mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
chg: format docstrings in mispevent.py
Add ":param " prefix to parameters to improve ReadTheDocs output. Fix some minor typos in docstrings.pull/647/head
@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ def _make_datetime(value) -> datetime:
def make_bool(value: Optional[Union[bool, int, str, dict, list]]) -> bool:
"""Converts the supplied value to a boolean.
:param value: Value to interpret as a boolean. An empty string, dict
or list is False; value None is also False.
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
if isinstance(value, int):
@ -148,13 +153,14 @@ class MISPSighting(AbstractMISP):
def from_dict(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the MISPSighting from a dictionary
:value: Value of the attribute the sighting is related too. Pushing this object
will update the sighting count of each attriutes with thifs value on the instance
:uuid: UUID of the attribute to update
:id: ID of the attriute to update
:source: Source of the sighting
:type: Type of the sighting
:timestamp: Timestamp associated to the sighting
:param value: Value of the attribute the sighting is related too. Pushing this object
will update the sighting count of each attribute with this value on the instance.
:param uuid: UUID of the attribute to update
:param id: ID of the attriute to update
:param source: Source of the sighting
:param type: Type of the sighting
:param timestamp: Timestamp associated to the sighting
if 'Sighting' in kwargs:
kwargs = kwargs['Sighting']
@ -177,8 +183,9 @@ class MISPAttribute(AbstractMISP):
def __init__(self, describe_types: Optional[Dict] = None, strict: bool = False):
"""Represents an Attribute
:describe_type: Use it is you want to overwrite the defualt describeTypes.json file (you don't)
:strict: If false, fallback to sane defaults for the attribute type if the ones passed by the user are incorrect
:param describe_types: Use it if you want to overwrite the default describeTypes.json file (you don't)
:param strict: If false, fallback to sane defaults for the attribute type if the ones passed by the user are incorrect
if describe_types:
@ -205,7 +212,7 @@ class MISPAttribute(AbstractMISP):
def tags(self) -> List[MISPTag]:
"""Returns a lost of tags associated to this Attribute"""
"""Returns a list of tags associated to this Attribute"""
return self.Tag
@ -260,7 +267,7 @@ class MISPAttribute(AbstractMISP):
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def hash_values(self, algorithm: str = 'sha512') -> List[str]:
"""Compute the hash of every values for fast lookups"""
"""Compute the hash of every value for fast lookups"""
if algorithm not in hashlib.algorithms_available:
raise PyMISPError('The algorithm {} is not available for hashing.'.format(algorithm))
if '|' in self.type or self.type == 'malware-sample':
@ -322,7 +329,7 @@ class MISPAttribute(AbstractMISP):
def sightings(self, sightings: List[MISPSighting]):
"""Set a list of prepared MISPShadowAttribute."""
"""Set a list of prepared MISPSighting."""
if all(isinstance(x, MISPSighting) for x in sightings):
self.Sighting = sightings
@ -606,16 +613,13 @@ class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
def __init__(self, name: str, strict: bool = False, standalone: bool = True, default_attributes_parameters: Dict = {}, **kwargs):
''' Master class representing a generic MISP object
:name: Name of the object
:strict: Enforce validation with the object templates
:standalone: The object will be pushed as directly on MISP, not as a part of an event.
:param name: Name of the object
:param strict: Enforce validation with the object templates
:param standalone: The object will be pushed as directly on MISP, not as a part of an event.
In this case the ObjectReference needs to be pushed manually and cannot be in the JSON dump.
:default_attributes_parameters: Used as template for the attributes if they are not overwritten in add_attribute
:misp_objects_path_custom: Path to custom object templates
:param default_attributes_parameters: Used as template for the attributes if they are not overwritten in add_attribute
:param misp_objects_path_custom: Path to custom object templates
self._strict: bool = strict
@ -824,7 +828,7 @@ class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
def add_reference(self, referenced_uuid: Union[AbstractMISP, str], relationship_type: str, comment: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> MISPObjectReference:
"""Add a link (uuid) to an other object"""
"""Add a link (uuid) to another object"""
if isinstance(referenced_uuid, AbstractMISP):
# Allow to pass an object or an attribute instead of its UUID
referenced_uuid = referenced_uuid.uuid
@ -970,7 +974,7 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
def tags(self) -> List[MISPTag]:
"""Returns a lost of tags associated to this Event"""
"""Returns a list of tags associated to this Event"""
return self.Tag
@ -1031,7 +1035,8 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
def to_feed(self, valid_distributions: List[int] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], with_meta: bool = False) -> Dict:
""" Generate a json output for MISP Feed.
Note: valid_distributions only makes sense if the distribution key is set; i.e., the event is exported from a MISP instance.
:param valid_distributions: only makes sense if the distribution key is set; i.e., the event is exported from a MISP instance.
required = ['info', 'Orgc']
for r in required:
@ -1182,7 +1187,11 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def set_date(self, d: Optional[Union[str, int, float, datetime, date]] = None, ignore_invalid: bool = False):
"""Set a date for the event (string, datetime, or date object)"""
"""Set a date for the event
:param d: String, datetime, or date object
:param ignore_invalid: if True, assigns current date if d is not an expected type
if isinstance(d, (str, int, float, datetime, date)):
self.date = d # type: ignore
elif ignore_invalid:
@ -1297,7 +1306,8 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
def get_attribute_tag(self, attribute_identifier: str) -> List[MISPTag]:
"""Return the tags associated to an attribute or an object attribute.
:attribute_identifier: can be an ID, UUID, or the value.
:param attribute_identifier: can be an ID, UUID, or the value.
tags: List[MISPTag] = []
for a in self.attributes + [attribute for o in self.objects for attribute in o.attributes]:
@ -1309,9 +1319,10 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
return tags
def add_attribute_tag(self, tag: Union[MISPTag, str], attribute_identifier: str) -> List[MISPAttribute]:
"""Add a tag to an existing attribute, raise an Exception if the attribute doesn't exists.
:tag: Tag name as a string, MISPTag instance, or dictionary
:attribute_identifier: can be an ID, UUID, or the value.
"""Add a tag to an existing attribute. Raise an Exception if the attribute doesn't exist.
:param tag: Tag name as a string, MISPTag instance, or dictionary
:param attribute_identifier: can be an ID, UUID, or the value.
attributes = []
for a in self.attributes + [attribute for o in self.objects for attribute in o.attributes]:
@ -1336,7 +1347,10 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
self.published = False
def delete_attribute(self, attribute_id: str):
"""Delete an attribute, you can search by ID or UUID"""
"""Delete an attribute
:param attribute_id: ID or UUID
for a in self.attributes:
if ((hasattr(a, 'id') and a.id == attribute_id)
or (hasattr(a, 'uuid') and a.uuid == attribute_id)):
@ -1361,21 +1375,27 @@ class MISPEvent(AbstractMISP):
return attribute
def get_object_by_id(self, object_id: Union[str, int]) -> MISPObject:
"""Get an object by ID (the ID is the one set by the server when creating the new object)"""
"""Get an object by ID
:param object_id: the ID is the one set by the server when creating the new object"""
for obj in self.objects:
if hasattr(obj, 'id') and int(obj.id) == int(object_id):
return obj
raise InvalidMISPObject('Object with {} does not exist in this event'.format(object_id))
def get_object_by_uuid(self, object_uuid: str) -> MISPObject:
"""Get an object by UUID (UUID is set by the server when creating the new object)"""
"""Get an object by UUID
:param object_uuid: the UUID is set by the server when creating the new object"""
for obj in self.objects:
if hasattr(obj, 'uuid') and obj.uuid == object_uuid:
return obj
raise InvalidMISPObject('Object with {} does not exist in this event'.format(object_uuid))
def get_objects_by_name(self, object_name: str) -> List[MISPObject]:
"""Get an object by UUID (UUID is set by the server when creating the new object)"""
"""Get objects by name
:param object_name: name is set by the server when creating the new object"""
objects = []
for obj in self.objects:
if hasattr(obj, 'uuid') and obj.name == object_name:
Reference in New Issue