#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import logging import ipaddress import email.utils from email import policy, message_from_bytes from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime from email.message import EmailMessage from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict, cast from extract_msg import openMsg # type: ignore from extract_msg.message import Message as MsgObj # type: ignore from RTFDE.exceptions import MalformedEncapsulatedRtf, NotEncapsulatedRtf # type: ignore from RTFDE.deencapsulate import DeEncapsulator # type: ignore from oletools.common.codepages import codepage2codec # type: ignore from ..exceptions import InvalidMISPObject, PyMISPNotImplementedYet, MISPObjectException, NewAttributeError from .abstractgenerator import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator logger = logging.getLogger('pymisp') class MISPMsgConverstionError(MISPObjectException): pass class EMailObject(AbstractMISPObjectGenerator): def __init__(self, filepath: Union[Path, str] = None, pseudofile: BytesIO = None, attach_original_email: bool = True, **kwargs): super().__init__("email", **kwargs) self.attach_original_email = attach_original_email self.encapsulated_body: Union[str, None] = None self.eml_from_msg: Union[bool, None] = None self.raw_emails: Dict[str, Union[BytesIO, None]] = {'msg': None, 'eml': None} self.__pseudofile = self.create_pseudofile(filepath, pseudofile) self.email = self.parse_email() self.generate_attributes() def parse_email(self) -> EmailMessage: """Convert email into EmailMessage.""" content_in_bytes = self.__pseudofile.getvalue() eml = message_from_bytes(content_in_bytes, _class=EmailMessage, policy=policy.default) eml = cast(EmailMessage, eml) # Only needed to quiet mypy if len(eml) != 0: self.raw_emails['eml'] = self.__pseudofile return eml else: logger.debug("Email not in standard .eml format. Attempting to decode email from other formats.") try: # Check for .msg formatted emails. # Msg files have the same header signature as the CFB format if content_in_bytes[:8] == b"\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1": message = self._msg_to_eml(content_in_bytes) if len(message) != 0: self.eml_from_msg = True self.raw_emails['msg'] = self.__pseudofile self.raw_emails['msg'] = BytesIO(message.as_bytes()) return message except ValueError as _e: # Exception logger.debug("Email not in .msg format or is a corrupted .msg. Attempting to decode email from other formats.") logger.debug("Error: {} ".format(_e)) try: if content_in_bytes[:3] == b'\xef\xbb\xbf': # utf-8-sig byte-order mark (BOM) eml_bytes = content_in_bytes.decode("utf_8_sig").encode("utf-8") eml = email.message_from_bytes(eml_bytes, policy=policy.default) eml = cast(EmailMessage, eml) # Only needed to quiet mypy if len(eml) != 0: self.raw_emails['eml'] = BytesIO(eml_bytes) return eml except UnicodeDecodeError: pass raise PyMISPNotImplementedYet("EmailObject does not know how to decode data passed to it. Object may not be an email. If this is an email please submit it as an issue to PyMISP so we can add support.") @staticmethod def create_pseudofile(filepath: Union[Path, str] = None, pseudofile: BytesIO = None) -> BytesIO: """Creates a pseudofile using directly passed data or data loaded from file path. """ if filepath: with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: return BytesIO(f.read()) elif pseudofile and isinstance(pseudofile, BytesIO): return pseudofile else: raise InvalidMISPObject('File buffer (BytesIO) or a path is required.') def _msg_to_eml(self, msg_bytes: bytes) -> EmailMessage: """Converts a msg into an eml.""" msg_obj = openMsg(msg_bytes) # msg obj stores the original raw header here message, body, attachments = self._extract_msg_objects(msg_obj) eml = self._build_eml(message, body, attachments) return eml def _extract_msg_objects(self, msg_obj: MsgObj): """Extracts email objects needed to construct an eml from a msg.""" original_eml_header = msg_obj._getStringStream('__substg1.0_007D') message = email.message_from_string(original_eml_header, policy=policy.default) body = {} if msg_obj.body is not None: body['text'] = {"obj": msg_obj.body, "subtype": 'plain', "charset": "utf-8", "cte": "base64"} if msg_obj.htmlBody is not None: try: _html_encoding_raw = msg_obj.mainProperties['3FDE0003'].value _html_encoding = codepage2codec(_html_encoding_raw) except KeyError: _html_encoding = msg_obj.stringEncoding body['html'] = {'obj': msg_obj.htmlBody.decode(), "subtype": 'html', "charset": _html_encoding, "cte": "base64"} if msg_obj.rtfBody is not None: body['rtf'] = {"obj": msg_obj.rtfBody.decode(), "subtype": 'rtf', "charset": 'ascii', "cte": "base64"} try: rtf_obj = DeEncapsulator(msg_obj.rtfBody) rtf_obj.deencapsulate() if (rtf_obj.content_type == "html") and (msg_obj.htmlBody is None): self.encapsulated_body = 'text/html' body['html'] = {"obj": rtf_obj.html, "subtype": 'html', "charset": rtf_obj.text_codec, "cte": "base64"} elif (rtf_obj.content_type == "text") and (msg_obj.body is None): self.encapsulated_body = 'text/plain' body['text'] = {"obj": rtf_obj.plain_text, "subtype": 'plain', "charset": rtf_obj.text_codec} except NotEncapsulatedRtf: logger.debug("RTF body in Msg object is not encapsualted.") except MalformedEncapsulatedRtf: logger.info("RTF body in Msg object contains encapsulated content, but it is malformed and can't be converted.") attachments = msg_obj.attachments return message, body, attachments def _build_eml(self, message: EmailMessage, body: dict, attachments: list) -> EmailMessage: """Constructs an eml file from objects extracted from a msg.""" # Order the body objects by increasing complexity and toss any missing objects body_objects: List[dict] = [body.get('text', {}), body.get('html', {}), body.get('rtf', {})] body_objects = [i for i in body_objects if i != {}] # If this a non-multipart email then we only need to attach the payload if message.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart': for _body in body_objects: if "text/{0}".format(_body['subtype']) == message.get_content_type(): message.set_content(**_body) return message raise MISPMsgConverstionError("Unable to find appropriate eml payload in message body.") # If multipart we are going to have to set the content type to null and build it back up. _orig_boundry = message.get_boundary() message.clear_content() # See if we are dealing with `related` inline content related_content = {} if isinstance(body.get('html', None), dict): _html = body.get('html', {}).get('obj') for attch in attachments: if _html.find("cid:{0}".format(attch.cid)) != -1: _content_type = attch._getStringStream('__substg1.0_370E') maintype, subtype = _content_type.split("/", 1) related_content[attch.cid] = (attch, {'obj': attch.data, "maintype": maintype, "subtype": subtype, "cid": attch.cid, "filename": attch.longFilename}) if len(related_content) > 0: if body.get('text', None) is not None: # Text always goes first in an alternative, but we need the related object first body_text = body.get('text') if isinstance(body_text, dict): message.add_related(**body_text) else: body_html = body.get('html') if isinstance(body_html, dict): message.add_related(**body_html) for mime_items in related_content.values(): if isinstance(mime_items[1], dict): message.add_related(**mime_items[1]) cur_attach = message.get_payload()[-1] self._update_content_disp_properties(mime_items[0], cur_attach) if body.get('text', None): # Now add the HTML as an alternative within the related obj related = message.get_payload()[0] related.add_alternative(**body.get('html')) else: for mime_dict in body_objects: # If encapsulated then don't attach RTF if self.encapsulated_body is not None: if mime_dict.get('subtype', "") == "rtf": continue if isinstance(mime_dict, dict): message.add_alternative(**mime_dict) for attch in attachments: # Add attachments at the end. if attch.cid not in related_content.keys(): _content_type = attch._getStringStream('__substg1.0_370E') maintype, subtype = _content_type.split("/", 1) message.add_attachment(attch.data, maintype=maintype, subtype=subtype, cid=attch.cid, filename=attch.longFilename) cur_attach = message.get_payload()[-1] self._update_content_disp_properties(attch, cur_attach) message.set_boundary(_orig_boundry) # Set back original boundary return message @staticmethod def _update_content_disp_properties(msg_attch, eml_attch): """Set Content-Disposition params on binary eml objects You currently have to set non-filename content-disp params by hand in python. """ attch_cont_disp_props = {'30070040': "creation-date", '30080040': "modification-date"} for num, name in attch_cont_disp_props.items(): try: eml_attch.set_param(name, email.utils.format_datetime(msg_attch.props[num].value), header='Content-Disposition') except KeyError: # It's fine if they don't have those values pass @property def attachments(self) -> List[Tuple[str, BytesIO]]: to_return = [] try: for attachment in self.email.iter_attachments(): content = attachment.get_content() # type: ignore if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode() to_return.append((attachment.get_filename(), BytesIO(content))) except AttributeError: # ignore bug in Python3.6, that cause exception for empty email body, # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56391306/attributeerror-str-object-has-no-attribute-copy-when-parsing-multipart-emai pass return to_return def unicode_to_ascii(self, arg): """ This function removes unicode characters and returns an ASCII string. Spam messages commonly contain unicode encoded emojis which MISP cannot handle. Those would either cause an error or show up as "?" in the UI. """ string_encode = arg.encode("ascii", "ignore") string_decode = string_encode.decode() return string_decode def generate_attributes(self): # Attach original & Converted if self.attach_original_email is not None: self.add_attribute("eml", value="Full email.eml", data=self.raw_emails.get('eml'), comment="Converted from MSG format" if self.eml_from_msg else None) if self.raw_emails.get('msg', None) is not None: self.add_attribute("msg", value="Full email.msg", data=self.raw_emails.get('msg')) message = self.email for _pref, body in message._find_body(message, preferencelist=['plain', 'html']): comment = "{0} body".format(body.get_content_type()) if self.encapsulated_body == body.get_content_type(): comment += " De-Encapsulated from RTF in original msg." self.add_attribute("email-body", body.get_content(), comment=comment) headers = ["{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in message.items()] if headers: self.add_attribute("header", "\n".join(headers)) if "Date" in message: self.add_attribute("send-date", parsedate_to_datetime(message.get('date'))) if "To" in message: self.__add_emails("to", message["To"]) if "Delivered-To" in message: self.__add_emails("to", message["Delivered-To"]) if "From" in message: from_ascii = self.unicode_to_ascii(message["From"]) self.__add_emails("from", from_ascii) if "Return-Path" in message: realname, address = email.utils.parseaddr(message["Return-Path"]) self.add_attribute("return-path", address) if "Reply-To" in message: self.__add_emails("reply-to", message["reply-to"]) if "Cc" in message: self.__add_emails("cc", message["Cc"]) if "Subject" in message: subject_ascii = self.unicode_to_ascii(message["Subject"]) self.add_attribute("subject", subject_ascii) if "Message-ID" in message: self.add_attribute("message-id", message["Message-ID"]) if "User-Agent" in message: self.add_attribute("user-agent", message["User-Agent"]) boundary = message.get_boundary() if boundary: self.add_attribute("mime-boundary", boundary) if "X-Mailer" in message: self.add_attribute("x-mailer", message["X-Mailer"]) if "Thread-Index" in message: self.add_attribute("thread-index", message["Thread-Index"]) self.__generate_received() def __add_emails(self, typ: str, data: str, insert_display_names: bool = True): addresses = [] display_names = [] for realname, address in email.utils.getaddresses([data]): if address and realname: addresses.append({"value": address, "comment": "{} <{}>".format(realname, address)}) elif address: addresses.append({"value": address}) else: # parsing failed, skip continue if realname: display_names.append({"value": realname, "comment": "{} <{}>".format(realname, address)}) if addresses: self.add_attributes(typ, *addresses) if insert_display_names and display_names: try: self.add_attributes("{}-display-name".format(typ), *display_names) except NewAttributeError: # email object doesn't support display name for all email addrs pass def __generate_received(self): """ Extract IP addresses from received headers that are not private. Also extract hostnames or domains. """ received_items = self.email.get_all("received") if received_items is None: return for received in received_items: fromstr = re.split(r"\sby\s", received)[0].strip() if fromstr.startswith('from') is not True: continue for i in ['(', ')', '[', ']']: fromstr = fromstr.replace(i, " ") tokens = fromstr.split(" ") ip = None for token in tokens: try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(token) break except ValueError: pass # token is not IP address if not ip or ip.is_private: continue # skip header if IP not found or is private self.add_attribute("received-header-ip", value=str(ip), comment=fromstr) # The hostnames and/or domains always come after the "Received: from" # part so we can use regex to pick up those attributes. received_from = re.findall(r'(?<=from\s)[\w\d\.\-]+\.\w{2,24}', str(received_items)) try: [self.add_attribute("received-header-hostname", i) for i in received_from] except Exception: pass