 @@ class Galaxy():
# Construct the line color scheme and line scheme
scheme_alternation += [curr_color] * nb_added_item
# Apply the scheme
# answer_tags = create_flowable_table_from_data(flowable_table)
# Add metadata about clusters
curr_cluster = Galaxy_cluster(self.config, self.value_formatter)
clusters_metadata, nb_added_item = curr_cluster.create_flowable_table_from_galaxy_clusters(curr_galaxy)
clusters_metadata = curr_cluster.create_flowable_table_from_galaxy_clusters(curr_galaxy)
flowable_table += clusters_metadata
# Construct the line color scheme and line scheme
scheme_alternation += [curr_color] * nb_added_item
curr_color += 1 if curr_color == 0 else 0
# Apply the scheme
answer_tags = create_flowable_table_from_data(flowable_table, color_alternation=scheme_alternation , line_alternation=scheme_alternation)
# No galaxies for this object
answer_tags = [self.value_formatter.get_unoverflowable_paragraph("No galaxies")]
return answer_tags
return flowable_table
def create_flowable_table_from_one_galaxy(self, misp_galaxy):
@ -1287,24 +1329,24 @@ class Galaxy():
data = []
nb_added_item = 0
# To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
# to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
list_attr_automated = [["Name", 'name', "None"],
["Type", 'type', "None"],
["Description", 'description', "None"],
["NameSpace", 'namespace', "None"]]
# Name
item = ["Name", 'name', "None"]
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_galaxy, item[1]):
nb_added_item += 1
# Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp object
for item in list_attr_automated:
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_galaxy, item[1]):
# The attribute exists, we fetch it and create the row
# Description
item = ["Description", 'description', "None"]
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_galaxy, item[1]):
nb_added_item += 1
nb_added_item += 1
# The attribute does not exist, you may want to print a default text on the row. Then use as a else case :
# data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
return data, nb_added_item
flowable_table = []
return flowable_table, nb_added_item
class Galaxy_cluster():
@ -1313,6 +1355,7 @@ class Galaxy_cluster():
def __init__(self, config, value_formatter):
self.config = config
self.value_formatter = value_formatter
self.sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_flowable_table_from_galaxy_clusters(self, misp_galaxy):
@ -1323,23 +1366,39 @@ class Galaxy_cluster():
data = []
nb_added_item = 0
i = 0
item = ["Cluster #", 'name', "None"]
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_galaxy, "GalaxyCluster"):
# There is some clusters for this object
for curr_cluster in misp_galaxy["GalaxyCluster"]:
galaxy_title = [Paragraph("Cluster #" + str(i), self.sample_style_sheet['Heading6'])]
i += 1
# For each cluster
tmp_data, curr_added_items = self.create_flowable_table_from_one_galaxy_cluster(curr_cluster)
data += tmp_data
nb_added_item += curr_added_items
tmp_data = self.create_flowable_table_from_one_galaxy_cluster(curr_cluster)
tmp_flowable_table = []
tmp_flowable_table.append(create_flowable_table_from_data(tmp_data, color_alternation = [0], line_alternation=[0]))
data.append([self.value_formatter.get_col1_paragraph(item[0]), tmp_flowable_table])
# data += tmp_data
# No galaxies for this object
data = [self.value_formatter.get_unoverflowable_paragraph("No galaxy cluster")]
nb_added_item += 1
return data, nb_added_item
flowable_table = []
return flowable_table
def create_flowable_table_from_one_galaxy_cluster(self, misp_cluster):
@ -1348,28 +1407,20 @@ class Galaxy_cluster():
:return: a table representing this misp's galaxy's cluster attributes, to add to the pdf as a flowable
data = []
nb_added_item = 0
# To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
# to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
list_attr_automated = [["Cluster #", 'tag_name', "None"],
["Type", 'type', "None"],
["Description", 'description', "None"],
["NameSpace", 'namespace', "None"]]
# Name
item = ["Name", 'name', "None"]
# Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp object
for item in list_attr_automated:
if is_safe_dict_attribute(misp_cluster, item[1]):
# The attribute exists, we fetch it and create the row
# Description
item = ["Description", 'description', "None"]
nb_added_item += 1
# tmp_table = Table(data, ["25%", "75%"])
# print(tmp_table)
# The attribute does not exist, you may want to print a default text on the row. Then use as a else case :
# data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
return data, nb_added_item
# Refs ?
return data
Reference in New Issue