#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Python API using the REST interface of MISP """ import json import datetime import requests import os import base64 from urlparse import urljoin import StringIO import zipfile class PyMISPError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super(PyMISPError, self).__init__(message) self.message = message class NewEventError(PyMISPError): pass class NewAttributeError(PyMISPError): pass class PyMISP(object): """ Python API for MISP :param url: URL of the MISP instance you want to connect to :param key: API key of the user you want to use :param ssl: can be True or False (to check ot not the validity of the certificate. Or a CA_BUNDLE in case of self signed certiifcate (the concatenation of all the *.crt of the chain) :param out_type: Type of object (json or xml) """ def __init__(self, url, key, ssl=True, out_type='json'): self.root_url = url self.key = key self.ssl = ssl self.out_type = out_type def __prepare_session(self, force_out=None): """ Prepare the headers of the session :param force_out: force the type of the expect output (overwrite the constructor) """ if force_out is not None: out = force_out else: out = self.out_type session = requests.Session() session.verify = self.ssl session.headers.update( {'Authorization': self.key, 'Accept': 'application/' + out, 'content-type': 'application/' + out}) return session def __query(self, session, path, query): if query.get('error') is not None: return query url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/{}'.format(path.lstrip('/'))) query = {'request': query} r = session.post(url, data=json.dumps(query)) return r.json() # ############### REST API ################ def get_index(self): """ Return the index. Warning, there's a limit on the number of results """ session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events') return session.get(url) def get_event(self, event_id): """ Get an event :param event_id: Event id to get """ session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'))) return session.get(url) def add_event(self, event): """ Add a new event :param event: Event as JSON object / string or XML to add """ session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events') if self.out_type == 'json': if isinstance(event, basestring): return session.post(url, data=event) else: return session.post(url, data=json.dumps(event)) else: return session.post(url, data=event) def update_event(self, event_id, event): """ Update an event :param event_id: Event id to update :param event: Event as JSON object / string or XML to add """ session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'))) if self.out_type == 'json': if isinstance(event, basestring): return session.post(url, data=event) else: return session.post(url, data=json.dumps(event)) else: return session.post(url, data=event) def delete_event(self, event_id): """ Delete an event :param event_id: Event id to delete """ session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'))) return session.delete(url) # ######### Create/update events through the API ######### def _create_event(self, distribution, threat_level_id, analysis, info): # Setup details of a new event if distribution not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3'.format(distribution)) if threat_level_id not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the threat_level_id has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3'.format(threat_level_id)) if analysis not in [0, 1, 2]: raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the analysis has to be in 0, 1, 2'.format(analysis)) return {'distribution': int(distribution), 'info': info, 'threat_level_id': int(threat_level_id), 'analysis': analysis} def prepare_attribute(self, event_id, distribution, to_ids, category, info, analysis, threat_level_id): to_post = {'request': {}} if not isinstance(event_id, int): # New event to_post['request'].update(self._create_event(distribution, threat_level_id, analysis, info)) else: to_post['request'].update({'event_id': int(event_id)}) if to_ids not in [True, False]: raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, to_ids has to be True or False'.format(analysis)) to_post['request'].update({'to_ids': to_ids}) if category not in ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped', 'Payload Installation', 'External Analysis']: raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, category has to be in {}'.format(analysis, (', '.join(['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped', 'Payload Installation', 'External Analysis'])))) to_post['request'].update({'category': category}) return to_post def prepare_sample(self, filename, filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: return {'files': [{'filename': filename, 'data': base64.b64encode(f.read())}]} def prepare_samplelist(self, filepaths): files = [] for path in filepaths: if not os.path.isfile(path): continue files.append({'filename': os.path.basename(path), 'data': path}) return {'files': files} def upload_sample(self, filename, filepath, event_id, distribution, to_ids, category, info, analysis, threat_level_id): to_post = self.prepare_attribute(event_id, distribution, to_ids, category, info, analysis, threat_level_id) to_post['request'].update(self.prepare_sample(filename, filepath)) return self._upload_sample(to_post) def upload_samplelist(self, filepaths, event_id, distribution, to_ids, category, info, analysis, threat_level_id): to_post = self.prepare_attribute(event_id, distribution, to_ids, category, info, analysis, threat_level_id) to_post['request'].update(self.prepare_samplelist(filepaths)) return self._upload_sample(to_post) def _upload_sample(self, to_post): session = self.__prepare_session() url = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/upload_sample') return session.post(url, data=json.dumps(to_post)) # ######## REST Search ######### def search_all(self, value): query = {'value': value, 'searchall': 1} session = self.__prepare_session() return self.__query(session, 'restSearch/download', query) def __prepare_rest_search(self, values, not_values): """ Prepare a search, generate the chain processed by the server :param values: Values to search :param not_values: Values that should not be in the response """ to_return = '' if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, list): to_return += values else: to_return += '&&'.join(values) if not_values is not None: if len(to_return) > 0: to_return += '&&!' else: to_return += '!' if not isinstance(values, list): to_return += not_values else: to_return += '&&!'.join(not_values) return to_return def search(self, values=None, not_values=None, type_attribute=None, category=None, org=None, tags=None, not_tags=None, date_from=None, date_to=None, last=None): """ Search via the Rest API :param values: values to search for :param not_values: values *not* to search for :param type_attribute: Type of attribute :param category: Category to search :param org: Org reporting the event :param tags: Tags to search for :param not_tags: Tags *not* to search for :param date_from: First date :param date_to: Last date :param last: Last updated events (for example 5d or 12h or 30m) """ val = self.__prepare_rest_search(values, not_values).replace('/', '|') tag = self.__prepare_rest_search(tags, not_tags).replace(':', ';') query = {} if len(val) != 0: query['value'] = val if len(tag) != 0: query['tags'] = tag if type_attribute is not None: query['type'] = type_attribute if category is not None: query['category'] = category if org is not None: query['org'] = org if date_from is not None: if isinstance(date_from, datetime.date) or isinstance(date_to, datetime.datetime): query['from'] = date_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: query['from'] = date_from if date_to is not None: if isinstance(date_to, datetime.date) or isinstance(date_to, datetime.datetime): query['to'] = date_to.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: query['to'] = date_to if last is not None: query['last'] = last session = self.__prepare_session() return self.__query(session, 'restSearch/download', query) def get_attachement(self, event_id): """ Get attachement of an event (not sample) :param event_id: Event id from where the attachements will be fetched """ attach = urljoin(self.root_url, 'attributes/downloadAttachment/download/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'))) session = self.__prepare_session() return session.get(attach) def download_samples(self, sample_hash=None, event_id=None, all_samples=False): to_post = {'request': {'hash': sample_hash, 'eventID': event_id, 'allSamples': all_samples}} session = self.__prepare_session() response = session.post(urljoin(self.root_url, 'attributes/downloadSample'), data=json.dumps(to_post)) result = response.json() if response.status_code != 200: return False, result.get('message') if not result.get('result') and result.get('message'): return False, result.get('message') details = [] for f in result['result']: zipped = StringIO.StringIO(base64.b64decode(f['base64'])) archive = zipfile.ZipFile(zipped) unzipped = StringIO.StringIO(archive.open(f['md5'], pwd='infected').read()) details.append([f['event_id'], f['filename'], unzipped]) return True, details def download_last(self, last): """ Download the last updated events. :param last: can be defined in days, hours, minutes (for example 5d or 12h or 30m) """ return self.search(last=last) # ############## Export ############### def download_all(self): """ Download all event from the instance """ xml = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/xml/download') session = self.__prepare_session('xml') return session.get(xml) def download_all_suricata(self): """ Download all suricata rules events. """ suricata_rules = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/nids/suricata/download') session = self.__prepare_session('rules') return session.get(suricata_rules) def download_suricata_rule_event(self, event_id): """ Download one suricata rule event. :param event_id: ID of the event to download (same as get) """ template = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/nids/suricata/download/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'))) session = self.__prepare_session('rules') return session.get(template) def download(self, event_id, with_attachement=False): """ Download one event in XML :param event_id: Event id of the event to download (same as get) """ if with_attachement: attach = 'true' else: attach = 'false' template = urljoin(self.root_url, 'events/xml/download/{}/{}'.format(event_id.lstrip('/'), attach)) session = self.__prepare_session('xml') return session.get(template) ##########################################