#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import json import os import hashlib from pymisp import PyMISP from settings import url, key, ssl, outputdir, filters, valid_attribute_distribution_levels objectsFields = { 'Attribute': { 'uuid', 'value', 'category', 'type', 'comment', 'data', 'timestamp', 'to_ids', 'object_relation' }, 'Event': { 'uuid', 'info', 'threat_level_id', 'analysis', 'timestamp', 'publish_timestamp', 'published', 'date' }, 'Object': { 'name', 'meta-category', 'description', 'template_uuid', 'template_version', 'uuid', 'timestamp', 'distribution', 'sharing_group_id', 'comment' }, 'ObjectReference': { 'uuid', 'timestamp', 'relationship_type', 'comment', 'object_uuid', 'referenced_uuid' }, 'Orgc': { 'name', 'uuid' }, 'Tag': { 'name', 'colour', 'exportable' } } objectsToSave = { 'Orgc': {}, 'Tag': {}, 'Attribute': { 'Tag': {} }, 'Object': { 'Attribute': { 'Tag': {} }, 'ObjectReference': {} } } valid_attribute_distributions = [] attributeHashes = [] def init(): # If we have an old settings.py file then this variable won't exist global valid_attribute_distributions try: valid_attribute_distributions = valid_attribute_distribution_levels except Exception: valid_attribute_distributions = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] return PyMISP(url, key, ssl) def recursiveExtract(container, containerType, leaf, eventUuid): temp = {} if containerType in ['Attribute', 'Object']: if (__blockByDistribution(container)): return False for field in objectsFields[containerType]: if field in container: temp[field] = container[field] if (containerType == 'Attribute'): global attributeHashes if ('|' in container['type'] or container['type'] == 'malware-sample'): split = container['value'].split('|') attributeHashes.append([hashlib.md5(split[0].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), eventUuid]) attributeHashes.append([hashlib.md5(split[1].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), eventUuid]) else: attributeHashes.append([hashlib.md5(container['value'].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), eventUuid]) children = leaf.keys() for childType in children: childContainer = container.get(childType) if (childContainer): if (type(childContainer) is dict): temp[childType] = recursiveExtract(childContainer, childType, leaf[childType], eventUuid) else: temp[childType] = [] for element in childContainer: processed = recursiveExtract(element, childType, leaf[childType], eventUuid) if (processed): temp[childType].append(processed) return temp def saveEvent(misp, uuid): event = misp.get_event(uuid) if not event.get('Event'): print('Error while fetching event: {}'.format(event['message'])) sys.exit('Could not create file for event ' + uuid + '.') event['Event'] = recursiveExtract(event['Event'], 'Event', objectsToSave, event['Event']['uuid']) event = json.dumps(event) eventFile = open(os.path.join(outputdir, uuid + '.json'), 'w') eventFile.write(event) eventFile.close() def __blockByDistribution(element): if element['distribution'] not in valid_attribute_distributions: return True return False def saveHashes(): if not attributeHashes: return False try: hashFile = open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'hashes.csv'), 'w') for element in attributeHashes: hashFile.write('{},{}\n'.format(element[0], element[1])) hashFile.close() except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit('Could not create the quick hash lookup file.') def saveManifest(manifest): try: manifestFile = open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'manifest.json'), 'w') manifestFile.write(json.dumps(manifest)) manifestFile.close() except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit('Could not create the manifest file.') def __addEventToManifest(event): tags = [] for eventTag in event['EventTag']: tags.append({'name': eventTag['Tag']['name'], 'colour': eventTag['Tag']['colour']}) return {'Orgc': event['Orgc'], 'Tag': tags, 'info': event['info'], 'date': event['date'], 'analysis': event['analysis'], 'threat_level_id': event['threat_level_id'], 'timestamp': event['timestamp'] } if __name__ == '__main__': misp = init() try: r = misp.get_index(filters) events = r['response'] print(events[0]) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit("Invalid response received from MISP.") if len(events) == 0: sys.exit("No events returned.") manifest = {} counter = 1 total = len(events) for event in events: saveEvent(misp, event['uuid']) manifest[event['uuid']] = __addEventToManifest(event) print("Event " + str(counter) + "/" + str(total) + " exported.") counter += 1 saveManifest(manifest) print('Manifest saved.') saveHashes() print('Hashes saved. Feed creation completed.')