diff --git a/pymisp/tools/reportlab_generator.py b/pymisp/tools/reportlab_generator.py
index a878a2c..ec9d44c 100644
--- a/pymisp/tools/reportlab_generator.py
+++ b/pymisp/tools/reportlab_generator.py
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class Flowable_Tag(Flowable):
# Copy of pdfexport.py moduleconfig
-moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
+moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata", "Activate_textual_description"]
# == Row colors of the table (alternating) ==
EVEN_COLOR = colors.whitesmoke
@@ -174,6 +174,22 @@ NOT_A_PICTURE_MESSAGE = "This attachment is not recognized as an image. Please a
+# == Parameters for description ==
+# == Parameters for improvement of event's metadata ==
+threat_map = {"0": " undefined (0)",
+ "3": " Low (3)",
+ "2": " Medium (2)",
+ "1": " High (1)"}
+analysis_map = {"0": " Initial (0)",
+ "1": " Ongoing (1)",
+ "2": " Completed (2)"}
# "UTILITIES" METHODS. Not meant to be used except for development purposes
@@ -338,6 +354,62 @@ def get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, item, col2_style, config=None, color=Tru
return answer
+def get_date_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
+ '''
+ Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event date
+ :param misp_event: A misp event with or without "date" attributes
+ :param item: a list of name, in order :
+ ["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
+ " Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
+ :param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
+ :return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "date"
+ '''
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ return Paragraph(safe_string(getattr(misp_event, item[1])), col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
+def get_owner_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
+ '''
+ Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event owner
+ :param misp_event: A misp event with or without "owner" attributes
+ :param item: a list of name, in order :
+ ["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
+ " Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
+ :param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
+ :return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "owner"
+ '''
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ return Paragraph(safe_string(getattr(misp_event, item[1])), col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
+def get_threat_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
+ '''
+ Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event threat
+ :param misp_event: A misp event with or without "threat" attributes
+ :param item: a list of name, in order :
+ ["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
+ " Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
+ :param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
+ :return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "threat"
+ '''
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]) and str(getattr(misp_event, item[1])) in threat_map:
+ return Paragraph(threat_map[safe_string(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))], col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
+def get_analysis_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
+ '''
+ Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event analysis
+ :param misp_event: A misp event with or without "analysis" attributes
+ :param item: a list of name, in order :
+ ["Name to be print in the pdf", "json property access name",
+ " Name to be display if no values found in the misp_event"]
+ :param col2_style: style to be applied on the returned paragraph
+ :return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "analysis"
+ '''
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]) and str(getattr(misp_event, item[1])) in analysis_map:
+ return Paragraph(analysis_map[safe_string(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))], col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
def get_timestamp_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
Returns a flowable paragraph to add to the pdf given the misp_event timestamp
@@ -349,7 +421,7 @@ def get_timestamp_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "timestamp"
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
- return Paragraph(str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)), col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(safe_string(getattr(misp_event, item[1]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@@ -379,7 +451,7 @@ def get_attributes_number_value(misp_event, item, col2_style):
:return: a Paragraph to add in the pdf, regarding the values of "attributes"
if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
- return Paragraph(str(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))), col2_style)
+ return Paragraph(safe_string(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))), col2_style)
return Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)
@@ -443,10 +515,12 @@ def is_safe_attribute(curr_object, attribute_name):
return hasattr(curr_object, attribute_name) and getattr(curr_object, attribute_name) is not None and getattr(
curr_object, attribute_name) != ""
def is_safe_attribute_table(curr_object, attribute_name):
return hasattr(curr_object, attribute_name) and getattr(curr_object, attribute_name) is not None and getattr(
curr_object, attribute_name) != []
def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute):
Returns a table (flowalbe) representing the attribute
@@ -496,6 +570,12 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_one_attribute(misp_attribute):
if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_attribute, item[1]):
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_tag_value(misp_attribute, item, col2_style)])
+ # Tags
+ item = ["Sighting", 'Sighting', "None"]
+ if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_attribute, item[1]):
+ data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style),
+ create_flowable_paragraph_from_sightings(misp_attribute, item, col2_style)])
return create_flowable_table_from_data(data)
@@ -741,22 +821,6 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config=None):
:return: a table that can be added to a pdf
- # To reduce code size, and automate it a bit, triplet (Displayed Name, object_attribute_name,
- # to_display_if_not_present) are store in the following list
- list_attr_automated = [
- # ["Event ID", 'id', "None"],
- ["Date", 'date', "None"],
- ["Owner org", 'owner', "None"],
- ["Threat level", 'threat_level_id', "None"], # TODO : improve design
- ["Analysis", 'analysis', "None"], # TODO : improve design + Ask where the enum is !
- # TODO : Not present ["Email", 'email', "None"],
- # TODO : ["Distribution", 'distribution', "None"],
- # TODO : ["First recorded change", 'TODO', "None"],
- # TODO : ["Last change", 'TODO', "None"],
- # TODO : ["Modification map", 'TODO', "None"],
- # TODO : ["Sightings", 'TODO', "None"]
- ]
data = []
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
@@ -765,19 +829,22 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config=None):
item = ["UUID", 'uuid', "None"]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, item, col2_style, config)])
- # Automated adding of standard (python) attributes of the misp event
- # Note that PEP 0363 may change the syntax in future release : https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0363/
- for item in list_attr_automated:
- if hasattr(misp_event, item[1]):
- # The attribute exist, we fetch it and create the row
- data.append(
- [Paragraph(item[0], col1_style),
- get_unoverflowable_paragraph(getattr(misp_event, item[1]), col2_style)])
- else:
- # The attribute does not exist ,we print a default text on the row
- data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), Paragraph(item[2], col2_style)])
+ # Date
+ item = ["Date", 'date', "None"]
+ data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_date_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
+ # Owner
+ item = ["Owner org", 'owner', "None"]
+ data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_owner_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
+ # Threat
+ item = ["Threat level", 'threat_level_id', "None"]
+ data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_threat_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
+ # Analysis
+ item = ["Analysis", 'analysis', "None"]
+ data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_analysis_value(misp_event, item, col2_style)])
- # Manual addition
# Info
item = ["Info", 'info', "None"]
data.append([Paragraph(item[0], col1_style), get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, item, col2_style, config)])
@@ -805,6 +872,111 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config=None):
return create_flowable_table_from_data(data)
+def create_flowable_description_from_event(misp_event, config=None):
+ '''
+ Returns a Paragraph presenting a MISP event
+ :param misp_event: A misp event (complete or not)
+ :return: a paragraph that can be added to a pdf
+ '''
+ '''
+ The event "{EventName}" | that occurred on {EventDate}, | had been shared by {Organisation Name} | on the {Date}.
+ '''
+ text = ""
+ item = ["Info", 'info', "None"]
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += "The event '"
+ text += str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))
+ text += "'"
+ else:
+ text += "This event"
+ item = ["Event date", 'timestamp', "None"]
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += " that occurred on "
+ text += str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT))
+ text += ","
+ item = ["Creator Org", 'Orgc', "None", "name"]
+ text += " had been shared by "
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += safe_string(getattr(getattr(misp_event, item[1]), item[3]))
+ else:
+ text += " an unknown organisation"
+ item = ["Date", 'date', "None"]
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += " on the "
+ text += str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))
+ else:
+ text += " on an unknown date"
+ text += "."
+ '''
+ The threat level of this event is {ThreatLevel} and the analysis that was made of this event is {AnalysisLevel}.
+ '''
+ item = ["Threat level", 'threat_level_id', "None"]
+ text += " The threat level of this event is "
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]) and str(getattr(misp_event, item[1])) in threat_map:
+ text += threat_map[str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))]
+ else:
+ text += " unknown"
+ item = ["Analysis", 'analysis', "None"]
+ text += " and the analysis that was made of this event is "
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]) and str(getattr(misp_event, item[1])) in analysis_map:
+ text += analysis_map[str(getattr(misp_event, item[1]))]
+ else:
+ text += " undefined"
+ text += "."
+ '''
+ The event is currently {Published} and has associated attributes {Attribute Number}.
+ '''
+ item = ["Published", 'published', "None", "publish_timestamp"]
+ text += " The event is currently "
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[1]) and getattr(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += " published"
+ if is_safe_attribute(misp_event, item[3]):
+ text += " since " + getattr(misp_event, item[3]).strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)
+ else:
+ text += " private"
+ # Number of Attributes
+ item = ["# Attributes", 'Attribute', "None"]
+ text += ", has "
+ if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += str(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1])))
+ else:
+ text += " 0"
+ text += " associated attributes"
+ # Number of Objects
+ item = ["# Objects", 'Object', "None"]
+ text += " and has "
+ if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, item[1]):
+ text += str(len(getattr(misp_event, item[1])))
+ else:
+ text += " 0"
+ text += " associated objects."
+ '''
+ For more information on the event, please consult the rest of the document
+ '''
+ text += "
For more information on the event, please consult following information."
+ col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
+ description_style = ParagraphStyle(name='Description', parent=col2_style, alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)
+ return Paragraph(text, description_style)
def create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event):
Returns a list of flowables representing the list of attributes of a misp event.
@@ -842,7 +1014,8 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_tags(misp_event):
col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
i = 0
- if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event, "Tag") : # and len(getattr(misp_event, "Tag")) > 1: # 'Tag' can exist and be empty
+ if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_event,
+ "Tag"): # and len(getattr(misp_event, "Tag")) > 1: # 'Tag' can exist and be empty
# There is some tags for this object
for item in getattr(misp_event, "Tag"):
@@ -883,6 +1056,43 @@ def create_flowable_table_from_objects(misp_event):
return flowable_table
+def create_flowable_paragraph_from_sightings(misp_attribute, item, col2_style):
+ '''
+ Returns a Table (flowable) to add to a pdf, representing the list of sightings of an event or a misp event
+ :param misp_event: A misp event
+ :return: a table of flowable to add to the pdf
+ '''
+ col1_style, col2_style = get_table_styles()
+ i = 0
+ MISC_SIGHT_COLOR = 'orange'
+ list_sighting = [0, 0, 0]
+ if is_safe_attribute_table(misp_attribute, "Sighting"):
+ # There is some tags for this object
+ for item in getattr(misp_attribute, "Sighting"):
+ # TODO : When Sightings will be object : if is_safe_attribute(item, "type"):
+ if "type" in item:
+ # Store the likes/dislikes depending on their types
+ list_sighting[int(item["type"])] += 1
+ i += 1
+ # Create the sighting text
+ sight_text = " Positive : " + str(list_sighting[0]) + ""
+ sight_text += " / " + " Negative : " + str(
+ list_sighting[1]) + ""
+ sight_text += " / " + " Misc. : " + str(list_sighting[2]) + ""
+ answer_sighting = Paragraph(sight_text, col2_style)
+ else:
+ # No tags for this object
+ answer_sighting = Paragraph("No sighting", col2_style)
+ return answer_sighting
# Handling static parts drawn on the upper layer
@@ -960,39 +1170,36 @@ def collect_parts(misp_event, config=None):
# Create stuff
title_style = ParagraphStyle(name='Column_1', parent=sample_style_sheet['Heading1'], alignment=TA_CENTER)
title = get_value_link_to_event(misp_event, ["Info", 'info', "None"], title_style, config, False)
+ # Add all parts to final PDF
+ flowables.append(title)
+ if config is not None and moduleconfig[2] in config:
+ description = Paragraph("Description", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
+ description_text = create_flowable_description_from_event(misp_event, config)
+ flowables.append(description)
+ flowables.append(description_text)
subtitle = Paragraph("General information", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
table_general_metainformation = create_flowable_table_from_event(misp_event, config)
- event_attributes_title = Paragraph("Attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
- table_direct_attributes = create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event)
- event_objects_title = Paragraph("Objects", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
- table_objects = create_flowable_table_from_objects(misp_event)
- event_sighting_title = Paragraph("Sighting", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
- # TODO : table_event_sightings = create_flowable_table_from_sightings(misp_event)
- # If you want to output the full json (as debug), just add next line
- # paragraph_2 = Paragraph(str(misp_event.to_json()), sample_style_sheet['Code'])
- # Add all parts to final PDF
- flowables.append(title)
+ event_attributes_title = Paragraph("Attributes", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
+ table_direct_attributes = create_flowable_table_from_attributes(misp_event)
flowables += table_direct_attributes
+ event_objects_title = Paragraph("Objects", sample_style_sheet['Heading2'])
+ table_objects = create_flowable_table_from_objects(misp_event)
flowables += table_objects
- # TODO : flowables.append(PageBreak())
- # TODO : flowables.append(event_sighting_title)
- # TODO : flowables += table_event_sightings
+ # If you want to output the full json (as debug), just add next line and add it to flowables
+ # paragraph_2 = Paragraph(str(misp_event.to_json()), sample_style_sheet['Code'])
return flowables
diff --git a/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_1.json b/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42ccdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ "Event": {
+ "id": "60",
+ "orgc_id": "5",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date": "2018-08-01",
+ "threat_level_id": "3",
+ "info": "Ursnif, MALWAREMESSIAGH",
+ "published": true,
+ "uuid": "5b646415-7b48-40d5-86b4-c0070acd0835",
+ "attribute_count": "5",
+ "analysis": "2",
+ "timestamp": "1533306089",
+ "distribution": "3",
+ "proposal_email_lock": false,
+ "locked": false,
+ "publish_timestamp": "1550506283",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "extends_uuid": "",
+ "Org": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "name": "ORGNAME",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c"
+ },
+ "Orgc": {
+ "id": "5",
+ "name": "Synovus Financial",
+ "uuid": "5a68c02d-959c-4c8a-a571-0dcac0a8060a"
+ },
+ "Attribute": [
+ {
+ "id": "8885",
+ "type": "domain",
+ "category": "Network activity",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5b6464ca-e73c-4707-9b8a-d0350acd0835",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "distribution": "5",
+ "timestamp": "1533306058",
+ "comment": "Ursnif",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "ooiasjdnqjwbeasdasd.com",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "8",
+ "attribute_id": "8885",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253950",
+ "uuid": "5c7641bf-a4e8-4d5d-a653-03240a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "0",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464ca-e73c-4707-9b8a-d0350acd0835"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8886",
+ "type": "domain",
+ "category": "Network activity",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5b6464ca-45f8-43d0-8b78-d0350acd0835",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "distribution": "5",
+ "timestamp": "1533306058",
+ "comment": "Ursnif",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "eqowiesajenqweasd.com",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "9",
+ "attribute_id": "8886",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253959",
+ "uuid": "5c7641c7-f020-4643-92b4-03240a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "1",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464ca-45f8-43d0-8b78-d0350acd0835"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8887",
+ "type": "domain",
+ "category": "Network activity",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5b6464ca-8c84-4c2d-95d9-d0350acd0835",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "distribution": "5",
+ "timestamp": "1533306058",
+ "comment": "Ursnif",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "dquohwdihaewqdcas.com",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "10",
+ "attribute_id": "8887",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253962",
+ "uuid": "5c7641cb-ccc0-44ee-ab75-03240a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "1",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464ca-8c84-4c2d-95d9-d0350acd0835"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8888",
+ "type": "domain",
+ "category": "Network activity",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5b6464ca-e0a0-40e0-8e21-d0350acd0835",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "distribution": "5",
+ "timestamp": "1533306058",
+ "comment": "Ursnif",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "diqjwhebseqhbasdh.com",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "11",
+ "attribute_id": "8888",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253968",
+ "uuid": "5c7641d5-58bc-4d20-9a84-05f10a00020f",
+ "source": "honeyp",
+ "type": "2",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464ca-e0a0-40e0-8e21-d0350acd0835"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "12",
+ "attribute_id": "8888",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253976",
+ "uuid": "5c7641db-a9a0-49b0-b536-05f10a00020f",
+ "source": "dede",
+ "type": "1",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464ca-e0a0-40e0-8e21-d0350acd0835"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8889",
+ "type": "url",
+ "category": "Payload delivery",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5b6464e9-e73c-484d-a0b3-c0070acd0835",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "distribution": "5",
+ "timestamp": "1533306089",
+ "comment": "Ursnif dropped file",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "http:\/\/sistemait.it\/softaculous\/backup\/client.rar",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "7",
+ "attribute_id": "8889",
+ "event_id": "60",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253943",
+ "uuid": "5c7641b7-b618-4e41-a9c9-03240a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "0",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5b6464e9-e73c-484d-a0b3-c0070acd0835"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "RelatedEvent": [],
+ "Galaxy": [
+ {
+ "id": "4",
+ "uuid": "59f20cce-5420-4084-afd5-0884c0a83832",
+ "name": "Banker",
+ "type": "banker",
+ "description": "Banking malware galaxy.",
+ "version": "3",
+ "icon": "usd",
+ "namespace": "misp",
+ "GalaxyCluster": [
+ {
+ "id": "289",
+ "collection_uuid": "b9448d2a-a23c-4bf2-92a1-d860716ba2f3",
+ "type": "banker",
+ "value": "Gozi",
+ "tag_name": "misp-galaxy:banker=\"Gozi\"",
+ "description": "Banking trojan delivered primarily via email (typically malspam) and exploit kits. Gozi 1.0 source leaked in 2010",
+ "galaxy_id": "4",
+ "source": "Open Sources",
+ "authors": [
+ "Unknown",
+ "raw-data"
+ ],
+ "version": "16",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "tag_id": "86",
+ "meta": {
+ "date": [
+ "First seen ~ 2007"
+ ],
+ "refs": [
+ "https:\/\/www.secureworks.com\/research\/gozi",
+ "https:\/\/www.gdatasoftware.com\/blog\/2016\/11\/29325-analysis-ursnif-spying-on-your-data-since-2007",
+ "https:\/\/lokalhost.pl\/gozi_tree.txt"
+ ],
+ "synonyms": [
+ "Ursnif",
+ "CRM",
+ "Snifula",
+ "Papras"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Object": [],
+ "Tag": [
+ {
+ "id": "85",
+ "name": "PasteBin: MALWAREMESSIAGH",
+ "colour": "#ab34e3",
+ "exportable": true,
+ "user_id": "0",
+ "hide_tag": false,
+ "numerical_value": null
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "86",
+ "name": "misp-galaxy:banker=\"Gozi\"",
+ "colour": "#0088cc",
+ "exportable": true,
+ "user_id": "0",
+ "hide_tag": false,
+ "numerical_value": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_2.json b/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_2.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f027e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/reportlab_testfiles/sighting_2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ "Event": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "orgc_id": "1",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date": "2019-02-18",
+ "threat_level_id": "2",
+ "info": "This is the description",
+ "published": false,
+ "uuid": "5c6ab833-676c-42f3-95d2-034f0a00020f",
+ "attribute_count": "2",
+ "analysis": "1",
+ "timestamp": "1551253649",
+ "distribution": "1",
+ "proposal_email_lock": false,
+ "locked": false,
+ "publish_timestamp": "0",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "extends_uuid": "",
+ "event_creator_email": "admin@admin.test",
+ "Org": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "name": "ORGNAME",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c"
+ },
+ "Orgc": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "name": "ORGNAME",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c"
+ },
+ "Attribute": [
+ {
+ "id": "1",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "category": "Antivirus detection",
+ "to_ids": false,
+ "uuid": "5c6ab897-0f68-44ca-8d62-0c150a00020f",
+ "event_id": "1",
+ "distribution": "0",
+ "timestamp": "1550497961",
+ "comment": "Contextual commentary",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "Value to test",
+ "Galaxy": [
+ {
+ "id": "15",
+ "uuid": "90ccdf38-1649-11e8-b8bf-e7326d553087",
+ "name": "Botnet",
+ "type": "botnet",
+ "description": "Botnet galaxy.",
+ "version": "2",
+ "icon": "sitemap",
+ "namespace": "misp",
+ "GalaxyCluster": [
+ {
+ "id": "2511",
+ "collection_uuid": "0d58f329-1356-468c-88ab-e21fbb64c02b",
+ "type": "botnet",
+ "value": "Asprox",
+ "tag_name": "misp-galaxy:botnet=\"Asprox\"",
+ "description": "The Asprox botnet (discovered around 2008), also known by its aliases Badsrc and Aseljo, is a botnet mostly involved in phishing scams and performing SQL injections into websites in order to spread malware.",
+ "galaxy_id": "15",
+ "source": "MISP Project",
+ "authors": [
+ "Various"
+ ],
+ "version": "18",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "tag_id": "1",
+ "meta": {
+ "date": [
+ "2008"
+ ],
+ "refs": [
+ "https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Asprox_botnet"
+ ],
+ "synonyms": [
+ "Badsrc",
+ "Aseljo",
+ "Danmec",
+ "Hydraflux"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Tag": [
+ {
+ "id": "1",
+ "name": "misp-galaxy:botnet=\"Asprox\"",
+ "colour": "#0088cc",
+ "exportable": true,
+ "user_id": "0",
+ "hide_tag": false,
+ "numerical_value": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "5",
+ "attribute_id": "1",
+ "event_id": "1",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253653",
+ "uuid": "5c764095-129c-4e81-956d-0e1a0a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "1",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5c6ab897-0f68-44ca-8d62-0c150a00020f"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "242460",
+ "type": "target-external",
+ "category": "Targeting data",
+ "to_ids": true,
+ "uuid": "5c764091-273c-4821-92ad-0e1a0a00020f",
+ "event_id": "1",
+ "distribution": "2",
+ "timestamp": "1551253649",
+ "comment": "This is a contextual comment",
+ "sharing_group_id": "0",
+ "deleted": false,
+ "disable_correlation": false,
+ "object_id": "0",
+ "object_relation": null,
+ "value": "testvalue",
+ "Galaxy": [],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "Sighting": [
+ {
+ "id": "6",
+ "attribute_id": "242460",
+ "event_id": "1",
+ "org_id": "1",
+ "date_sighting": "1551253653",
+ "uuid": "5c764095-26ec-4de1-99f2-0e1a0a00020f",
+ "source": "",
+ "type": "0",
+ "Organisation": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "uuid": "5c6983c8-3af8-4304-869c-4800d6c1883c",
+ "name": "ORGNAME"
+ },
+ "attribute_uuid": "5c764091-273c-4821-92ad-0e1a0a00020f"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ShadowAttribute": [],
+ "RelatedEvent": [],
+ "Galaxy": [
+ {
+ "id": "15",
+ "uuid": "90ccdf38-1649-11e8-b8bf-e7326d553087",
+ "name": "Botnet",
+ "type": "botnet",
+ "description": "Botnet galaxy.",
+ "version": "2",
+ "icon": "sitemap",
+ "namespace": "misp",
+ "GalaxyCluster": [
+ {
+ "id": "2511",
+ "collection_uuid": "0d58f329-1356-468c-88ab-e21fbb64c02b",
+ "type": "botnet",
+ "value": "Asprox",
+ "tag_name": "misp-galaxy:botnet=\"Asprox\"",
+ "description": "The Asprox botnet (discovered around 2008), also known by its aliases Badsrc and Aseljo, is a botnet mostly involved in phishing scams and performing SQL injections into websites in order to spread malware.",
+ "galaxy_id": "15",
+ "source": "MISP Project",
+ "authors": [
+ "Various"
+ ],
+ "version": "18",
+ "uuid": "",
+ "tag_id": "1",
+ "meta": {
+ "date": [
+ "2008"
+ ],
+ "refs": [
+ "https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Asprox_botnet"
+ ],
+ "synonyms": [
+ "Badsrc",
+ "Aseljo",
+ "Danmec",
+ "Hydraflux"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Object": [],
+ "Tag": [
+ {
+ "id": "1",
+ "name": "misp-galaxy:botnet=\"Asprox\"",
+ "colour": "#0088cc",
+ "exportable": true,
+ "user_id": "0",
+ "hide_tag": false,
+ "numerical_value": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_reportlab.py b/tests/test_reportlab.py
index 90e83aa..721cb7f 100644
--- a/tests/test_reportlab.py
+++ b/tests/test_reportlab.py
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
self.test_image_folder = self.root + "image_json/"
self.storage_folder = self.root + "reportlab_testoutputs/"
self.storage_image_folder = self.root + "reportlab_test_image_outputs/"
+ self.moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata", "Activate_textual_description"]
def init_event(self):
self.mispevent.info = 'This is a test'
@@ -91,9 +93,8 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
- config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
@@ -106,8 +107,7 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
@@ -134,9 +133,8 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
- config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'image_event.json')
@@ -149,9 +147,8 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
- config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'mainly_objects_1.json')
@@ -164,15 +161,57 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
config = {}
- moduleconfig = ["MISP_base_url_for_dynamic_link", "MISP_name_for_metadata"]
- config[moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
- config[moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'mainly_objects_2.json')
reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
self.storage_folder + "mainly_objects_2.pdf")
+ def test_sightings_1_json(self):
+ if self.check_python_2():
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ else:
+ config = {}
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ self.init_event()
+ self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'sighting_1.json')
+ reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
+ self.storage_folder + "sighting_1.pdf")
+ def test_sightings_2_json(self):
+ if self.check_python_2():
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ else:
+ config = {}
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ self.init_event()
+ self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'sighting_2.json')
+ reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
+ self.storage_folder + "sighting_2.pdf")
+ def test_textual_json(self):
+ if self.check_python_2():
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ else:
+ config = {}
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[2]] = True
+ self.init_event()
+ self.mispevent.load_file(self.test_folder + 'very_long_event.json')
+ reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
+ self.storage_folder + "textual.pdf")
def test_batch_image_events(self):
# Test case ONLY for manual testing. Needs to download a full list of image events !
@@ -229,3 +268,36 @@ class TestMISPEvent(unittest.TestCase):
self.storage_folder + curr_file + ".pdf")
print("Elapsed time : " + str(time.time() - t))
# Local run : 1958.930s for 1064 files
+ def test_batch_OSINT_with_config_events(self):
+ # Test case ONLY for manual testing. Needs to download a full list of OSINT events !
+ if self.check_python_2():
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ elif not manual_testing :
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ else:
+ self.init_event()
+ config = {}
+ config[self.moduleconfig[0]] = "http://localhost:8080"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[1]] = "My Wonderful CERT"
+ config[self.moduleconfig[2]] = True
+ file_nb = str(len(os.listdir(self.test_batch_folder)))
+ i = 0
+ t = time.time()
+ for curr_file in os.listdir(self.test_batch_folder):
+ self.mispevent = MISPEvent()
+ file_path = self.test_batch_folder + curr_file
+ print("Current file : " + file_path + " " + str(i) + " over " + file_nb)
+ i += 1
+ self.mispevent.load_file(file_path)
+ reportlab_generator.register_value_to_file(
+ reportlab_generator.convert_event_in_pdf_buffer(self.mispevent, config),
+ self.storage_folder + curr_file + ".pdf")
+ print("Elapsed time : " + str(time.time() - t))
+ # Local run : 1958.930s for 1064 files