#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Format description # @variables : camelCase # @functions : snake_case from keys import mispUrl, mispKey, csvTaxonomyFile, iocMispMapping try: from pymisp import PyMISP except: print("you need pymisp form github") import sys sys.exit(1) import os import argparse try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except: print("install BeautifulSoup : sudo apt-get install python-bs4 python-lxml") import sys sys.exit(1) def misp_init(url, key): return PyMISP(url, key, False, 'json') def check_valid_ioc(): (filepath, filename) = os.path.split(iocDescriptions["iocfile"]) (shortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename) if (("ioc" in extension)) and (sum(1 for _ in open(iocDescriptions["iocfile"])) > 1): iocDescriptions['filename'] = filename return True return False def get_parse_ioc_file(): return BeautifulSoup(open(iocDescriptions["iocfile"]), "lxml") def parse_ioc_search_content(iocContextSearch): for k, v in iocMispMapping.items(): if str(k).lower() == str(iocContextSearch).lower(): return v return False def create_attribute_json(iocContextSearch, attributeValue, attributeComment, force=False): ##################################### # force used for description to upload if force: parseResult = ("Other", "comment") else: parseResult = parse_ioc_search_content(iocContextSearch) if parseResult is False: print("/!\ Not implemented :: {0} :: {1} :: Item add as 'Other','Comment'. Add it in your keys.py".format(iocContextSearch, attributeValue)) ######################################## # force import to misp parseResult = ("Other", "comment") comment = "" try: comment = parseResult[2] + attributeComment except: comment = attributeComment attribute = {"category": parseResult[0], "type": parseResult[1], "value": attributeValue, "timestamp": "0", "to_ids": "0", "distribution": "0", "comment": comment } return attribute def create_attributes_from_ioc_json(soup): attributes = [] IndicatorItemValues = {} for item in soup.find_all("indicatoritem"): if item.find('context'): IndicatorItemValues["context"] = str(item.find('context')['search']) else: IndicatorItemValues["context"] = "" if item.find('content'): IndicatorItemValues["content"] = str(item.find('content').text) else: IndicatorItemValues["content"] = "" if item.find('comment'): IndicatorItemValues["comment"] = str(item.find('comment').text) else: IndicatorItemValues["comment"] = "" jsonAttribute = create_attribute_json(IndicatorItemValues["context"], IndicatorItemValues["content"], IndicatorItemValues["comment"]) attributes.append(jsonAttribute) return attributes def create_misp_event_json(attributes): import time if iocDescriptions["authored_by"]: attributes.append(create_attribute_json(None, "authored_by", iocDescriptions["authored_by"], True)) if iocDescriptions["authored_date"]: attributes.append(create_attribute_json(None, "authored_date", iocDescriptions["authored_date"], True)) ################################################## # make short-description in "info field # if not exist make description # if "info"="short-description" make descrption as comment mispInfoFild = "" if iocDescriptions["short_description"]: mispInfoFild = iocDescriptions["short_description"] if iocDescriptions["description"]: attributes.append(create_attribute_json(None, "description", iocDescriptions["description"], True)) else: if iocDescriptions["description"]: mispInfoFild = iocDescriptions["description"] else: mispInfoFild = "No description or short_description from IOC find." eventJson = {"Event": {"info": mispInfoFild, "timestamp": "1", "attribute_count": 0, "analysis": "0", "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "org": "", "distribution": "0", "Attribute": [], "proposal_email_lock": False, "threat_level_id": "4", }} eventJson["Event"]["Attribute"] = attributes return eventJson def get_descriptions(soup, description): if soup.find(description.lower()): return soup.find(description.lower()).text return "" def save_ioc_description(soup): list_description = ["short_description", "authored_by", "authored_date", "description"] for description in list_description: iocDescriptions[description] = get_descriptions(soup, description) return def get_taxonomy(soup): import csv taxonomy = [] reader = csv.reader(open(csvTaxonomyFile, 'rb'), delimiter=';') ##################################### # save file in a dict # r[0] = @link from csv # r[1] = @value from csv # = value # r[2] = @keep # 0 : don't creat tag # 1 : tag created # r[3] = @taxonomy csvdic = {i: r for i, r in enumerate(reader)} ######################################### # find all link with soup for n in soup.find_all('link', rel=True): rel = str(n.attrs['rel'][0]).lower() ########################## # build special taxo # special string because link if a html value relValue = str(n.next_sibling).strip() if rel == 'family': if len(relValue) > 0: taxonomy.append("malware_classification:malware-family='" + relValue + "'") elif rel == 'threatgroup': if len(relValue) > 0: taxonomy.append("malware_classification:malware-threatgroup='" + relValue + "'") ######################### # build taxo from csv match else: taxo = [r[3] for r in {i: r for i, r in csvdic.items() if r[0].lower() == rel and str(r[2]) == "1"}.values() if r[1].lower() == relValue.lower() and str(r[2]) == "1"] # taxo find in correspondance file if (len(taxo) > 0 and taxo[0] != ''): taxonomy.append(taxo[0]) # not find return taxonomy def custum_color_tag(tagg): color = "#00ace6" if ":amber" in tagg: color = "#ffc200" if ":green:" in tagg: color = "#009933" if "tlp:green" in tagg: color = "#009933" if ":red:" in tagg: color = "#ff0000" if "tlp:red" in tagg: color = "#ff0000" if "tlp:white" in tagg: color = "#fafafa" return color def push_event_to_misp(jsonEvent): global misp #################### # upload json event r = misp.add_event(jsonEvent) event = r.json() # save event id for file upload and tagg iocDescriptions["misp_event_id"] = event["Event"]["id"] return def upload_file(): # filename,path, eid, distrib, ids, categ, info, ids, analysis, threat misp.upload_sample(iocDescriptions['filename'], iocDescriptions["iocfile"], iocDescriptions["misp_event_id"], "0", False, "External analysis", iocDescriptions["short_description"], None, "1", "4", ) return def update_tag(listOfTagg): for tagg in listOfTagg: color = custum_color_tag(tagg) ############################# # creatz tag in MISP misp.new_tag(str(tagg), str(color)) ############################# # link tag to MISP event toPost = {} toPost['Event'] = {'id': iocDescriptions["misp_event_id"]} misp.add_tag(toPost, str(tagg)) return def main(): global misp global iocDescriptions iocDescriptions = {} ################################ # parse for valid argments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get an event from a MISP instance.') parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="Input file") parser.add_argument("-t", "--tag", help="Add custom tags 'tlp:red,cossi:tmp=test'") args = parser.parse_args() iocDescriptions["iocfile"] = os.path.abspath(args.input) ################################ # check if file have ioc extention and if he is not empty if check_valid_ioc(): ################################ # Try to parse file iocfileparse = get_parse_ioc_file() else: print("/!\ Bad format {0}".format(iocDescriptions["iocfile"])) return ################################ # save description for create event save_ioc_description(iocfileparse) ################################ # parse ioc and buid json attributes jsonAttributes = create_attributes_from_ioc_json(iocfileparse) ################################ # create a json misp event and append attributes jsonEvent = create_misp_event_json(jsonAttributes) ################################ # try connection try: misp = misp_init(mispUrl, mispKey) except: print("/!\ Connection fail, bad url ({0}) or API key : {1}".format(mispUrl, mispKey)) return ################################ # Add event to MSIP push_event_to_misp(jsonEvent) ################################ # Upload the IOC file and close tmpfile upload_file() ################################ # Update MISP Event with tag from IOC update_tag(get_taxonomy(iocfileparse)) ################################ # Add custom Tag (-t) if args.tag: customTag = args.tag update_tag(customTag.split(",")) if __name__ == '__main__': main()