mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
chg: Improve warning on invalid template, bump deps
@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ dev = ["tox", "bump2version (<1)", "sphinx (<2)", "importlib-metadata (<3)", "im
name = "docutils"
name = "docutils"
version = "0.18.1"
version = "0.19"
description = "Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities"
description = "Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities"
category = "main"
category = "main"
optional = true
optional = true
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
python-versions = ">=3.7"
name = "easygui"
name = "easygui"
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-
name = "importlib-resources"
name = "importlib-resources"
version = "5.8.0"
version = "5.9.0"
description = "Read resources from Python packages"
description = "Read resources from Python packages"
category = "main"
category = "main"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ python-versions = ">=3.7"
zipp = {version = ">=3.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
zipp = {version = ">=3.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
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testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)"]
name = "iniconfig"
name = "iniconfig"
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ test = ["coverage", "ipykernel", "pre-commit", "pytest-console-scripts", "pytest
name = "jupyterlab"
name = "jupyterlab"
version = "3.4.3"
version = "3.4.4"
description = "JupyterLab computational environment"
description = "JupyterLab computational environment"
category = "dev"
category = "dev"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -648,12 +648,13 @@ jinja2 = ">=2.1"
jupyter-core = "*"
jupyter-core = "*"
jupyter-server = ">=1.16,<2.0"
jupyter-server = ">=1.16,<2.0"
jupyterlab-server = ">=2.10,<3.0"
jupyterlab-server = ">=2.10,<3.0"
nbclassic = ">=0.2,<1.0"
nbclassic = "*"
notebook = "<7"
packaging = "*"
packaging = "*"
tornado = ">=6.1.0"
tornado = ">=6.1.0"
test = ["check-manifest", "coverage", "jupyterlab-server", "pytest (>=6.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-console-scripts", "pytest-check-links (>=0.5)", "requests", "requests-cache", "virtualenv", "pre-commit"]
test = ["check-manifest", "coverage", "jupyterlab-server", "pre-commit", "pytest (>=6.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-console-scripts", "pytest-check-links (>=0.5)", "requests", "requests-cache", "virtualenv"]
ui-tests = ["build"]
ui-tests = ["build"]
@ -881,6 +882,36 @@ category = "dev"
optional = false
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
python-versions = ">=3.5"
name = "notebook"
version = "6.4.12"
description = "A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
argon2-cffi = "*"
ipykernel = "*"
ipython-genutils = "*"
jinja2 = "*"
jupyter-client = ">=5.3.4"
jupyter-core = ">=4.6.1"
nbconvert = ">=5"
nbformat = "*"
nest-asyncio = ">=1.5"
prometheus-client = "*"
pyzmq = ">=17"
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terminado = ">=0.8.3"
tornado = ">=6.1"
traitlets = ">=4.2.1"
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name = "notebook-shim"
name = "notebook-shim"
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.1.0"
@ -1348,7 +1379,7 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6"
name = "sphinx"
name = "sphinx"
version = "5.0.2"
version = "5.1.1"
description = "Python documentation generator"
description = "Python documentation generator"
category = "main"
category = "main"
optional = true
optional = true
@ -1358,7 +1389,7 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6"
alabaster = ">=0.7,<0.8"
alabaster = ">=0.7,<0.8"
babel = ">=1.3"
babel = ">=1.3"
colorama = {version = ">=0.3.5", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
colorama = {version = ">=0.3.5", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
docutils = ">=0.14,<0.19"
docutils = ">=0.14,<0.20"
imagesize = "*"
imagesize = "*"
importlib-metadata = {version = ">=4.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
importlib-metadata = {version = ">=4.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
Jinja2 = ">=2.3"
Jinja2 = ">=2.3"
@ -1375,7 +1406,7 @@ sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml = ">=1.1.5"
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docs = ["sphinxcontrib-websupport"]
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test = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "html5lib", "cython", "typed-ast"]
@ -1580,7 +1611,7 @@ python-versions = "*"
name = "types-redis"
name = "types-redis"
version = "4.3.7"
version = "4.3.11"
description = "Typing stubs for redis"
description = "Typing stubs for redis"
category = "dev"
category = "dev"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -1588,7 +1619,7 @@ python-versions = "*"
name = "types-requests"
name = "types-requests"
version = "2.28.2"
version = "2.28.5"
description = "Typing stubs for requests"
description = "Typing stubs for requests"
category = "dev"
category = "dev"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -1599,7 +1630,7 @@ types-urllib3 = "<1.27"
name = "types-urllib3"
name = "types-urllib3"
version = "1.26.16"
version = "1.26.17"
description = "Typing stubs for urllib3"
description = "Typing stubs for urllib3"
category = "dev"
category = "dev"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -1648,7 +1679,7 @@ test = ["pytest-mock (>=3.3)", "pytest (>=4.3)"]
name = "urllib3"
name = "urllib3"
version = "1.26.10"
version = "1.26.11"
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
category = "main"
category = "main"
optional = false
optional = false
@ -1747,7 +1778,7 @@ virustotal = ["validators"]
lock-version = "1.1"
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python-versions = "^3.7"
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alabaster = [
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{file = "Deprecated-1.2.13.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:43ac5335da90c31c24ba028af536a91d41d53f9e6901ddb021bcc572ce44e38d"},
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{file = "importlib_metadata-4.12.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:637245b8bab2b6502fcbc752cc4b7a6f6243bb02b31c5c26156ad103d3d45670"},
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importlib-resources = [
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iniconfig = [
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{file = "iniconfig-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:011e24c64b7f47f6ebd835bb12a743f2fbe9a26d4cecaa7f53bc4f35ee9da8b3"},
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{file = "jupyter_server-1.18.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b72fc595bccae292260aad8157a0ead8da2c703ec6ae1bb7b36dbad0e267ea7"},
{file = "jupyter_server-1.18.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b72fc595bccae292260aad8157a0ead8da2c703ec6ae1bb7b36dbad0e267ea7"},
jupyterlab = [
jupyterlab = [
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{file = "jupyterlab-3.4.4-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2c12a0c995bf5d49b0a17e833aaf6417c6d6a4721dfd4742a5f22f4e48661146"},
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{file = "jupyterlab-3.4.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5a2a0fdd22bd8628ad45b618e3520387c32a4818e3af112dbad1f649304dfc20"},
jupyterlab-pygments = [
jupyterlab-pygments = [
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{file = "jupyterlab_pygments-0.2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2405800db07c9f770863bcf8049a529c3dd4d3e28536638bd7c1c01d2748309f"},
@ -2323,6 +2354,10 @@ nest-asyncio = [
{file = "nest_asyncio-1.5.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b98e3ec1b246135e4642eceffa5a6c23a3ab12c82ff816a92c612d68205813b2"},
{file = "nest_asyncio-1.5.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b98e3ec1b246135e4642eceffa5a6c23a3ab12c82ff816a92c612d68205813b2"},
{file = "nest_asyncio-1.5.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e442291cd942698be619823a17a86a5759eabe1f8613084790de189fe9e16d65"},
{file = "nest_asyncio-1.5.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e442291cd942698be619823a17a86a5759eabe1f8613084790de189fe9e16d65"},
notebook = [
{file = "notebook-6.4.12-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8c07a3bb7640e371f8a609bdbb2366a1976c6a2589da8ef917f761a61e3ad8b1"},
{file = "notebook-6.4.12.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6268c9ec9048cff7a45405c990c29ac9ca40b0bc3ec29263d218c5e01f2b4e86"},
notebook-shim = [
notebook-shim = [
{file = "notebook_shim-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:02432d55a01139ac16e2100888aa2b56c614720cec73a27e71f40a5387e45324"},
{file = "notebook_shim-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:02432d55a01139ac16e2100888aa2b56c614720cec73a27e71f40a5387e45324"},
{file = "notebook_shim-0.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7897e47a36d92248925a2143e3596f19c60597708f7bef50d81fcd31d7263e85"},
{file = "notebook_shim-0.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7897e47a36d92248925a2143e3596f19c60597708f7bef50d81fcd31d7263e85"},
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sphinx = [
sphinx = [
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{file = "Sphinx-5.0.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b18e978ea7565720f26019c702cd85c84376e948370f1cd43d60265010e1c7b0"},
{file = "Sphinx-5.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ba3224a4e206e1fbdecf98a4fae4992ef9b24b85ebf7b584bb340156eaf08d89"},
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = [
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = [
{file = "sphinx_autodoc_typehints-1.18.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:20294de2a818bda04953c5cb302ec5af46138c81980ad9efa6d8fc1fc4242518"},
{file = "sphinx_autodoc_typehints-1.18.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:20294de2a818bda04953c5cb302ec5af46138c81980ad9efa6d8fc1fc4242518"},
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{file = "types_python_dateutil-2.8.19-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6284df1e4783d8fc6e587f0317a81333856b872a6669a282f8a325342bce7fa8"},
{file = "types_python_dateutil-2.8.19-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6284df1e4783d8fc6e587f0317a81333856b872a6669a282f8a325342bce7fa8"},
types-redis = [
types-redis = [
{file = "types-redis-4.3.7.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:9f9711bffff816ff420678d829ea86f4beabc914b29c801f38053bdbfbb82575"},
{file = "types-redis-4.3.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:83e5633f216c729fb39c5d3f71dd3b0080c651f75b5d4128733878512409c744"},
{file = "types_redis-4.3.7-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:18457d49ba4a6880be123a90eb46408091176cd8611932833ef598c6c496af55"},
{file = "types_redis-4.3.11-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ba4612407a758353aa4fe5e1e4b804126e1160dbd6797840223958b1b5dda34d"},
types-requests = [
types-requests = [
{file = "types-requests-2.28.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:398f88cd9302c796cb63d1021af2a1fb7ae507741a3d508edf8e0746d8c16a04"},
{file = "types-requests-2.28.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ac618bfefcb3742eaf97c961e13e9e5a226e545eda4a3dbe293b898d40933ad1"},
{file = "types_requests-2.28.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c164696bfdce0123901165c5f097a6cc4f6326268c65815d4b6a57eacfec5e81"},
{file = "types_requests-2.28.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:98ab647ae88b5e2c41d6d20cfcb5117da1bea561110000b6fdeeea07b3e89877"},
types-urllib3 = [
{file = "types-urllib3-1.26.17.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:73fd274524c3fc7cd8cd9ceb0cb67ed99b45f9cb2831013e46d50c1451044800"},
{file = "types_urllib3-1.26.17-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0d027fcd27dbb3cb532453b4d977e05bc1e13aefd70519866af211b3003d895d"},
types-urllib3 = []
types-werkzeug = [
types-werkzeug = [
{file = "types-Werkzeug-1.0.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5cc269604c400133d452a40cee6397655f878fc460e03fde291b9e3a5eaa518c"},
{file = "types-Werkzeug-1.0.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5cc269604c400133d452a40cee6397655f878fc460e03fde291b9e3a5eaa518c"},
{file = "types_Werkzeug-1.0.9-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:194bd5715a13c598f05c63e8a739328657590943bce941e8a3619a6b5d4a54ec"},
{file = "types_Werkzeug-1.0.9-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:194bd5715a13c598f05c63e8a739328657590943bce941e8a3619a6b5d4a54ec"},
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{file = "tzlocal-4.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:89885494684c929d9191c57aa27502afc87a579be5cdd3225c77c463ea043745"},
{file = "tzlocal-4.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:89885494684c929d9191c57aa27502afc87a579be5cdd3225c77c463ea043745"},
{file = "tzlocal-4.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ee5842fa3a795f023514ac2d801c4a81d1743bbe642e3940143326b3a00addd7"},
{file = "tzlocal-4.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ee5842fa3a795f023514ac2d801c4a81d1743bbe642e3940143326b3a00addd7"},
urllib3 = []
urllib3 = [
{file = "urllib3-1.26.11-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c33ccba33c819596124764c23a97d25f32b28433ba0dedeb77d873a38722c9bc"},
{file = "urllib3-1.26.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ea6e8fb210b19d950fab93b60c9009226c63a28808bc8386e05301e25883ac0a"},
validators = [
validators = [
{file = "validators-0.20.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:24148ce4e64100a2d5e267233e23e7afeb55316b47d30faae7eb6e7292bc226a"},
{file = "validators-0.20.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:24148ce4e64100a2d5e267233e23e7afeb55316b47d30faae7eb6e7292bc226a"},
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit db9d79b093d77e09ba1dcec36cfefc00379bf73c
Subproject commit 50f61a03beb9aac4256a82348b5cb2f4ed6d1932
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute(self._definition['attributes'][object_relation])
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute(self._definition['attributes'][object_relation])
# Woopsie, this object_relation is unknown, no sane defaults for you.
# Woopsie, this object_relation is unknown, no sane defaults for you.
logger.warning("The template ({}) doesn't have the object_relation ({}) you're trying to add.".format(self.name, object_relation))
logger.warning("The template ({}) doesn't have the object_relation ({}) you're trying to add. If you are creating a new event to push to MISP, please review your code so it matches the template.".format(self.name, object_relation))
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ reportlab = {version = "^3.6.11", optional = true}
pyfaup = {version = "^1.2", optional = true}
pyfaup = {version = "^1.2", optional = true}
publicsuffixlist = {version = "^0.7.13", optional = true}
publicsuffixlist = {version = "^0.7.13", optional = true}
chardet = {version = "^5.0.0", optional = true}
chardet = {version = "^5.0.0", optional = true}
urllib3 = {extras = ["brotli"], version = "^1.26.10", optional = true}
urllib3 = {extras = ["brotli"], version = "^1.26.11", optional = true}
fileobjects = ['python-magic', 'pydeep2', 'lief']
fileobjects = ['python-magic', 'pydeep2', 'lief']
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ brotli = ['urllib3']
requests-mock = "^1.9.3"
requests-mock = "^1.9.3"
mypy = "^0.971"
mypy = "^0.971"
ipython = "^7.34.0"
ipython = "^7.34.0"
jupyterlab = "^3.4.3"
jupyterlab = "^3.4.4"
types-requests = "^2.28.2"
types-requests = "^2.28.5"
types-python-dateutil = "^2.8.19"
types-python-dateutil = "^2.8.19"
types-redis = "^4.3.7"
types-redis = "^4.3.11"
types-Flask = "^1.1.6"
types-Flask = "^1.1.6"
pytest-cov = "^3.0.0"
pytest-cov = "^3.0.0"
Reference in New Issue