""" REDIS RELATED """ # Your redis server host='' port=6379 db=0 ## The keynames to POP element from keyname_pop=['cowrie'] # OTHERS ## If key prefix not provided, data will be added as either object, attribute or sighting fallback_MISP_type = 'object' ### How to handle the fallback fallback_object_template_name = 'cowrie' # MISP-Object only fallback_attribute_category = 'comment' # MISP-Attribute only ## How frequent the event should be written on disk flushing_interval=5*60 ## The redis list keyname in which to put items that generated an error keyname_error='feed-generation-error' """ FEED GENERATOR CONFIGURATION """ # The output dir for the feed. This will drop a lot of files, so make # sure that you use a directory dedicated to the feed outputdir = 'output' # Event meta data ## Required ### The organisation id that generated this feed org_name='myOrg' ### Your organisation UUID org_uuid='' ### The daily event name to be used in MISP. ### (e.g. honeypot_1, will produce each day an event of the form honeypot_1 dd-mm-yyyy) daily_event_name='PyMISP default event name' ## Optional analysis=0 threat_level_id=3 published=False Tag=[ { "colour": "#ffffff", "name": "tlp:white" }, { "colour": "#ff00ff", "name": "my:custom:feed" } ] # MISP Object constructor from ObjectConstructor.CowrieMISPObject import CowrieMISPObject from pymisp.tools import GenericObjectGenerator constructor_dict = { 'cowrie': CowrieMISPObject, 'generic': GenericObjectGenerator } # Others ## Redis pooling time sleep=60