mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ def get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, item, col2_style, config=None, color=Tru
# Does MispEven has the attribute ?
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
# It has the requested attribute .. building upon it.
# Does misp_object has an uuid and do we know the baseurl ?
if hasattr(misp_event, "uuid") and config is not None and moduleconfig[0] in config:
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, "uuid") and config is not None and moduleconfig[0] in config:
# We can build links
curr_uuid = str(getattr(misp_event, "uuid"))
curr_baseurl = config[moduleconfig[0]]
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ def get_timestamp_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "timestamp"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ def get_creator_organisation_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "creator organisation"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(safe_string(getattr(getattr(misp_event, item[1]), item[3])), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def get_attributes_number_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "attributes"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
return Paragraph(str(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ def get_tag_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "tags"
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]):
table_event_tags = create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event)
return table_event_tags
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@ -418,12 +418,10 @@ def get_published_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
YES_ANSWER = "<font color=" + GREEN_COLOR + "><b> Yes </b></font> ("
NO_ANSWER = "<font color=" + RED_COLOR + "><b>No</b></font>"
answer = ""
# Formatting similar to MISP Event web view
if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
if getattr(misp_event, item[1]): # == True
if hasattr(misp_event, item[3]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[3]):
# Published and have published date
answer = Paragraph(YES_ANSWER + getattr(misp_event, item[3]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT) + ")",
@ -445,6 +443,9 @@ def is_safe_attribute(curr_object, attribute_name):
return hasattr(curr_object, attribute_name) and getattr(curr_object, attribute_name) is not None and getattr(
curr_object, attribute_name) != ""
def is_safe_attribute_table(curr_object, attribute_name):
return hasattr(curr_object, attribute_name) and getattr(curr_object, attribute_name) is not None and getattr(
curr_object, attribute_name) != []
def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute):
@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute):
# Handle the special case of links
if hasattr(misp_attribute, 'type') and (getattr(misp_attribute, 'type') in [LINK_TYPE, URL_TYPE]):
if is_safe_attribute(misp_attribute, 'type') and (getattr(misp_attribute, 'type') in [LINK_TYPE, URL_TYPE]):
# getattr(misp_attribute, 'type') == LINK_TYPE or getattr(misp_attribute, 'type') == URL_TYPE):
# Special case for links
@ -492,12 +493,53 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute):
# Tags
item = ["Tags", 'Tag', "None"]
if hasattr(misp_attribute, item[1]):
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_attribute, item[1]):
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_tag_value(misp_attribute, item, col2_style)])
return create_flowable_table_from_data(data)
def create_flowable_table_from_one_object(misp_object):
Returns a table (flowable) representing the object
:param misp_attribute: A misp object
:return: a table representing this misp's object's attributes, to add to the pdf as a flowable
data = []
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
# To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
# to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
list_attr_automated = [["UUID", 'uuid', "None"],
["Description", 'description', "None"],
["Meta Category", 'meta-category', "None"],
["Object Name", 'name', "None"],
["Comment", 'comment', "None"],
["Type", 'type', "None"],
["Object Name", 'name', "None"]]
# Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp object
for item in list_attr_automated:
if is_safe_attribute(misp_object, item[1]):
# The attribute exists, we fetch it and create the row
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style),
get_unoverflowable_paragraph(getattr(misp_object, item[1]), col2_style)])
# The attribute does not exist, you may want to print a default text on the row. Then use as a else case :
# data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
data = [create_flowable_table_from_data(data)]
# Handle all the attributes
if is_safe_attribute(misp_object, "Attribute"):
data += create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_object)
# Add a page break at the end of an object
return data
def create_tags_table_from_data(data):
Given a list of flowables tags (2D/list of list), creates a Table with styles adapted to tags.
@ -589,7 +631,7 @@ def get_image_value(misp_attribute, item, col2_style):
answer = img
except OSError:
"Trying to add an attachment during PDF export generation. Attachement joining failed. Attachmement may not be an image.")
"Trying to add an attachment during PDF export generation. Attachement joining failed. Attachement may not be an image.")
answer = get_unoverflowable_paragraph(
"<font color=" + BAD_LINK_COLOR + ">" + NOT_A_PICTURE_MESSAGE + "</font>", col2_style, False)
@ -771,16 +813,16 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event):
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
i = 0
if hasattr(misp_event, "Attribute"):
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, "Attribute"):
# There is some attributes for this object
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Attribute"):
# you can use a spacer instead of title to separate paragraph: flowable_table.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm))
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("Attribute #" + str(i), sample_style_sheet['Heading3']))
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("Attribute #" + str(i), sample_style_sheet['Heading4']))
i += 1
# No attributes for this object
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("No attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2']))
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("No attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading4']))
return flowable_table
@ -796,7 +838,7 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event):
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
i = 0
if hasattr(misp_event, "Tag") and len(getattr(misp_event, "Tag")) > 1: # 'Tag' can exist and be empty
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, "Tag") : # and len(getattr(misp_event, "Tag")) > 1: # 'Tag' can exist and be empty
# There is some tags for this object
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Tag"):
@ -809,6 +851,34 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event):
return answer_tags
def create_flowable_table_from_objects(misp_event):
Returns a list of flowables representing the list of objects of a misp event.
The list is composed of a serie of
[ header object, table of object information, [ header of attribute, table of attribute]*] to add to the pdf
:param misp_event: A misp event
:return: a table of flowables
flowable_table = []
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
i = 0
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, "Object"):
# There is a list of objects
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Object"):
# you can use a spacer instead of title to separate paragraph: flowable_table.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm))
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("Object #" + str(i), sample_style_sheet['Heading3']))
flowable_table += create_flowable_table_from_one_object(item)
i += 1
# No object found
flowable_table.append(Paragraph("No object", sample_style_sheet['Heading3']))
return flowable_table
# Handling static parts drawn on the upper layer
@ -884,12 +954,20 @@ def collect_parts(misp_event, config=None):
sample_style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
# Create stuff
title = get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, ["Info", 'info', "None"], sample_style_sheet['Heading1'], config, False)
subtitle = Paragraph("General information", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
attributes = Paragraph("Attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
title_style = ParagraphStyle(name='Column_1', parent=sample_style_sheet['Heading1'], alignment=TA_CENTER)
title = get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, ["Info", 'info', "None"], title_style, config, False)
table_event_general = create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config)
table_event_attribute = create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event)
subtitle = Paragraph("General information", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
table_general_metainformation = create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config)
event_attributes_title = Paragraph("Attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
table_direct_attributes = create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event)
event_objects_title = Paragraph("Objects", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
table_objects = create_flowable_table_from_objects(misp_event)
event_sighting_title = Paragraph("Sighting", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
# TODO : table_event_sightings = create_flowable_table_from_sightings(misp_event)
# If you want to output the full json (as debug), just add next line
# paragraph_2 = Paragraph(str(misp_event.to_json()), sample_style_sheet['Code'])
@ -897,12 +975,20 @@ def collect_parts(misp_event, config=None):
# Add all parts to final PDF
flowables += table_event_attribute
flowables += table_direct_attributes
flowables += table_objects
# TODO : flowables.append(PageBreak())
# TODO : flowables.append(event_sighting_title)
# TODO : flowables += table_event_sightings
return flowables
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -54,36 +54,36 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'to_delete1.json')
self.storage_folder + "basic_event.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "normal_event.pdf")
def test_HTML_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '56e12e66-f01c-41be-afea-4d9a950d210f.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'HTML_event.json')
self.storage_folder + "HTML.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "HTML_event.pdf")
def test_long_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '57153590-f73c-49fa-be4b-4737950d210f.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'long_event.json')
self.storage_folder + "long.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "long_event.pdf")
# Issue report : "We are not smart enough" : https://pairlist2.pair.net/pipermail/reportlab-users/2010-May/009529.html
# Not nice but working solution exposed ther e: https://pairlist2.pair.net/pipermail/reportlab-users/2016-March/011525.html
# Not nice but working solution exposed there: https://pairlist2.pair.net/pipermail/reportlab-users/2016-March/011525.html
def test_very_long_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '5abf6421-c1b8-477b-a9d2-9c0902de0b81.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
self.storage_folder + "very_long.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "very_long_event.pdf")
def test_full_config_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '5abf6421-c1b8-477b-a9d2-9c0902de0b81.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "config_complete.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "config_complete_event.pdf")
def test_partial_0_config_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '5abf6421-c1b8-477b-a9d2-9c0902de0b81.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "config_partial_0.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "config_partial_0_event.pdf")
def test_partial_1_config_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + '5abf6421-c1b8-477b-a9d2-9c0902de0b81.json')
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "config_partial_1.pdf")
self.storage_folder + "config_partial_1_event.pdf")
def test_image_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
@ -143,6 +143,36 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "image_event.pdf")
def test_objects_1_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
config = {}
moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'mainly_objects_1.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "mainly_objects_1.pdf")
def test_objects_2_json(self):
if self.check_python_2():
config = {}
moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'mainly_objects_2.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "mainly_objects_2.pdf")
def test_batch_image_events(self):
# Test case ONLY for manual testing. Needs to download a full list of image events !
@ -170,7 +200,7 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
self.storage_image_folder + curr_file + ".pdf")
print("Elapsed time : " + str(time.time() - t))
# Local run : 1958.930s for 1064 files
# Local run : 73.061s for 102 files
def test_batch_OSINT_events(self):
# Test case ONLY for manual testing. Needs to download a full list of OSINT events !
Reference in New Issue