# What - ``generator.py`` exposes a class allowing to generate a MISP feed in real time, where each items can be added on daily generated events. - ``fromredis.py`` uses ``generator.py`` to generate a MISP feed based on data stored in redis. - ``server.py`` is a simple script using *Flask_autoindex* to serve data to MISP. - ``MISPItemToRedis.py`` permits to push (in redis) items to be added in MISP by the ``fromredis.py`` script. # Installation ```` # Feed generator git clone https://github.com/CIRCL/PyMISP cd examples/feed-generator-from-redis cp settings.default.py settings.py vi settings.py # adjust your settings python3 fromredis.py # Serving file to MISP bash install.sh . ./serv-env/bin/activate python3 server.py ```` # Utilisation ``` # Activate virtualenv . ./serv-env/bin/activate ``` ### Adding items to MISP ``` # create helper object >>> helper = MISPItemToRedis("redis_list_keyname") # push an attribute to redis >>> helper.push_attribute("ip-src", "", category="Network activity") # push an object to redis >>> helper.push_object({ "name": "cowrie", "session": "session_id", "username": "admin", "password": "admin", "protocol": "telnet" }) # push a sighting to redis >>> helper.push_sighting(uuid="5a9e9e26-fe40-4726-8563-5585950d210f") ``` ### Generate the feed ``` # Create the FeedGenerator object using the configuration provided in the file settings.py # It will create daily event in which attributes and object will be added >>> generator = FeedGenerator() # Add an attribute to the daily event >>> attr_type = "ip-src" >>> attr_value = "" >>> additional_data = {} >>> generator.add_attribute_to_event(attr_type, attr_value, **additional_data) # Add a cowrie object to the daily event >>> obj_name = "cowrie" >>> obj_data = { "session": "session_id", "username": "admin", "password": "admin", "protocol": "telnet" } >>> generator.add_object_to_event(obj_name, **obj_data) ``` ### Consume stored data in redis ``` # Configuration provided in the file settings.py >>> python3 fromredis.py ``` ### Serve data to MISP ``` >>> python3 server.py ```