# Description Get all attributes, from a MISP (https://github.com/MISP) instance, that can be converted into Suricata rules, given a *parameter* and a *term* to search **requires** * PyMISP (https://github.com/CIRCL/PyMISP/) * python 2.7 or python3 (suggested) # Usage * **suricata_search.py -p tags -s 'APT' -o misp_ids.rules -t 5** - search for 'APT' tag - use 5 threads while generating IDS rules - dump results to misp_ids.rules * **suricata_search.py -p tags -s 'APT' -o misp_ids.rules -ne 411 357 343** - same as above, but skip events ID 411,357 and 343 * **suricata_search.py -p tags -s 'circl:incident-classification="malware", tlp:green' -o misp_ids.rules** - search for multiple tags 'circl:incident-classification="malware", tlp:green' * **suricata_search.py -p categories -s 'Artifacts dropped' -t 20 -o artifacts_dropped.rules** - search for category 'Artifacts dropped' - use 20 threads while generating IDS rules - dump results to artifacts_dropped.rules