Some more refactoring and cleanup

Raphaël Vinot 2017-08-30 12:47:32 +02:00
parent 69ede74ce7
commit 74037cb6fa
10 changed files with 200 additions and 212 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
__version__ = '2.4.77'
__version__ = '2.4.80'
from .exceptions import PyMISPError, NewEventError, NewAttributeError, MissingDependency, NoURL, NoKey, InvalidMISPObject, UnknownMISPObjectTemplate # noqa
from .api import PyMISP # noqa
from .abstract import AbstractMISP, MISPEncode # noqa
from .defaultobjects import MISPObject, AbstractMISPObjectGenerator # noqa
from .mispevent import MISPEvent, MISPAttribute, EncodeUpdate, EncodeFull # noqa
from .mispevent import MISPEvent, MISPAttribute, EncodeUpdate, EncodeFull, MISPObjectReference, MISPObjectAttribute, MISPObject, AbstractMISPObjectGenerator # noqa
from .tools import Neo4j # noqa
from .tools import stix # noqa
except ImportError:

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import os
import json
import sys
import uuid
from collections import Counter
from .abstract import AbstractMISP
from .exceptions import UnknownMISPObjectTemplate, InvalidMISPObject
import six # Remove that import when discarding python2 support.
if six.PY2:
import warnings
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.5")
class MISPObjectReference(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['source_uuid', 'destination_uuid', 'relationship_type', 'comment', 'uuid', 'deleted']
def __init__(self):
super(MISPObjectReference, self).__init__()
def from_dict(self, source_uuid, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
self.source_uuid = source_uuid
self.destination_uuid = destination_uuid
self.relationship_type = relationship_type
self.comment = comment
for k, v in kwargs:
setattr(self, k, v)
class MISPObjectAttribute(AbstractMISP):
# This list is very limited and hardcoded to fit the current needs (file/pe/pesection creation): MISPAttriute will follow the
# same spec and just add one attribute: object_relation
attributes = ['object_relation', 'value', 'type', 'category', 'disable_correlation', 'to_ids',
'data', 'encrypt', 'distribution', 'comment', 'uuid', 'event_id']
def __init__(self, definition):
super(MISPObjectAttribute, self).__init__()
self.definition = definition
def from_dict(self, object_relation, value, **kwargs):
from .mispevent import MISPAttribute
self.object_relation = object_relation
self.value = value
# Initialize the new MISPAttribute
# Get the misp attribute type from the definition
self.type = kwargs.pop('type', None)
if self.type is None:
self.type = self.definition.get('misp-attribute')
self.disable_correlation = kwargs.pop('disable_correlation', None)
if self.disable_correlation is None:
# The correlation can be disabled by default in the object definition.
# Use this value if it isn't overloaded by the object
self.disable_correlation = self.definition.get('disable_correlation')
self.to_ids = kwargs.pop('to_ids', None)
if self.to_ids is None:
# Same for the to_ids flag
self.to_ids = self.definition.get('to_ids')
# FIXME: dirty hack until all the classes are ported to the new format but we get the default values
# Initialise rest of the values
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
temp_attribute = MISPAttribute()
# Update default values
for k, v in temp_attribute.to_dict().items():
setattr(self, k, v)
class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['name', 'meta-category', 'uuid', 'description', 'template_version', 'template_uuid', 'Attribute']
def __init__(self, name, strict=True):
super(MISPObject, self).__init__()
self.strict = strict = name
self.misp_objects_path = os.path.join(
'data', 'misp-objects', 'objects')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json')):
self.known_template = True
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('{} is unknown in the MISP object directory.')
self.known_template = False
if self.known_template:
with open(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json'), 'r') as f:
self.definition = json.load(f)
setattr(self, 'meta-category', self.definition['meta-category'])
self.template_uuid = self.definition['uuid']
self.description = self.definition['description']
self.template_version = self.definition['version']
# FIXME We need to set something for meta-category, template_uuid, description and template_version
self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.Attribute = []
self.ObjectReference = []
def from_dict(self, **kwargs):
if self.known_template:
if kwargs.get('template_uuid') and kwargs['template_uuid'] != self.template_uuid:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('UUID of the object is different from the one of the template.')
self.known_template = False
if kwargs.get('template_version') and int(kwargs['template_version']) != self.template_version:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('Version of the object ({}) is different from the one of the template ({}).'.format(kwargs['template_version'], self.template_version))
self.known_template = False
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == 'Attribute':
for v in value:
elif key == 'ObjectReference':
for v in value:
setattr(self, key, value)
def to_dict(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_dict()
def to_json(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_json()
def _validate(self):
"""Make sure the object we're creating has the required fields"""
all_object_relations = []
for a in self.Attribute:
count_relations = dict(Counter(all_object_relations))
for key, counter in count_relations.items():
if counter == 1:
if not self.definition['attributes'][key].get('multiple'):
raise InvalidMISPObject('Multiple occurrences of {} is not allowed'.format(key))
all_attribute_names = set(count_relations.keys())
if self.definition.get('requiredOneOf'):
if not set(self.definition['requiredOneOf']) & all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('At least one of the following attributes is required: {}'.format(', '.join(self.definition['requiredOneOf'])))
if self.definition.get('required'):
for r in self.definition.get('required'):
if r not in all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('{} is required'.format(r))
return True
def add_reference(self, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
"""Add a link (uuid) to an other object"""
if kwargs.get('source_uuid'):
# Load existing object
source_uuid = kwargs.get('source_uuid')
# New reference
source_uuid = self.uuid
reference = MISPObjectReference()
reference.from_dict(source_uuid=source_uuid, destination_uuid=destination_uuid,
relationship_type=relationship_type, comment=comment, **kwargs)
def add_attribute(self, object_relation, **value):
if value.get('value') is None:
return None
if self.known_template:
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute(self.definition['attributes'][object_relation])
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute.from_dict(object_relation, **value)
return attribute
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) # Remove that line when discarding python2 support.
# Python3 way: class MISPObjectGenerator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
class AbstractMISPObjectGenerator(MISPObject):
def generate_attributes(self):
"""Contains the logic where all the values of the object are gathered"""

View File

@ -6,11 +6,24 @@ import time
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import os
import warnings
import base64
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import hashlib
import abc
import sys
import uuid
from collections import Counter
from .abstract import AbstractMISP
from .exceptions import UnknownMISPObjectTemplate, InvalidMISPObject, PyMISPError, NewEventError, NewAttributeError
import six # Remove that import when discarding python2 support.
if six.PY2:
import warnings
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.5")
from dateutil.parser import parse
@ -36,14 +49,10 @@ except ImportError:
except ImportError:
has_pyme = False
from .exceptions import PyMISPError, NewEventError, NewAttributeError
from .defaultobjects import MISPObject
# Least dirty way to support python 2 and 3
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.5")
except NameError:
basestring = str
unicode = str
@ -124,6 +133,10 @@ class MISPAttribute(object):
return {self.uuid: False}
def set_all_values(self, **kwargs):
# to be deprecated
def from_dict(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('type') and kwargs.get('category'):
if kwargs['type'] not in self.category_type_mapping[kwargs['category']]:
raise NewAttributeError('{} and {} is an invalid combination, type for this category has to be in {}'.format(kwargs.get('type'), kwargs.get('category'), (', '.join(self.category_type_mapping[kwargs['category']]))))
@ -622,3 +635,174 @@ class MISPEvent(object):
attribute.set_all_values(type=type, value=value, **kwargs)
class MISPObjectReference(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['source_uuid', 'destination_uuid', 'relationship_type', 'comment', 'uuid', 'deleted']
def __init__(self):
super(MISPObjectReference, self).__init__()
def from_dict(self, source_uuid, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
self.source_uuid = source_uuid
self.destination_uuid = destination_uuid
self.relationship_type = relationship_type
self.comment = comment
for k, v in kwargs:
setattr(self, k, v)
class MISPObjectAttribute(MISPAttribute, AbstractMISP):
# This list is very limited and hardcoded to fit the current needs (file/pe/pesection creation): MISPAttriute will follow the
# same spec and just add one attribute: object_relation
attributes = ['object_relation', 'value', 'type', 'category', 'disable_correlation', 'to_ids',
'data', 'encrypt', 'distribution', 'comment', 'uuid', 'event_id']
def __init__(self, definition):
self.definition = definition
def from_dict(self, object_relation, value, **kwargs):
self.object_relation = object_relation
self.value = value
# Initialize the new MISPAttribute
# Get the misp attribute type from the definition
self.type = kwargs.pop('type', None)
if self.type is None:
self.type = self.definition.get('misp-attribute')
self.disable_correlation = kwargs.pop('disable_correlation', None)
if self.disable_correlation is None:
# The correlation can be disabled by default in the object definition.
# Use this value if it isn't overloaded by the object
self.disable_correlation = self.definition.get('disable_correlation')
self.to_ids = kwargs.pop('to_ids', None)
if self.to_ids is None:
# Same for the to_ids flag
self.to_ids = self.definition.get('to_ids')
# FIXME: dirty hack until all the classes are ported to the new format but we get the default values
MISPAttribute.from_dict(self, **kwargs)
class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['name', 'meta-category', 'uuid', 'description', 'template_version', 'template_uuid', 'Attribute']
def __init__(self, name, strict=True):
super(MISPObject, self).__init__()
self.strict = strict = name
self.misp_objects_path = os.path.join(
'data', 'misp-objects', 'objects')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json')):
self.known_template = True
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('{} is unknown in the MISP object directory.')
self.known_template = False
if self.known_template:
with open(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json'), 'r') as f:
self.definition = json.load(f)
setattr(self, 'meta-category', self.definition['meta-category'])
self.template_uuid = self.definition['uuid']
self.description = self.definition['description']
self.template_version = self.definition['version']
# FIXME We need to set something for meta-category, template_uuid, description and template_version
self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.Attribute = []
self.ObjectReference = []
def from_dict(self, **kwargs):
if self.known_template:
if kwargs.get('template_uuid') and kwargs['template_uuid'] != self.template_uuid:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('UUID of the object is different from the one of the template.')
self.known_template = False
if kwargs.get('template_version') and int(kwargs['template_version']) != self.template_version:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('Version of the object ({}) is different from the one of the template ({}).'.format(kwargs['template_version'], self.template_version))
self.known_template = False
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == 'Attribute':
for v in value:
elif key == 'ObjectReference':
for v in value:
setattr(self, key, value)
def to_dict(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_dict()
def to_json(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_json()
def _validate(self):
"""Make sure the object we're creating has the required fields"""
all_object_relations = []
for a in self.Attribute:
count_relations = dict(Counter(all_object_relations))
for key, counter in count_relations.items():
if counter == 1:
if not self.definition['attributes'][key].get('multiple'):
raise InvalidMISPObject('Multiple occurrences of {} is not allowed'.format(key))
all_attribute_names = set(count_relations.keys())
if self.definition.get('requiredOneOf'):
if not set(self.definition['requiredOneOf']) & all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('At least one of the following attributes is required: {}'.format(', '.join(self.definition['requiredOneOf'])))
if self.definition.get('required'):
for r in self.definition.get('required'):
if r not in all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('{} is required'.format(r))
return True
def add_reference(self, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
"""Add a link (uuid) to an other object"""
if kwargs.get('source_uuid'):
# Load existing object
source_uuid = kwargs.get('source_uuid')
# New reference
source_uuid = self.uuid
reference = MISPObjectReference()
reference.from_dict(source_uuid=source_uuid, destination_uuid=destination_uuid,
relationship_type=relationship_type, comment=comment, **kwargs)
def add_attribute(self, object_relation, **value):
if value.get('value') is None:
return None
if self.known_template:
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute(self.definition['attributes'][object_relation])
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute.from_dict(object_relation, **value)
return attribute
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) # Remove that line when discarding python2 support.
# Python3 way: class MISPObjectGenerator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
class AbstractMISPObjectGenerator(MISPObject):
def generate_attributes(self):
"""Contains the logic where all the values of the object are gathered"""

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import FileObject, PEObject, ELFObject, MachOObject
from pymisp.exceptions import MISPObjectException
from . import FileObject, PEObject, ELFObject, MachOObject
from ..exceptions import MISPObjectException
import warnings

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pymisp.defaultobjects import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from .. import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from io import BytesIO
from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256, sha512
import warnings

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pymisp.defaultobjects import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from .. import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
import os
from io import BytesIO
from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256, sha512

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pymisp.defaultobjects import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from .. import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from io import BytesIO
from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256, sha512
import warnings

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import glob
import os
from pymisp import MISPEvent
from .. import MISPEvent
from py2neo import authenticate, Graph, Node, Relationship

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import os
from pymisp import MISPEvent
from .. import MISPEvent
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
has_bs4 = True

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pymisp.defaultobjects import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from .. import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator
from io import BytesIO
from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256, sha512
from datetime import datetime