mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
chg: Upate dummy events creator
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP
from keys import url, key
except ImportError:
url = 'http://localhost:8080'
key = '8h0gHbhS0fv6JUOlTED0AznLXFbf83TYtQrCycqb'
url = 'https://localhost:8443'
key = 'd6OmdDFvU3Seau3UjwvHS1y3tFQbaRNhJhDX0tjh'
verifycert = False
import argparse
import tools
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument("-a", "--attribute", type=int, help="Number of attributes per event (default 3000)")
args = parser.parse_args()
misp = ExpandedPyMISP(url, key, True)
misp = ExpandedPyMISP(url, key, verifycert)
if args.limit is None:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import random
from random import randint
import string
from pymisp import MISPEvent
from pymisp import MISPEvent, MISPAttribute
def randomStringGenerator(size, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits):
@ -15,32 +15,34 @@ def randomIpGenerator():
return str(randint(0, 255)) + '.' + str(randint(0, 255)) + '.' + str(randint(0, 255)) + '.' + str(randint(0, 255))
def _attribute(category, type, value):
attribute = MISPAttribute()
attribute.category = category
attribute.type = type
attribute.value = value
return attribute
def floodtxt(misp, event, maxlength=255):
text = randomStringGenerator(randint(1, maxlength))
textfunctions = [misp.add_internal_comment, misp.add_internal_text, misp.add_internal_other, misp.add_email_subject, misp.add_mutex, misp.add_filename]
textfunctions[randint(0, 5)](event, text)
choose_from = [('Internal reference', 'comment', text), ('Internal reference', 'text', text),
('Internal reference', 'other', text), ('Network activity', 'email-subject', text),
('Artifacts dropped', 'mutex', text), ('Artifacts dropped', 'filename', text)]
misp.add_attribute(event, _attribute(*random.choice(choose_from)))
def floodip(misp, event):
ip = randomIpGenerator()
ipfunctions = [misp.add_ipsrc, misp.add_ipdst]
ipfunctions[randint(0, 1)](event, ip)
choose_from = [('Network activity', 'ip-src', ip), ('Network activity', 'ip-dst', ip)]
misp.add_attribute(event, _attribute(*random.choice(choose_from)))
def flooddomain(misp, event, maxlength=25):
a = randomStringGenerator(randint(1, maxlength))
b = randomStringGenerator(randint(2, 3), chars=string.ascii_lowercase)
domain = a + '.' + b
domainfunctions = [misp.add_hostname, misp.add_domain]
domainfunctions[randint(0, 1)](event, domain)
def flooddomainip(misp, event, maxlength=25):
a = randomStringGenerator(randint(1, maxlength))
b = randomStringGenerator(randint(2, 3), chars=string.ascii_lowercase)
domain = a + '.' + b
ip = randomIpGenerator()
misp.add_domain_ip(event, domain, ip)
choose_from = [('Network activity', 'domain', domain), ('Network activity', 'hostname', domain)]
misp.add_attribute(event, _attribute(*random.choice(choose_from)))
def floodemail(misp, event, maxlength=25):
@ -48,19 +50,12 @@ def floodemail(misp, event, maxlength=25):
b = randomStringGenerator(randint(1, maxlength))
c = randomStringGenerator(randint(2, 3), chars=string.ascii_lowercase)
email = a + '@' + b + '.' + c
emailfunctions = [misp.add_email_src, misp.add_email_dst]
emailfunctions[randint(0, 1)](event, email)
def floodattachment(misp, eventid, distribution, to_ids, category, comment, info, analysis, threat_level_id):
filename = randomStringGenerator(randint(1, 128))
misp.upload_sample(filename, 'dummy', eventid, distribution, to_ids, category, comment, info, analysis, threat_level_id)
choose_from = [('Network activity', 'email-dst', email), ('Network activity', 'email-src', email)]
misp.add_attribute(event, _attribute(*random.choice(choose_from)))
def create_dummy_event(misp):
event = misp.new_event(0, 4, 0, 'dummy event')
flooddomainip(misp, event)
floodattachment(misp, event['Event']['id'], event['Event']['distribution'], False, 'Payload delivery', '', event['Event']['info'], event['Event']['analysis'], event['Event']['threat_level_id'])
return misp.new_event(0, 4, 0, 'dummy event')
def create_massive_dummy_events(misp, nbattribute):
@ -68,12 +63,6 @@ def create_massive_dummy_events(misp, nbattribute):
event.info = 'massive dummy event'
event = misp.add_event(event)
eventid = event.id
distribution = '0'
functions = [floodtxt, floodip, flooddomain, flooddomainip, floodemail, floodattachment]
functions = [floodtxt, floodip, flooddomain, floodemail]
for i in range(nbattribute):
choice = randint(0, 5)
if choice == 5:
floodattachment(misp, eventid, distribution, False, 'Payload delivery', '', event.info, event.analysis, event.threat_level_id)
functions[choice](misp, event)
functions[random.randint(0, len(functions) - 1)](misp, event)
Reference in New Issue